Joshua Phoenix

Mobile Phone: 07507688108
Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: 9-6pm Monday - Friday GMT
Payment Options: PayPal, UK Bank Transfer, Revolut
Languages: English

Time Zone: GMT

Address: 38, Lower House Walk, Bolton, England, BL7 9JS, United Kingdom.


Joshua Phoenix

Awaken and Ascend

Galactic Astrologer, Quantum Intuitive Guide and Healing Facilitator

I am a Galactic Astrologer, Quantum Intuitive Guide and Healing Facilitator. I practice with many modalities and love to bring as many tools as needed to the table to align people with their highest self. I have a lot of experience with Akashic Clearing and Psychic Surgery to create more space for the light of source to move fully into every part of the human being. My main expertise is in the field of Galactic Astrology, bringing awareness to your Galactic Heritage, Soul Origins and Universal Journey through reading the Tropical Natal Astrology Chart with Fixed Star Alignments and Deep Space Objects. I work closely with Julia Balaz, the creator of Quantum Soul Guidance whilst teaching on her courses and expanding the field of Galactic Astrology. My heart is to support the human awakening and ascension that is taking place at the moment and make this journey as smooth as possible for as many people as possible within my work. If you feel you could benefit from my support please feel free to reach out.


Certifications in:

Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner

Spiritual Response Therapy Advanced Practitioner

200Hrs Yoga and Meditation Teacher

Beyond Quantum Healing Practitioner

Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner

Reiki Master


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My Quantum Soul Guidance Certification

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