Adina Eggen

We create together a space for you to connect with your infinite, all-knowing and miraculous self. The place in you where anything is literally possible.

Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: 11am-6pm PST All Days
Payment Options: Cash, Check, Paypal, Square, Google Wallet
Languages: English

Address: Portland, Oregon, United States.

Adina Eggen

~ Member Since 2018

After studying dozens of healing modalities and consciousness technologies over the past 20 years, I'm excited to be working in the realms of profound possibility with hypnosis, and I'm very much enjoying holding space and guiding others as they journey into the depths of their own consciousness and healing. I don't believe in using the term "healer," YOU are the only one who can heal yourself. These hypnosis techniques are very powerful portals into the depths of one's being.  I am honored to assist people in giving themselves the gifts of insight, wisdom and healing that they are ready for. You may email me directly at [email protected]

Brightest Blessings!


QHHT Level 1, Introspective Hypnosis




August 2023

A highly recommend a session with Adina. She creates an amazing container to move through this journey, really taking her time to ground in with you, hear your story and invite your full self into the space. The whole experience is intentionally fine tuned, from the rejuvenating sound healing, and then the journey from past selves into higher self. This is an important tool for anyone on their spiritual path who wants to go deeper and experience the activations you require to step further into more expanded and empowered versions of yourself.



August 2023

I had a really amazing session with Adina. I highly recommend her as a hypnotist who can hold space for deep work. She is very grounded, authentic, skilled, patient, and knowledgeable. I highly recommend Adina to anyone called to do deep inner healing.



July 2023

Adina is an extremely gifted practitioner and helped me profoundly. Her guidance is patient, kind, and neutral in a way that is of the utmost importance for this type of therapy. Listening back to the recording I was so impressed with her expertise in navigating what can be a very vulnerable state of consciousness. For anyone wishing to connect with themselves on a higher level or hoping to access 'hidden' memories, I highly recommend Adina's services. If you are on a path of self-healing, this is the place!


Matthew O

July 2023

Adina was an absolute blessing in this experience. From the first moment I felt welcomed and safe in her space. This experience gave me exactly what I needed to move into my best self. Adina is truly a blessing to those on their journey and I highly recommend anyone who is questioning to take the jump! It feels like going on a journey into yourself with a someone you have known your entire life. Adina puts you into the driver seat of self exploration which in my experience is not an easy task. Honestly it is hard to put into words the gratitude I feel for her as a guide and a natural healer. Thank you



July 2023

I've had two hypnosis sessions with Adina, and I'm just so grateful for her. She is capable and tender, and holds a beautiful space for you to explore your inner world. These hypnosis sessions have led to greater insight into the blueprints of my current life. They have also strengthened my sense of self and my purpose along with my connection to my loved ones.
I highly recommend QHHT with Adina!



June 2023

Adina helped me tremendously as I recover from a recent medical event. With her gentle guidance, I was able to connect to parts of myself that brought about new insights and information on how to continue my healing journey. And the sound vibrational table was perfect to get me into a theta state. Highly recommend to anyone seeking answers!



June 2023

I read up on this method of hypnosis before scheduling, and was intrigued and excited. The day of had some nervous skepticism about getting in my own way throughout the process. However Adina's gift of creating and holding a heart centered safe space, while simultaneously easing you into alignment for the process to take place with such a masterful skill ..that instead of being nervous or uncomfortable, you feel like you've come home.. unveiling new knowings about your own personal origin story. That it was like getting in touch with the best version of myself, while Adina held the static of the part of my mind that can cloud my own connection to source at bay. Looking down at myself from the inside out was a new perspective..I left with answers, I left with new questions...but the universe showed up in a big way with synchronicities and signs during the hours and days afterwards that affirmed so much of what was revealed. If you feel like this is calling to you, than it is !



March 2021

My session with Adina was top notch! Her attentive, curious, and open-hearted approach is just what I need to feel secure in this vast and accessible space. She is skillful and kind. She intuitively knows to ask the right question at the right time, and she meets you where you are at. This is a very deep reservoir of revealing work and Adina provides a safe and secure space to explore with flexibility, trust, and nurturing. I highly recommend Adina! Book a session with her today to explore this expansive, life changing and enlightening body of work!



March 2021

Adina has a lovely, calming presence and is truly a pleasure to know. I feel more grounded and connected to my inner power after my session with Adina. Thank you!



May 2020

Adina is the real deal! I got so much out of this experience. Her kind and warm presence facilitates a sense of ease and safety. She knows how to take you deep, asks powerful questions and overall provides a very deep and healing experience. Thank you Adina!



