Jeffrey Ashur

The greatest privilege of a human life is to become a midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person. -Plato

Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: 10AM - 10PM EST
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Address: Milton, Massachusetts, 02186, United States.


Jeffrey Ashur

QHHT Practitioner / Personal Life Coach

~ Member Since 2018

Your Practitioner…
With a Bachelors in Physics & Masters degrees Electrical Engineering, I’ve followed diverse teachers and pursued courses in healing arts, life coaching and advanced sciences. Most notably I’ve practiced Strategic Intervention Life Coaching (Branded by Tony Robbins & Cloe Madannes), I’ve completed the Resonance Academy’s flag ship program founded by Nassim Haramein, numerous programs in expanded consciousness at The Monroe Institute, Reiki Level II Atunement, Access Bars, and many others in coaching, intuitive, and healing modalities. Additionally, I’ve attended Mystery School of well known researcher David Wilcock with extensive familiarity of his research in hidden science etc.

How did QHHT find me?

In a string of synchronicity, QHHT showed up in post after post on YT in the span of only 1 week.  Transcripts on the New Earth viewings caught my attention and the healing potential captivated me.  In the course of my due diligence, I elected to receive my own QHHT session before signing up for a training.  So QHHT rolled out the red carpet for me with an exceptional practitioner who made it almost too easy for me book it.  Between my own healing and delight in the experience, my journey as a QHHT practitioner began.  QHHT for me has proven the natural progression and culmination of all my skills in Life Coaching, Energy Healing, Arts and Sciences.

My Background

One might think an Electrical Engineer is too immersed in rigid science with main-stream physicists who declare no interaction between matter & consciousness. I have real life experience that dictates otherwise.  Raised as the sentimental youngest child in a tight knit Catholic family with plenty of belief systems imposed, I’d go along to get along. Maybe you felt that way too? Never did I really think that the religious beliefs given to us were the whole story and I wanted to seek a greater understanding of spirits, angels, and rituals we practiced.
Since my uncle interested me in the book “Chariots of the Gods” at a very early age, I’ve always been open to esoteric matters of spirituality, unconventional science, and reports of extraterrestrial life since early childhood. At the age of 6, I experienced my first past life regression under the guidance of my dear Aunt Theresa, a casual student of ESP and Boston hair dresser in the 1960’s. That experience wedged the door open for me seeing into past lives. How it would serve as a dramatic healing tool would have to wait until I encountered Delores Cannon’s innovative and powerful healing modality.

While studying at The Monroe Institute, I engaged in scientific experiments that actually demonstrate the interaction of my consciousness with physical matter through a very special measurement device. Positive results were consistently observed. Having proved to myself that interaction between consciousness and matter (Psychokinesis) is real, a strong belief in the expansive power of our consciousness follows with it. I now carry that understanding and confidence into my QHHT sessions knowing that my practice is effective and beneficial for my clients. I also bring my empathic skills refined and cultivated at The Monroe Institute to our sessions for a more in-depth healing experience.

Conducting a multitude of sessions not only leads one to a deeper understanding of our vast universe, but also dispels the fear-based stories presented by many sources surrounding us with service-to-self agendas. In essence, practicing QHHT offers much spiritual growth. What I’ve realized over time is that science and spirituality may be blended into a single vein of understanding. This concept enables us to trust the effectiveness of our QHHT sessions and find greater meaning our human life experience.

Through it all, I’ve personally deepened my appreciation for everyone’s personal journey in self discovery. My hope is to bring profound healing to those who find me. Synchronicity brought you here. You’ve found me and read up to this point for a reason whether its just to finally awaken to the possibilities unknown to you before or to work with me directly. Since you’re ready for it now, the message and the opportunity is coming to you. Along with other practitioners, I’ve learned that as we co-create our introductions, our work together is no accident. We come together in synchronicity according to your unique needs as a client aligned with my unique abilities as a practitioner. Thank you for visiting my profile.

