Candace Uvalle

"If you want some guacamole, you gotta dip your chip." ~ Cher

Office Phone: 303-550-8050
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: email
Available Hours: August-May Saturdays 10am-5pm Mountain Standard Time Sundays 10am-5pm Mountain Standard Time June-July Daily 10am-5pm
Languages: English

Address: 607, Holbrook Street, Erie, Colorado, 80516, United States.


Candace Uvalle

Sacred Awakenings Healing Arts

BQH practitioner, Usui Reiki Master, Seraphim Rose Pyramid System Practitioner

~ Member Since 2020


BQH Practitioner
Master of Crystology
Master Reiki Teacher
Love and Faith Practitioner
Seraphim Rose Pyramid System Practitioner
Shamanic Reiki Practitioner
Colorado Licensed Special Education Teacher K-12
Teacher of Seraphic Wisdom

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Andrea C

December 2023

I had my first ever Beyond Quantum Healing with Candace, and I must say I was surprised and impressed with the results. To start off, Candace sent and gathered a lot of information prior to the session. She made sure that I understood the process and knew what to expect prior to meeting and again reviewed it when it was time to start. She was gentle, supportive, and I truly felt the love she had for me, all beings, and for what she was doing. This was a very powerful session and I was amazed at how deep I felt that I went and at the information that came out of it.
Afterward, she provided me all the info from the session as well as followed up to see how I was doing and to help me integrate it all.
You can clearly see and feel her passion for what she is doing, and she was so caring and gentle to work with. I definitely recommend going to her for a BQH, and am considering having another session down the road.


Brenda Hardwick

February 2023

Hello, I want to share how enlightening my BQH session with Candace was. I met with her for my session in August this summer. Even after reading everything she sent me, & looking/listening to all the examples, I wasn’t sure what to expect.
My Higher Self came in & my Angels were present. They answered my questions, although not all as I wanted or hoped to hear.
Candace used a gentle voice & targeted persuasion to keep me and my guides on task. I saw & visited places from my past of which I didn’t have conscious memory. I learned the root of some of my deepest emotional challenges. Like any journey into your past, with answers came more questions. What a wonderful voyage. Brenda H 11/18/21



February 2023

I had a beyond quantum healing (bqh) with Candace. It was my first time ever experiencing something like this. First of all, I felt very safe and like the space that the session was held in was wrapped in love by the field and by Candace. I wasn’t sure what to expect but Candace guided me while I was under light hypnosis. The hypnosis allowed me to go deep into my subconscious but I was still fully in control and felt like I could stop at any time if I desired.
I got so much out of my session. Prior to the session, she has you write a question or multiple questions that you want answers to. I really felt that my answers to those questions came through and after my session I felt clearer and lighter. I feel that I don’t know how to put into words how powerful this session was and it was extremely powerful and healing!!
I definitely recommend working with Candace!!!! The BQH session is really eye opening, heart opening and revealing. Thank you!!


Natalie Parise

February 2021

A BQH session with Candace is highly recommended. Candace holds space for her clients and makes them feel safe so that they are able to go deeper into the depths of their past, future or parallel lives.
My session led me to answers about the work I'm doing in tandem with my galactic family here on earth at this time.
Candace has a soothing, comforting voice and is able to gently guide when needed as well as assist you in uncovering more information in a manner that makes you want to really dive into what's going on around you. You will come out of a session with much more clarity and a deeper understanding of who you are on a soul level.



November 2020

This was my very first time getting BQH and it was amazing. She invested time before to make sure I felt comfortable and took her time during the session to make sure I got everything I needed. Her voice is so soothing and she took great care to set up the energetics of the session. It was a wonderful experience!


Chris Hainley

November 2020

I had a Quantum Healing session with Candace a little over a week ago. It was AMAZING! We connected on a really deep level which made my session go very smoothly and incredibly insightful. I noticed a difference right away in my clarity and motivation. We were able to release issues that I was unaware I was holding on to! I would highly recommend a session with her if you would like to get to know more about your journey or anything that might be blocking you! Such an incredible experience!!!



November 2020

I am very fortunate to have had several healing sessions with Candace over the past 5 years. Reiki and Beyond Quantum Healing were both new to me when I met her, so I had no expectations or even ideas of what a session would be like. Candace is such a caring and empathic healer that I knew I needed to give them a try and I'm so grateful I did! She explained everything to me and encouraged me to ask questions to ensure I was comfortable, thus setting the foundation for a deeply therapeutic exchange. Each session I've had with Candace has bestowed insight and a deeper understanding of myself, leaving me with a profound sense of tranquility and peace. I am so grateful for our sessions and highly recommend Candace as a practitioner.



November 2020

candace is an excellent facilitator. i felt safe and confident in her abilities which allowed me to let go into the process. my journey was informative and helpful.


Carissa Fisher

September 2020

My BQH session with Candace Uvalle was fantastic. I went in with a very open mind not knowing what kind of experience I would have. I was amazed by what we were able to accomplish, both in ways I was hoping for as well as some unexpected healing for me. The healing I received during my session has literally changed my day to day life, helping me to heal an issue I didn’t know was causing me division and anxiety. In addition I was able to receive many answers from my higher self, giving me peace of mind and soul. Candace has amazing, calming and loving energy that allowed me to feel safe and relaxed during my session and the whole process. Her insights and intuition were spot on, helping me to get self clarity about what I was really hoping to receive answers on. I highly recommend Candace as she is a wonderful healer who has impacted my life in beautiful ways. I am definitely planning another BQH session with her in the future.


Dana Suazo

September 2020

If you have never had a BQH session and are a little nervous, Candace is amazing.
She definitely prepares you ahead of time for your session. She is very detailed. Very prepared. She gives you videos to watch to give you an idea of what to expect.
She asks a lot of thorough questions so that you can get the best out of your healing. Candace sets a very strong sacred space for your healing to immediately put you at ease. You can feel all of your guides come in immediately. I am an energy healer that has struggled to release and/or integrate a couple of energies. I thought I had healed them, and years later they would pop up. Candace helped me to release and integrate what I needed around those energies during my session. Grateful for that.


Ashley S.

September 2020

This session with Candace was incredible. Answers I have been seeking we’re finally answered. Pains in my body that have been hurting me are gone. I feel lighter, happier, and able to understand my purpose.
Candace is One of the kindest, caring, and most compassionate healers that I have met and she made me feel very comfortable and let me know exactly how it all works.
The journey during the session was powerful and she guided the session right along to get the answers I was seeking.
I am so appreciative of her skills and expertise and sincere heart to help humanity by doing this great work!
Thank you so very much!

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