Kerri Wade

Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be. Embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness. Kerri Wade

Office Phone: 4802059410
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method:
Available Hours: Tuesday through Thursday, Saturday and Sunday
Payment Options: Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Facebook, Venmo , Zelle
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-07:00) Arizona

Address: 2450, South Arizona Avenue, Chandler, Arizona, 85286, United States.


Kerri Wade

East Valley Healing LLC


~ Member Since 2018

Kerri Wade is the owner of East Valley Healing in Chandler. Her practice specializes in helping women go from feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, unsupported, unappreciated, and lost to show up for themselves and feel healthier and happier so they can be better moms, partners and professionals.

Kerri provides the structure for transformation through one on one coaching, hypnotherapy and energy healing. She believes that many of us are living with chronic stress that impacts our well-being, health, and peace of mind and that healing is an inside job. Kerri has been a Reiki Master since 2004 and went back to school at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in 2016. She opened her business that same year and does much of her work remotely. In early 2020 after a month-long journey through India with the Amrit Yoga Institute, she boldly left her 38 year long career of managing and coaching real estate agents to step into her calling full time. She credits her own life experiences and the guidance of her intuition for bringing her to this moment where she can support other women to step out of pain and fear and into their authentic selves


Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Karuna Reiki® Practitioner, Holy Fire® Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified BQH Practitioner, Co- Creator SEA (Sacred Energetic Alignment) Therapy, I Am Yoga Nidra Facilitator, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Certified Body Code Practitioner, BodyMind Coach, Transformational Life Coach

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Holistic Healing, Stress and the Power of Energy Healing

A quick history lesson on Holistic Healing, the effects of stress on our body, and the benefits of reiki energy healing and yoga nidra meditation. Kerri Wade, Reiki Master Teacher, East Valley Healing LLC in Chandler AZ Visit for more information!

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