Anthony Mowery

Strengthen and Maintain The Armor of God, Mind, Body, and Spirit, and we can heal from anything.

Office Phone: 865-236-8704
Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: 9AM - 5PM EST Monday - Friday Closed every Holiday and June 12th-21st
Payment Options: PayPal
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Address: 767, Puncheon Creek Road, Washburn, Tennessee, 37888, United States.


Anthony Mowery

Ropes and Wings

Soul Center Healing Hypnosis Practitioner

~ Member Since 2021

Soul Center Healing Hypnosis

My journey and path as healer started as a volunteer firefighter/EMT at a young age in small town Pennsylvania. I have continued that path for many years after graduating as a Paramedic in 1994. Since that time, I have taken every course I could get my hands on in rescue, public service, health and emergency medicine. I worked in a large city in Indiana for 20 years functioning in a heavy trauma system, during that time I held numerous jobs related to emergency medicine in Law Enforcement SWAT and Hazardous Devices, Disaster and Rescue Teams , Task Force and Teams Leader, Flight and Critical Care, Hyperbaric and Emergency Room. Although, I have assisted many people in a time of crisis over the years there was something important missing, something western medicine was failing at, which was healing and keeping people from reaching that point of crisis. Grant it, some of the trauma and disaster related crisis’s could not be avoided, and that’s where emergency medicine is beneficial, maybe the only time, but I realized this very early in my career. Health care has for hundreds of years been run by corporations and banks, the only thing they care about is making money and control, not in healing or curing dis-ease. It took my wife and I moving to a 250-acre ranch in Tennessee to realize more of what we are missing in the healing and strengthening of these earth suits to keep them out of crisis, and that is proper environment to heal. Closely followed by but maybe just as important as, is proper clean water and nutrition. So, we started working towards developing the ranch to take care of those needs. It wasn’t till about the end of 2019 that I had another big revelation, because of the planned crisis by the systems who only care about money and control that I realized that all our dis-ease and health problems are more metaphysical in nature. I realized that building up and strengthening our own armor of God we could heal and cure every dis-ease and problematic issue caused to these earth suits. Western medicine attempts to treat the body as a mechanical system by giving poisons to kill or eliminating the ailing beneficial parts, but in fact our earth suit is more like an electrical system and antenna if you will. By taking care of our electrical system and opening the flow of energy we can optimize our bodies to completely heal themselves by clearing blockages and traumas from the triad of mind, body, and spirit. This realization has started us on an expanded path with the ranch to create a healing and rejuvenation center which might take a little time to build, but we will get there. By studying and the use of various healing modalities like Beyond Quantum Healing, Soul Center Healing Hypnosis, plant medicine, and the use of frequency we can assist our bodies into an environment in which it can heal itself from every dis-ease. Thus, improving the flow of energy, a vital component of the spark that created us all. You’re welcome to join us on our new path of healing, and I hope that we can help you on that journey. Much love for all -Anthony Mowery What is Soul Center Healing Hypnosis? ‘Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H ®)’ was created by Laura Whitworth a soul centered modality combining Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing techniques that can do everything and fill in the blanks left by other popular Past Life Regression Techniques, which also works well in the online space. As Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioners we encounter many situations that are not covered in many popular Past Life Regression Techniques. Clients can have Trauma from this lifetime that needs some work before progressing into past/parallel or multi-dimensional life discovery. Or Clients might have Entity or Energetic attachments that might have made their way in from fractures or cracks in our Aura due to emotional or physical trauma at some point in our lives. These attachments in most cases do not allow the Client to progress successfully into the Theta Brainwave state of deep meditation. Clients need these Entity and Energy attachments removed, their Chakras re-built and their Aura re-sealed before we are able to progress further with the healing session. Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H.) Technique ensures that any Traumas and Entities are dealt with and any Energetic Adjustments are made prior to us embarking on the Past Life discovery or the Higher Self Questions. What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis and How can it benefit me? Stage hypnosis has given hypnosis a bad wrap, you will not quack like a duck, hop around on one foot or do anything for that matter that you don’t choose to do. Healing hypnosis is a deep meditative state similar to a daydream, in which we relax the mind, body, and allow your own internal answers to come forth. We all do this numerous times a day, but most of us can’t relax enough being in constant flight or fight mode scurrying about our day, not allowing us to listen to your own inner guidance. We enter into the Alpha Brainwave State as we are performing mundane tasks that do not require thought and lower alpha when you are relaxing down to go to sleep. The Theta Brainwave State is a deeper state that all of us are in at least twice a day. Once, just before you fall asleep at night, and just as you wake up in the morning. When you are in the Theta State that is where the best internal guidance, answers, and healing can occur, if we can remember how or relearn with the assistance of a facilitator to tune into it. After just one session, for some maybe more, you will be able to get into that relaxed state with ease and be able to self-heal or tap into your own internal guidance for answers.

