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Posts by category
- Category: Alternative Healing
- Expect the Unexpected
- What is your life’s purpose?
- The Yawning Sleepy Client
- Retrieving Shadows with Christina Lavers
- Quantum Healing with Water and Heart Part 3
- Quantum Healing with Water and Heart Part 2
- Quantum Healing with Water and Heart Part 1
- Hello Darkness My Old Friend
- A Charming Perspective of our Human Illusion: by Emmanuel
- Birth Defect Reversed!
- Brain Mass, Liver Damage, Organ Failure Gone!
- Dolores Cannon, Mandela Effect Conference and BQH! With Shane Robinson
- BQH Immersion Tandem Session: Interdimensional Love Rebels
- Layers, Marks and the Myth of Earth
- Yeshua Talks About Seven Levels of Meaning
- Save the Date: International Mandela Effect Conference 2024
- David Manning: Sunlight on Water
- Surrogate Sessions, Another View
- Freedom From A Purpose
- Oh, the Irony
- Understanding, Balance & Oracle Cards
- Perfectly Imperfect, A Lesson
- Collective Impact
- The First Time We Met
- What are Surrogate Quantum Healing Sessions?
- Exercise Endorphins Do Exist!
- Animal Talk Ep. 4: Hickory is HERE!
- Animal Talk Ep. 3: Hickory Comes Home
- Animal Talk Ep. 2: Meeting Hickory & Horse Energy
- Animal Talk with Will & Allison Brown
- Who are you?
- My Left Disease
- The Body as an Entrance Point
- My First QHHT® Session
- Quantum Questions
- Signs of Hypnosis
- Introspective Hypnosis
- I thought I was healed…what happened?
- What is Higher Brain Living?
- Category: Articles
- The Art of Self-Discovery
- The Merge – Consciously Exploring the Unconscious (Part 2)
- The Merge – Consciously Exploring the Unconscious
- QHHT Compared to BQH
- Earth Vomiting Negative Energies
- Tony Robbins: Torture Unleash the Power Within Seminar: Reptilian Aliens? Negative Entities?
- Sedona, Arizona-Like Being on Another Planet by Angie Dollar
- I Have to Contact my Twin Flame Now! Contacting the Runner Twin Flame by Angie Dollar
- Bologna=More than One Twin Flame by Angie Dollar
- Miracles & Amanda Eller Missing for Over 2 Weeks by: Angie Dollar
- Mass Awakening
- Past Life as a Fish and Seeing Singing Creatures – Part 1
- Past Life as a Fish and Talking to Mermaids – Part 2
- Past Life as a Fish, Talking to Big Old Turtle, and Answers from Higher Self – Part 3 (final)
- Body Morphing for a Slimmer Body Structure
- Walk-Ins
- A Divine Set-up
- If Only I Could Love Myself as Much as God Loves Me
- Saving the Children Moves us to the New Earth
- Healing with Hope – A Short Story
- Living Your Poetry, A Divine Healing Message
- How to protect yourself energetically in 3 easy steps.
- Bringing Joy Back to Your Life
- Client Reflection after our Mindful Practice Session
- Quantum Healing with Candace and Tena. Current Energies and Tena’s Healing Journey
- Solstice: Celebration of the Tilt
- A Message from the Council of Masters
- The Consequence of Conspiracy Theories on our Vibration and Light.
- Childhood Integration
- Grief and Understanding
- Preparing for June / July Eclipse Season
- From Metatron with Love – For compulsive Doodlers
- Nurtured by a Dragon – Activation of Dragon imprints
- How I Became A Quantum Healer
- How to Have a Conscious Rant
- Why You Need To Meditate: A Guide to Surviving the 21st Century
- BQH always works
- The Gift of Day Dreaming
- Merging With Your Guide – Multidimensional Encounters
- Past Life Or Symbol – And Does It Even Matter?
- The Angelic Clubhouse: A BQH Surrogate Session Segment
- BQH Surrogate Session: A Modern-Day Removal of Dark Entities
- A Message for Lightworkers: Accessing & Working with 5D – The End Game
- How our imagination effects stress in our lives
- What the Virus is Here to Teach Us
- One Past Life Memory – Many Meanings
- Starseed Awakening – Embracing the Task To Be
- A Session Begins Long Before It Starts – And Sometimes It Ends Before Too
- Ovarian Cysts Gone and More! Client Testimonial
- Quantum Healing Case Study- Scarred Lungs and Asthma – Healed
- Quantum Healing- Safe from Entities?
- Awaken Your Magnificence
- Timeless Fairy Tales: BQH Bubble Session
- Introducing Higher Self
- The Secrets of Mind Mastery
- Debunking Myths about Hypnosis in Quantum Healing Sessions
- The Return of the Unicorns
- Rafa’s Story: Surrogate Healing for a Dog with a Broken Heart
- On line healing makes the world a small place
- The Keeper of the Family: The Story of Aunt Beverly
- How do you talk to your Intuition?
- Mom, what do you do at your work?
- Mindfulness – What’s Sound Got to Do With It?
- The Resonance of Intention
- The Truth About Illness and Healing
- Health Benefits of Yoni Steaming
- The light of the heart and the Golden Being
- The Pharaoh Knew and This Life Proved It
- What is Consciousness?