May 2020

Adina came to me during the darkest time of my life, a time where I wasn’t certain I could continue this incarnation. She patiently listened to me weep and ramble my difficult story without judgement or disbelief, instead she gently held the space around us, sharing her similar experiences to further our vulnerability with one another. If you want authentic human connection, Adina is it. She takes the time to know you, building trust, and guides you on a deep inward journey that leaves you forever changed for the better.


Greg P.

May 2020

I had the pleasure to take a 5 hour Quantum Hypnosis journey with Adina and it was a once in a lifetime experience.
She is a wonderful soul, caring, very knowledgeable and she helped me make the most of this experience.
I was blown away by everything I experienced and how healing it was for my soul.
I have been on a deep spiritual / healing path for years now and this was definitely one of the highlights of my journey so far.
Will go see Adina again very soon and I recommend to anyone reading this to do the same!
Book your session today, you will never regret it!



May 2020

My session with Adina took me a week to digest. All the information that comes through is life changing! Nothing bests getting the answers directly from your higher self! Adina is super sweet and genuinely cares about helping others and their journeys. She does a great job of explains the process so you know what to expect. She did a great job creating a healing space for you to feel safe diving deep inside. I would recommend her services to everyone! It really teaches you to trust your on instincts and intuition!



May 2020

When I was preparing for my QHHT session, I was a tad nervous. Adina explained the process in depth and I felt safe and comfortable. I really felt her kindness radiating as she patiently listened to my story.
In her presence I felt at ease, and trusting. She created a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.
After the session I had immediate results both physically and spiritually.
I feel a change deep inside after this experience.
I would recommend Adina to anyone interested in this amazing healing experience.
Thank you so much!


Aimee Taylor

February 2020

The whole experience was transformational and I am so glad I had Adina to do this healing. She was compassionate and kind. Highly recommend if you are looking to go deeper.


Carol Anne

February 2020

Adina is a dedicated Soul of service to mankind. Her focus is on allowing herself to disappear in this process while guiding the session forward through the client’s questions. She has the intuition from her own good common sense, her training aligned with Dolores Cannon and personal commitment to her own Higher Self and the guidance she receives while in session.
I was able to actually recall two specific lifetimes that were directly transferrable to who I am today and the whole experience added to my appreciation of myself and my personal journey here on earth today.
Adina provides the MP recording of the entire session so I can re-visit the information and dissect it more from my awake state of mind.
I would recommend Adina in any and all of the services she offers. I feel it is a buffet of spiritual opportunity, enjoyment, growth, and adventure.


B Perkins

February 2020

I have deep appreciation and respect for Adina and her ability to hold immaculate space for others. I experienced deep early childhood trauma and have had issues with all that comes with those experiences. Adina is so very patient, kind and has an unmistakable love for others that automatically puts ones soul at ease! My appointment with her was profoundly healing, I left feeling lighter, more free and a greater sense of calm.
Her ability to lead one to just what is needed at a deep soul level is astonishing! The insights that I have experienced since the appointment have been key in some long due closure! Thank you Adina!!


Jenna LaMere

January 2020

As an Integration Coach myself, I'm no stranger to seeing the healing benefits that come from leading people into the intriguing world of their subconscious mind.

I'd known about QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) for quite some time and had even been offered sessions from other trained colleagues and friends, but they were all scattered around the country and I had ideally hoped to find someone local. So, of course, I then synchronistically ran into the amazingly heart-centered, local QHHT Practitioner, Adina Eggen.

Adina was available to facilitate me in the comfort of my own home and carved out several hours to devote to leading me through this magical journey.

Through a very deep state of relaxation where my ego-mind had permission to take a little back seat vaca, my Higher Self took over and led me through a series of time-stamps that are generally interpreted as "past lives". (It doesn't matter if you believe in that sort of stuff either, the main point is to know that wherever it takes you, it does so, because by experiencing it, it means it is relevant to this life and is designed to help you with any current circumstances in which you might be feeling stuck.)

I was a little nervous going in knowing that the last part of it was going to be my Higher Self answering from a list of all the burning questions I had for her.

I don't know why I was, I guess I was afraid she'd say "You're doing it all wrong!" Haha. To the contrary, in fact, one of the things that was the coolest about it was being able to recognize the distinct quality of my Higher Self's voice to a greater degree than I ever had before. I learned that I am connected with it/her way more often than I thought I was, so it just made it easier for me to trust it going forward.

With Adina's experience, she also confirmed that the manner in which it came through was very much in keeping with how "Higher Self" voices generally sound to her. Feeling validated, I said "Oh, so you mean my Higher Self is that "sweet" voice in my head?" :) We laughed.