Though the use of the combined hypnosis techniques and the use of Solfeggio Frequency Tuning we will be able to assist you to rebalance, reconnect, and protect your energy centers for an all-encompassing session for your continued journey of self-healing.

Sessions includes the following:

Pre-Session Chat (1 Hour)

The first Hour involves talking through the Client Paperwork and discussing the Clients requirements and hopes for the session.

Hypnosis (2.5 Hours) – Progressive Relaxation

We begin by progressively relaxing the body so the Client is able to successfully enter the Theta Brainwave state.

Hypnosis – Relaxation Of The Mind

We then relax the Mind so the Client drifts beautifully in to the Theta State

Entity Release and Energetic Body Rebuild/Trauma Release

We will then check for any Entities or Energy attachments to remove them with the assistance of the Archangels and healing teams. If the Chakra’s have been impacted by the Entity that has been attached over time, we will rebuild the Chakras with Archangels, Healing teams, and Frequency to ensure that the Clients Aura is resealed so no new Entities can reattach. If the Client has any suppressed Trauma that needs to be worked through before we go into a Past Life discovery then this will be done here.

Past Life Regression/Multi-Dimensional Soul Travel

We will then regress the Client into a Past Life or another part of the Clients Multi-Dimensional Self. The Higher Self will naturally guide the Client to the most pertinent lifetime that the Client needs to see in order to give Clarity in the present lifetime. Higher Self questions and Healing Once the Past Life discovery is complete, we will then bring forth the Clients Higher Self in order to ask their questions and provide any healing that the Higher Self deems necessary.

 *The session online is 4.0 hrs. You must have a virtual headset with a mouthpiece microphone (no ear buds allowed), a fast stable internet connection, and a quiet private room. This online session is conducted via Zoom.


Paramedic since 1994 retired in 2023
Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis
Soul Center Healing Hypnosis
Energy Vitality Frequency Tuning



Robert Robert

August 2024

Super important step on my journey and I intuitively choosed the best one for it. Tony is very skilled in this area. I can only recommend him to everyone!


Sanja Robic

April 2024

On April 9, 2024 I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Anthony Mowery, a superb Soul Center Healing Hypnosis practitioner.
I was impressed with every aspect of working with him.
To me, he was flawless.
His communication was excellent from the very beginning to the end.
As soon as I signed up for a session with him he replied with a warm welcoming message with detailed instructions that were most helpful.
After I filled out the form he immediately confirmed that he had received it.
The session started and ended on time which is very convenient and most appreciated.
Before my session, I didn't know if I would be able to do it but Anthony led me through the process gently, patiently, confidently and skillfully.
During my session Anthony was very calm, kind, compassionate and competent.
He handled every situation skillfully as if he has been training for this his entire life.
His love, kindness, serenity, generosity and high vibrations are spectacular.


Wendy Tascione

April 2024

Wow! Was my first thought after finishing my healing hypnosis with Anthony. I learned so much about our reality and at the same time released small entities that were causing me aches and pains. They are no longer in my back. Anthony was great at guiding me thru self healing and speaking with my higher soul which was an awesome experience ! Everyone needs a few sessions to heal trauma or understand their life. I think its better than western medicine! Thank you Mr. Maury this was priceless!


David David

April 2024

I have to admit to having a little trepidation going into this session but Tony's experience shone through it all...This truly was the first time going under and didn't really know what to expect but I relaxed into it and allowed it to unfold...afterward I felt a big change and learned and confirmed much about myself through this truly must try this to find out that it does work and all one need do is give yourself permission to Be...Thank you Tony!



March 2024

wonderful session. Very compassionate, thorough and patient. Would definitely recommend him when it comes to dislodging negative entities.