- Finding Treasure through Gratitude
- A Message From The Higher Self
- Embracing Stagnate Energy
- New Earth
- Client Experiences BEING
- The Tide Turns — Solara’s State of the Planet May 2018 via Talyaa Liera
- Embrace the Changes — Solara’s Annual State of the Planet Year 2018 via Talyaa Liera
- Roller Coaster — Solara’s State of the Planet January 2018 via Talyaa Liera
- Grounding Effect — Solara’s State of the Planet February 2018 via Talyaa Liera
- Wildfires — Solara’s State of the Planet March 2018 via Talyaa Liera
- Mt. Shasta 2017
- Choosing a Practitioner
- How We Create What We Call a Reality?
- Learn To Trust The Unknown
- The Awakening — Solara’s State of the Planet April 2018 via Talyaa Liera
- Solara’s State of the Planet, June 2018, via Talyaa Liera — The Work Begins
- Solara’s State of the Planet Energy Forecast for August 2018 via Talyaa Liera — Hitting the Reset Button to Redefine Your Purpose
- Solara’s State of the Planet Energy Forecast for July 2018 via Talyaa Liera — New Global Soul Agreements
- The evolution of human design
- Timeline Shifts And Bleeds
- Herbs for Type 2 Diabetes
- The connection between Dolores Cannon, Nostradamus and the event in Notre Dame on the 15th of April
- We Offer a FREE Podcast; The Spiral Path Podcast
- Why Do We Suffer? (episode 2 of The Spiral Path Podcast)
- Energy and How it Works (episode 3 of The Spiral Path Podcast)
- Quantum Journeys
- Our Changing World . . . All in Divine Order
- Forventninger før en regresjon
- Past Life Regression and Quantum Leaps
- Reiki in The Clinical Setting
- Self Love vs. Weight Loss
- We are only as strong as our lowest vibration.
- The power of emotional-based thoughts.
- The Pattern Recognition of Consciousness
- Emotional Vibrations
- Why we are all “one”.
- Dolores sends more cardinals!
- Our Purpose on Earth
- A Journey of Possibilities
- First CTT Session
- Questions from a newbie to Dolores Cannon
- Be Positive! (or, dog tags don't lie!)
- Healing Outside the Box (or, how many pushups can YOU do?)
- Can Mindfulness Save Us? (or, my tribe is better than yours)
- The Power of Love (or, iguanas need love, too!)
- Food and Spirituality
- Timeline Collapse | Change Your Future By Changing Your Past
- Taking a Leap
- How to Formulate Your Questions for a Surrogate QH Session
- Awakening with Autism
- Mary Magdelene
- How to Formulate Your Intention for a Surrogate Session
- A Lesson about Fearing Negative Energies
- A SRT Session: Clearing a Client's Allergies to Cats
- Concerning Q&A from Pamela Aaralyn the other day
- Ignatius J Reilly – A Literary Masterpiece
- Relationships 3.0
- Graciously Named – A BQH Session
- Balancing New and Old Earth Energies
- A Son from Another Mother
- Dragon Riders
- Meet Practitioner Christine Shanesy-Kooper
- Dragons Are Real
- Parallel Universes And Mental Disorders
- In Love with a Ghost: A Convoluted Love Story
- The invisible hand
- Tall Bird-like Blue Alien
- Meet Practitioner Harry Kroner
- Category: Beyond Quantum Healing
- The Nexus Between Art and Quantum Healing
- Transplant Shift – A BQH Session Story
- The Blue Man and His Heart
- Collective Beyond (Part 2): Blue Beings
- Collective Beyond (Part 1): Unveiling Similarities in Beyond Quantum Healing Sessions
- Are Past Lives Required in Past Life Regression Hypnosis?
- BQH Question of the Week: Intention
- Powerful Source Level BQH Session
- Dreams, Dolores, Donna and Immersion
- 7 Signs of Spontaneous Past Life Memory
- 3 Ways to Describe Multidimensionality
- Question of the Week: BQH – Sit, Pee, Move!
- Is BQH the same as Quantum Connect?
- Life as an Astronaut in Other Dimensions
- Reconnection
- Immersion on the Water
- BQH Immersion countdown – 60 days to go
- Why a Sense of Safety is Key
- How do people experience themselves in a BQH session?
- What does it feel like to be hypnotised?
- A BQH House
- Healing Connections
- Nove Formas de se Preparar para uma sessão de Cura Quântica, BQH e QHHT
- Caro Cliente Ultra Racional
- Eu Não Posso Ser Hipnotizado… e Outros Mitos sobre Hipnose
- Integrity, Power and Truth
- BQH and Parts Work
- Do you have to be spiritual to do BQH?
- What is the Difference Between BQH and QHHT®?
