Lili McGovern

When you win, I win. When you are victorious, we are all victors. Life is meant to be lived in a state of joy, discovery and gratitude as we each journey together on the path of our hearts' evolution.

Office Phone: 3606712010
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method:
Available Hours: Please see my website: for info and booking.
Payment Options: Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, Credit Card, Cash, Money Orders
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Address: 315, Prospect Street, Bellingham, Washington, 98229, United States.


Lili McGovern

Heart Evolutions

Certified Creatively Fit Coach, Certified QHHT® Practitioner, Certified BQH Practitioner, Certified Elite Mentorship Forum Trainer, Certified Soul Speak Practitioner

~ Member Since 2020

"Lili is a very special, a truly rare individual emanating beauty from within and spreading it exponentially. Any time spent with her is a gift.

I encourage all knowledge seekers on a spiritual quest to engage with Lili. You will not regret it. You will find she is laser-focused on helping you and a treasure trove for setting you on a path to ultimate happiness."    Mary Lockman 

Hi there! My name is Lili McGovern and I’m honored to act as your professional guide to access your highest states of consciousness using the Quantum Healing Hynosis Technique ‚Äö√ë‚Ć exactly the way Dolores Cannon practiced it and beyond with BQH and Soul Speak Sessions.

I’m an explorer and seeker and, if you are too, together we can recover and reveal your very best self so you can carry out your unique mission in this world with confidence and joy.

I take great care in creating a safe space for your transformation and healing to occur by bringing to the table my rigorous scientific, philosophical and spiritual studies alongside my personal life quest for mental, spiritual, physical and emotional health.

I delight in most everything and I’m extremely curious. I love listening to people’s stories, learning how you’ve created your life and what your dreams and goals are.

I’m filled with gratitude and honor to be able to spend time with my clients’ highest self and witness transformations occur at the deepest and highest levels of consciousness.

I see you. You matter. The world shines brighter when you contribute your unique gifts. I look forward to joining you on your journey to fulfillment and satisfaction. 

I'll leave you with one of my fave quotes from a high self which dovetails beautifully with my philosophy on the enlightened potential of each individual:

"The state of grace is a condition in which all growth is effortless, a transparent, joyful acquiescence that is a ground requirement of all existence…You were born into a state of grace…It is impossible for you to leave it. You will die in a state of grace whether or not special words are spoken for you, or water or oil is poured upon your head. You share this blessing with the animals and all other living beings. You cannot “fall out of” grace, nor can it be taken from you."

Jane Roberts The Nature of Personal Reality, pg. 150

If you're ready to journey to the highest states of awareness and you resonate with me, visit my site and book your healing session with me today! 


Certified Elite Mentorship Trainer & Coach
Certified QHHT® Practitioner
Certified BQH® Practitioner
Certified Creatively Fit Coach
Certified Soul Speak Practitioner
Certified Emotion Code® Practitioner
Certified AromaTouch™ Technique
BA Psychology
AA Philosophy



Sarah Ottino

June 2024

Lili is a wonderful person. She is warm, caring, and easy to talk to. She was attentive and caring throughout the whole session. It was a wonderful experience.


Lili McGovern

December 2023

Amazing Results!
I have been decoding my clues and I'm very grateful for your help.
I am well on my way to healing.
I have been fasting and exercising ever since.
I have have been given lots of guidance from nature along my walks.
It has truly been a blessing.
The only true lesson in earth school is be grounded in love which is the holy spirit.
Thank you!


Susan Hukari

October 2023


I want to thank you for the energy healing experience. I feel so much lighter and open in my desires to move forward!

I still feel blocks (much less in some areas) AND I FEEL POSSIBILITIES!!!

I clearly see how working with energy is so powerful!
LILIBOO, you are a beautiful energy guide!

During our coaching session, I felt loved and respected for who I am AND the space for who I am growing into!

I FEEL GOOD knowing that I indeed am on the path of my desires and that my body's energy holds the key to the opening on this journey of knowing myself!

LILIBOO, I appreciate all that you bring to our sessions!


Destini Walker

June 2023

Lili was so helpful guiding me through my Soul Speak session a couple weeks ago. I had direct questions for myself and the answers were provided. I have been physically feeling the results since walking out of the office that day. The relationship I have with my physical body has greatly improved, pain levels cut in half and my personal psychology is constantly improving each day. Taking the time to reach out to Lili was a very a helpful and informative choice I made. I highly recommend reaching out to her and just start by asking questions or better yet, set yourself up an appointment and see for yourself the power we are capable of releasing within ourselves through caring guidance. Go see and experience for yourself, I dare you! What do you have to lose. Gaining knowledge and direction through QHHT has changed my life forever and I couldn’t be more grateful to Liliboo Alpha McGovern!! Thank you! You are a beautiful soul sharing a beautiful gift!


Kathryn Mussell Elevated Consciousness Coach

March 2023

Lili is an incredibly compassionate, patient and kind practitioner. Our session was so in-depth and comprehensive and this work took us deep! I highly recommend working with Lili McGovern. Our time together brought in so much insight and also some confirmation of things I had suspected for some time. It was a beautiful integration of body, mind and spirit and exactly what I needed to boost my energy and enhance the work I do. Thank you Lili! You are gifted at what you do!



January 2023

I felt very welcomed by Lili and she helped me to feel comfortable. She addressed all concerns and answered all my questions. I felt seen and heard. She beautifully guided me on my journey of self discovery.