*** About your QHHT Session ***
Location: Milton MA – OR – Hyannis MA (Cape Cod)

Session Format:

Total Approximately 4 – 6 hrs
Pre-Session Consultation (Aprx 2 hrs);
Hypnotherapy (Aprx 1-2 hrs);
Post-Session Debrief (Aprx 1/2 hr)
MP3 Session Recording* electronically transmitted to you.
          * Includes AUDIO PROCESSING at NO EXTRA COST. I perform Corrections      for  Volume levels, noise reduction, etc.) as a VALUE ADDED SERVICE.

Fee: Reasonable & Accessible at only $396.

Payment Options: VENMO, PayPal, Cash, & Other Mutually Agreed Exchange.

Please contact me when you are ready to schedule your session.
Every effort is made to accommodate your schedule.

How QHHT Works:
QHHT utilizes the natural process of falling asleep for hypnosis. What happens when you fall asleep at night? You relax, you close your eyes, your mind and body become completely relaxed. Your breathing slows and becomes deeper. Noise in and outside the room fade away and images begin to appear in your mind. People normally do not recall the onset of these pictures since that is actually the beginning of your dream state. A QHHT session is very much like napping and viewing a dream with my voice as your guide while you describe what you’re experiencing. In this way, we are enabled to communicate with your subconscious or “SC” as Delores Cannon says. When you’re wide-awake, your conscious mind is more dominant than your subconscious mind. The conscious mind constantly analyzes and perceives things. It can and usually does filter out important information from the subconscious mind. When you’re relaxed or asleep, your conscious mind becomes relaxed and subsides into a sleep state. In this state, your subconscious mind becomes more dominant than your conscious mind, and so we can communicate with your subconscious mind to get the information and answers to your questions without the interference of your conscious mind.

Ensure Your Best QHHT Session:
– On A day when you can be relaxed and don’t need to think about anything else… ie., ideally not just before an important meeting or performance.
– On A day when your body isn’t distracting you. ie. coughing, sneezing, sever pain etc.

Preparation for Your QHHT Session:
An important part of QHHT is your questions. What would you like to ask your higher self, I-Am presence or spirit guide(s)? List your questions to them using the following guidelines –
1) Life questions -ie., What’s my life purpose? Am I on the right path?
2) Health questions – ie., What physical aliments do I wish to heal? Be specific!
3) Career/Financial questions.
4) Relationship questions.

You’ll probably create a multitude of questions. Great! Although you don’t need too many questions for a successful session, you need just the most important ones in the chosen areas of your life. When you finish contemplating your questions, be sure to write them down on a piece of paper. We can always change, add or delete questions later.

Avoid Expecting a Particular Outcome and Go with the flow.
In Quantum Physics, many experiments were performed to demonstrate that consciousness is indeed able to influence matter and energy. Shooting light through a small hole shows us that we can change whether it looks like a point of light or a splash of wave patterns simply by just how we focus our observation on the screen. How it looks is based on infinite possibilities of our conscious observation. In fact, it actually demonstrates the infinite possibilities involved in how we make any observation. We may also deduce that as we observe our past life experience in QHHT, it may not show up exactly as we may expect. For instance you may expect to view a particular one of your past lives during your session- there’s no guarantee that you will see any particular one. The higher self shows you any lifetime – including scenes earlier in your present life – which has information that most supports your healing. When you expect something – in other words, you look to observe a particular thing, then you limit the infinite wave of possibilities and thus collapse it into a small point in space. Perhaps you expect to see that you’ve always been a human in all your past lives. That’s not guaranteed either. Many clients have experienced lives as a light body, extraterrestrial, animal, and more. Dolores told many stories of her clients regressing to a time when they were just created by God and were still in their soul essence. It is always best that we simply accept what we receive from your higher self without any expectation. Acceptance and allowance is key to our success in this work.

My Assurance for Your Complete Satisfaction:
I offer a complimentary follow-up session if appropriate. For instance, anyone who was unable to gain adequate information during hypnosis due to interruptions or other causes, an additional session will be scheduled for a later date at no additional cost.

Contact Preference –
When you are ready for your session or simply have some questions,
kindly contact me via my web page at
You’ll be offered the soonest available session time.

Thank you for visiting.


