Deb & Rick Purcell

Office Phone: 904-254-1470
Consultation Type: Online
Available Hours: Available to clients worldwide
Payment Options: $cashap, paypal, Zelle
Languages: English

Address: 12136, West Rosewood Drive, El Mirage, Arizona, 85335, United States.


Deb & Rick Purcell

Heal Teach Love


~ Member Since 2019

Rick and I had no idea we were soul mates back in August of 1979 when met on a blind date.  We were not "awake" or even started our awakening until the last 5 years.   I was semi awake 11 years ago when I bought the book "the secret" and the video.  I used to drive Rick crazy asking him not to say anything negative.  I was constantly trying to find the spiritual truth.  I knew it wasn't organized religion or in the bible.  I found a great group of people who helped me immensely in my growth spiritually and with that growth Rick's and my gifts have opened up at an unbelievable rate lately.

Fast forward to the last 3 years.  Rick started seeing orbs, energies like moving water in our room, the bathroom, at work, faeries would fly and land on his hand, his angels appeared in human form, Archangels, then Jesus appeared standing next to him while he was brushing his teeth.   One night I was away with my sister and a very bright white light appeared.  Rick said he has never felt anything like it before.  He never wanted it to leave – there are no words for the feeling.  That was when my husband and Source (God) merged or connected energetically.  At the time my husband was on about 20 medications for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, a heart condition, among other age related illnesses.  He was completely healed from that moment.  And that was when he became a healer as well.   My husband has a permanent connection with Source (God) and a special guide  assigned by his Higher Self for this journey.  Rick's entire upper body is capable of healing and scanning for illness, past lives or  scan  a persons energy for attachments, thought forms, or if the person has a hidden agenda.  The information is then downloaded and channeled by me.  I document it as I channel it.  As the information is revealed to us the individual is being healed immediately.   We are only revealed past lives that are affecting this incarnation.  We can also do your pets and their past lives!   This was when our true calling was revealed to us.  We started to scan and heal people and their pets and reveal their past lives that are affecting this incarnation.  Eventually we had to build a website and a name for our spiritual work and that is how Heal, Teach, Love was created.  


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