Irina Nola

Death is inconvenient, but let it not ruin your day (Book of Emmanuel)

Office Phone: 504-473-3581
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Monday through Friday 2 pm - 2 am Central Time USA Locations : New Orleans or online
Payment Options: Cash preferred, PayPal for online sessions only
Languages: English, Russian

Time Zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Address: , , Jaco, Puntarenas Province, , Costa Rica.

Irina Nola

New Orleans Hypnosis

Hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist

~ Member Since 2012

I am a former clinical psychologist from Russia, a graduate of St.Petersburg State University. I moved to USA in 1990, and get certified in hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy. I am trained by Dr.Brian Weiss and Dolores Cannon (level 2 QHHT). I also attended Anne Jirsch future life progression training in UK and offer FLP as separate sessions or as a part of a PLR session. I had hundreds of clients in these modalities, and I also do traditional hypnotherapy for weight loss and other issues.

I offer PLR and QHHT sessions geared towards the healing of chronic illnesses, emotional issues, relationship problems, choice of career and study, creative inspiration, accessing past life abilities and skills. exploration of the Afterlife and communication with Spirit Guides, Council, Higher Self, and other benevolent higher dimensional beings.  I offer PLR/FLP sessions online and in person, QHHT – in person only.

I have been working with Twin Flames for the last 3 years, and cooperate with "10 of Cups Ministries" (Sonja Evans). I have a lot of posts on 'Quora" on Twin Flames and numerous Twin Flame Regression clients. I created an original modality 'Twin Flame Regression" allowing to explore the pre-birth existence of Twin Flames – as some of them do not have any past lives on physical worlds or planets together, so traditional PLR might not work for them. TFR includes exploration of past lives on Earth and other planets, the birth of souls, Akashic Records, future life progression and communication with Spirit Guides and healing past life carryovers.

I also have another unique modality, also based on past life regression, but with a unique approach to activating past life skills and talents. I call it 'Inspirational Regression" and these sessions are mostly geared to professional orientation, creativity, psychic development – bringing skills and positive character traits from past lives. These sessions can also include communication with Guides and future life progression, and healing any past life carryovers or limiting beliefs that are affecting your personal development. I have some of these sessions on Youtube.

I can do any session online via Zoom conferencing, except for QHHT, as Dolores Cannon did not want us to do QHHT online, and I respect her wishes. We can communicate with Higher Self and Guides and do healing in PLR sessions.


Hypnotherapy Academy of America , certified hypnotherapist
Dr.Brian Weiss professional training at Omega Institute, certified past life regression therapist
Anne Jirsch future life progression professional training, certified future life progression practitioner
Dolores Cannon QHHT Academy, level 2 certified QHHT practitioner
Karen E Wells “Between Lives Regression”
Leningrad (St. Petersburg) State University , Russia, department of psychology, degree equates to BA in psychology (5 year college)
Foundation of Shamanic Studies, workshops on shamanic journeying and healing ( I do not practice shamanism as a therapy method, but use some shamanic principles in hypnotherapy)
The Monroe Institute, ‘Gateway Voyage” (non-certification experiential workshop in multidimensional travel)


“Most Viewed Writer” on in Reincarnation, Past Lives, Past Life Regression, Soul, Twin Flames and Spirituality.


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