QHHT Practitioner
BQH Practitioner
Ho’Opono pono Certified Practitioner
BA Physics / Music Holy Cross College
MSEE Northeastern University
Resonance Science Foundation Academy
David Wilcock Mystery Schools


Level 2 QHHT – Certificate of Achievement
BQH Certification
Distributor Field Applications Engineer of the Year Award, Lattice Semiconductors, 2003
The Beethoven Prize for Music Composition – College of the Holy Cross,1985, Worcester MA



Adrienne Craighead

June 2024

Beyond the soothing voice and patient demeanor - my favorite thing about Jeffrey’s approach is that he has many skillsets and strategies in his toolbox to help his clients relax and focus and access hidden wisdom.


Jeanne Miller

June 2024

Wonderful. Peaceful. Safe. New beginnings. Very beautiful, gentle experience. Learned so much on this journey. Words are inadequate.. Highly recommend Jeffrey who is quite capable of leading you safely through this experience.


Gary Watson

April 2024

My session with Jeffrey was eye opening. Jeffrey is a very calming person and is fully committed to giving his all to the session, Jeffrey helped me find many of the blocks and beliefs that have been hindering me over the years and I am very grateful for that.
.thank you Jeff.
Gary .


Maria Siannas

March 2024

I don’t know how I can put this experience into words. Jeffrey was so welcoming and helped me feel comfortable immediately. I went prepared with questions for my subconscious. I think the presentation leading up to the session, as Jeffrey suggested I do, allowed me to be mentally prepared for what I wanted to get out of the session. Well, what I thought was wrong—in the best way possible. I time traveled. The session was beyond any expectations (that I didn’t have). It has been just over a week since my session and so much has come to me. My intuition is also heightened as a result. Amazing connections. So healing. I will plan another session with Jeffrey soon!!


Phil Santos

March 2024

I absolutely loved this. Jeffrey opened the door for me to go on a very personal journey into 2 important past lives that were related to the healing I needed in this life. Like many people, I was a bit skeptical if I could even get into a deeper state, but sure enough Jeffrey's calm voice and guided meditation brought me there. I awoke feeling refreshed and lighter and answered all of my own questions. The session felt like 50 minutes, but it was actually over 2 hours! You will come back with insights, affirmations, and rich experiences that you didn't think possible. Jeffrey asks the right questions to get to the heart of the lesson that needs to be learned. And the recording will keep the experience alive so that you may learn new insights over time.


Samuel Richesson

March 2024

My session with Jeffrey was healing and an insightful experience. From first contact with Jeffrey, I felt I was in good hands and connected with the right person. He spent the time to get to know me, and when it came time for our session, I felt he really knew me well. His attention to detail and thoroughness are remarkable. My session was a transformative experience that shed light on many of my limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging habits. I feel that I have been given actionable information to help me live a more fulfilling life, have more self-compassion, and self love. I highly recommend Jeffreys' services!


Robert Lingoes

March 2024

My session with Jeffrey was amazing and transformative. I booked my first ever QHHT session with Jeffrey with the intention of gaining clarity on why I was self sabotaging my life for so many years and to gain more perspective on my soul mission and how to proceed in my life. I was able to access visions of past lives as both a Bedouin man in the 4th century AD and a black panther type being which shed so much light on the challenges that I have faced in this lifetime. We were able to dissolve these deeply rooted soul contracts instantly! With Jeffrey's guidance, I was also able to connect with my higher self and quantum heal all of the present health issues that I had been grappling with. Its hard to explain but I feel like many of the issues and struggles that seemed like such a big deal to me for my entire life now no longer seem like they are that big of a deal! I feel stronger, clearer, more confident, more free, more vital, and more equipped to handle the big life decisions that I have ahead of me this year. I would highly recommend Jeffrey. He is true professional in the healing arts and you can certainly feel that he is heart-driven. Many thanks to you Jeffrey!