- I Didn’t Know What I Knew
- Estimado Cliente del Hemisferio Izquierdo
- Light in the Shadows
- A Mindscape Journey
- Let the unfolding begin—After a BQH session
- BQH and Remembering Dolores Cannon with Lilou Mace
- BQH – Why Online sessions work so well
- Cher client cerveau gauche
- Je ne peux pas être hypnotisé(e)… et autres mythes sur l’hypnose
- Neuf manières de se préparer pour une séance de soin quantique, BQH ou QHHT®
- There are No Rules
- My Super Power is Quantum Healing
- Quantum Healing and Water
- It’s Electrifying
- Hand In Hand (Part 3 of 3)
- A Step Up (Part 2 of 3)
- My Saving Grace (Part 1 of 3)
- Energy Imprinting
- BQH and a Fulfilling Career as a Healer, Part Four
- Everything In My Life Changes Like Magic! Part Three
- I Wake Up and Realize I Can Create Heaven, Part Two
- Following My Heart Straight to BQH , Part One
- Mnemonics – Being At The God’s Door
- The BQH Session Message
- A BQH Experience
- BQH and Simultaneous Time
- Exploring the Depths of Photonic Light
- Beyond Quantum Healing – ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) Children
- I Already Know the Answers Are In My Heart
- Category: Blogs
- I was going to be a Veterinarian
- Prayers for A Snake
- Hypnosis and The Mind Body Connection
- A Message to Spiritual Workers from Termites
- Shadow Work and BQH
- Connecting with people who’ve crossed over in BQH sessions
- BQH Immersion: October 2024
- Before You Can Move Forward, You Have to Make Peace with Your Past
- I Am New and I Like it
- Past Life Regression Event With Scalar Energy
- Animal Talk – The Horse Collective
- Animal Talk – Harris the Pony
- When the Higher Self shows up…right away!
- How do I Improve as a Quantum Healing Practitioner?
- My View of AI
- Spiritual Street Smarts
- BIG LIFE DECISIONS – This Way or That
- PERSPECTIVE – Seeing the Forest from the Trees
- Brewing up Some Goodness
- Held Within the Turquoise Sea
- Category: Common Questions and Concerns
- Jumpstarting Imagination: Is PLR like Watching a Movie?
- Quantum Healing With Family?
- Learn About Quantum Healing Surrogate Sessions
- New Practitioner Outreach Ideas
- Question of the Week: Quantum Healing for KIDS?
- Question of the Week: Dear Left Brained Client
- The Forbidden QHHT® Topic: Entity Release
- I Had a QHHT® Session But Could Not be Hypnotized
- Why It Is Important To Listen To Your Recording
- Visualization, Imagination and “I just made it all up”
- Languages in Quantum Healing Sessions
- The Power of Quantum Healing on Mental Health
- More than one QHHT® Session? Why not!
- Nine ways to Prepare for a Quantum Healing or QHHT® Session
- Category: Connecting the Dots
- Category: Consciousness Explorations
- Surrender to Surrender
- Driving with Dolores Cannon
- Catching up with Pamela Aaralyn
- The Importance of Intention and Imagination
- Cognitive Styles
- Quantum Realms 2021 – It Starts Today!
- Introducing: Quantum Realms
- The Key to Healing is Compassion
- Was That an ‘Actual’ Past Life?
- Letting Go of Our Stories
- What Our Pets Wish They Could Tell Us
- Seeds of Change
- Quantum Hypnosis for Analytic Types – It is All About the Magic
- Like A Neutral Bridge Over Troubled Water
- Tune into the Trees
- Radical Acceptance – The Dance of the Dark and the Light
- “The Meaning of This” Coronavirus
- Is There Room for Compassion When It Comes to Narcissists?
- CORONA: Crisis or Chance to Feel Connected
- Warning Labels and Dirty Guesses
- A Cat Who Remembers Her Past Life
- A Place Where Soulmates Meet
- What Meditation Brings
- The Release of External Spirit Type Entities Part 3 of 3
- Spirit Attachment vs Pain Bodies Part 2 of 3
- Spirit Releasement Therapy In a Quantum Healing Session Part 1
- Instruction Manual on How to Be Human
- The Egotistic Journey To Non-attachment
- GAIA SPEAKS (Part 2 of 2)
- GAIA SPEAKS (Part 1 of 2)
- Bound by Death and Life
- A Blast From The Past
- Worldwide Regression Date with My Husband
- Labels and Terms, Higher Self or TRUE SELF?
- The Nature of Time and Timelines
- The Question of Life
- The 4th Dimension
- The Blood Moon
- Convoluted QHHT® Session
- Finding The Light
- It’s An Underground Railroad For Souls!
- Quantum Healing Lifts Us Up In Tough Times
- Favourite Channels and Trance Channels
- Observing the Channeler Countdown to Stephen Hawking
- Quantum Healers Recommend Their Favourite Books
- Why Quantum Healing is Made for Millennials
- The Coins
- Opening Portals
- Reunion
- Category: Dolores Cannon
- Category: Meet the Practitioners
- Category: Metaphysical Musings
- Love, Healing or Creation?
- Do We Live in a Hybrid Civilization Already?
- Breaking of the 3 Glasses
- A Cat Tale
- A Pivotal Choice Point
- The Void
- A New World
- Is Ego Death the Goal?
- Can’t always get what you want‚ but you get what you need
- Themes, Structures and Unique Unfolding
- Crystals and BQH Sessions
- Good and Evil – Timely Advice from The Collective
- Yes, Chickens can Fly (and so can you!)