Wes Lavigne

February 2024

We had a great session, so much work done in our time together, Tony is kind professional, organized and a talented healer who has a wealth of information.


Bailey Croyle

February 2024

I noticed such a dramatic shift in my husbands way of being immediately after his session with Ropes and Wings that I knew my turn had to come soon, and yesterday, it did! Wow! Tony is meant for this work. He guided me through my session with ease and we experienced an amazing journey. Some symptoms disappeared immediately (the numbness in my right arm for example) even before the session had concluded, and others took me until this morning to notice the shift. After an amazing night of sleep, I feel so much lighter. People were asking me why I was smiling so much at work today and I flowed through the day with grace. Thank you! I’ll be back for sure!


Kayla MacDonald

February 2024

Tony is an incredible practitioner and guide. He is so devoted to his work and it truly shows. I had an amazing session with him that has resulted in a life times worth of healing. I feel like a new person. I will definitely be booking with him again. I highly recommend him!


: Song: Despins.

December 2023

Anthony took me on an adventure that I was not expecting. We found the God/Source! We were given instructions on how to promote healing in others. He is wonderful to work with. So much love for him! I am very happy that he switched careers.


Anaisha Garmes

November 2023

I'm beyond grateful for taking a session with Anthony. He patiently guided me through a healing journey which made me realize how much transgenerational karma i was holding onto, this session helped me release it and also helped heal my entire family. Anthony is very experienced and professional and with the help of the archangels, he's able to protect your journey and help you release any unwanted baggage from a very compassionate place. From the moment the session ended I've been feeling awesome and with so much hope and I will be forever grateful for that.


Magnus Ericsson

November 2023

It is seldom one meet someone who are so compassionate, kind and willing to help as Tony.
I can definitely recommend Tony to anyone who wants help with their physical, mental or emotional health of any kind!



Valerie Rose

October 2023

Tony is an experienced practitioner who conducted my session with confidence and compassion. He is a very caring person who truly wants to help others. I felt safe and comfortable working with him in what some might consider a vulnerable situation. Never at any time did I experience fear or doubt. He guided me through the removal of several entities that were feeding on my energy. When the clearing was complete we were able to answer all of my questions. If you are drawn to Tony and his work I highly recommend him! May your healing journey commence!


M.N. Hopkins

September 2023

I recently had a session with Tony and was very satisfied with the results. It was a powerful healing session and I can see the results in my body, emotions and mind. It was a very intense experience and opened me up to a calmness I have not experienced in some time as well as an increase in my energy level. It was a good investment in my future and I can without hesitation recommend his services.



July 2023

My session with Anthony was absolutely amazing. I was able to remove so much baggage that was blocking me, a hugh weight gone. It was one of the best things I have done for myself ever. He was so patient and kind. He walked me thru the process perfectly and I felt so good after.



July 2023

I have so much gratitude and thanks to Tony for helping me to help some spirits that were lost and attached to me. I have had one session with Tony and during our session I felt many spiritual and physical sensations over my body and I was quite apprehensive at first at very nervous but I felt conscious the whole time and Tony did a fantastic job of reassuring me and guiding me and the spirits towards a better future. We still have some work to do as I’m going through a lot and so I have booked another session within 24 hours as I feel that Tony’s help is really beneficial to me. Thanks so much once again Tony and I look forward to our next session. Big love. Sam


Jodi Amanda

June 2023

After having this session, I realize how powerful it is just to be witnessed by someone on a soul level. That in and of itself is amazing, but then to have someone with the knowledge and expertise that Tony has, identify, communicate with, and help lost souls transition to the light, or transmute negative entities ... that is just an incredible experience. It is obvious that Tony has the most benevolent of intentions in his work and is truly guided by angelic frequencies. I love how he helped me to connect with my galactic guides/higher self as well. That really boosted my confidence in understanding who they are and how to distinguish their voice in my mind. I'm excited to continue to unpack all of the beautiful nuggets of gold that came through and integrate this into my life! Thank you so much, Tony!


Angela W.

May 2023

I have had two sessions with Tony. He is quite conscientious and thorough with his work process to help you have the best session experience. It is clear that he is fully committed to the work as he is so detail oriented and responsive in all aspects of the session. The tone of his voice is soothing which I feel aids in that most important element to this type of work--to get into that relaxed alpha brain wave state in order to connect to higher self. I rate Tony 5 stars in all areas. He is fantastic. I highly recommend Tony for this type of personal self discovery and journey work.