December 2022

Oh my goodness!! Wow. Thank you so much, Lili, for the amazing work you do in helping me face these old stories with some joy and excitement.
Liliboo provides deep listening, reframing, questioning, and many times sharing the symbolism of what we are exploring. She leads you in a process of soul scribbles and helps you access some unconscious thoughts or worries.
She brings other resources into the session as needed; encouraging the development and use of positive affirmations as you do your work to change old beliefs that are no longer healthy, or take actions toward clarity and being responsible for how you build your life. There is no room for blame and no holding onto old beliefs or stories that have limited you. There is only room for nurturing, accepting, and honoring the YOU that is sacred and infinite.
There were so many ah ha moments. The overarching thing for me is that at my age (soon to be 82), I thought I had tackled most of my demons from the past, I really didn't think I had any secrets from myself left.
So, one powerful time was the way Liliboo helped me connect my demeaning ideas I had about myself and being able or deserving to speak out, use my voice. It seemed interwoven with early experiences with my father and sister who were both math wizzes and me who was not, or so I thought. Transforming result, feeling I do and I can ADD to the world by my presence. I do have VALUE and my stories have VALUE.
Again, my heart is full and I don't have the words to thank you enough.


Jim Perez

December 2022

I want to take a few minutes to thank Lili McGovern for stepping up and taking the initiative to start a peer group focusing on our studies in the Elite Mentorship Training program. Her leadership helped this small group's understanding of the challenging topics and concepts given. She also was a great contributor during our large class community calls; and with the Questions and Answers session with our mentor and coach, Mr. Peter Sage. Her input and personal perspective greatly enriched this time with our classmates. In addition when I needed further clarification, or to run past a thought, or a different perspective on a learned lesson it was easy to have Lili as a resource or sounding board. She also incorporated outside knowledge and learning from from her many years in this field. Lili is a wealth of knowledge, inspiration, confidence building, and a great listener.
For these reasons mentioned here, I would direct you to Lili McGovern, Personal Development Coach, if you are looking for a superb coach. You will be hard pressed to find a better high-caliber caring person in this field. If you want to be a better version of yourself starting this day forward, you need to start with the best coach you can find today! You owe it to yourself.
I wish you well on your journey.



December 2022

Hi Liliboo,

I am good and getting better.

I am finding I am less prone to grunting at work which definitely reflects my mood.

Thank you for sharing your warm space and love with me to help me on my journey.

It was a great [QHHT] experience and you made me feel safe and loved the entire time.

Thank you.



May 2022

Thanks so much for the truly beautiful team session that we had. We achieved so much in such a short space of time. The messages have stayed with me and will help me going forward.



May 2022

I did a follow up guided meditation to one I previously did with Lili a few months ago to meet my spirit guide. The actual meeting with the spirit guide was as wonderful as the first time I did it, but also just as wonderful are the explanations that Lili gives to lead me to a much deeper level of understanding of the significance of the signs and messages that I am receiving.


Erik Ten Have

April 2022

Dear Lili,
That was an amazing mindboggling wonderful experience.
Thank you so much for making the time for all of us.
Besides our individual experience we got to bond as a team as well, now with a 6th member: YOU!!
We love you!



April 2022

I had a fantastic session with Lili where she helped me to shine light on and reframe a mental block. The way she approached it was delightful. She is very perceptive and sensitive yet also bold and direct when necessary. I thoroughly enjoyed our session and she helped me to get in touch with deeper parts of me in a fun and enjoyable way. Her loving and supportive attitude is inspiring. I can only recommend her and her work.



April 2022

I've been wanting to reach out to you for a while but somehow never got to it/ didn't know what to say or how to say it :)

First of all, (and I apologize not saying this sooner) thank you so much for guiding me through that intense and important experience!

A few days after my session it was like a door, that I had closed years ago, was wide open again and information has just been flooding in.

In a big way, I felt like I finally reconnected with myself and the metaphysical world again and I had a lot of catching up to do.

So much is coming my way and I'm finding it hard to tie all the ends together especially since I currently have very few people in my circle I can discuss these subjects with.

I guess I'm hoping you'd be willing to meet for tea and a discussion and see if maybe your coaching sessions would be helpful?

I'd also love to ask you a few questions I have about my session.

Thank you



March 2022

Overall, I found the experience really awesome. I didn't know what to expect and you made it really fun.

Obviously, looking at limiting beliefs can be a bit challenging and not the most fun thing to do. But you made it fun and kept it light.

I felt that you listened really well and you articulated what I said and felt about the situation nicely in the email afterward. Doing the doodle was really interesting...

The email you sent afterwards was really cool and summarized everything nicely and it's a great recap and reminder.

Overall, it was really awesome and I love your manner. You're just so approachable, friendly, open, and nurturing. I'm sure you're very successful in what you do because you connect with people so easily.

Thank you!



March 2022

Lili has such a beautiful soul and I feel is truly connected to the higher powers within the spiritual realm. The clarity session I took with her was an eye opener to many areas of my life that need urgent nurturing. Lili put me at complete ease and I felt it easy to open up to her. The debrief of the session was invaluable as it's so easy to get caught up in the moment and then brain fog steps in and it's all lost. An outline of what we discussed and what actions to take is a fantastic addition to the session. Sending much love Lili.



March 2022

I am a very type A, needs to be in control of everything personality. This experience allowed me to drop my guard, my HIGH anxiety, and any preconceived notions I had. I was able to relax and hear my true self. It has now been almost 4 days later and i am viewing life with a new perspective and giving myself grace in healing. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who's really trying to breakthrough barriers in their life because this has gotten me out of my feelings of being "stuck". Take the time for yourself and take care of you and just do it.



March 2022

With just 1 session with Lili so much was shifted for me.

Through her insightful on-point questions to her genuine support, I walked away feeling more clear, relaxed and aligned.