Adina holds a very genuine and loving approach mixed with an eagerness to have you feel completely fulfilled in every possible way by the conclusion of the experience. There's a non-judgemental type of freedom that comes from her that makes it easy to be able to feel safe going deep.

A lot of very heavy and personal shizz came out of my session and some of it I would imagine would have even been a bit much for a greener practitioner to handle but she did it with style, ease, and grace.

Thank you Adina!!



July 2019

Adina is a wonderful practitoner. She is very nonjudgmental, and I felt completely safe and at ease throughout the entire session. She was very professional and intuitive. It went very well, and even suprised me a bit! I am so greatful to have had this experience.



July 2019

Adina is one of the most healing souls I have found in my journey so far. She holds such a great space for healing, and soothes you into opening up in a real way to let your highest self get you ready to heal. I look forward to more work with her, and recommend it for anyone in need of resolving some lingering patterns.

So grateful for her spirit, her mission, and her willingness to help. Love and light to all of you on your journies.


Kathy G.

July 2019

I'm so glad that I was able to do the session with Adina; I felt safe and she is a wonderful guide/facilitator/healer as well.
Adina, thanks again for a life-changing experience. I feel permanently altered in a very positive way and look forward to expanding all that I learned and will discover. You also gave me such wonderful insights on my inner self-talk that I am resolving as well. Knowing you is a blessing!



May 2019

I had gone initially gone in for a traditional Q.H.H.T. session with Adina. All was well, but on my end I wasn't able to relax enough in order to connect fully with my higher self. Adina was really understanding and patient with me. We agreed to an alternative method that she provided, which was to reschedule and use a surrogate. Which we did and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. I think I actually preferred a surrogate because then you can hear it first hand.


Honest Song of the Heart

April 2019

This is an extremely potent process and should only be undergone with a highly skilled practitioner. Adina is such a practitioner and can hold big space for deep work. Her light and love travels beside her knowledge and integrity which allows the client to take deep dives into the eternal. I highly recommend Adina to anyone wishing to develop a deeper relationship with the God Self. I love you sweet woman!



April 2019

My session with Adina was everything I thought it would be and more! Adina's approach to the session was so gentle and comforting I forgot we were doing work. She guided me through parts of my existence that I wanted to access, assisted my higher self in answering so many questions. The insights into my soul are priceless.

I highly recommend Adina not only as a practitioner, but as a genuine soul full of light and love ready to take us to the next level of awareness.


Aaron Overstreet

April 2019

I have received three QHHT sessions from Adina. I am totally blown away by the insights and deep understandings I have gained from these sessions. Adina is very skilled at every part of the process. Induction, guidance, asking the right questions at the right time. She understands how to work with all layers of our being. I highly recommend her if you seek transformation and growth.



April 2019

I recently had a QHHT session with Adina, and I am very pleased to write her a glowing review! At the time that I had contacted her, I was in a deeply transitional and vulnerable period in my life and was really looking for answers and support on how to move forward. Adina was quick to respond and made herself totally available to me before, during, and after our sessions. She is a very stable and calming presence, and I found her exceptionally easy to open up to - the best feeling that I was able to take away from working with Adina was the steadfast feeling of support she offered which anchored and allowed me to feel comfortable and able to venture into the astral realms without fear or hesitation. Adina has a gift for this sort of work and a beautiful auric presence to her, and I cannot recommend her highly enough. Thank you, sweet Adina!



November 2018

Not having any idea what to expect from QHHT, my recent session with Adina was more of everything than I could have wished. It was comforting, enlightening, and went by so quickly that I know I must have been experiencing it from 'somewhere else'. Adina is a lovely person with whom you can be at ease; she evokes trust and confidence, and exudes a wonderful spirit. She will be an excellent guide on your journey into your higher self and other lives.


Peggy Sue

October 2018

Adina visited me at my home in Eugene last spring. Before our visit, I found her easy to communicate with and arrange our appointment. She also took the time to speak with me on the phone and patiently answered several questions I had before I knew if I wanted to pursue a session or not.
When Adina arrived at my home I immediately felt at ease with her. It’s not the easiest thing for me to bare my soul to people, but we sat on my couch and just talked for quite awhile and it never felt that difficult or awkward for me. She held a very safe, non-judge mental space, and even shared experiences about herself that were similar to mine (I love it when people do this-it makes me feel like they really “get” it). After talking for awhile we did the hypnotherapy, and it was easier than I thought it would be to “let go” and relax. (My mind tends to whirl around like a tornado). I attribute a large part of my ability to do this because Adina was so comfortable to work with. After my session, I immediately felt really peaceful and could sense I had released some stagnant, painful energy. In the weeks following, I had an experience where I completely released every ounce of painful energy I was holding over a recent experience (through a dream), and feel certain this was a result of my session. What a relief! I would highly recommend Adina -she was very warm and professional, and I was happy with the progress I experienced as a result of her help!



