Consuelo Cassotti

QHHt and Karmic Release are powerful methods for helping everybody to have better life

Office Phone: 847 363 5356
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: email and phone
Available Hours: Because I also do distance sessions in many Countries, my job hours are very flexible . You can also check my availability and book a session directly at my web site
Payment Options: My web site allows clients to book and pay directly our session. I also accept cash with session in person.
Languages: English, Italian

Time Zone: (GMT-06:00) Central America

Address: 821, Miamisburg Centerville Road, Centerville, Ohio, 45459, United States.


Consuelo Cassotti



~ Member Since 2015

In 2003 Consuelo moves from Italy to the USA, the constant research for her spiritual path becomes essential for her.

One year later, she becomes a Life Coach at The Coaches Training Institute, where she has fining tune how to listen and help people that are looking to better focus on their life path. Polarity Method gave her another perspective, be a Polarity's Certified and Educator helped her to put together all her knowledge and her intuitive information.

Karmic Release is a session she created, she became QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy), lev.2 Dedicated practitioner, Spontaneous Remission, and RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) practitioner so she can use a variety of tools for her clients.

Today, Consuelo as International Teacher and Intuitive Healer, and Author travels back and forth between Italy and the United States, combining her holistic teaching activities with her holistic sessions.

“I believe that everything we do must be done with honor, respect, and love”.

Consuelo's work is a unique and intuitive combination of various methods that she uses during her classes and her sessions. She helps energy shift, release emotional-trauma blocks from present life and past lives, and helps to download information necessary to understand better a personal path.

Teaching: Self-healing, Attract Abundance, Increase Self-Esteem and Intuition, Channelling your Spirit Guides, Spontaneous Remission

Sessions: Karmic Release, QHHT, Intuitive Coaching,  Forgiveness Process and RTT.

Karmic Release‚Ñ¢ session is a method that Consuelo has achieved after years of studying and experiencing. It is based on the extraction/synthesis of several holistic methods combined together. Part of this session is based on finding where traumas are hidden, it could be in other life times or this present life, and release them. She goes to the Akashic Record and work with multidimensional beings to facilitate the awareness and the healing.

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) session is created from Dolores Cannon, it is accomplished by simple visualisation and imagery techniques. The client will be taken to a deep level of relaxation and lead to see other life time and received the help he/she is seeking for.

Forgiveness Process,  is an unique way to remove the emotional memory of any trauma that affects your life in particular for a group or families who have been through a particular trauma. No need to share, it is a safe process.

Intuitive Coaching  is a session for anyone who is looking guidance and clarity through a coaching modality. In this case, Consuelo will spend some time with you listening and talking, with the purpose to help you to find useful tools inside of you, so you can be able to find solutions and understand more about yourself.

RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) delivers extraordinary, permanent change from physical, emotional, and psychological pain-trauma by reframing our are beliefs, value, habits and emotions hat are deep in the subconscious.




Bachelor degree in Political Science, Handwriting Analysis Psychology, Polarity Practitioner and Educator (RPP & RPE), Co-active life coach, Reiki and Karuna Master, Signature Cell, BodyTalk, QHHT level 2 and RTT.


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