March 2022

I was fortunate enough to spend time with Lili on a 'Clarity Coaching Session' using the vehicle of art.
The session was absolutely Awesome!!
I felt very safe to open out about important thoughts and discussions and got clarity on the way forward.
I have also left with some valuable tools to live an amazing life.
I fully recommend booking a 'Clarity Session' with Lili.


Sue Miller

February 2022

I just had a clarity session with Lili McGovern and it blew me away! It was fun, soul searching and surprisingly magical:)
I now have a very unique tool to manifest what is truly important in my life moving forward. It is very unique and very worthwhile


Shanti Bennett

February 2022

Lili truly cares about people. Her heart is loving and kind. She is encouraging and supportive. I feel that she listens very well and is here to bring the light !!!


Amy Wyman

February 2022

I have done a couple of different sessions with her I have done a QHHT Session and a Clarity Session and Both were extremely helpful in guiding me through the next steps of challenging times. I have done both in person and online sessions, her home office is relaxing and a beautiful comfortable space to allow yourself to let go. On line she manages to keep on point and focused and helped me to do the same. I love working with Lili and hope to have more sessions with her in the future.



February 2022

Had a phenomenal session with Lili. So much insight was brought forward in a conversation that felt as that of old friends. We had a lot of laughs, it was a playful exchange and very profound at the same time. I was guided to wonder about many things with Lili's "challenging" yet loving questions. Through this session I allowed my thoughts to go deeper and dig into ideas, thoughts, beliefs, fears, etc. that have kept me stuck. Placing some light on these has been challenging yet necessary. I am ever so grateful!


Max Collette

January 2022

Wow, second time I have visited Lily. I walked away with some incredible outcomes: I cleaned up my relationship with my father who has been gone for13 years; uncovered how to authentically give my mother (92) best quality of life in her later years; got clear about direction and how to pursue my divine calling and define my professional life. And that's not all! If you want breakthroughs and a divine experience, see Angel Lily! Ask her about my Haiku I created for her.



January 2022

Great exercise in contacting one's spiritual guide. Well versed w/ your craft and soothing voice to get group to a self-hypnotic state. Great understanding and willingness to assist the student interpret their vision.



January 2022

Lili is an amazing human creature being able to give to her fullest, I so enjoy our sessions. I admire her creativity, positivity, her kind, and caring approach. Her presence is just strong very good voice guidance. Thank you Lilibu!



January 2022

I have recently had 2 guided sessions with Lili.
Both were truly beautiful experiences.
I recommend you try it. Have faith



January 2022

Despite feeling for several decades that I had 'somebody watching over me' I'd never come close to being able to communicate with that 'somebody', probably because I feared that I just didn't know what I was doing and wouldn't let myself feel free and open to doing so. However, after knowing Lili for a short time I felt that I trusted her enough to safely guide me to a meeting with my spirit guide and it was a wonderful experience. I was able to thank my guide for everything they had done over the decades. My guide merely smiled sweetly, shrugged and said 'It's no bother'. How great is that! Thank you Lili for a wonderful experience.



January 2022

Lili creates a warm, comfortable space for you to be held, heard and guided. Her energy is loving and kind and feels so safe. I found myself so relaxed in her presence that I accessed areas of my consciousness I didn't even know existed. I would highly recommend her for your QHHT session. It is a life changing experience and she is a wonderful guide.



October 2021

I have experienced somewhere around 15 Past Life Regressions, including a Life Between Lives session, with four different practitioners from different backgrounds. All have been meaningful experiences.

However, my session with Lili was far different. She did a deep exploration of my back story, and, after the session I walked away with two extraordinary outcomes that, a year later, I am still real-izing and fulfilling today.

I can't recommend Lili enough; if you're going to do a PLR [QHHT], go to Lili.



October 2021

Lili has a wonderful space to explore your mind and discover the potential within. My experience during my short time with Lili was tranquil and up lifting. Self exploration is always there for us; Lili helps the process unfold. Thank you for your thoughtfulness, patience and calm disposition during my session with you, Lili, it was a great experience!



September 2021

I had a wonderful QHHT session with Lili. First of all, she was so responsive prior to the session and provided me with very helpful background information and preparation materials. I came into the session fully confident that I would be cared for and that the questions I was seeking would be respected and explored.
On the day of the session, Lili provided a warm and safe environment with some fresh water and snacks. We talked for quite a while about my life and the things I'd like to explore in the QHHT session.
I found her hypnosis method easy to follow and confident she would be a good guide. The session itself was very profound for me -- I had never done any hypnosis before, so this was all new for me. Our integration conversation afterwards was also very helpful.
I'd highly recommend Lili as a QHHT practitioner.


Lila S

September 2021

Lili is so caring and attentive that she sees things I shared very dynamically. We were able to get to roots, gently but directly, which I was then able to consider well after our session. Her follow up a week or so later was unexpected and reminded me what was helpful. Thanks Lili! Queen of Possible!



September 2021

Lili is a wonderful practitioner who took the time to listen to all of my concerns and answer all of my questions. She was very patient and kind and guided me to exactly where I needed to go. Her office setting was very comfortable and she truly cares about her client's experience.



September 2021

Thank you so much for you time, attention and patience. It was a marvelous experience and one that I will return to in memory for many years.

You are a gracious, generous and tender soul. It was my honor to spend time with you and be in your presence.

Thank you



August 2021

I had a fantastic time doing a clarity session with Lili, she is such a fun individual and easy to open up to. She asks all the right questions to get you where you need to be and to better understand what is coming through in your session, guiding you gently by asking questions.



