Antje G. Korth

Life is ever expanding with you and through you - and we have limitless possibilities. The only limitations are the limits of your own imagination.

Office Phone: 0049 1606271991
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email or phone
Payment Options: Bank transfer or cash
Languages: English, German

Address: Berlin, Berlin, Germany.


Antje G. Korth

Inner Coaching,

~ Member Since 2012




May 2023

From the very first moment, I felt in really good hands. Antje created a very welcoming atmosphere where it was easy to trust and open up. Her understanding and gentle way of guiding the session made me feel safe and at ease the whole time. I also felt she listened with genuine interest and understanding. I could not have asked for a better experience.



May 2023

In liebevoller Atmosphäre der Geborgenheit und Sicherheit kommt man sich in einer QHHT-Session mit Antje seiner Selbst näher. Es öffnen sich Türen zu ungeahnten Erinnerungen an vergangene Leben, die das Verständnis für aktuelle Lebenssituation geben. Gekonnt geleitete Rückführung zu Orten und Ereignissen ermöglicht Heilung alter Wunden und Phobien. Selbst nach einer Woche nach der Sitzung arbeiten Körper und Geist noch auf Hochtouren. Es gibt viel zu integrieren und zu verarbeiten. Ein Telefonat mit Antje zu Klärung der Fragen, die sich einige Tage nach der Session ergaben, hat mir unheimlich geholfen, neue Gefühle und Erkenntnisse anzunehmen und zu integrieren. Alles in einem würde ich das immer wieder machen. Lieben Dank Antje für die kompetente und wunderbare Begleitung zu mir Selbst :)



February 2023

Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass ich begleitet und behütet bin. Dass mein Weg mich zu Antje führte, war also für mich nicht unbedingt überraschend aber eindrücklich. In den letzten 20 Jahren habe ich viel gelernt, über mich, über meine Seele, über Systeme und Zusammenhänge und ich habe viele verschiedene Methoden kennengelernt um in die Tiefe zu gehen. Mit Antjes Unterstützung war es mir nicht nur möglich mit dem Großen Ganzen in Kontakt zu treten sondern auch mich wieder ein Stückchen mehr vertrauensvoll und tief verbunden anlehnen zu können, an die die vor mir waren und die die um mich sind. Dem eigenen Weg so gut es geht zu folgen, ist in dieser manchmal sehr herausfordernden Zeit nicht immer einfach.
Ich kam mit Fragen und ging mit dem tiefen Vertrauen, die Antworten zu kennen und vor allem auch in Zukunft in mir selbst zu finden. Für mich bildete die "Arbeit" mit Antje das Schließen eines Kreises. Ich bin ruhig und gelassen, und ich habe in den vergangenen zwei Wochen Vieles in meinem Leben umgestellt. Es tut gut und wirkt sich absolut positiv auf jeden Bereich aus.
Ich bin voller Dankbarkeit und Liebe für diese Menschen wie Antje, die sich bereit erklären Impulsgeber zu sein.



December 2020

Antje is a very emphatic and professional QHHT coach. She managed to perfectly focus my sometimes chaotic questions and thoughts so that I could achieve the most effective Resultat for me. I did not know this method until this point, so I can rightly say that Antje was able to adjust to any of my uncertainties. With her thoughtful and knowledgeable manner, I learned so much about myself and my purpose as well as my patterns.
Dare. Strengthen your intuition - Antje is an excellent companion. Many thanks for this.


S., female, 41

April 2020

Antje Korth is a wonderful guide and professional for exploring QHHT. I have know Antje for many years now and have experienced her through a whole number of retreats and coachings including QHHT. Her natural, sincere interest in her clients and her great heart make her a tremendous partner for personal work. It is very easy to trust Antje, to let her take the lead and to follow her instructions. Even if you don't know what to expect or look for. She listens carefully and helps you identify your questions and needs with patience and supportive guidance. During the session she is a very attentive and careful guide, devoted to giving you a tailor-made experience. There is always the opportunity for questions afterwards and I have made very good experiences with follow-up coachings and long-term work. With Antjes lovely energy, high degree of empathy and her extensive experience I would trust her even in cases that might hold very personal or painful experiences as a cautious while highly skilled professional.


