Valerie Reed

Office Phone: 760-510-6682
Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Varies depending on location.
Payment Options: PayPal, Major Credit Cards
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-10:00) Hawaii

Address: 207, East Pennsylvania Avenue, Escondido, California, 92025, United States.

Valerie Reed

Call or email Valerie for an appointment. For international calls, the country code for the United States is 1.

~ Member Since 2019

Client-centered, culturally competent, and process oriented describes the focus of my work. The services I offer utilize Introspective Hypnosis®, and other methods to help clients discover their inner strength, abilities and to foster beneficial thinking, feeling and to transmute undesirable habits and behavior patterns. 

I believe my role as hypnotherapist is to facilitate, guide and usher clients through the process of inter-personal discovery through hypnosis and forgiveness. I come from the perspective that healing is an ongoing process rather than a ‘one time event.’ The process of healing may be quick or long-term, whatever suits your journey.

My ‘intuitive voice’ has continually developed since childhood and guides my work. My experience teaching and mentoring, study of ATRs, energy healing and educational background combine to create a unique approach to healing, coaching and Introspective Hypnosis®.

Most of the time I’m in San Diego County, California and a few months each year in Pahoa, Hawaii. I offer sessions online. Please contact me to schedule an in-person or online appointment or to ask questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

The services I offer are:
Introspective Hypnosis (in-person and online) is a transformational hypnosis technique that facilitates healing and forgiveness. Clients may experience past, present or future lives, attachment release, conversations with higher self and spirit.

Assemblage Point Energy Balancing (in-person) is a method of energy clearing and balancing that aligns an individuals energy field through the energy vortex of the heart.

Life and/or Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring (in-person and online) focuses on behavior modification in an effort to discover and utilize each individual’s personal power and strength for self-development. NLP techniques may be incorporated into coaching/mentoring contingent on the client’s needs.

Divination/Intuitive Reading (online) is my intuitive reading of energy and Spirit surrounding an individual and may include messages/communications with loved ones or guides.

Custom Modality (in-person and online) incorporates multiple modalities depending on client’s needs. In collaboration with the client, techniques to choose from may include, Introspective Hypnosis, Assemblage Point Energy Balancing,, Life and/or Spiritual Coaching/Mentoring and Divination.

Certifications and Experience

  • Introspective Hypnosis® (certification 2019)
  •  Life Coach (certification 2016)
  • Healing Practitioner Apprenticeship (2018-2019)
  • Master Business Coach (certifications 2016)
  • Assemblage Point Energy Balancing (certification 2019-2020)
  • Universal Life Church Ordination Nondenominational (2009)
  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (certification 2017)
  • M.A. & B.A. Sociology – Advisor, Mentor, Instructor (1998 – present)





• Introspective Hypnosis® trained by Antonio Sangio (certification 2019)

• Assemblage Point Energy Balancing (certification 2019-2020
• Healing Practitioner Apprenticeship (2018-2019)
• Neuro-Linguistic Programming (certification 2017)
• Life Coach (certification 2016)
• Master Business Coach (certifications 2016)
• Universal Life Church Ordination Nondenominational (2009)

• Safer Cosmetics Educator and Natural Cosmetics Entrepreneur (2007 – present)

• M.A. & B.A. Sociology – Advisor, Mentor, Instructor (1998 – present)




October 2021

My hypnosis session brought clarity to issues I didn’t even know I had. And there was a greater understanding of the complexity to what I stated my focus was to be. Valerie provided a gentle guidance by being patient and holding that sacred space of silence when needed; she allowed for the surfacing of deep visions. When I replayed my video session, I felt like I had entered into an aspect of my subconscious that could not be accessed in dream time or talk therapy. It revealed my beliefs of myself with clarity. Thank you Valerie for opening that door for and with me with such compassion.


Amanda C

October 2021

I am a natural skeptic. I was referred to Valerie and was honestly skeptical. I felt very comfortable from the very beginning. Valerie provides a safe space to process trauma and heal. I struggle with trusting others, so it has been amazing to feel safe with her. She is non judgemental, really listens and brings to my attention different beliefs and behaviors. I have noticed increased awareness and self compassion. I have participated in a couple of sessions and its well worth it. I plan to continue working with Valerie. It's been healing to reframe life experiences and nurture my inner child. I have been in traditional CBT therapy for over 15 years and was hitting a wall. Valerie has been able to unlock deep sorrow, grief, pain, loneliness, anger and anxiety that was tucked away in my heart, soul and body. Overall, my health and wellbeing as improved and I look forward to continue on this journey. Valerie helps me feel safe, trust and non judgement which is a huge milestone for me. I am usually very guarded, skeptical and over rationalize therapy.



October 2021

Valerie Reed worked with me using NLP for driving anxiety. I've been afflicted with a general inability to drive with ease since 2016, and it's particularly acute on highways and bridges. Like, I just can't drive that way any longer. Valerie was great and while the anxiety is not gone, it has lessened since our work together began. She was attentive in understanding the problem and the various ways it occurs, is triggered, and is rooted in my own traumatic life experiences. Just answering her astute questions was helpful for me in identifying various roots of the issues. The hypnosis components were also particularly helpful. The way she used touch to anchor certain changes was helpful and I've used that same touch with myself (on an arm or hand) to quell anxiety - and it works! I look forward to further work with her on this issue, or perhaps others.


T. C.

October 2021

I reached out to Valerie to see if she can tap into my aunt's spirit and provide guidance on my questions. My aunt is in a vegetative state for the last two years and unable to communicate. I resonated with the messages Valerie received. It was helpful and insightful, and it brought upon a sense of peace.


D Ferreira

October 2021

I had a great session with Valerie. I have difficulties with hypnotherapy in general and Valerie customized the session and created an induction specially for me. She is very patient and kind and conducted the session in a very loving manner. Before the session we talked and she asked a lot of questions to be able work on my issues in a very informed way with great insights. She has many healing gifts and is very sensitive. I really appreciate the time and effort she put on to help me in the best way possible. I'm very grateful to her.



May 2020

Valerie is this wise, réally wise guide. I would call her allowing. She makes you feel right 'at home' so it is easy to open up. We had a lovely session where I went straight in to the 'Bardot', there where live ends and starts again and from that place I could channel some wisdom myself, loved it!



May 2020

My Introspective Hypnosis session with Valerie was wonderful! She's patient, attentive and puts so much love into what she does. She guided me through an amazing journey to a past life which led to peace within.



December 2019

Thanks so much!!!! It was extremely enlightening. Update: OMG! Since our session my memories have been coming up. Things I never even knew were connected and behaviors that I have done forever have meaning. Thanks for my session, my healing is coming. Update: Watching the video of my session seems unexplainable but it helped me remember parts I quickly forgot right after the session. This helped me reflect on the answers and find the meaning. This was the beginning of a deep dive for me. It’s just amazing what happens in sessions like these.



December 2019

I still don’t even feel that it’s completely real to me. I’m still trying to process it all. That I had 2 different attachments living within me who were so hurt but also just trying to protect me in some strange way. It was super deep... that crying was all real she (the attachment) was super scared. It was deep. You are helping people, releasing things that are hindering them and binding them. People are really amazed when I explain the session. I will be referring my friends to you!


Memories & Forgiveness

During this session I guide my client through childhood memories, a visit from Gramma, guidance on her life purpose and relief from feeling stuck in life,, and attachment release - a little boy goes home.

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