Tiffany Vinters

March 2024

What an experience! Jeffrey is such a kind and beautiful person. I felt so welcome the moment I stepped in for my session. He allowed me all the time I needed to talk about what brought me to qhht and what I was hoping to get from it. I never felt rushed and knew that I was in a safe space. I could also tell that he was so engaged by what I was saying. The hypnosis session itself was amazing! Jeffrey has such a soothing voice and was able to help me get into a relaxed state right away. I discovered blessings and gifts in my life that I’d been overlooking and went home thinking “ok, now I know how to integrate these lessons into my daily life.” When asking my subconscious the questions I had prepared, I was able to give myself answers as if I was a completely different person. It just comes to show how much we know ourselves deep down. And Jefferey was the perfect person to help bring those answers to the surface. I’ll definitely be booking another session in the future and I already can’t wait. Thank you Jeffrey!


Tyler Hathaway

October 2023

Jefferey is amazing. In my QHHT sessions, he ‘chauffeured’ me to a places I have never even imagined and helped me access information I will hold dear for the rest of my earthly existence. After both sessions I’ve felt amazing energetically. Our sessions have improved my overall confidence in life and also drastically improved my connection with my wife, children and the world around me. 11/10!


Ron Cavallo

July 2023

Jeffrey does amazing work. He pays no attention to the clock and puts the client first. I had a truly significant experience.



June 2023

First time experiencing QHHT . Jeffery was very communicative right from the start. I felt safe and welcoming as soon as I walked in. The experience was amazing. Jeffrey gives all his energy and goes overtime. The recording is very helpful. I absolutely would recommend the talented Jeffrey,and look forward to taking part in another QHHT session with him again.


Danny F.

May 2023

Jeffrey was awesome! I felt very welcomed and comfortable in my session with him. He did a very great job in all of the session. Jeffrey’s passion for what he does was quite apparent and inspiring for me in my QHHT. I highly recommend anyone who is eager to start or wherever they are in their healing journey to see Jeffrey!



April 2023

My first QHHT session with Jeffrey was absolutely wonderful—a profound and important healing took place. Jeffrey is a highly skilled hypnotherapist; his passion and talent for this work are undeniable. He was incredibly patient, empathetic and encouraging with me. Jeffrey was immediately welcoming and hospitable. He was beyond thorough, dedicating a great deal of time, effort and care to the entire process. Jeffrey was able to help me view a very meaningful past life experience that was so touching and comforting to recall. He also connected with my subconscious/ Higher Self, who answered many of my lingering existential questions (and all of my prayers, really). I felt significantly comforted and at peace after my session. I am so grateful to Jeffrey and couldn’t give him a more glowing recommendation. 


Lynn Chapin

April 2023

Jeffrey is a very talented therapist. His experience in hypnotherapy is very evident during the session. During my QHHT session he was wonderful at deciphering the proper moments to be soothing as well as the proper moments to be directive in order to facilitate the best session possible. The questions that he came up with opened some perfect doorways for discovery. Jefferey helped enable me to lay out a clearer course of action for my personal growth. Jefferey is a detective and a subconscious salesman and his persistence to find a solution is impressive- sometimes having to follow multiple trails to find the most effective solution for the client. He offered both during and after the sessions realistic, attainable goals for me to be aware of and/ or follow on my personal journey that I had never considered for myself before.



March 2023

An amazing BHQ session with Jeffrey ! I sensed some real breakthroughs. Still processing what occurred. Jeffrey is very gentle with his words as he guides you forward through the session. I felt very safe during the whole process.



February 2023

I really recommend you go and have a session with Jeffrey. You are going to feel much better. He’s an amazing person. 



December 2022

My QHHT Session was an amazing experience and I truly appreciated Jeffrey’s kindness and patience in guiding me through it. I am in awe of the feelings that I experienced and realization of how much there is to learn. I am grateful to Jeffrey, and I highly recommend him.



December 2022

This was my first hypnosis/QHHT experience and it was even better than I could have hoped! Jeffrey is kind, clear and concise. He is very open, and walks you through all the steps. The passion he has for his works comes through in his work and while working with you. Highly recommend working with him!


Matt Travis

September 2022

I had an amazing first QHHT experience with Jeffrey!

My words here will not do it justice but the key things to know is that I keep showing up as a leader in most of the lifetimes that came up and I learned so much from each one, but the biggest aha is I need led to let go of the burden of what I couldn’t control in each life time and make sure I don’t repeat the cycle in this life.