August 2021

I had my first encounter with QHHT with Lili. She is an extraordinary human with a very loving wise spirit. My session took me between lives into an incredible library and a meeting with one of my angelic guides. I experienced leaving my body and the transition from earth to the next realm which is a place of pure love and clarity. My experience gave me significant insight and clarification about my personal state of consciousness and how much I hear my higher self. It actually opened me up more spiritually and enhanced my Coaching/Healing practice aiding people to remember who they really are, release trauma and remember why they are here. I learned a few things I hadn't known about and received much confirmation about myself and people in my life who I suspected have not been on earth previously but are here to aid the shift in the planet. I learned about how to assist them.



August 2021

Thank you so much for the session, I am having the most peculiar feeling right now, a complete absence of all of my fear. I have never felt that before and that is the gift you have given me.
I didn't even realize that I was almost in a constant state of panic because of my health issues. Running to this healer and that healer, adding these new supplements, spending more money on food and supplements than I earn.
Panic. Panic. Panic.
Now I realize my health is a gift from God. All this time I have been fighting, without realizing it, instead of just surrendering.
Well, I surrender now.
I feel so at peace. I can never be separate from Creator and now I feel that fully.
I don't know if my words will ever be able to convey what I now feel.
I came to be healed of my physical illness but instead I was healed of my fear and panic. Wow, totally wasn' expecting that.
5 years I have been fighting with this, at this point it just feels like “thy will be done”.
But I am not giving up just yet!
So much cleared out‚ I can't feel any guilt, I can't feel any fear and I don't feel any hyper responsibility. Truly amazing!
My session with you has really opened me up to a new way of thinking. Hmmmm, what if I am creating all of this? The sickness? Then I can also Un-create it. If I am really that powerful then I need to stay for sure and explore this.
You've given me a lot to do, and a lot to think about.
I'm so glad I picked you, Lili, that session was very helpful. In some ways I feel like a completely different person.



August 2021

I just wanted to thank Lili for facilitating such an amazing session. She was super awesome, flexible, helped meet my needs, and made me feel very comfortable. She was really good at listening and getting to know me, which seemed to be really beneficial in the question part of the session. She did great with asking the questions and getting as much information as possible. Her energy was very upbeat, comforting, and welcoming so it was very easy to relax. I would HIGHLY recommend her if you are looking to get a bqh or qhht session!

During the session I went to one past life, then my higher self was there and we went right into the questions. I was quite surprised how fast it all went. I was not expecting it to turn out the way it did and it was kind of indescribable for me. My voice even changed when my higher self came in, which makes me chuckle when I listen back to it, and in a weird way gave me confirmation that I was just talking to myself. With that said, even when that happened the shift was so subtle, so I would just say trust the process. Everything that came through was so simple, yet it was just said and felt in a deeper way, a clearer way. I got a lot of answers, but at the same time it was a realization that I am not gonna be given all the answers. It all comes back to me making the choices and actually experiencing the life I came here to live and discovering it all along the way. I am still integrating the information as well as taking steps to makimg the changes recommended by my higher self. Some of the most important take aways were to love myself and take care of myself and even to trust myself.

Thanks again Lili!



August 2021

I had an amazing clarity/coaching session with Lili which I found most helpful. I was surprised, I always am surprised, how the information is channeled in so effortlessly.
Another thank you to Lili for showing me the soul scribbles. I must say that these are a really fun way to approach limiting beliefs and I would highly recommend a Clarity Session to anyone.


Julie Mae

August 2021

Just had an amazing Clarity Session with Lili McGovern! She helped me get to the root of my stubborn perfectionism, use my imagination to visualize a new belief/goal, + make my own Yantra in ONE HOUR. Feeling so grateful + inspired to cultivate more ease + flow in my creative expression. Book your own session + get inspired ---> Powerful JOY: Let's PLAY! Thank you Lili


Dottie C

August 2021

Today I had an amazing, Insightful clarity session with fellow Creatively Fit colleague/student, Lili McGovern. With her lovely, bright, and upbeat energy, Lili helped me to express my limiting beliefs around love that I‚ am working on transforming. Together we created a new belief affirmation for me that inspires and expresses my love goals. Lili encouraged me to connect to my mind, heart, and gut to get clear on what I truly desire in a relationship.
After I wrote the affirmation/new belief that we created, I am open to receive the love I deserve from a good man. There is an unlimited supply of good men out there‚ we started the next step in the clarity process.
Lili asked me to close my eyes, take deep breaths and tune in to my soul. At that point, with my eyes closed, I scribbled for a few seconds to get my Soul Scribble. I immediately saw a couple dancing. Lili saw them in an embrace snuggling.. This soul scribble represents the loving relationship I wish to create and manifest.
As I continue to work on the Soul Scribble, Lili suggested I write the affirmation daily to assist in the manifestation of what I desire. Lili ended our session with a succinct, reflective, and loving prayer of forgiveness. This prayer fully resonated with me and I will add it to my daily ritual.
Lili is an amazing healer, artist, and woman and I am so happy we met.
Clarity sessions are a fun and insightful way to get to the depths of your soul and create new beliefs to move forward in your life!



June 2021

I had my first clarity session with Lili and I felt so comforted and A bit of healing through it. She was so gentle listening to my life story as well as triggers for worry and myself. She not only listened as an energetic intuitive being but also felt me and my personality and discussed with me as a friend. She was able to listen to my chatter and decipher what my greater needs and clarity were. She guided me through an amazing soul scribble session and allowed me to find deeper greater meaning from the session. I've used that meaning and soul scrabble in my day-to-day life and for nearly a week after our session I felt healed and more connected to myself. I could really feel Lili's energy and want to say that she is an amazing soul Who still resonates with me. I really look forward to working with her again and I'm so blessed for her energy and this clarity session. I feel clarity and I'e even relayed some of the techniques she showed me to my family. Thanks again Lili, look forward to the next one!! :)



June 2021

I wanted to learn QHHT & BQH so I gave it a try first to experience it first-hand and I am just so grateful that it was with Lili. The energy that she gave off was so calming and soothing and I felt taken care of, even though we just did it over zoom as we were miles apart. Thank you, Lili. I will definitely get back to you when the things revealed in the session have manifested already. Much love and light.