- Our Intelligent Physical Body
- Dolores and Nostradamus, Redux
- Le printemps se fête… un nouveau départ
- Step into Spring…. and celebrate
- Conversation with Shadow Entity
- How to Spot Authenticity
- How to Activate your Telepathy
- What’s Really Going on with Neck Pain
- Time is Not Linear and You Have Already Ascended
- Dancing with Gaia, Co-creating a New Story
- Your Soul has Chosen this Experience
- The Council of Healers – The List: Part Two
- The Council of Healers – Part One – The Introduction
- The Bubble Reality
- And Now for Something Completely Random
- The Portal
- Ancestor Guides in Past Life Regression
- Re-programme Your Past
- The Higher Self Connection
- Spontanious Regression
- Attached Entities and What They Really Mean
- A Quantum Healing Conversation Between a Couple of 9yr Old Girls
- The Alarm Confirmed It
- Nature’s way
- Human Life
- The Mandela Effect
- The Magic of Synchronicity
- What IS Hypnosis, and What IS it NOT?
- Category: New Earth News
- Faith in the Face of Uncertainty
- Dream Information for the Human Collective
- WE are The Event
- What’s Going on With the Elephants in Botswana?
- Deception and Love
- Choose Freedom
- What is the New Earth, Really?
- Destruction Zone
- A Message from KAHAN
- Free Energy, Tesla and Timelines
- 9 Ways to Work With Fear
- When the Foundation Cracks, A Tsunami of Light will Follow
- Three Days of Darkness: My Perspective
- Archangel Gabriel – A channelled message for the children
- The Big Forgetfulness
- Category: New Explorers Start Here
- Category: News
- Ignite
- Is it Ascension or EMF Radiation?
- Do You Feel Like A.S.S.? You’re not alone.
- An Ascension Update
- The Purge
- The Loving Connection Meditation Seminar LIVE on Facebook & YouTube
- The Trip of a Lifetime – Join us
- Buffering Electromagnetic Frequencies – with David Manning
- Service to Others: Awakened and Ready Summit
- Exciting News for Everyone I FREE Sessions!
- Medical Mediumship Classes offered by Pamela Aaralyn
- Hawkins Scale of Consciousness
- Quantum Healing 5D and Beyond Conference Feedback and Recap
- Welcome!
- Category: Past Life Regression
- Category: Quantum Connect
- Category: Quantum Healing Forum
- Category: Quantum Healing Modalities
- Category: Session Stories
- A Mysterious Drumbeat
- New Earth Updates
- Carry The Light
- Cancer a Mechanism of Transformation
- Unfolding Perfection – Trusting the Process
- A Fairy Tale
- The Reoccurring Loop that Can Be Broken
- How to Self Hypnotize to Explore Past Events
- Breaking Out
- Bosnian Pyramids Session Transcript
- How to Understand Suffering when You only Know True Love
- Signals
- Chicken Soup for the Soul
- Taking Back the Power
- Energetic Leash Resulting in Manipulation
- The New Wave of 2020: Children to Lead the way.
- The Time Travel Theory
- 2 BECOME 1
- Her Mysterious Hair Loss Connected to a World War II Sailor
- ET Abductee and 2 Implant Devices
- A Reincarnation Story
- Do as I Do, and Believe
- The Secret Pixie Doorway
- Cleaning up the Past to Focus on the Future
- Here Is What Your Heart Wants to Tell You
- Who Said Sasquatch Was Small?
- On the Earth Orbit
- Divine Light Conception – A BQH Session
- The Obsidian Mirror and the God of Resurrection
- A Joyous Realization
- Missing Time and Hybrid Children
- Little Green People
- A Quantum Healing Christmas Story
- A Soulmate Story
- Visible Evidence For Healing A Past Life Trauma
- The Event
- From Worldwide Group Regression Day to Worldwide Meditation Event!
- Blue Star Kachina
- Spiritual Intervention
- What Happened When You Were Fourteen?
- Category: Uncategorized
- The Hero’s Journey
- Finding a Way Through
- Visualização, Imaginação e “Eu acabei de inventar tudo”
- Lieber Linkshirniger Klient
- Ich kann nicht hypnotisiert werden … und andere Hypnose-Mythen
- Visualisierung, Phantasie und “Ich habe mir das alles nur ausgedacht”
- Neun Möglichkeiten zur Vorbereitung auf eine Quantenheilung, BQH- oder QHHT-Sitzung
- Nueve formas de prepararse para una sesión de Sanación Cuántica, BQH o QHHT
- Visualización, imaginación y “Lo inventé todo”
- No Puedo Ser Hipnotizado … y Otros Mitos de la Hipnosis
- Healing the Water Within
- Total Session Failure
- Visualisation, Imagination et « J’ai tout inventé »
- Meet Practitioner Alexandra Kallos
- Your Body: An Incredible Recording Device
- Time Loop, Matrix Glitch, or just a Bug?
- Expectations in a Quantum Healing Sessions
- Energetic Connection with Your Practitioner
- Myth Busters!
- Group Regressions with Quantum Healers
- Emoto’s Alchemy of Water and Consciousness
- The Language of your Higher Self
- Quieting the Mind
- Interacting Intentions
- Blue Beings and the Ascension Doorway
- Higher Self on Steroids Speaks about “A Big Happening”
- ET’s, Hybrids, and The Evolution of Human Design
- Epiphany
- First Step
- Moment of Truth
- It’s the Little Things that Matter
- Meet Practitioner Christi Clemons Hoffman!
- Group and Individual Regressions – What’s the Difference?
