Krishna Reville

"...My session with you was so sublime, Krishna...I just want to pour my gratitude into you. You are so beautiful in how you hold space. It's like you grow and become a cave for us to enter - and that's the intimacy, the trust to go into that space. I was worried about doing the session online on zoom but you are amazing - it was like you were here. You've turned your lifelong skill into something else even more profound and I want to honour that. And to really, really honour how warm and strong and clear you are - there's a sense of leadership to your holding that allows me to soften and feel safe. Sitting in the in-between space feels very holy. And blissful. Everything is rearranging now - everything..." - Erica

Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Flexible by appointment: Mondays, Wednesdays, Weekends
Payment Options: Bank deposit; PayPal
Languages: English

Time Zone: Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Sydney)

Address: New South Wales, Australia.


Krishna Reville

Homegrown Ascension

With more than 30 years experience as a psychotherapist, working with people to uncover and clear experiences and patterns that limit joy or cause pain, my work has coalesced into this form that meets the longing for wholeness in all of us, and allows the gentle and loving clearing of that which no longer fits, that which is out of alignment with who we truly are, and with how we choose to walk forward in this life now.

In beautifully held, safe and sacred space you are invited to fully immerse in your own highest wisdom, guidance and support. Here you can answer your own questions and receive deep healing, clear ancestral trauma and karmic patterns and move into alignment with your Soul’s Purpose for this point on your path. Quantum Healing sessions can be life altering and continue to work within, long after the session is over. It is the purest, most effective form of healing I have encountered.

The time for sitting in loops of “digging” in shadow selves is over.  Now, we are fully supported to acknowledge, accept, forgive, bring peace, anchor light and walk the path we are here to walk with balance.

This work offers an opportunity to bypass the usual problem solving avenues and get straight to the core of  the matter – to access parts of yourself and your energetic life that are usually hidden. Any blocks you are ready to release can be witnessed, understood, accepted and integrated. Any healing, any transformation you are ready for, can occur.

BQH sessions (3-5 hours): $450 AUD/ concession $280 AUD.

1 hour session: $150 AUD

I look forward to hearing from you.


Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) Practitioner

Master of Arts (M.A.) Psychotherapy, specialisations: Art Psychotherapy, Trauma

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Psychology

Homeschooling Mum of 2 beautiful kids

Women’s Circles

Big fan of homegrown veggies, regenerative farming and belly laughs

Artist, Meditator and Cook of delicious things




Tiff P

January 2024

I just wanted to put a little something here.
I want to honour Krishna for the work she is doing.
Krishna’s capacity to feel, to hear, to understand and to speak out for those of us who are reeling from this global awakening and shifting, is gently wondrous.
Every aspect of my thinking, wondering, searching and existing is constantly being moulded and remolded like wet clay.
Krishna has an innate ability to SEE me and during our conversations and Quantum Healing sessions I have felt aligned and grounded instead of fearful and confused.
Thank you my love. 🩵


Anj S

January 2024

I am feeling the expansiveness and truth we explored together, joyously, everyday.
I am feeling solid, calm and quiet within myself.
Working with you felt safe, calm, lovely, perfect.
I didn't really have any expectations so it was all an adventure - there was some familiarity but much newness.
I am finding it easier to remember what I am made of - and what everyone is made of.
I am remembering to zoom out my perspective and call in help from other beings for healing.
I asked my partner if he noticed that I'm different and he said yes. I said I'm less needy and he said I was never needy but that I do seem more relaxed. And I am. It's wonderful.
Thank you for the part you've played in this lovely shift - you're amazing.


Rachel C

January 2024

Thank you so much Krishna,
It will be very interesting to listen back over the session.

I have felt pretty awesome this week. It feels like there has been a massive shift. So much lighter, a feeling of expansiveness and really feels like something I have carried with me for pretty much my whole life has gone.
What happened at the end has blown me away. I have had other experiences similar but have not had clarity around what it was. To be able to look closer at the details and vocalise and see clearly what was going was amazing and has truly shifted my view of reality....again 😆

Again, thank you so much Krishna.


Brindley B

January 2024

My BQH session with Krishna was incredible. I’m generally a people pleasing nice guy. In my session, Krishna guided me to a deep place in my psyche where I showed up as Anubis of the underworld. A sacred ritual followed where I could process hidden areas of my psyche to express things I would have considered too dark to look at in myself. I have been walking around more confidently since. Thanks so much Krishna.


Lilly Porter

January 2024

I’m in awe of this incredible woman. The gift Krishna has is remarkably rare and I can honestly say my entire life has changed after my session with her. The space she held for me during the session was so sacred and safe. I was initially a bit nervous within myself, with fear I wouldn’t be able to get through to anything but as soon as we started, all of that fear washed away and I had the most amazing experience! Her presence and calming voice made me feel so safe and special. Her ability to hold such light and the highest energy with uttermost joy and comfort is remarkable. Thank you for being the pathway I needed to contact my guides and get clarification I’m doing it all as I’m supposed to be. Thank you for helping me understand my destiny and my purpose for this lifetime. I will never forget the journey your incredible guidance took me on. Wow was that so awesome. I think about it everyday! It just sits with me so calmly and I feel so much less stressed about the bigger picture now. I cannot wait to do more sessions with Krishna!

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