Char O'Driscoll

Healing takes place when the light of awareness is shined lovingly on the shadow.

Office Phone: 7753189728
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Available Hours: Flexible. Please contact to arrange appointment.
Payment Options: Paypal/Bank Transfer
Languages: English

Address: , , High Peak, England, SK22, United Kingdom.

Char O'Driscoll

Emotional Alchemy Healing

~ Member Since 2018

My own healing journey started in 2014 when i checked myself into rehab for alcohol addiction. After a life time of suffering i was finally ready to look beneath the surface. I was blessed that the rehab i chose had an alternative health approach to recovery. This is where i first had the opportunity to experience Reiki. The curiosity it sparked in me was the beginning of my own inner transformation. Within a few months of leaving rehab i trained in Usui Reiki, shortly after this i discovered Angelic Reiki. After experiencing this wonderful healing modality it is now the only energy i work with to assist my clients. Angelic Reiki is a high frequency energy healing system that works to get to the root cause of presenting symptoms. Be it physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually it has played a huge part in my own healing journey. After working with this energy for sometime i became aware that there was a need to offer support alongside the healing it was allowing. This frequency will bring to the surface all that needs to be acknowledged in the healing process. Alongside my own experience of this and how i was learning to navigate my own healing i trained as an emotional integration coach. This is now the foundation of the work i offer. I use a variety of methods and tools but the primary focus of the session is focused on inner child healing and shadow work. The first 0-7 years of life is when the emotional blueprint is formed. This then becomes the lens with which we view the world through which shapes all of our experiences in life. It is absolutely crucial i do believe to work with these early aspects to create lasting change and healing. 

Emotional Alchemy Healing                                                                                                                                                  

I offer these sessions in two parts. Firstly the talking aspect of the session takes place over the phone. I prefer to work this way as i am an intuitive channel and connect directly to the frequency of your voice. Working in this way allows for zero distractions and the depth of the sessions and healing is far more effective. I can tune in directly to the frequencies of your emotional body and receive guidance from your higher self. We work together to bring the awarenesses to you. Healing takes place when the light of awareness is shined lovingly on the shadow. 

The second part of the session is the Angelic healing. This is done after the talking part of the session. This allows for all that has come up in the session to be processed and removed from the energy field. This facilitates a deep healing process. I have created this process through my own healing journey. Emotional Alchemy is a powerful and transformative journey. I would love the opportunity to be able to support you on your own healing journey.

I also offer BQH sessions which i recommend take place after a certain amount of inner child integration has been achieved. Details regarding BQH sessions on request.

Distance Angelic Reiki Sessions can be booked individually.



Emotional Integration CoachBQH PractitionerAngelic Reiki Master Teacher




September 2022

I’m so pleased I was introduced to Charlotte.
Her approach is non-judgemental, supportive and intuitive. She has helped me to learn a different way of being and all whilst navigating a really tough time in my life. The emotional work/counselling and the healings has had an astonishingly positive effect on my wellbeing.

I can honestly say that I would and I have recommended everyone I know to Charlotte as she helped me to change my life and how I viewed myself. I am eternally grateful.



August 2022

I started working with Char by chance in lockdown. At the time I knew nothing about Reiki or emotional healing, but as we have continued to work together my understanding, trust, belief and commitment to Angelic healing has grown. I am extremely grateful for the support and guidance Char has given me and feel that together we are addressing the emotional repetitive cycle I have lived with for too long. At the beginning of the process I found it hard to talk about my past experiences and felt ashamed by this, however, working remotely has been been really beneficial for this. Char's approach is non-judgemental, supportive and intuitive; she has enabled me to learn a different way of being and viewing the past. The combination of the emotional work/counselling and the healings has had a really positive effect on my wellbeing, physical and mental health. It may seem a cliche to say that I have been on a journey through this process, but am so pleased to have the opportunity to have the empathic connection with and guidance from Char in all aspects of the Reiki and healing process.



May 2019

I spoke with Charlotte recently and she was incredibly helpful and actually put me in contact with another healer more suited to my particular situation. I would definitely recommend making contact with Charlotte as she is very knowledgeable and easy to speak with .


Hannah Fogg

May 2019

I had a beautiful BQH session with Charlotte recently- her energy is very gentle and I found it easy to connect with her. The session felt incredibly powerful to me, and was full of beautiful other lifetime experiences, the expansive feeling of unconditional love, and messages of clarity and empowerment for how to move forward on my path. I was easily able to connect with my higher self with Charlotte's guidance. When it came to asking questions, she did a beautiful job and even thought to ask extra questions about the topics to get more clarity and the fullest expression of answers for me. I certainly hope to have more sessions with Charlotte in the future- what a tremendously wonderful and expansive experience! I feel like I learned so much and have a lot to mull over and integrate into my life to help me with the things I came seeking help with. Thank you so much Charlotte- I'm incredibly grateful, and I feel so blessed to have been able to share this experience with you as my guide! xo

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