David Manning

Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Available Hours: Appointments via Skype
Payment Options: PayPal
Languages: English

Address: , , London, England, , United Kingdom.


David Manning

~ Member Since 2017

Sessions with David will usually take place over Skype and last an hour. 

People debate exactly what David’s skillset is:  Storyteller? Sound healer? Shaman? The truth is, he’s all three. What nobody debates is that his energy work slices through your embodiment, cutting through limitations, like tumors under the knife of a world-class surgeon. As a psychic, he perceives the structure of stories in individual bodies and collective fields—structures like outmoded patterns, beliefs, and wounds. As a storyteller, he gives voice to them.  The sounds he produces touch deep into those structures, by-passing the intellect. And the result is their dramatic and rapid dissolution. David is a very special energetic technician whose skillset is unique. There is really no way to describe it. It is just something that has to be experienced. 




July 2023

Sounds too good to be true, I know..
Although I have worked with many healers for the last ten years and I have never experienced a more intuitive and precise experience like I did with David. Was like many burdens were immediately lifted. Brought me great peace.


Quantum Healing Practitioners Directory

August 2017

I've been working in and with energy and healers for more than 18 years. I have experienced many different kinds of sessions with many fine individuals but nothing quite prepared me for my one-on-one experience with David. As timing would have it only minutes before our appointment, I received the news that my precious cat Samson's organs were failing, he was severely dehydrated and that he was in a dire situation with an unknown cause. I was distraught and actually considered rescheduling with David, but I have learned that the Universe lines things up for good reason, so I kept our appointment and with me in tears, we connected.

David listened to me closely and with such compassion and understanding, not only about the cat and his situation, but about me and my life, of course. Then, with the very first sentence out of his mouth- which I believe was, "Let us now move into the space of love without condition," I began to release the grip of worry and upset that surrounded me- it just started to drain right out of me and it continued until it was just gone. Everything started to change. Immediately.

During the energy work, the waves and undulations going through me and my fields and my body were palpable and specific, and stronger than anything I had ever experienced from any other energy healer at any other point in my life. This surprised me, because I have experienced so very many sessions of all sorts, and I wasn't expecting it at all, but I welcomed it happily.

The energy and love available was so strong and deep, we sent some of it to Samson the cat- to be used for healing for him as well. and at the end of our time together I felt wonderful, filled with joy and an overwhelming sense of peace.

I was feeling strong and stable enough to visit my cat immediately thereafter. Samson was hiding and highly and aggressively reactive when I first sat down next to the vet kennel cage but within a handful of minutes, the new and lovely calm energy I was pulsating with seemed to settle him by a great degree. What utter joy to behold. Within minutes I was petting him- and he actually began to eat food. He had not eaten in days. Within half an hour I had (with expert instruction of course) removed his IV line and picked him up and placed him into his carrier and took him home. Miraculously, Samson recovered completely and almost immediately from the still unknown issue that nearly took his life. More so than even that, a long standing chronic problem with Samson's poor digestion and constant constipation vanished! He is healthier and happier now than in the entire year and a half he has lived in my home! He is THRIVING! I am overjoyed. I attribute a great part of this miraculous healing to my session with David.

Beyond all of that, which was wonderful enough as it is, the very next day I was facilitating my own Quantum Healing session with a local client. During the healing portion of that session, I realized suddenly, my own energy potential and access to healing was much more palpable and stronger than ever before! It felt familiar, it felt a bit like David's energy and Instantly, I felt and knew that my own session with David had activated something in me that allowed me to become a stronger and more effective healer for my own clients!

David is a rare and special human. He is honest, humble, compassionate, powerful, wise, and gentle and he's just plain nice to boot.

I could not recommend David Manning more highly. He is simply the best.
Candace Craw-Goldman

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