Dina Bernar

Health professional by occupation, healer by conviction

Office Phone: 416-556-2333
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email, phone
Languages: English, Czech, Slovak, Russian

Address: 61, Hawkedon Crescent, Toronto, Ontario, M9W 3L6, Canada.


Dina Bernar


Quantum Healer

~ Member Since 2010

Owner of Hypnohealer.ca,

Medical background in Medical Biochemistry, Histology & Pathology.

Former Registered Acupuncturist  and TCM Practitioner, Low  Laser Therapist, Therapeutic Touch Practitioner, Reflexologist, Aromatherapist, Reiki practitioner,.

Hypnotist, QHHT practitioner, Hypnohealer, Multidimensional healer, Past Life Regression Therapist, Wave Therapy Practitioner, Holographic Healer, DNM.

Providing Distant  Healing as well as healing via  Skype or messenger.

Practice 20 years in Allopathic  medicine, 30 years experience in Natural medicine.

Specialized in Breast cancer prevention and healing, chronic diseases, Hypnobirth, Phobias, Grief, Personal and professional performance problems.


Member of Canadian Association for Integrative and Energy Therapies
Former Registered Acupuncturist by College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
Certified in Advanced Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy by Dolores Cannon
Certified Hypnotherapist – Dr. Mike Mandel, University of Toronto
Doctorate in Natural Medicine accredited by Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners
Medical Background in Medical Biochemistry, Hematology, Histology & Pathology


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