Thank you Jeffrey for giving me unbelievable insight and ability to step into my true power in this life free of the shackles of my past lives ????



September 2022

This was my first time experiencing QHHT or hypnosis in any way. Jeffery was very communicative right from the start. The setting felt safe and welcoming as soon as I walked in. The experience was amazing. After the session, he followed up as promised. I absolutely would recommend him and look forward to taking part in another QHHT session with him again.


laurie nicklas

September 2022

A big shout out to Jeffery for guiding me through my first QHHT experience! Jeffery was so kind and easy to talk to made me feel very comfortable. I had a nice connection to past lives and was able to put answers to my questions. Definitely visit him if your in MA!


The Money Mentalist

August 2022

Its been some time after my session with Jeffrey (session date 8/16) and I have to say, after having some time to integrate, I feel like I woke up to a new life. I finally understand where some of my mental/ emotional blocks come from. I thought at the least I would be able to view some past lives for insight, but I received a lot more than that. So grateful to you and this work Jeffrey!



August 2022

After my session with Jeffrey I felt energized and ready to start my life again. His kindness, thoroughness, and skill are highly commendable. I am grateful to have met him and hope to see him again soon.


Mary S

July 2022

I have been fascinated with energy healing for years and first worked with Jeffrey in 2016 and it was the first time I ever actually FELT anything during a healing session. Fast forward and now he has grown in his abilities. I recommend Jeffrey because he is one of the kindest people I have ever met. Our session lasted 5 hours and I warned him ahead of time that I had challenges with regression. He was extremely patient with me during the entire process. Jeffrey kept track of everything that was said during the session and fed certain things back to me as powerful affirmations. During the time of the regression I was experiences so heavy challenges and Jeffrey stayed with me and was committed to helping me get much needed guidance and relief about what I had been experiencing. Jeffrey is one of the most knowledgeable in the field and he uses that knowledge well during the sessions. A few days later I found myself waking up feeling lighter and having ideas pop top of mind which have been helpful in many ways.
Thank you Jeffrey



July 2022

Jeffrey is a kind soul. He has a gentleness that puts you at ease. My session was incredible! I answered some of my current questions by being able to understand my past lives. I also took away experiences in my past lives that will serve me in my current one. I highly recommend going to Jeffrey to understand you life with more clarity.


Gabriel Salzano

July 2022

When I first met Jeffrey, I felt instantly drawn to him and told him how I wanted to connect for a session with him. I had heard stories from friends and family members and was extremely intrigued months before ever meeting him.

We we're able to connect for a session on beautiful Friday in the early afternoon and it was a riveting experience to say the least. He is professional, gracious, and holds immense power within himself. The work he does to help others is beautiful and my hope is that more people open up to the idea of past life regression as it helped me heal so many parts of myself that have been with me for the entirety I have been in this life.
Many people don't realize how much we can hold take on from our past lives into our current ones. There is ancestral trauma that is passed down and past life regression is a magical way to see it, let go of it and most importantly learn from it.
I cannot recommend Mr. Arshur enough, he is a very smart, powerful, and caring human being.

Thank you Jeffrey,


Lori Black

July 2022

Jeffrey is a kind, warm, compassionate and totally welcoming human being. You will be blown away by his expertise! Jeffrey is very gifted in his ability to hold space for people on their journey. His excellent communication, empathy and listening skills guide the client into a journey unlike any other. What a gift to be able to speak to one’s higher self and Jeffrey was the perfect guide! It’s been almost two weeks since my healing session. I’ve listened to the audio recording several times and continue to be blown away by the connections I’m making! Thank you so much Jeffrey!


Law k

May 2022

I had the pleasure of having a wonderful QHHT session with Jeffrey. I was nervous about letting go initially but Jeffrey’s presence is so welcoming and calming. I had no trouble opening up and relaxing. My session was so insightful and helpful for me. We where able to find the reason for and release some pain I had been experiencing which had truly been a blessing for me. Lots of information came through from my higher self that continues to help me. I listen to the session while I am sleeping and I wake up feeling more at peace. It was truly a life changing experience. I am so beyond grateful to have met Jeffrey and have him guide me in this experience. QHHT is an amazing experience I wish everyone would do it! I look forward to another session in the future as I dig deeper with myself. Thank you Jeffery!