Cheri Lefevre

May 2021

I was given the gift of a QHHT session, from my daughter. I didn't know much about it, so I started researching what QHHT is. By the time I had my session, I thought I pretty much knew what to expect. But, I hadn't met Lili yet. She is so loving and accepting, and I felt very comfortable with her right away. I am normally an introvert and a very private person. I am not one to share my life stories with anyone out of fear of being judged. I couldn't believe how open I was with Lili. She has a way of making it feel so safe to talk with her, and absolutely no feeling of judgment whatsoever. What came out of my session really surprised me. I knew i had been having some serious health issues, but had no clue why. I was one of these people who seemed happy, never ruffled feathers and acted pretty positive. I was known as a nice person all of the time. What I learned during my session was that I had been suppressing a lot of anger. Once I realized this, and could work through it, I began to feel so peaceful about things in life that I hadn't been feeling peaceful about prior to my session. I could let things go, and accept things I hadn't been able to, which has given me a great sense of peace and understanding. Lili provided so many resources after our session to help guide me through my experience. I'm already experiencing healing, and I totally attribute this to my QHHT session and Lili. I've never felt so accepted for the good, the bad, and the ugly as I did with her. I left there feeling like I wanted Lili to be my best friend.



May 2021

I'm thrilled and excited to share with you all just how amazing Lili is. Expect to be pampered by a tender spirit. I couldn't think of a better person to undergo a QHHT session with. She spends an entire day with you, having you feel so comfortable and relaxed in her healing space. Her approach to all facets of the session makes you feel like you can completely let your guard down and dissolve. I definitely look forward to seeing her again. Thank you so much Lili!



May 2021

Lili, took the time to get to know me and find out the best ways to get the answers I needed. I could not have asked for a better session or practitioner to work with me. She was amazing and so patient.

My session blew my mind. I went in with the regular questions of. Why am I here. What is my purpose. What caused my health issues. Why did I go through what I did. I got my answers and more and I am still processing them today. For me this was a life altering experience. It has changed how l look at things and process things. My session took me to other lives. (None on this planet) my higher self answered so many questions and provided pivotal insight to the true core of ME.

I left that session a changed person. It is truly amazing how at peace a person can be if they know what their purpose is and why I needed to experience the things that I did to make me who I am today.

I will be having more sessions with Lili, after I have finished assimilating all the information that was revealed to me. I am still in awe of what I learned and the impact it has had on my life.

I am so grateful for this healing modality. I have been a follower of Dolores Cannon for 10 years and had booked my first session over 7 years ago, but life had other plans and I did not go. Everything in it’s own time. If you are on the fence about having a session, I would greatly encourage you to have one. You will be given the information you need for the place you are at now. Don’t put it off. I still have a hard time expressing the sheer joy and peace that I now experience daily because of what this session did for me.

Thank you Lili for being there for me.



March 2021

Lili provided a wonderful, safe, and friendly space to take me on the journey into my subconscious. She made me feel completely at ease opening up and sharing such a personal experience with her. Lili is very talented at what she does and helped me to have a profound experience into my soul. Thank you so much for sharing the experience with me Lili!



March 2021

After a couple years of listening to Dolores Cannon, soaking in the truths and adapting to the real story of many historical events that we have been mislead to believe, I started looking for a practitioner that had been directly mentored by The Cannons.
There were a few available to chose from here in the NW.
Lili's site looked the most professional and by serendipity she was local to my hometown.
I'm incredibly thankful for the experience of getting a regression to learn some more about my life and previous journeys.

My take away from the brief interaction I had with Lili, is that. She is incredibly passionate about helping others and is a total student of the pioneers in the regression therapy.
A genuine light in an age of darkness!

I will definitely go back and refer others to do the same.

Thank you Lili!


Sujith Kumar

March 2021

Lili is a sweet soul with lots of alchemys to helo you to understand your souls journey and how to heal and lead your journey. She brings out certain dormant energies inside us revealing about ourself who we are and how we can improve our journey to the light.
I cant thank enough for releasing my bkocks and helped me elevating to a next level... sending lots of love and blessing to her to keep up this beautiful healing journey and helping more souls to elevate and awaken in this beautiful era of light... Thank You Lili...



March 2021

This comes as a testimonial of recommendation for Lili McGovern's wonderfully grounding Soul Speak session I embarked on recently. With some gentle breathwork connection, closed eyes and tuning in, Lili expertly & intuitively spoke directly to my Higher Self around my feeling so scattered this particular day! Through a series of short questions of inquiry, I was able to respond to myself, and Lili, the reasoning behind these emotional and physical reactions, then offering the right solution for the issues at hand without being attached to anything. Knowing without doubt [that] the Soul's own innate wisdom to provide the answers the heart seeks and with Lili's guidance, they came effortlessly and easily! In deepest Gratitude



March 2021

Lili was very nice, welcoming and easy to talk to. We started off talking about my life from start to finish and then went into the regression to answer my questions that I came with. It was very helpful and eye opening and I look forward to more sessions in the future :)



March 2021

Hi Lili,
Thanks a million for yesterday! I am so appreciative of our Soul Speak session together.