May 2023

This was one of the best healing sessions I’ve ever had! Tony was awesome, the perfect facilitator for my healing journey. I feel so much lighter and connected to my present moment than ever before. Pain that I’ve had for years is now gone, my self confidence is coming back, I’m able to be calm i situations where I would normally get angry. Just life changing on so many levels! So much gratitude and love to Tony from the bottom of my heart! Thank you❤️



April 2023

I had a wonderful healing experience with Anthony. He cleared many attachments. I felt lighter, perhaps a little spacey afterwards but in a good way. Would definitely recommend Anthony, he is a lovely spiritual warrior ❤️????


Lety S.

March 2023

If you are unsure about booking a Quantum soul healing with Tony and procrastinate like me, I recommend that you just do it. I had a wonderful session with Tony. I felt comfortable talking to him as he is easy to talk to. I most definitely feel different after the session. It’s like this heavy sad feelings were  lifted and taken away from my body. I feel now vibrant and have this happy feeling. I am glad that I finally booked a session and know in my heart that i will continue to book more sessions with Tony as this is a new and exciting phase for me. 
I thank you Tony for the wonderful session. 



March 2023

I have heard of many healing modalities but was most drawn to this. After the session, I definitely felt much lighter and could observe improvements in my problems. If you feel drawn towards experiencing this in your healing journey, it may take some courage - however, it is worth an experience. Tony was very kind and patient throughout the session. He listens without judgement and makes you comfortable. Once again, thank you, Tony. :)



March 2023

I had an amazing session with Tony. He helped me feel so relaxed before & during the session. He cleared so many things that were blocking my energy & holding me back. I gained so much insight & understanding of how this was connected to limitations in my life. I feel motivated to move forward with a new life purpose.



February 2023

I can't recommend enough a healing session with Anthony. He makes you feel at ease and works his magic with divine helpers. I feel a noticable difference since attachments were removed. Lighter,happier and calmer. If you're thinking about this type of healing my suggestion is to just do it. You won't be sorry.


Brenda Rivera

February 2023

What an amazing soul Tony is- I had prayed for guidance and for a higher level of healing and Divine Source placed Tony on my path. I was nervous about my session since I have never tried hypnosis before but Tony made me feel so comfortable; it felt like talking to my best friend. In the first hour he gets to listen to you- like REALLY listen in a way that you are seen without judgments. He then goes over your paper work to make sure you are both clear on the things you want to work on, and that nothing important for you is being left behind. Tony also walks you through the process and what to expect during your hypnosis stages all while transmitting so much love and compassion through his presence and his voice. My journey was one of so much healing and transmutation of energies. The messages from higher self were very precious. The clearings of dark energies were very real and revealing. Some things were AMAZINGLY surprising, unexpected, and life altering. Overall, this was an exceptional experience. Next day I felt so energized, vibrant and alive. I look forward to more sessions in the near future. Thank you Tony!


Rosek Mary

February 2023

It was a great time with Anthony and I am glad to get some of that out of my head. it’s a learning process, and I have just begun and I am glad I am doing this. It takes great courage to begin this journey and I’m glad I have decided to start. Tony has an awesome voice and easy to talk with about anything . I would strongly recommend him to everyone I know for this healing process. Thanks a bunch and I already signed up for my next one too.


Michelle L.

December 2022

The hypnosis session was excellent & helped me identify AND address/remove the blocks that I had. Even with a hiccup in the technology Tony was generous to help me work through the tech speedbumps. I look forward to booking another session with Tony very soon!



December 2022

An amazing session with Tony. I felt really relaxed with him, he is incredibly down to earth and easy to talk to. The session went by in a flash and brought up some incredible information. It cleared attachments I never knew I had. I would recommend Tony to anyone it's definitely something everyone should try at least once. It truly opened my eyes.



December 2022

I have tried other healing modalities in the past, with little to no results. I often left feeling frustrated and hopeless after these experiences. Tony is different because you're not interacting with his ego. He is truly someone invested in helping humanity heal and tailors his approach to each client. What better guide to have on your healing journey? I feel lighter and have slept better than I have in a long time. If you're on the fence about booking a session, I would highly recommend you give it a shot.