- Choosing Our Words
- Feel the Galaxy with Samiksa Love’s ‘Galactic Bells’
- Meet Practitioner Joli James!
- Anatomy of Spirit: A 4 Part Medical Mediumship Class by Pamela Aaralyn
- Seeds of Source – A Story of Our ET Origins
- Spiritual Gaslighting
- What is the Original Quantum Healing Support Forum?
- Hybrid Children ‘Dream’ is in fact ‘A Remembering’
- A Seashore to Starship Journey
- Pamela Aaralyn on Vaccinations and Your Belief System
- Surrogate Session Success: A Quantum Healing Story
- Meet Practitioner Tara Davis
- Allergic to Kisses?
- Dolores Cannon – Three Years Since Leaving the Earth Plane
- How Does a Shift in Consciousness Happen?
- Reality Creation Event – The 2 Minute Photoshoot
- Is the New Age Dead?
- A Question Regarding Consciousness Integration
- “Why can’t I connect to my Spirit Guides?”
- Meet Quantum Healing Practitioner Allison Coe!
- Last Quantum Healing 5D and Beyond Conference Update
- Intention, Frequency of Joy and the Light Grid
- What Happens When You Live with A Quantum Healing Practitioner?
- Allison Coe on The Splitting of the Earths
- Aura’s Akashic Journey with Isis
- New Earth Online Hypnosis Session by Lauren Hanson
- Hurricane Irma GoFundMe by Pamela Aaralyn
- Sarasota – The Conference and Trusting the Universe
- Healer: Can we Have a New Label Please?
- Sapiens by Sharon Collins
- Meet Practitioner Mae Fox!
- A New Way to Connect with Your Spirit Guides – Pamela Aaralyn
- Mario Radinger – Quantum Healing Outcomes
- The Masters of Akasha on Hurricane Irma – Desire and Destiny
- The Wind, A Brain Re-wire, and Long Distance Quantum Healing
- Irma as the Physical Embodiment of Human Emotion?
- Jovy Wan’s Rock and Lava Quantum Healing Session Story
- Hurricane Irma – Collected Thoughts from Our Community
- Why does the Higher Self need a Quantum Healing Session to heal us?
- One Small Step – by Sharon Collins
- Noise, Noise and More Noise
- Away with the Fairies
- My Solar Eclipse Experience by Hara Katsiki
- Hair Color
- My Personal Energy Session with David Manning
- Step Out of the Shadows
- Meet Practitioner Heather Stubbs!
- Forum Highlights August 11-16
- Maddie Miller 2017 Mt Shasta Solar Eclipse
- Holding a Space
- The Great American Solar Eclipse – Through the Eyes and Heart of Pamela Aaralyn
- A Message from Dolores to All of Her Practitioners
- On Time Anomalies and Broken Glass
- Connecting the Dots: Solar Eclipse, Quantum Session, and Portals
- Archangel Takes over Session as Higher Self is Busy Working on Solar Eclipse Project
- “They already Know,” Says the Higher Self
- Mama There’s a Monster in my Closet
- Meet Practitioner Violeta Stoica
- Dolores Cannon Assists Dorothea May in Group Event
- Please assign me no LABELS
- Dear Andrew Martin
- The Absorbers
- You Came Here to Play the Game
- Meet Practitioner Laura Bogen!
- Forum Highlights July 21-27, 2017
- Jesus Hangs Out for 2 hours of Non-Stop Healing
- Multidimensional Quantum Healing Session by La Donna Permenter
- Quantum Healing with Candace with Heather Alice Shea
- Forum Highlights July 14-21, 2017
- The Level 3 Misnomer
- Catching up with Alba Weinman
- A Divine Message Direct From God- Channeled by Gail Anne Charles
- Past Life Regressions, Where do I start?
- Meet Practitioner Angie Sanchez from Los Angeles, California
- Quantum Healing European Summit 2017
- I Can’t Be Hypnotized…and Other Hypnosis Myths
- Animals Team Up to Deliver Soul Messages
- Category: Video Collection
- ✨ Clare Kelly (Irish / Ireland / Online)
- Beyond Quantum Healing
- Hypnotist
- Hanadi Awad
- Quantum Healing & Holistic Business Mentoring
- Radiant Athena
- Tony Brown
- There is more, much, much more... I am here to help others to see more.
