On line healing makes the world a small place


I am so excited to provide an online healing service, my journey has been amazing, letting go of my ego-mind restrictions and unveiling many gifts. 

My client base is of soul’s on their ascension path, questioning their life path, healers and high vibrational soul’s shifting and clearing their old paradigm.

I am a Multidimensional Energy and Sound Facilitator/ Healer, Pure Channeller, Trance,  Light Language channeller. A “Galactic Shaman”.

My Energy Healing facilitates high vibrational energies direct from Source, Channelled Higher Self, Multidimensional Self and Guides. I also heal in a Trance state and Psychic Surgery.

Sound healing is facilitated through my voice. Toning and light language.

Every healing is bespoke to the individual’s needs. My clientele is high vibrational souls on or is starting their ascension process. My purpose is to guide/ clear blocks/ recode/ release old programming and much more.

I work with my hands above the physical body and do not physically touch. My healing modality has changed and is always evolving, I never know what I am going to unveil, it is a beautiful experience for me to help you on your journey.

Releasing blocks, multidimensional and astral low frequencies. Once cleared to the degree available, I replace the void with high vibrational light. Light language is spoken and fire codes are transmitted throughout the healing.

The experience is surreal and sometimes you will need to integrate the experience into your new reality. The unpacking of this process is highly recommended. I am available to help you after your healing if you have any questions about your onward journey.

My healing is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get!

Signed Light Language codes/ fire codes activate DNA, within the energetic bodies. Creating a remembrance of your life’s purpose and an unveiling of your true nature and gifts.

Online Distant Healing on Zoom or FaceTime, is also available:

60 minutes £60

or discounted pre-paid three 60 minute sessions at £150

Distant Healing Note:

My modality has shifted: being able to facilitate your healing, at the same intensity, even if you are not in the room.

Again a surreal experience, my recent clients have had major shifts from the releasing of low-frequency timelines and integration of multidimensional aspects. My client base tends to be of healers and souls that are on their ascension journey, rather than of soul’s that may be stuck in the 3D paradigm. Please message me for further details.

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