Viki A

December 2022

After 30 years of thinking about it, and finding someone I resonated with, I decided to take the first step in what I like to think is the beginning of my own restorative journey by trying Hypnosis. I found Anthony to be someone I felt comfortable with and after researching, knew he was someone I would definitely give it a try. He is a straight talker and makes all that he does clear and ensures you understand ahead of him initiating therapy. I chose to go to him at a moment in my life where I found myself needing more guidance and in the line of business I am in I needed to clear anything that was obstructing my path to reaching people. He did a great job trying to understand what I wanted from our time together. I am sure that Anthony could help anyone who is open to giving it a go.



November 2022

Now is the time to do the inner work and Tony is the man to assist you on your healing journey! If you have any doubts, Tony will set you at ease the moment you meet. The experience itself is life changing.


Deborah H

November 2022

Many things were looked at in prior lives that all seemed to say its time to let go. After the session I felt so light and grateful. Even my stomach issues have lessened. I also got a call from my gallery to bring in 6 of my new pieces after waiting for a week to hear from them. I do believe that this is also a great way to work with loved ones that are not available in real time. Healing can happen on other levels and blessings can be possible as well. Anthony was kind and gentle and helped me to go as deep as my soul would allow. Thank you again.


Cindy Peever

November 2022

Anthony guided me through an amazing journey of discovery and healing. We discovered hidden damaged aspects of the physical mental emotional spiritual realms. Just connecting with Tony was exhilarating and cleansing before we even started. He is guided, gifted, protected and welcomes you into a safe space for your inner wisdom and higher self to come forth and speak the truth.


Chelsea C

October 2022

I had a great experience with Anthony Mowery in my soul healing session. Little did I know that I had entities in my energy field. The hypnosis process took a couple hours but Anthony made me feel comfortable through the whole process. He was kind and compassionate and he helped me through removing 4 entities and I got several questions answered from my higher self. I highly recommend his soul center healing process. Thank you so much!



October 2022

Tony is truly amazing. I felt very comfortable through the whole session. The whole experience was very healing. There are really no words to express how deeply healing and amazing this was. JUST DO IT!!



October 2022

Tony is our Angelic brother healing us and activating us to continue our journey in this realm so we can help others and each other.My session was amazing, I can't stop smiling,Tony helped my physical pain by understanding why it was there , we can all be so vulnerable in this realm, with Tony's help I now have the knowledge to armour up and protect myself from further pain.I highly recommend this experience with Tony he is a beautiful soul and knows what he is doing and he is doing it very well . loving gratitude



October 2022

I cannot speak more highly of Anthony as a person and practitioner. My session was simply life changing! His abilities allowed me to free myself from decades of negative messages, body pain and anxiety. I feel like I have been reborn. Everything is within reach moving forward.

I would recommend everyone to book a session. You will not be disappointed.

After my session I immediately felt like Anthony was a very trusted and dear friend. I feel blessed to have him in my life! The words "Thank You" don't even remotely seem to cover the gratitude I feel. I can't wait to discover the next part of my life.


Jules Picton

September 2022

Thank you, Tony, for an amazing session last week. You immediately put me at ease, I felt like I've never not known you. Your calm demeanour, sense of humour and your " I'm up for it " approach, made the session seem effortless. I knew I was in good hands which is of high importance when it comes to relaxation and hypnosis. Throughout the week following my session, I have had amazing clarity, like a filthy window has been cleaned and I can see clearly once again, after a very long time. There is an internal sense of peace that I haven't experienced in so, so long and with that peace comes all the good stuff, like spiritual downloads, energetic upgrades, better sleep, diet change, weight is dropping off, intuition is on point, just to name of few things. I highly recommend this experience to everyone, at least once in their lifetime.


Cheri W.

September 2022

Anthony is a very skilled, loving practitioner.
My session resulted in such a feeling of freedom & so filled with light that I feel I can fly!

Positive Outcomes:
-My body lifts forward on tiptoe like I'm ready to fly!
-Peace & quiet: all the chatter, suggestions, anger & sadness that I constantly felt is gone.
-Pain no longer present:
Behind my eyes, left shoulder, left ovary, left foot, lower back, right leg.
-left foot fungus disappearing.
- very light menstrual flow as opposed to usual heavy one.
- overall feeling of happiness.