Matt Schmidt

March 2021

I just recently had a profound BQH session with the amazing Lili McGovern and it was "out of this world". I was a bit concerned about how well I would do being an analytical person but Lili assured me that there were no expectations and quickly put my mind at ease. The whole process was so relaxing and enjoyable. Lili's beautiful voice guided me on a magical journey that I will not soon forget. I also had many things that I wanted to cover in the session and Lili expertly addressed all of them. I have noticed some huge shifts in my body energetically and physically and I know that this is the beginning of so much more. I am so grateful that I got to experience this with her. I have been trying to experience every healing modality that I can and I can honestly say that this is one of the most powerful ones that I have ever experienced! You owe it to yourself to do this!


Krista M

March 2021

I've been a client of Lili's for several years now, and if you're looking for one of the most compassionate healers in the Pacific Northwest, you've found her! Lili "walks the talk" bringing life experience, wisdom, and compassion to her practice. She has the ability to meet you where you're at and the skills to inspire new ways of being and thinking that are life changing - my "upgraded" life and happiness are living proof of it. 5 stars, thank you, Lili !!



December 2020

I too am a Quantum Hypnosis practitioner, so I my perspective is from both the client and the practitioner side. Lili gave me a fantastic session. In every way she was professional, punctual, prepared, knowledgeable...and she is also extremely gifted in working with people and it is evident that she loves what she is doing. I was immediately comfortable with her positive energy and friendly demeanor, and I would highly recommend her for a quantum hypnosis session.


James F

August 2020

The BQH session was out of this world. From the outset, Lili made me feel most welcome and at ease. I was able to instantly open up to her about my life and she held space impeccably for me as I told her my story. My life is very, how you say, unusual and most people would view my experiences as unreal or the substance of a psychosis or delusion. There are VERY few people that I can be totally open with that can accept my reality as being valid. Lili did not bat an eyelid when I told her my outlandish tale and showed genuine interest in what I had to say. I felt empathetic towards her, as having to listen with focus to a number of hours of personal information without sharing your own story is challenging to say the least! This she did ably and at no point did I feel rushed.
Once the background was explored, I shared the questions that required answers and the intention for the session. She guided me through the process of framing these in a way that could achieve the best results and we settled in for the meditation and BQH. Once the relaxation section was completed, the past life regression began and what came out was phenomenal!
Whilst the remembrances of my past lives are unlikely to be actual lives in this timeline they were, however, highly relevant to my current incarnation. The dream-like stories were layered with symbology, allegory, hidden meanings and metaphors and had a depth and richness to them. They were parables rather than fact, which is EXACTLY what was needed for the healing process. There will be realities out there though that correspond with these visions due to the Infinite nature of existence. However, I feel that it is important not to hang on too tightly to the experiences and take the lessons from the stories instead.
Lili was a fabulous guide during the session, I found her voice EXTREMELY soothing. On listening back to the recording of the question and answer section, it soon became clear that the Higher Self was presenting itself as a humorously exasperated cheerleader‚ a collective consciousness with a wise, supportive, stern and yet comedic tone. The insights that have come through have been fascinating to say the least. There were answers being provided that were locked within but required a forum to be expressed aloud. They needed a voice! Now it has been released and I'm able to use this guidance to help heal issues that have been outstanding for quite a while.
The main wisdom that I received from the session was to appreciate the simple act of being there. One only has to look at a flower to understand the richness of the reality that we are gifted with and to be grateful for it. It is when viewing simplicity with a single point of focus that the complexity of things falls away and the grand nature of the Universe is revealed without having to apply force. To allow events to unfold naturally and not use a sledgehammer to crack a nut and take a softly, softly catchee monkey approach when dealing with relationships in my inner and outer worlds is just the key that I have been searching for. There were many more revelations apart from these and it will take quite a while to digest them all.
I can't thank Lili enough for her support, patience, guidance and wealth of good humour while conducting the session. She has my deepest gratitude. As a fellow traveller in this realm, I can only say this, she is a rare breed indeed. The beauty of her soul shines out strongly and her magnificence is not lost on me. The experience was indeed profound and I gained much more from it than I expected. I would highly recommend a session with Lili to anyone wishing to explore the depths of consciousness.
Namaste soul sister Lili. Love and blessings to you.



July 2020

Thank you Lili for a wonderful journey! You brought me places I've never been and allowed me to see things I didn't know!


Judy S. (HI)

July 2020

My past life session with Lili was amazing. I didn't know her at all, but found her completely professional and trusting. Though I could hear what I was saying throughout the session, it was as though my body was being a vessel for my higher self. I remained aware and critical of the conversations, yet I was saying exactly what I saw and nothing more, which made this other-worldly journey truthful and undeniably real. What I found most interesting was how my higher self neatly picked and chose various lifetime scenes for me to see in order to gain wisdom I needed for my life today. Thank you Lili. I would do this again.



July 2020

So much happened during my BQH session with Lili McGovern!!
- I visited Holy Eagle Peak with a group of my spiritual brothers to hear the Buddha's message.
- I aligned with my Buddha Nature and actively participated in the notable Ceremony in the Air
- I saw the light emanating from the Buddha's forehead and understood we are ALL BUDDHAS!!
- I felt my body being shaken, cleansed and nourished by his message.


Tom A.

July 2020

Lilli has such a soothing voice and warm comforting spirit, my experience could not have been better! I highly recommend her.



July 2020

I know it sounds dramatic to say that a QHHT session was life changing... But it was! The insights that came through helped me make sense of SO many different aspects of my life. I feel like I made contact with the deepest part of myself, and the impact of this contact continues to reveal itself. Lili did such a beautiful job of asking great questions. She has a compassionate and professional presence- She is a powerful space holder! If you're on the fence about whether to do this or not... Do it! I can't recommend Lili highly enough. I am eternally grateful for our work together and look forward to another session.


Amber Wright

July 2020

Lili is very sweet and understanding.