February 2022

I'm very grateful for Jeffrey's expert guidance on this important journey. I've never done a full past life regression before. I was quite impressed at how deep I went, while fully conscious (but in an altered state), and I can only chalk that up to excellent facilitation.

I recovered memories from two past lives, both of them cheerful, elegant, beautiful lives. This was needed support because my current life hasn't so far had much of those things.

I feel this experience with Jeffrey was an important breakthrough in my personal growth, and raising my vibration. After the session with Jeffrey, I got the highest personal frequency reading I've ever gotten, and for the first time in my life, I was able to meditate, so thanks very much, Jeffrey!

I had hoped for clear dialogue from my higher self, but only got visual images in response to Jeffrey's patient and skillful questions. I have yet to decipher them, but I'm hopeful that as I transcribe and sit with the images over the coming days, I'll begin to understand the message.


Suz the Singer

January 2022

I had a wonderful experience at my first QHH with Jeffrey. It was awesome! He makes you feel so comfortable in every way. I already feel so many benefits from my session. I went back to 3 lifetimes, and released so much soul trauma. He even gave me some beautiful artwork that he made "on the spot" after the session! I highly recommend QHH with Jeffrey!


Kerri P.

January 2022

I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to Jeffrey for this experience. Jeffrey takes the time to ensure your comfort. He takes time to get to know you… fully know you, which is an important part of the healing process. The session went great and I look forward to implementing the guidance provided by my higher self.



December 2021

My Experience with Jeffery was top notch. Jeffrey is very knowledgeable and kind person, which becomes evident very quickly. This was my first QHHT session and now that I have had time to process what happened I am blown away. Jeffrey is persistent with your subconscious and will put his utmost effort into getting the answers you seek. Highly Recommended!



October 2021

After my first session, the results were completely surprising. Not what I expected or imagined, it was BETTER! So much to learn! It's a whole new world out there. I have to explore more!



October 2021

I recently had a wonderful experience with Quantam Healing and would recommend it to anyone. I think of myself as a person who analyzes my life with as much truthfulness as I can see, however this session showed me I needed to be more aware of my behavior. Mr. Ashur is absolutely a professional and the experience was not stressful at all. This session helped me shift into another way of thinking, and if I continue to practice, I'm sure my life will change. I'm very grateful.


D Hoopai

September 2021

Absolutely the best therapy session to begin healing yourself! The guidance and encouragement was exactly what I needed. Plus, it opened so many other doors of limitless and boundless opportunities for the mind! Thanks so very much!


Janet G.

August 2021

My session with Jeffrey was far beyond my expectations. I was very resistant to the idea of being hypnotized but Jeffrey set up a preliminary phone call and reassured me the experience was more related to meditation or active dreaming. This proved to be true making my experience stress free. Jeffrey took a detailed life review history at the start of the session, leading into a past life segment and then a segment connecting to my Higher Self . He was informative and reassuring throughout the 5.5 hour experience. Within 24 hours I received an electronic recording with instructions about how to use the material. I have been feeling stronger with improved energy and have started implementing the changes suggested by my own Higher Self. Thank you Jeffrey!


Shari P

July 2021

WOW! I had an amazing QHHT session with Jeffrey, going into several past lives, answering many questions I had that pertained to my current life. Jeffrey is a gifted QHHT practitioner, so kind and pleasant, I felt so relaxed and comfortable. He is a shining light for all who are seeking their true selves.


Nancy S Collins

June 2021

Over giggles and miles of thoughts a clearing has emerged to face the future! It was a great experience!



April 2021

This was my first experience with QHHT and Jeffrey made it so easy! He is very easy to talk to. I am absolutely grateful for the opportunity I was able to receive through his services.


Angela Desborough

March 2021

It blows my mind how easy this was to heal my back pain that I have had for almost 30 years and have tried everything from physical therapy, acupuncture, every prescription and over the counter medicine without relief. In 1 hour I was guided how to heal myself. It is the most empowering thing you can ever do for yourself. Jeffrey is excellent in his field with the expertise on how to get you to relax, let go and just be! This is always something that can be used if needed in my toolbox. I am so grateful.