August 2022

I wasn't sure what to expect from the session but wow, AMAZING. Tony is so patient, calming and expert at what he does. I learned a huge amount about myself in a very comfortable environment. When I integrated this information it led to important realisations for moving forward in my life. I have so much gratitude for Tony's unique facilitation in this process.


liliana Atehortua

August 2022

Tony is the best, he cares and do more than his best to help you



July 2022

I was first very impressed how professional and serious Tony was about his craft. He is very kind and thoughtful soul- no surprise he was involved in saving lives as an EMP. I have never been through an experience like this yet knew and believe the results would be worth it. I was not let down. Tony has clearly excelerated in his new skills but more importantly, he's intuitive. Thus skill helped him guide me into deeper recesses of my previous lifes (simultaneous). I would highly recommend Tony. Aa i told him in a follow-up conversation, I felt an immediate weight lift and weeks later have enjoyed incredible synchronizes and life changing events occur. I just took that one step of signing up with a session wiith Tony and the rest has been amazing floooow. No regrets!
Much gratitude my friend.



July 2022

My first time experiencing this type of healing session. It was mind blowing! Anthony was very thorough to go over the client form questions to make sure that he would cover everything on it during our session. I wear hearing aids and I was very anxious about being able to hear him during the session. He spoke clearly and slowly to make sure I could understand what he was saying. He was very patient and re assuring with me. I learned many things during my session and removed many attachments as well. My higher self and I helped an Army Regimen I was a Captain of who died on the battlefield during WWII to go into the light. They had been stuck since WWII. I also helped a male (me) during Medieval times to cross over as well. This experience was incredible. I highly recommend Anthony to anyone who wants to address things in their life that might be holding them back. Thank you Anthony for helping me to learn so much while healing many traumas. God bless you and your journey to help others to heal their wounds.


Deborah Kares

July 2022

Thank you Tony for your beautiful and amazing SCHH session on June 28, and facilitating my feeling so fantastic afterwards.

I felt very comfortable in the virtual space you created, enabling me to relax and release the monkey mind. Your calm, steady, grounded voice was easy to focus on as if you were sitting right next to me.

The pain in the left thumb joints had significantly subsided in the post session wrap-up. And It is now completely gone and I have full movement of my thumb back again. This is awesome! I know I did the healing, but your calling in the "big guns" to assist me was appreciated!!!
I slept very well that evening and the following morning I felt so energized that I wanted to run down the sidewalk on my way to work.
For the next three days my inner and outer worlds became brighter and lighter. Feelings of joy, deep inner happiness flooded through me when I walked about my neighborhood under the canopy of trees. The birds' songs are louder, the flowers' colours' more intense. I felt excited like I had been let in on a grand secret that was always in plain sight.
The chakra balancing expanded and opened my heart centre, aligned my inner self for tapping in, tuning in, turning on to my outer world.
The past life regression with my maternal Grandmother Stella, confirmed a similar past life that I had dowsed. The constant preoccupation of beautiful nostalgic childhood memories with her for the past 12 months have now stopped. A completion of that lifetime in this one was achieved.
I am still processing the other two parallel lives; being a gateway or portal for people to travel through somewhere on the coast in the Mediterranean, and a male Pleiadean who comes to the New Earth to monitor the progress of this large realm of new communities. The denseness of the green and blue landscape I saw makes me wonder if it is located beyond the Antarctic ice wall that surrounds us. More to explore in the future.
The following lines from the Desiderata Poem have been running through my mind like an earworm these past few weeks.
...You are a child of the Universe
No less than the trees and stars
And you have a right to be here
and whether or not it is clear to you
no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should...

I now feel I truly am a child of the Universe with knowing how healing is done on the quantum level.

I highly recommend a SCHH session with Tony to heal, release, remember, discover and level up your heart, mind, soul and body in order to carry out the important work we are being called to do at this time.
Love and light,
Deborah Kares


Nina Stegelmann

July 2022

I've had a very powerful session with Tony. We did a lot of clearing and I got all my questions answered. I had a pain in my chest, we got clarity in the session about the origin and we removed it, and it is gone and hasn't come back since. The days after the session people kept telling me how amazing I looked, and I must say, I could definitely see a change looking in the mirror myself. I just feel amazing. When you feel amazing from the inside, it shines outward. We cleared all attachments and strengthened my energy centres and I have so much clarity now and feel extremely strong on an energetic level. Don't hesitate to work with Tony, love his energy and the way he conducted the session, very special!