- QHHT Level II Practitioner/ Spirit Guide/Life Coach
- Christina Weddle
- Liana Morgan - Channeler and Hypnosis
- Catherine Wyatt
- Angela Muller
- Christine Terranova
- Eve Tarquino
- Ana Verite
- Linda McKee
- Carla Kohberger
- Kenneth Baker III
- Maria Catangui Sound Healer & Quantum Healing Practitioner
- Kathy Unger (BQH & QHHT Level 2 Practitioner) - New York
- Illuminating Ways
- Emily Foote
- Aisling Wilson
- Sherris Light
- Monica Walston Quantum Healing
- Deann Gunter
- Spiritbird by Saana
- QHHT/BQH Practitioner
- Katie Steinle
- Ken Norton
- Kristy Engelke
- Quantum Soul Journeys at Wild Dove
- Courtney Staib | Online BQH, QHHT, & Quantum Healing
- Amy Rau – Beyond Quantum Healing, Hypnosis, NLP Coach, Time Line Therapy®
- Kimberly Pietrylka-Miller QHHT and BQH Practitioner
- Cory Blackburn
- Angelica Del Sette
- Neels Viljoen
- Surrogate Quantum Healing Sessions with Christine and Gabby
- Lisa Moran
- Quantum Coach
- Troy Stengel BQH Practitioner
- Xueqing (Milly) Zheng
- Holly Turley CHt
- Cynthia Pinion, LMFT, NCC, MCLC, BQH, QC
- QHHT Practitioner, Quantum Healer, Past Life Regressionist
- Hypnosis and Neurofeedback
- Alexis Butts
- Kathleen Isenhart
- Rachel Knox - Luminis Therapy
- Dominique Rochelle
- BQH, QHHT, Past-Life, 5-PATH Certified Master Hypnosis Practitioner
- Tulsa based QHHT and BQH Practitioner
- Xu's Quantum Healing in the Central Valley
- Native American QHHT Pracitioner
- QHHT level 2, Introspective Hypnosis and Galactic Akashic readings
- Quantum Healing with Johanna
- Nadia Gledhill
- BQH, Reiki Master, Life Coach, Author, Teacher, Public Speaker
- Nemo Arcane
- Rochelle Berghoff
- Jeff Bennett CHt - Los Angeles
- Meriam Miyara Rose
- Carly Nichols
- Tonya Alberti
- Julia Lera - Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioner based in San Francisco, CA
- Aprille Pullins
- Catherine Bowen
- Jonathan Finn
- Sharyn Hopp
- Reza Moosavi
- Sarah Blue-Shrewsbury
- Cindy Graham, owner of Natural Health Asheville, LLC
- Deanna Frey
- Quantum Hypnotherapy
- Quantum Healing Qigong™ - a top 5 online Qigong certificate course with Christopher & Daniela
- BodyLight - Beyond Quantum Healing and Hypnotherapy online sessions
- Joy K Johnson, BQH
- Majda Laalej
- Theresa
- BQH, QHHT, Introspective Hypnosis, Channeling and Remote Viewing
- Sophie Soumah
- Biba Logan is a Multidimensional Hypnotherapist
- Adrienne Chadwick
- Adriana Ordonez
- Adina Eggen
- Adela Barcenilla
- Abby Iseminger
- Aakash Chaudhary Quantum Healer
- Aura Ruxandra Moldovan
- Ivy Davidson
- Katarina Oleksakova
- Alicia LeFevre
- Antje G. Korth
- Antje Bachmaier
- Melissa Moreland
- Leigh Woodard, MA, CHt, BCC, NBC-HWC
- Sara Hayselden
- Mayda Parseghian
- Catherine Wyatt
- Erin Prindle
- Van Nguyen
- Tom Arild Waagbø
- Katie Cunningham
- Jamie Koch
- Marcia Kariya
- Kelly Millsap
- jo-lee pavageau
- Irina Nola
- Lisa Murray
- Kathleen Kubacki
- Valerie Holden
- Jacquie Valentine
- Cecile Namer-Py
- Jess MacLeod
- Nicky Laurin
- Reba Livingston
- Annette Kohn-Lau
- Alannah McKeehan
- Alexandra Zwaal-Kallos
- Merrily R. Milmoe
- Surrogate QH Sessions with Donna & Diana
- Julie Mae Thompson
- Jessica Seymour
- Linna Karapetian
- Teri Sand
- Angie Rojo
- Tania Niedbala
- Jacqui Jameson
- Judy Kerr
- Hansa Draaka
- Deann Mignogna
- Tena M Dodds & Karen A Baquiran
- Maria Grace Chiarlitti
- Rava Rishi
- Gina Johnson
- Lisa Vela Quantum Healing Hypnosis
- Kona Taylor
- Christina Brady
- Jacob Silverstielk
- Kathryn Gimbel
- Kimberly Darwin
- Jennifer Pley
- Christine "Summer" Jones
- Judy Subirats
- Ellen Mathys
- Lisa Kallweit
- Michelle Smith
- Vicki Ude
- Jenny Marek
- Carey Murphy
- Anthony Mowery
- Helene Fournier
- Melanie Mikel
- Gabriel Joseph Ynostroza
- Ana Munir
- Melanie Cardwell
- Kate Martin
- Christi Burke Landis
- Judith Hoppen-Arcilla
- Claudia Delmont
- Going Beyond with Annette
- Judy Nehez
- Olivia Sayward
- Renee Phelps Merkle
- Terri Keith
- Kim Upshaw
- Monique Nerkowski
- Sonya Lee
- Margaret Fleet
- Volker Helmut Collard
- Jennifer Wertz
- Camille Cash
- Erica Marcum
- Karin Giabbai