January 2021

Jeffrey is a professional and kind person, a great guide to help you along your adventure. He takes time upfront to ask questions, and he is a good listener. If you are new to QHHT or more familiar with it, he is perfect because he meets you where you are at. He is knowledgeable about his field and has a real passion for helping and sharing. I couldn't have been happier with my session, and I know you will be too. I 100% recommend Jeffrey Ashur! Thanks again, Jeffrey!


Alice Bacon, South Australia

November 2020

When I first inquired with Jeffrey on the possibility of a remote healing session (being from down under in Australia) Jeffrey had yet to commence offering an online solution.

From the onset Jeffrey became committed to offering such a service and so in just a few short months (on the 18 Sept 2020) I found myself having my first Quantum Healing Session.

Zoom worked effectively well. Jeffrey set up a pre-session to go through everything and to ensure that technology (at both ends) would be optimal. Jeffrey even had a backup option if needed.

Jeffrey has a very calm and soothing voice that is reassuring and feels safe. It is as if I was drifting off without actually feeling like I was falling asleep. Jeffrey has a nurturing way of guiding and asking questions (with care, ease and a gentleness) without pressure or to influence what is being experienced.

Jeffrey did not rush and he let me linger in the moments that presented joy.

At first, I could only sense what I was seeing, then within several minutes I actually started to see visuals of different life existences. Faces, places, surroundings and other people. Some visuals were very vivid and some emotions felt very strong, as if they were happening and unfolding in the moment itself. Even when I reminisce I can still see, feel and experience the visuals and emotions as if they are happening right now. Very heart warming and comforting, especially since I have never had such experiences or realisations before.

So much has changed (in my thoughts) since my Quantum Healing session. I no longer have any concerning emotions towards death and I feel very neutral and comfortable with the thought of passing. I now sense that each life is actually over (and goes by so quickly) before we know it. Something that I could never comprehend or process before.

My experience of many different lifetimes, showed me that all is actually possible.

One lifetime in particular where I was fully loved, embraced and supported by my parents, siblings and those around me. This is something I have not experienced in this life time and it has been very healing to know and to still be able to feel emotionally what this was like.

One thing that I have noticed very strongly, is my visual aren’t like a dream state or imagination that only lingers for a while, rather I am able to feel and sense exactly what I saw, almost like they have been imprinted in my heart and are still with me right now.

It has taken me a while to reflect and process all my Quantum Healing experiences and I am still not done. There have been many learnings that have unfolded and similarities in this lifetime (and past lifetimes) in reflection to my purpose and trait. It has 100% validated my dedication and commitment to assisting and supporting others and in bringing their truth and true nature into their awareness (in all that they are) and in return to mine.

Thank you Jeffrey for your support and utmost care towards my journey and first Quantum Healing experience.



November 2020

My session with Jeffrey has left me feeling empowered, inspired, and healthier! He took the time to understand how I reached the point in life that I am today and advocated for me during the regression by asking my higher self follow-up questions. I felt that he was as invested in the answers my higher self could provide as I was, and I really felt supported by him throughout my session. Not only have I gained information about my past lives and insight from my higher self, but I was able to uncover the deeper meaning of my physical pain. With this awareness my higher self has been able to remove the pain and I feel great! I went into the session needing supportive pillows in order to lay down comfortably and when the session was complete I was sitting cross-legged reviewing the details with Jeffrey - something I haven't been able to do in years - it was truly transformative!



July 2020

I went to my session with little expectations and was ready to just enjoy the experience and see what happens. Wow! I left with an overpowering sense of joy and felt many questions I had were answered through this technique. I am very excited to see how my life pans out from here. I felt a shift take place at some point in my session and look forward to what is yet to come. Please if you are trying to decide to have a QHHT session with it! You will not be disappointed. Actually the opposite, whatever you get from the experience will be positive. Jeffery is very professional, kind, gentle and easy to talk. His presence alone is uplifting and right away you will feel comfortable and relaxed. I am very grateful for Jeffrey and guiding me on this personal journey.