David G

July 2020

I had the pleasure to meet Lili during the QHHT training and we managed to get some free time to get a session going. The session was great, Lili has a great attitude; she makes you feel at ease and comfortable. I can only imagine how much better she must be now with even more experience.


Carol Vare

July 2020

Lili made me feel so comfortable right from the start. We started with an interview. Her relaxed demeanor, her inquisitive and insightful questions really opened me up to see some of the patterns that I have created lately. When we began the hypnosis session, her steady, calming voice really brought me into a deep sense of trance. I first went into a past life and she would take me back a bit to see how I got into the predicament presented. Then asked really good questions. It wasn't a spectacular past life, but it directly correlated to what is going on in my life today. When she took me to my Higher Self, I was even able to see more significance in this scenario. All of my questions were answered and more. I highly recommend Lili for a BQH session and I look forward to getting one again in the future.


Conor M

July 2020

The Quantum healing session was a very interesting experience. It helped me to critically examine some of my mental processes, and to open my mind. Lili was great at guiding me through the journey. I would recommend this to anyone interested.



July 2020

I was so fortunate to have Lili do my past life regression session during training. She’s probably one of the most loving, non judgemental person that I’ve ever met. She helps everyone that crosses her path if she can.
Yes, I highly recommend her services.


Mary Lockman

July 2020

Lili came waltzing into my life with high crystal clear energy and a driving passion to help others on their quest to be the very best they can be. It went from there to H-cubed: Happiness, Healing, and Healthy inspirations with fun, joy and laughter.
Lili is very special, a truly rare individual emanating beauty from within and spreading it outward exponentially. Any time spent with her is a gift. I encourage all knowledge seekers on a spiritual quest to engage with Lili.
You will not regret it. You will find she is laser focused on helping you and a treasure trove for setting you on a path to ultimate happiness.



July 2020

My session with Lili felt like I was visiting an old friend. She was very welcoming, and I felt at home right away. Lili was very thorough and inquisitive. I was able to remember things I had completely forgotten that led to some epiphanies before the hypnosis even began, purely through the questions she chose to ask me. She is a wonderful listener.
The hypnosis itself felt very relaxing. Lili has a soothing voice that made the transition feel easy and natural and it was her highest priority that I was comfortable. I went through another life and it was an amazing and eye-opening experience. Lili was able to guide me through it gracefully and gave enough time for answers to come through, and asked very insightful follow-up questions to make sure I gained the most clarity possible.
I am truly grateful for the experience, the reassurance, inner peace, and guidance it has given me. I would recommend it to anyone that wishes to connect with themselves on a much deeper level.



July 2020

I have felt good physically, my dreams have been vivid (not typical!). Doors have been opening for me on many levels. I have felt more peace (even in stressful situations).
The session seemed like a dream in many ways, ethereal, distant. Yet, it wasn'tt and I recognize the importance of the messages that came through my higher self. I especially appreciated the very concrete methods of regaining my physical health!
I feel luckier than ever that I have potential I had never felt before. In a way, I feel as if I've been released from prison.
Thanks to you, Lili, as my facilitator. I felt safe, secure, and relaxed to delve into the nitty-gritty of my past lives and the future of my present time life here and now.


Olga S.

July 2020

My experience with Lili was outstanding and miraculous. I came for the session without certain expectations. I had had a previous experience of guided Akashic Records meditations and involuntarily thought it would be similar. But it was not, it was a very unique experience I couldn't have anticipated.

Being emerged into my own depth and seeing past lived incarnations without trying they came to me with ease and clarity was very uplifting.

Answering my own questions helped to root in the innate but forgotten knowledge that my own soul knows and holds all the truth. The session reassured me on a very deep level that I can and should be looking inward for all the answers, and that I, in fact, already know them.


Lisa S.

July 2020

My session with Lili was one of the most amazing and clarifying experiences of my life. I would recommend a session with her to anyone, especially those who are looking for answers to deep questions as to life purpose, innate struggles and how to conquer them.
I was super impressed with Lili and her ability to hold a safe space and be totally tuned in for such an extended amount of time. The sessions are long but the entire time I felt safe, happy, cared for and supported.
The hypnotherapy portion of the session was very relaxing and super enjoyable. I felt like I was inside the best dream I have ever had and never wanted to wake up. I got in touch with my subconscious and had many of my questions answered. When I woke up, I felt light, clear, happy and with a renewed sense of purpose for my life. I would definitely do it again.


Jeff D

July 2020

The instant I met Lili I knew she was a kindred soul. I'm forever grateful for the opportunity to experience this healing modality with her. Throughout my session I felt as if I was catching up with a lifelong friend. Lili was completely present and engaged as I chronicled my life experiences and provided a perfect sounding board as I ventured deeper into my past. I was able to uncover and better understand some pivotal and, sometimes, painful memories I thought I had lost altogether.

I was totally at ease through the entire journey. Her smile and laugh are infectious, and her calm soothing voice was my tether as I journeyed deeper into my subconscious. Looking back as I reviewed my experience, I'm amazed at the profound insights I gained and reassured of their significance, because they, ultimately, came from me. Thank you, Lili, for helping me to find and truly hear my OWN voice.


Tanya Matthews

July 2020

My experience with Lili and QHHT ® was absolutely unbelievable & breathtaking!
Lili was absolutely amazing as a person & in her works with QHHT ®! She has a radiant soul that is calming and peaceful! I knew the moment I saw her picture she was a kindred spirit.
My experience with QHHT ® as a first time client was so uplifting & magical! I believe a QHHT ® session is the first step into Loving & Healing one’s self!
There you will begin this miraculous journey into rebuilding your foundation, so you can once again begin planting & growing your seeds. This process will bring you much peace, healing & understanding to be able to align your visions with your reality. You’ll also be able to release your old unwanted baggage that no longer serves a purpose in your life & begin to Breath Again!
To New Beginnings!