- Quantum healing with Julie Jones
- Brigith Poelarends
- Suvinder (Su.) Singh
- Barbie Sears
- Scott Lidster
- Kevin Burleson
- Joli Anne Allison
- Solstice Elliott
- Kristi Eckes
- Sarah Hill
- Damian Stelmach
- Sarah Kuflewski
- Roxanne Lenarz
- Sharon Meenagh
- Karen Treloar
- Beth Mulhollan
- Lisa Berman
- Monette Mudie
- Joy Nied
- Margit Klendauer
- Elaine Jones
- Wendy Babbidge
- Philippe SOL
- Nicole Freeman
- Serafice
- Petra Sander
- Marylouise Doren
- Mai Alnabhan
- Jeff Broomfield
- Kimberley Lovell
- Johanna Smith
- Cédric Houssin
- Jean Carfantan
- Tarynn Myers
- Jamie Bulrice
- Melinda Shiew
- Amory Reed
- Nichole DeMent
- Lili McGovern
- Kate Szymaszek
- Sophie Guellati-Salcedo
- Andreea Tavitian
- Lorna Lefler
- Julia Wagner
- Tricia Dawson
- Natalie Taxiera
- Stephanie Such
- Sara Straw
- Patrick de Coste
- Laura Masters
- Bruno del Marmol
- Devialini Agheda-De Souza
- Irene Blekhter
- Céline Caumel
- Pauline Jamieson
- Jill Avery
- Bernice Cruz
- Meylora Moon
- Amanda DiSciorio
- Navona Cummings-Hanes
- Michele Campbell
- Heather Hink
- Valerie Reed
- Brittany Aurelie
- Candace Uvalle
- Dana Thurmer
- Kat Klasna
- Marty Pelosi
- Marla Kelly
- Nicola Cooper
- Melanie Mccrea
- Joanne brooks
- Jeffrey Ashur
- Ina Sherpa
- Albert Crimi
- Natalya Puckett
- Karen Matson
- Kazuko Gardner
- Kayla Delanoy
- Bebe Janish
- Penny Gordon
- Jen Fisher Gerhard
- Carla Sheppard
- Nina Morrocco
- William Clark
- Elana Clark-Faler
- Carl Marshall
- Rachel Chase
- Brenda Dawn Schwarz
- Lucia Raths
- William Brown, MSPM
- Irene Erin Aslin
- Jana Paulson Rahal
- Keeley Nicholls, Energy Alchemist & Alignment Coach, Founder of Quantum Alchemy Technique
- Jeanmarie Reynolds-Breece
- Diana Murdock
- Kerri Wade
- Artis Kuģevics
- Margaret C Quednau
- Dana Noel Dryg
- Mariah Snow
- Lilly Quantum Guide
- Cindy Kim
- Patti
- Terrell Just
- Sonya Wilder
- September Spore
- Magdalena Pires Nielsen
- Suna Senman
- Lynn Johnson
- Corinna Vigil
- Katarzyna Kaminska
- Allison Brown
- Tiffany Ratzman
- christina lavers
- Mary Catherine McNena
- Stig Bertelsen
- Sally Tarquinio
- Diana Adair
- Yve Smith
- Stacie Shewmake
- Terry Willette
- Jaime Rodriguez
- Jaclyn Durling
- Julia Nord
- Jackson Hawk
- Tammy Creo
- Suzanne Beckley
- Louise Selfridge
- Daniella Coy
- Vicki Zanini
- Iris Krstanovich
- Ludmila Duhot
- Kim Scheurer
- Heidi Swensen
- Heather Holm
- Robin Mantz
- Natasha Parvin IPHM
- Monica Dunn
- Christine Kooper
- David Manning
- Tracy Salava
- Dorothee Amelung
- Coralie Roederer
- Garnet Schulhauser
- Elisabeth Sørlie
- Virginie Lafon
- Heather Stubbs
- Orlene Carlos
- Sharon Wilson
- Ingrid Romano
- Phoebe Brown
- Nathalie Guyot
- Natalia Ruiz
- Stephen Birchall
- Natasha Parker
- Martine Good
- Mathew Tommy
- Claude Piaget
- La Donna Permenter
- Roos (Malka) Ahern
- Evelyn Simpson
- Christi Clemons Hoffman
- Jyoti Verma
- Hege Oppegaard
- Karuna Chinchkhede
- Pernilla Kopparhed
- Suzanne Clarke
- Galya Pazheva
- Nina Caniac
- Mary Beth Elgrably
- Thia Rose
- Karin Aberg
- Michelle Walling
- Hara Katsiki
- Nelta Scara
- John Till
- Marvin Cassio
- Diane Saunders
- Zora Ryban
- Debbie Smartt
- Stephanie Shek
- Georgeanna DeCarlo
- Iain Beaton
- Donna Brenner
- Gladys Bermudez
- Allison Coe
- Henry Leijdsman
- Consuelo Cassotti
- Jo Woodland
- Colleen Bichel
- Von Galt
- Chrysilla Lewies
- Theresia Winkler
- Natasha Ochs
- Barbara Becker
- Shannon Flaherty
- Alexandra Sasha Tarakanov Plax
- Tammie Saucier
- Laurie Collier
- Inna Mass
- Lory Pollina
- Keysha Denning
- Klara Palata
- Mia Sine
- Monika Gucwa
- Karol Mroczek
- Jan Blazek
- Jenny Zeller
- Beata Daniel
- Sharon Simpson
- Meha McFadden
- Natalie Schubert
- Helen Brown
- Debbie Connellan
- Ahmi Beppu
- Evelyn Sawaquat
- Diane King
- Rev Catherine Chapey
- Alba Weinman
- Mario Radinger
- Patty Wang
- Pamela Gonder
- Natalia Blazeniakova
- Dagny St John
- Becca Lynn
- Luke Taylor
- Valerie Holden
- Alexandra Zwaal-Kallos
- Corinne Branch
- Mirela Vukman Neylan
- Lynne Benton
- Cynthia Kalczynski
- Linda M. Eviston (TaraLinda)
- Priscilla Tielman
- Theresa Chillingsworth
