
Office Phone: 816-388-0289
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Text Message
Available Hours: Mon-Friday 8:30-6, other hours by appointment
Payment Options: Square, PayPal, cash, check, Venmo
Languages: English, French

Address: 1200-1278, Oak Street, Kansas City, Missouri, 64106, United States.


Christi Clemons Hoffman

Radiate Wellness

~ Member Since 2016

I love what I do. Truly. I get to help people–what better profession is there than that?

I am an intuitive counselor, energy worker, and teacher whose passion is helping clients unlock their life challenges to assist in their spiritual growth and wellbeing.

A lifelong intuitive (and Psychical Research Society Radio 2015 Guest of the year), I have been assisting people in their soul's journey for several years through a variety of services:

Angel/Akashic Records readings: We are surrounded at all times by a spiritual ‚Äúteam‚Äù that informs and guides us–guardian angel(s), archangels, ascended masters, spirit guides, joy guides, spiritual teachers, and loved ones who have crossed over. Their gentle, loving messages are available to us at all times when we know how they communicate. In a reading, I combine two modalities into something unique and comprehensive. Before your reading, I sit down with your “team” and receive notes to convey. Be prepared to hit the ground running when we start! This type of combined reading is not recommended for yes/no questions and cannot replace medical or legal advice.

Reiki: I am a Reiki master of the Usui/Holy Fire tradition–and the Reiki master at #Hallmark headquarters. Reiki is a powerful hands-on healing modality that can help with clearing physical and emotional issues. In my Reiki sessions, I use my intuitive gifts to identify strengths and weaknesses in the client's physical, energetic, and emotional bodies, clearing blockages to allow the body to heal itself.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT): QHHT works on the Somnambulistic level to reach your subconscious. It is primarily used seek out the origin of the client's problem—whether in a past life or early in the current life. Often, once the source of the problem is identified, the lesson it teaches is no longer needed and the issue is resolved. I am a Level 3 practitioner; one of fewer than 50 in the world.

Meditation: As the meditation instructor at #Hallmark, I work with meditation to increase mindfulness and reduce stress. In my private practice, I create individualized healing meditations.

I live in Kansas City, MO, and can work with clients locally or over the phone. I am also the owner of Radiate Wellness Community, a “virtual” wellness center with a variety of amazing practitioners!


QHHT certified practitioner, Usui/Holy Fire Reiki master, Akashic Records reader, Introspective Hypnosis


2015 Psychical Research Society Radio Guest of the Year, Thumbtack Top Pro, Level 3 QHHT practitioner


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