Lisa Marie J

July 2020

Recently I had the pleasure of receiving divine insight in a QHHT session conducted by practitioner Lili McGovern.
The whole session lasted approximately four hours, the time seemed to elapse incredibly quickly. The first two hours Lili spent gaining my trust, in getting to know me and what I was hoping to receive from my session.
The following two hours I spent in a very comfortable, relaxed prone position, covered in a warm blanket, fully clothed with my eyes closed, as Lili led me through deep journeys of discovery which revealed to me a remembering and forgotten or discarded parts of myself.
Lili is highly intelligent, intuitive, full of empathy and compassion. She is very
patient, kind and generous with her client's needs.
I would highly recommend Lili McGovern for anyone looking to dive deeper into themselves with a QHHT session.


Alisa S.

July 2020

After my session with Lili I left with a sense of re-connection to my intuitive self, my inner wisdom. Her sweet essence and soulful listening throughout the session was a comfort and a relief as I came into this experience.

I left feeling totally relaxed. I feel a greater sense of peace after our session. Doing this work can shed light on or give you a sense that you already are empowered to know what you need, that it's all about asking the right questions and listening!

Thank you, Lili, for helping me foster a deeper connection with me.



July 2020

Before we got started, Lili, with her charismatic energy and inquisitive nature, helped me to identify intriguing questions to ask my subconscious. Her charm and gentle nature put me at ease during the life review portion. Her unique tonations and listening nudges helped me move into and through the unfamiliar territory of my subconscious.

With Lili’s patient accompaniment, I felt comfortable as I traveled through and experienced several different time periods that my spirit-self deemed appropriate. The visions were concentrated and dense like a poem rich with emotions, action and drama. I discovered some interesting connections and was surprised that revelations kept coming up for weeks after our session.
I now feel myself using my subconscious as a new coach. No one knows me better, cares more about me, or has such a wide perspective of how I can best move around in the world than my subconscious. It keeps telling me to not get in the way of my potential growth, and seems to keep steering me toward the tools that can help me attain this growth.

I’m already looking forward to another session to explore my rich history with this fascinating healing modality.


Tana C.

July 2020

Thank you so much for the QHHT session. It was my first time so I didn’t know what to expect when I got there. You made me so comfortable and relaxed and your peaceful calming voice was so soothing. You knew exactly what to do and you were so professional and pleasant to work with. I can tell you are equipped and ready to help others tap into their powerful subconscious mind. It was an amazing informative session. I thank you!!!



July 2020

I had a session with Lili. She is very nice, open minded, knowledgeable and comfortable. I don't ever tell people a lot about myself but I totally opened up to Lili and told her more about me than anyone knows and I could have kept going.

Lili had a lot of patience with me and seemed very caring. Lili was very thorough with the experience and made sure I felt safe and comfortable. I would recommend Lili to everyone. Thank you so much, Lili!



July 2020

Thank you so much. I had no idea how much our afternoon would impact me. The healing atmosphere made it very easy to open up, trust,and go on our journey. I felt comfortable and cared for. The healing process has continued and I am forever grateful. Peace and gratitude.



July 2020

Is how Lili approaches her sessions. Her curiosity is infections and helped me go further than I might have otherwise. I feel extremely grateful for all the time and energy she put into my session.


An Introduction to Lili McGovern and Quantum Healing Hypnosis

Lili McGovern, Quantum Healer, QHHT and BQH Practitioner at shares her passion for QHHT and what motivates her to help others access their High Self for answers and healing. Also, included is a short summary of what happens in a QHHT Session. a note from Lili: "Hi there! My name is Lili McGovern and I’m honored to act as your professional guide to access your highest states of consciousness using the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique ℠ exactly the way Dolores Cannon practiced it. I’m an explorer and seeker and, if you are too, together we can recover and reveal your very best self so you can carry out your unique mission in this world with confidence and joy. I take great care in creating a safe container for your transformation and healing to occur by bringing to the table my rigorous scientific, philosophical and spiritual studies alongside my personal life quest for mental, spiritual, physical and emotional health. I delight in most everything and I’m extremely curious. I’m fascinated with people’s stories, and I love learning how you’ve created your life and what your dreams and goals are. Each person I have the honor of working with touches my life and enriches my experience. I’m filled with gratitude and honor to be able to spend time with my clients’ highest self and witness transformations occur at the deepest and highest levels of consciousness. I see you. I hear you. I feel you. You matter. The world shines brighter when you contribute your unique gifts. I look forward to joining you on your journey to joy, health, fulfillment and evolution." If you’re in transition, unsure of your next move, experiencing some sort of crisis, suffer from chronic pain or disease, feel trapped, feel alone, need advice or just feel like you’re stuck, a QHHT® Session may be transformational. If you feel unfulfilled, stressed out, have no passion, a QHHT® Session can help shift your energy so that you can move forward confidently. If you’ve experienced missing time, or have unexplained phenomena in your life, been abducted by ET’s, and have no one to talk to about this, a QHHT® Session may be just what you need to uncover explanations and find answers. If you’re searching for your purpose, don’t know why you’re here, have a hard time fitting in, can’t quite seem to get the hang of life on earth, or are simply curious about what a session can do for you, a QHHT® Session is perfect for you. Experience the magic, joy and healing of a Quantum Healing Session with Lili In-Person (QHHT) or online (BQH) at: Check Lili's FB page for FREE online group regressions Follow Lili on Instagram: Stay Tuned for Session Segments coming soon!

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