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429 Search Results for

Beatrize Tao

Beatrize Tao

For a session please email or call

United States

Tasha Henry Kerr

Tasha Henry Kerr

United States

Biba Logan

Biba Logan is a Multidimensional Hypnotherapist


Coralie Roederer

Coralie Roederer

Lyrius Conseil - EI - SIRET - 91800993700015


Alexis Butts

Alexis Butts

Observers Within - Experience your Multidimensionality

United States

Tarynn Myers

Tarynn Myers

Tarynn Myers Wellness

United States

Lisa Moran

Lisa Moran

Moran Hypnosis

United States

Saana Kuosa

Spiritbird by Saana

Spiritbird by Saana


Julia Nord

Julia Nord

United States


Kristina Tutic

MindSync Hypnotherapy


Christine Kooper

Christine Kooper

Quantum Healing with Christine Kooper / Soul Connections

United States

Barbara Becker

Barbara Becker

Barbara Becker Healing, LLC

United States



365 Reflexões


Ken Norton

Ken Norton

Radical Healer


Aura Ruxandra Moldovan

Aura Ruxandra Moldovan

Aura Youniverse


Claire Campbell

Claire Campbell

BQH with Claire


Sarah Webb

Sarah Webb

Sarah Webb BQH

United States

Mathew Tommy

Mathew Tommy


Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is a holistic healing modality that combines various spiritual, metaphysical, and hypnosis techniques to facilitate healing and self-discovery. BQH practitioners use a combination of regression therapy, guided imagery, and intuition to help individuals explore their subconscious mind, access higher states of consciousness, and promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. A Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner typically guides clients into a relaxed state, often similar to a hypnotic trance, where they can access their subconscious mind and explore past experiences, memories, or even connect with higher wisdom. This process may involve going beyond the boundaries of conventional quantum physics concepts, exploring multidimensional aspects of existence, and tapping into the client's own inner guidance or higher self. BQH practitioners are not restricted by a specific belief system or framework, allowing them to tailor the experience to the individual's unique needs. Sessions may involve exploring past lives, connecting with spiritual guides, addressing unresolved emotions, or gaining insights into current life challenges. Here are some ways in which a Beyond Quantum Healing practitioner may help:
  1. Healing Trauma: BQH can be used to explore and heal past traumas, whether from the current life or past lives, by addressing unresolved emotions and releasing negative energy associated with those experiences.
  2. Self-Discovery: Clients often gain profound insights into their life purpose, relationships, and personal challenges. BQH sessions can provide a deeper understanding of one's spiritual journey and the lessons to be learned.
  3. Physical Healing: Some practitioners and clients believe that exploring the metaphysical aspects of health can lead to physical healing. This may involve addressing energetic blockages or gaining insights into the root causes of health issues.
  4. Spiritual Connection: BQH sessions can facilitate a deeper connection with one's higher self, spiritual guides, or other non-physical entities. This connection can offer guidance, wisdom, and a sense of purpose.
  5. Release Limiting Beliefs: BQH can help individuals identify and release limiting beliefs that may be holding them back in various areas of life, allowing for personal growth and empowerment.
It's important to note that the effectiveness of Beyond Quantum Healing, like many alternative healing modalities, can vary from person to person. The experience is often deeply personal and may be seen as a complement to traditional forms of healing. If you are considering a BQH session, it's advisable to research and choose a practitioner with whom you feel comfortable and aligned.
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