June 2022

I recently had a session with Tony. The only word I can use is EPIC! Despite many 'interferences' such as a power cut and constant internet disruptions, Tony displayed extreme patience and dedication. His capacity to hold space and communicate knows no bounds. HIs kindness and capacity to relate was present throughout. I felt a lot of release after the session. In the days that followed I was exhausted but now it's been almost a week, I can reflect and acknowledge much anger / angst release. By revisiting the recording of the session I realised the vast journey that had been travelled! I can only recommend Tony highly for this type of session!



June 2022

I had an SCHH session with Tony. He is kind, non-judgmental, and a great facilitator. He created a safe space for me to experience my session. I had A LOT of stuff clear and open in my body. The tightness left my entire body, I have renewed energy now that my life force can flow much more freely. I highly recommend having a session with him.


TM, Quantum Healer

June 2022

Thank you so much Tony for taking me through an amazingly transformative journey. The moment we connected I felt I could trust this guy and I am safe. This has allowed me to fully surrender the process in the SCHH session, which was totally mind-blowing. You fought this battle with total confidence and true power. Also, thank you for being there to answer all my questions and for guiding me through the integration process after the session. With deepest gratitude TM



April 2022

My session with Tony was unbelievably healing. He guided me through the session with compassion, and understanding while making me feel like I was safe and protected to explore whatever came through. I had so many things revealed to me that I wasn't even consciously aware of which needed to be released. With Tony's guidance I was able to completely clear it. Pain that was stored in my body for a decade has disappeared! Knee, back and shoulder pain, GONE! Even the little itchy spot on the back of my neck disappeared overnight! If you are considering a session, do yourself a favor, sign up with Tony today and allow yourself  to be free of life's baggage and allow yourself to finally heal. 


Ian robinson

April 2022

I recently had a beautiful healing SCHH session with Tony. The session was so amazing, I had such clear visions and experiences which took me to so many life times.

My journey exposed so much of inner knowing, of where I’ve been, done and why I’m here. I felt totally safe and calm as Tony guided me and helped through the hypnosis into such a wonderful deep place.

I felt and still feel amazing, plus I slept so well that night. Thank you so much brother! Amazing!! ????❤️


Deborah Anderson

April 2022

I would like to provide this testimonial to Tony for the incredible session he provided me using SCHH. I am a BQH practitioner and Energy Healer and I am able to see how skilled healer Tony is. He did an incredible job of listening to me and providing support while being professional and kind. He was able to deeply relax me so I was able to connect with my Higher Self. I was initially anxious about finding out and releasing any entities or attachments but Tony expertly assisted to find what needed to be released and facilitated this so well. Since my session, I have found my energy to have shifted and changes in myself that are positive and getting better daily. I would not hesitate to recommend Tony to others who need healing on a profound level. Tony is truly a remarkable healer and many will benefit from his skills. I am truly grateful.


michael adamo

April 2022

At first I thought I made the entire thing up until the next day, when I realized my sugar cravings were gone, the sharp pains in both of my arms were gone, and certain annoying response-triggers were also gone. I found Anthony's communication and responsiveness to be sharp and coherent. His expertise are based on real life experience and a willingness to continually expand on his knowledge. And most importantly, the results were real and tangible. I would recommend anyone for a session with Anthony. It will be a life-changing experience you will not regret.


Dody Lea

April 2022

Tony conducted an SCHH session on me in a very professional manner, with so much care, love and compassion. He not only released entities from my energetic body, he conducted a full chakra re-build and aura seal. After the session, I felt amazing! The following morning, I woke up feeling so much lighter and energized. I think everyone should have at least one SCHH session in this lifetime.



April 2022

I had a schh session with Anthony, and it was just amazing. Anthony is not only proffessional , but also very compassionate and full of love. I would highly recommend him.



April 2022

If you consider to have a session and are looking for someone you can truly trust I can totally recommend Anthony! He absolutely believes in free will, and he is 100% dedicated to helping you. The day after the session I felt light like a feather in the wind. Since then I've started smiling and never stopped. He is an incredible practitioner. Who would have thought that just one session can be a life-changing experience.


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