Gina Johnson

YOU are capable of amazing things!

Office Phone: 425-417-2717
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Monday through Saturdays, 10 am until 6 pm.
Payment Options: Payment is required at time of booking. I accept visa, Mastercard or PayPal.
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Address: 2522, 248th Place Northeast, Redmond, Washington, 98074, United States.


Gina Johnson

Refresh Integrative Wellness

QHHT Practitioner, Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner, Spinal Flow Technique Practitioner

~ Member Since 2022

A lifelong seeker and old soul, I was born with intuitive and empathic gifts and an insatiable curiosity about all things esoteric and mysterious. I have been blessed through many difficult life catalysts to be at a place in my life now to offer healing and hope to humanity through the healing modalities of QHHT, BQH and the Spinal Flow Technique. I consider myself a Christian mystic, having been raised in the Catholic Church, and then attending a non denominational Christian church, followed by decades of bible study and leadership roles through the BSF and CBS organizations. In 2021, following a total hip replacement, I had the biggest spiritual awakening of my life. That, coupled with my insatiable curiosity, along with my disillusionment of the religious life I had been living led me to Dolores Cannon’s teachings. From there, I began to study the Law of One. The profound realization that we are all divine sparks of the One activated my heart and I have not been the same person ever since. I now choose peace, joy and gratitude for every experience that my Higher Self has allowed into my life to teach and guide my soul’s growth. I am so passionate about my higher calling that I want to truly make a difference in people’s lives. Humanity is suffering, I am here to serve!
I have incorporated guided meditations into my services. I have found that a guided meditation, followed by a healing Spinal Flow session, followed by the QHHT/BQH session is profoundly healing for my clients. I offer remote zoom QHHT/BQH sessions, by special request. Sessions are usually around 3 hours in length.
As a Spinal Flow practitioner, I have experience working with all ages, from birth through the aged. I also am available to treat your family pets with the Spinal Flow technique. The basis of the Spinal Flow Technique is that the body is intelligent. The body holds chemical, physical and emotional stressors and traumas, which creates energetic blockages in the nervous system. This leads to disease and disfunction in the body and in one’s life. The Spinal Flow Technique takes the nervous system from the sympathetic into the parasympathetic state. Sessions are designed to maximize the client’s time and comfort.
Initial appointments are 90 minutes.  90 minute sessions allow time for client to complete the intake documents, a physical and posture assessment, client consultation, and if time allows, a guided meditation prior to the 30 minute Spinal Flow session.

Subsequent Spinal Flow sessions are offered in 30 or 60 minute sessions. 30 minute sessions include just body work. 60 minute sessions include the option of journeying in a guided meditation and/or spiritual counsel and 30 minutes of Spinal Flow session.  I always have discount packages available for purchase at my website, I look forward to walking with you on your journey to mind and body wellness!



BA Community Psychology, Central Washington University, 1995

A lifelong seeker, I was born with intuitive and empathic gifts. I have been blessed through many life catalysts to be at the place in my life now to offer healing and hope to humanity through the process of QHHT, BQH and the Spinal Flow Technique. I consider myself a Christian mystic.




October 2022

I was excited but nervous to do my first QHHT session. I was worried I'd be unable to stay under - I'm easily distracted and am left brain dominant.
Gina provided a calm and distraction free environment. I went under easily and stayed under, with an exception that I came out one time (not her fault), but she brought me back under very easily. She has a soothing voice and a calming presence. We went into two past lives, and determined how they impacted my current life. I learned about my anxieties and self destructive tendencies, and although I have plenty of work to do, my subconscious know the way if I'll just let it.
I was a little tired afterward, but overall I was enriched by the experience.
I would recommend Gina Johnson to anyone wanting to explore a QHHT session.

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