
Office Phone: 480-498-0673
Consultation Type: Online,In Person
Languages: English

Address: 7410, West Topeka Drive, Glendale, Arizona, 85308, United States.

Debra Smith

White Wings Soul Healing

QHHT practitioner, Reiki Master

I am the Granddaughter of a water dowser and tea leaf reader. I have always believed that this is where I have inherited my abilities from. 

As a child I was a loner and spent a lot of time alone, or making friends with animals. I felt that I could communicate with them. During these years my twin sister and I sensed and saw many spirits, which at the time was more than a little scary.

I can remember as an adolescent, starring into a mirror, looking deeply into my own eyes, and wondering where I came from and why I was here.

When I was older I went to Sedona to feel the energy and to get a psychic reading. During this reading I was told that I was Starseed and that I had a difficult time living on this Earth because the place that I came from was pure love. During this reading I was also instructed to learn Reiki. After returning home I located a Reiki Master and became attuned in Reiki 1 and 2. I later became a Reiki Master.

Approximately 1 year later, I studied Massage Therapy and other modalities at RainStar University. While giving massages and other treatments at the student clinic, a woman came in and informed me that she was Marjorie from the book “Celestine Prophecy”. Marjorie trusted my intuition and asked me to use whatever healing modality I felt that she needed. I felt honored to have her trust and the opportunity to work on her. I knew that like the book teaches “there are no coincidences”.

After I completed Massage school I worked for myself, and for some well known spas in the Phoenix area. During this time I used Quantum Touch, Reflexology, Reiki and some Cranial Sacral, along with the Swedish Massage. I also gave my clients body treatments such as seaweed wraps, and salt scrubs.

Approximately 10 years later, I was guided to get a Bachelors degree in substance abuse counseling. At that time, I also attended Southwest Institute of Healing Arts to learn hypnosis. 

A few years later, while deciding on taking Delores Cannon's QHHT past life regression class my spirit guides yelled at me “Take the class”! I listened!

I feel that everything I have been guided to learn, and have personally experienced was to prepare me to heal souls by incorporating Reiki, hypnosis (including past life regressions & between lives exploration), along with many other healing modalities which assist me in healing the body, mind and ……….. soul.


Reiki Master QHHT level one practitionerAdvanced Graduate Massage Therapist




April 2019

This was my first time seeing a QHHT healer. Debra was so good, she has a very calming spirit which was able to put me at ease and give me an amazing experience. My issues were resolved and I was able to accomplish in a day which I was struggling with for years. Thank you Debra can’t wait to see you again!



September 2018

At first the contact with Debra was a little sketchy due to the fact that she has a job from Monday through Fridays. Saturday was the BIG day where I was to have my BQH session with her. Once we connected through the Zoom software I instantly felt in safe hands or rather 'home'. Debra has a loving, kind presence which immediately enticed me to trust her full heartedly. We went through a brief narration of highlights and lowlights of my life and then stepped into the hypnosis. I found it to be very easy slipping into the theta brain waves and off I went into the vastness of the multiverses. What a trip!!! WOW!!! It changed my life! This session allowed me to expand my viewpoints and stepping out of limiting believes plus so so much more. Thank you Debra for facilitating this wonderful miracle!

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