Ronda M

July 2020

Jeffrey is a beautiful soul with a soothing voice and professional manner. I felt quite safe and relaxed in his QHHT space.
I have had trouble in the recent past with being hypnotized but I was able to go deep thanks to his confidence and experience.
We visited a past life where I was shown that I needed to 'speak up' in this life: Am still working on this.
My future self was pretty unique and it was shown to me now, to bring me ' hope' primarily. Though what is around us may be crumbling that is only a small picture and they will transform into beautiful events for mankind.
Lastly, healing did take place within my shoulders and back. I had pain, stress and some anxiety that had settled there. It has been replaced with flexibility and is pain free!

Thank you so much Jeffrey! This was so simple and a wonderful experience through you as my guide. I am in your debt. Big hugs and kisses,
Love and light, Ronda



June 2020

Pleasant and wonder experience. Jeffrey has a very calming , reassuring manner. Would like to experience it again soon.



December 2019

My very first QHHT session was just amazing. I am so grateful to Jeffrey for his patience, guidance and dedication to finding healing on many levels for me. My higher self made it clear that his gifts and abilities will be beneficial for anyone who would like to experience QHHT.


Brandy Roberts

September 2019

I am forever grateful to Jeffrey for his skill and calm demeanor through my session. I found the session extremely beneficial. Everyone can benefit from this type of healing!



September 2019

I had one of a kind experience it Jeffrey Ashur and I can’t thank him enough for the amazing session I had , it’s was unique it really open my mind and ❤️
I highly recommend it !!



September 2019

Jeffrey offered a pleasant environment and had excellent skills which led to an enriching session. I have no reservations or compunctions about giving him the best of recommendations. Thank you Jeffrey!


Introduction To QHHT Boston and Practitioner Jeffrey

Welcome to QHHT Boston, a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practice conducted by Jeffrey Ashur. This video serves as an introduction to practitioner Jeffrey Ashur and a brief description of how your QHHT session is organized and proceeds. For more information, please visit which includes more background info on QHHT, FAQs, more about Jeffrey Ashur, and how to book a session in the Boston Area. With a Bachelors degree in Physics & Music Theory and Masters degree in Electrical Engineering, Jeffrey has a broad base of experience to relate to fellow ascension-minded people. During your QHHT session, we can clear many blocks mentally, physically, and spiritually so that you can have a much easier time reaching higher levels of consciousness, Since our outer world is a projection of our inner world, our best approach is to work on ourselves from within if we desire a change in our external world. QHHT offers a direct channel to this form of healing. It gets to the core of what's causing any sort of distress or discomfort emotionally or physically. Dolores Cannon, author of 19 books and having conducted 1000s of sessions, once said that there's nothing impossible with the SubConscious. It's the all-knowing, unconditionally loving part of YOU which we may access through her proven method to achieve the state of mind that allows the healing.

QHHT Past Life Regression Healing in Boston with Jeffrey Ashur

Welcome to QHHT Boston, a Quantum Healing Hypnosis practice conducted by Jeffrey Ashur. This video serves as an introduction to practitioner Jeffrey Ashur and a brief description of how your QHHT session is organized and proceeds. For more information, please visit which includes more background info on QHHT, FAQs, more about Jeffrey Ashur, and how to book a session in the Boston Area. With a background in Physics & Engineering as well as in Music and the arts, Jeffrey has a broad base of experience to relate to fellow ascension-minded people. So that we can have a much easier time reaching higher levels of consciousness, many blocks can be cleared mentally, physically, and spiritually during your QHHT session. Since our outer world is a projection of our inner world , our best approach is to work on ourselves inside if we desire a change in our external world. QHHT offers a direct channel to this form of healing. It strives to reach the core of what's causing any sort of distress or discomfort emotionally or physically. Dolores Cannon, author of 19 books and having conducted 100s and 100s of sessions, once said that there's nothing impossible through the SubConscious. It is the all-knowing, all loving part of YOU that we may access through her iron-clad method to achieve the state of mind that allows it.

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