Natalia Costa

March 2020

Antje is a wonderful therapist with an impressive background and a wide experience on several fields.
I immediately felt connected with Antje who possesses a calm relaxing energy and makes you feel comfortable and safe.
The QHHT session is very complete and thanks to Antje's expertise I was able to relax and allowed myself to be vulnerable during the session in order to truly address the issues that have brought me there. Antje guided me beautifully throughout the process and as I was listening to the recording I couldn't be more pleased with the experience and grateful to Antje for being the facilitator.
QHHT with Antje is not only an inner journey more exciting than any trip you can do, as it allows you to heal any deep wound that you have taken into this life.
Antje is the safe harbour guiding you throughout the process and allowing you to expand your consciousness step by step.
My gratitude is beyond words. I really recommend Antje's services and I intend to use them again :)


Jörg Thimel

March 2020

Die Quanten Heeling Session war überwältigent. Ich habe mich die ganze Zeit sicher und behütet gefühlt und viel über mich gelernt. Die Information die ich gewonnen habe helfen mir mich jetzt weiter gut zu entwickeln. Körpelich gesehen war es auch toll. Ich habe mich wie neu geboren gefühlt. Jetzt bin ich voll mit meinem Herz verbunden, was vorher immer das Problem war. Nur zu empfehlen!



December 2019

The session with Antje is simply wonderful. And it has helped me better connect with myself, my higher self.

Before the session, she was very patient and explained how it works which prepared me very well. During the session, she was open for communication, curious to learn about me, and knew how to guide me with care to visit my past life. She listened with intent to understand. When I walked out of her place, I felt peaceful which was something I had not felt for a long while. All means a lot to me. Thank you, Antje. Love.



October 2019

My session with Antje was wonderful.
Throughout the session I felt very secure and taken care of. The conversation with Antje in the beginning was pretty insightful and made me feel ready to have the hypnosis.
Antje guided me through two very interesting past lives. Because of the past lives that were shown to me I understand myself al lot better. I now know why I have certain talents and interests as well as fears and blockages that I could not explain before.
Although I was very conscious the whole time, which made it a little bit difficult for me not to let my conscious mind interfere and analyse the information I was getting, Antje stayed very patient and calm.
Her soothing voice made it very easy for me to relax.
I have got a lot of insight, but the most important thing I have learned was trusting my inner guidance. I have learned that all the answers lay inside me.
After the session I have definitely noticed increased intuition and easier connection with my higher self. I can ansolutely recomment having a QHHT-session with Antje.
Much thanks and love,
Angelique, 18



October 2019

The QHHT Session with Antje was a deep and loving experience.
Antje is very down to earth, yet very profoundly educated with a very high vibration.
I felt secure and supported through all of it so that I could take big steps.
I will go back for more- thats for sure.
Thank you Antje!


Chris K.

October 2019

Antje is amazing. My sessions with her were always very positive and helpful. I have always felt much better (even changed) afterwards. She has a very gentle and kind manner. I was very impressed by how professional, calm and patient she proceeded and how she always knew the right questions to ask. She also helped several of my family members and friends.


Isabelle Sleinis

September 2019

My first QHHT Session with Antje has had a huge impact on my life! Antje provided a welcoming, safe space to journey deep into my past lives, and opened up a loving connection with my higher self. By delving into two different past lives and having realisations about experiences and behaviours from those lives, I was able to find subconscious patterns that were unconsciously affecting and governing my current life. I am now able to clearly see where those patterns were coming from, and with that understanding, make positive changes in my current life that I would never have shed light on if it weren't for the past life regression. The most profound experience resulted from the dialogue with my higher self. One of my intentions for the session was to ask for healing on my womb, as I had not had my period in over one year and was worried what this might mean for my health. During the session, Antje asked my higher self to do a healing on my womb, to which my higher self answered 'yes.' The following morning after the session, I woke up and I had my period - it was a miracle! QHHT is so powerful in many ways, and I'm so grateful to have had the chance to meet Antje and have her hold such a sacred, safe space for me to open up into the depths of my own being and be receptive to healing. Thank you Antje for the passion and love you bring to your work, and for being such a shining light in this world!


Elisabeth Karsten

September 2019

In her most loving and attentive style of hypnosis Antje guides you to the core of your very being. A fantastic method to empower your self healing capacities and elicit growth in consciousness. I can wholeheartedly recommend it!

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