October 2018

I was very nervous about this whole idea. Not sure what to expect. Adina was reassuring and grounding. She offered to be there to help me process the info in the time following. I couldn’t recommend her enough!



October 2018

Adina Eggen facilitating QHHT is a perfect combination! She is safe, caring and loving as she guides you through this very important journey of your subconscious. Adina helps you find your true essence of your authentic being. Its a gift and she has it! You may experience Past, Present and Future. No time lines. Forgiveness to Self and Others can be released easily and effortlessly. You may even have simple knowing, even as to a particular vitamin you should take, or to immense clearing of something 'stuck' a very long time ago. In my experience there was much humor and lightness, although there was serious information I am certain my conscious mind would not have allowed it to come forward to shift. Adina is here to support you in her own unique heart felt way. I highly recommend her and suggest you do experience QHHT yourself with her!

OneHeart! Julia


Kris K.

October 2018

This was my first time with a QHHT session. Adina is a very kind, gentle and thoughtful facilitator. I felt completely safe and comfortable. With her help I relaxed deeply and we were able to connect to my higher self.
I had many of my questions answered and understand so much more about myself and this journey called life.
This is quite an exciting time to be here in the history of humanity! It is time to wake up and realize what a fantastic planet we live on and what extraordinary beings we all actually are.
I highly recommend Adina for QHHT and I look forward to another session with her in the future. Peace & Blessings! -Kris K.


Great Sun Studio

September 2018

I have done many hypnotherapy sessions with others but went the farthest, deepest and most meaningful with the QHHT that Adina facilitates. Our session was 6 months ago and is still unfolding! Adina is patient, gentle and holds a solid safe place for this particular modality. I am in awe of what we accessed during the session, how on point it was/is for my souls purpose. If someone is really ready to do some deep work or is just curious about hypnotherapy, Adina will greet them with grace, ease, sparkly confidence, openness and above all else, pure love.


Bethany Crawford

August 2018

I have been on a healing journey my whole life with at least 8 years working with heavy trauma release. I felt that I had hit the bottom of my barrel but somehow couldn't remove the intangible dregs that were negative feelings in my heart, mind and body. Through QHHT, Adina connects you to your higher-self and creates links to your past lives. With her nurturing voice, she creates a safe space to heal and go deeper than I ever have before.

In the first session I experienced two lives, both being the exact same theme I had touched on in my own healing experiences. QHHT provided context, a linear story and a moral to each. The second session I experienced two more lives and found out exactly why I picked those "themes", the struggles that I chose to experience time and again, life after life. Through this discovery and with prompting and permission from Adina, I was able to let go of this cycle and story. I healed what I could, but through Adina and QHHT, I was able to take the dregs of my trauma and put them under a multi-dimensional microscope. Through visualization it helped connect these stories that caused and triggered latent emotions, and provided a mental understanding that allowed me to fully process and let go.

I highly recommend Adina's help with this.



August 2018

This was my first experience of QHHT. I was a little nervous about what it would be like, or if I would do well with it. Adina was encouraging and disarming, and made it easier than I thought. As someone with an active mind, I had to focus on keeping my conscious mind out of the way of my subconscious (meaning I would say things as they came to me spontaneously before I could review or question it). You don't have to worry about forgetting any information that comes through in your session because Adina makes a recording for you. I did well and got a lot of insight , one specifically which proved to be literal a week later!

This experience was exactly what I was looking for. I had been wanting to work on opening my channel, and Adina created a safe, non-judgmental space to explore that. She is a perfect fit for this work!



August 2018

I had an amazing session with Adina! I was able to relax and go deep very easily with her. The space she held for this healing was just what I needed. I felt loved, and comfortable through out and look forward to working together more!


Conchita Russo

August 2018

Hi Everybody,

Adina was great! She was very professional, yet tender and caring. She facilitated me on a wonderful Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. The session was comfortable and relaxing. The information provided, has given me direction and encouragement in various areas in my life. I highly recommend trying it for yourself.

Happy Trails !!

Conchita Russo
Access Consciousness Bars(R) Facilitator



August 2018

Adina's intuitive awareness made my hypnosis session a wonderful and informative experience. Her open, kind demeanor helped me to feel very safe, allowing me to relax and go deep into the hypnotic state. I learned things about myself that were enlightening and healing. I look forward to working with her again.

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