- Shawn O'Regan
- Ellen Pavent
- Svetlana Glikman
- Joan Donovan
- Lana Petrov
- Dianne Leandres
- Gina Webster
- Patricia Grootjans
- Rebecca Devine
- Barbara Kaylor
- Pamela Comeau
- Madelyn (Maddie) Miller
- Peter_Hills
- Elizabeth Desrochers
- Jane Wu
- Patricia Darden
- Candace Pedicord
- Ann Louise Ritter
- MJ Olinger RN, MPH
- Patrick Moulin
- Irina Nola
- Debi Lundquist
- Alice Mixer
- Julie Doray
- Andree Cordella
- Matthew Marnitz
- Ilona Weber
- Sandy Heath
- Jarmo Kaikkonen
- Jean Vareka
- Helga de Bontin
- Maryann D'Angeli
- Sunny Morley
- Carole Neary
- Yvonne Self
- Banchan Bamba
- Steven Summers
- Patricia Poole
- Mary M. Truitt
- Linda Yianolatos
- Charlotte Daniel
- Jeroen de Wit
- Candace Craw-Goldman
- A-B
- Access Bars®
- Acupuncture
- AK Shortcuts
- Akashic Record Clearing
- Akashic Records Readings
- Angel Healing
- Angel Readings
- Animal & Pet Communicator
- Aromatherapy
- Astrology
- Aura Alchemy
- AURA Hypnosis Technique
- Autogenic Training
- Ayurvedic Medicine
- Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)
- Biofeedback
- Biofield Tuning
- Body and Emotional Code
- BodyTalk
- Breathwork
- C-D
- Cacao Ceremony
- Chakra Balancing
- Chakra Healing
- Channeled Sessions
- Chi Kung
- Chiropractic
- Clearings & Balancings
- Clinical Hypnosis
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Color Acupuncture
- Complete Process
- Consciousness Tapping Technique (CTT)
- Constellation Work
- Craniosacral Therapy
- Crystal Acupuncture
- Crystal Healing
- DNA Activations
- Dowsing
- Dream Reading
- Dream Work
- E-G
- Elemental Space Clearing®
- EMDR Therapy
- Emotional Energy Healing
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT®)
- Energy Balancing by Numbers
- Energy Transfer Reset (ETR)
- Entity Clearing
- Essential Oil Therapy
- Face Reading
- Forensic Healing
- Future Life Progression
- Geopathic Stress Clearance
- Guided Visualization
- H-I-J
- Hakomi Therapy
- Health Counseling
- Heart to Heart Awakened Healing
- Herbalist
- Higher Brain Living®
- Hipnosis Introspectiva Aurelio Mejia
- Homeopathy
- Human Design Analysis
- Hypnosis
- Illuminated Quantum Healing (IQH)
- Inner Child Work
- Inner Space Techniques
- Innerdance
- Integrative Energy Therapy®
- Introspective Hypnosis®
- Intuitive Sessions
- Jin Shin Jyutsu
- K-L-M
- Kairos Therapy
- Kinesiology
- Kundalini Yoga
- Life Between Lives (LBL®)
- Life Coaching
- Life Story Coach
- Light Language
- Light Therapy
- Marconics
- Massage
- Matrix Energetics
- Medical Medium
- Mediumship
- Mind Body Spirit Guidance
- Minister
- Myofascial Release
- N-O-P
- Naturopathy
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Neurofeedback
- Neuromuscular Therapy
- Neutral Space Relaxation
- Nine Star Ki
- Non-Verbal Magnetism and Mesmerism
- Nutritionalist
- Organic Living Food
- Past Life Regression
- Pellowah
- Plant-Based Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine Coach
- Pranic Healing®
- Process Coach
- Psychic Readings
- PureBioenergy®
- Q-R-S
- Qi Gong
- Quantum Connect (QC)
- Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique® (QHHT®)
- Quantum Healing Methods (QHM)
- Quantum Journeys Hypnosis (QJH)
- Quantum Light Therapy
- Quantum Pain Relief Technique (QPR)
- Quantum Touch®
- Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT)
- Rebirthing
- Reconnective Healing®
- Reflexology
- Reiki
- Remote Spirit Release
- Sekhem Healing
- Shadow Work
- Shamanic Healing
- Shiatsu
- Somatic Release Breathwork
- Soul Center Healing Hypnosis®
- Soul Essence Readings
- Soul Retrieval
- SoulKey Therapy
- Sound Therapy
- Space Clearing
- Spirit Releasement Therapy
- Spiritual Counseling
- Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT)
- Surrogate for Client
- T-U-V
- Tai Chi
- Tarot Readings
- The Divine Reveal (TDR)
- The Wonder Method
- ThetaHealing®
- Timeline Therapy®
- Tong Ren
- Trance Mediumship
- Transformative Soul Journey
- Transpersonal Therapy
- Uniquely Created Modality
- Universal Life Minister
- Veltheim Lymphatic Drainage
- Voice Dialogue
- W-X-Y-Z
- Yoga
- Zhogn Yuan Qigong