Beverly Olivares

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” – Maya Angelou

Office Phone: Calgary, AB
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Monday - Thursday - 10am-4pm Some evening bookings are available upon request. Contact for booking arrangements.
Payment Options: Stripe, Oline, Visa
Languages: English, Portuguese

Time Zone: Mountain Time

Address: Calgary, Alberta, Canada.


Beverly Olivares

Beyond Our Realms Healing

Owner & Facilitator

~ Member Since 2021

Welcome to my corner of the cosmos! I’m Beverly Olivares, and I’m here to illuminate your path with the magic of metaphysical practices and divine wisdom.

Dedicated to the empowerment of women, I merge intuition, wisdom, and healing modalities to guide you toward your highest potential.

With unwavering confidence and a heart full of gratitude, I stand ready to accompany you on your journey. As a lightworker, I’m committed to creating a space where manifestation, abundance, love, and surrender flourish.

Your presence in this shared journey is a gift, and I cherish the opportunity to be part of your soul’s evolution.

Inside you lies a radiant light and boundless beauty. I eagerly anticipate the magic of our connection.

With love and light,

Modalities that I am certified in and work with:

Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy

1:1 Mentorship ~ Radiant Soul Awakening

Akashic Records

Oracle Guidance

Energy Healing: Holy Fire Reiki, Violet Flame, Metatron

Shamanic Healing: Ancestral Clearing, Soul Retrieval 

Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT – Tapping 

Arcturian System Healing

Sound Healing Therapy 



  • Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) Hypnotherapy Practitioner®™
    Certification by Candace Craw-Goldman
  • Shamanic Healing Practitioner®
    Certification with The Light of Healing Energy Healing School.
  • Akashic Records Healer Practitioner®
    Certification Accredited by Linda Howe and The Light of Healing Energy Healing School.
  • Sound Healing Practitioner®™
    Certification Accredited by Vickie Gould International, Life Changing Energy ~ Endorsed by The Complementary Medical Association
  • Usui I & II/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master
    Accredited by The International Center for Reiki Training
    Certification by Goddess Temple of The Healing Arts/ Sam Baldwin
  • EFT Practitioner®™ (Emotional Freedom Technique)
    Certification Accredited by Center for EFT Studies Endorsed by Association of EFT Professionals (AEFTP)
  • Higher Priestess Practitioner ®™
    Certification Accredited by Ancient Aspirations/Velva Dawn Silver
  • Violet Flame Practitioner®
    Certification with The Light of Healing Energy Healing School.
  • Metatron Healing Practitioner®
    Certification with The Light of Healing Energy Healing School.
  • Arcturian Multidimensional Healing Method Therapist
    Certification by Rafael Aleixo / Clarindo Melchizedek
  • Ho’oponopono Practitioner®
    Certification Accredited by Accredited by Global Sciences Foundation ~ Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mathew Dixon
  • Soul Speak Practitioner®™ *The Language of Your Body
    Certification Accredited by Julia Cannon
  • Advanced Oracle/ Angel Card Mastery / Openning to Channel
    Certification by Kyle Gray
  • Crystal Energy Healing Practitioner®
    Certification Accredited by Kyle Gray


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