Linna Kay

Induce the Mind & The Body Will Follow

Office Phone: 2015396114
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST
Payment Options: The time that is spent with you is sacred, intimate, and designated to your Highest Good. Not only by me, but by you, for yourself. You are tapping into the depths of your being and obtaining divine knowledge that will enable you to thrive going forward. The tools you are given by your Higher Self are intricately designed for you. Establishing a connection to your higher power, which is able to heal you instantaneously if appropriate, unlock gifts, raise frequency and more. You will be walking away with this connection to your Higher Self. This is why you get to choose, based on your own experience and understanding how much your session is worth to you. All Sessions Require a Non-Refundable Deposit of $111.00 to Secure a Date. Online/Remote Sessions Range From $222 - $999 Regardless of time spent that day. Local Sessions & In Person Sessions Range From $444 - $999 Regardless of time spent that day. The Minimum Amount Is Required, you may donate more should you so choose. Travel fees apply & can be found on my website. I Accept: PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, & Cashapp
Languages: English, Russian

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Address: Lake Worth, Florida, United States.


Linna Kay

Quantum Healing Meditation


~ Member Since 2021

Quantum Healing Saved my Life.

Introverted most of my life. Strict European parents and bullied growing up I had very low self esteem. In my early 20s I started dating someone who turned out to be very physically and emotionally abusive. After escaping that relationship I was extremely lost, sad, and even contemplated suicide. I wanted to go “home” but didn’t where home was.

One day I wrote “this can’t be it” on social media and someone showed me Dolores Cannon’s  book “Between Death & Life”. All my questions were answered. I remembered things I never knew I knew! It was deep within me all along. That was my awakening. Over 10 years ago!

Since then I’ve read and studied Dolores’ work along with others. Learning different modalities along the way. Quantum Healing is me calling and my path.

I’m on a mission. “Home” will have to wait.


QHHT Level 1
QHHT Level 2
Soul Speak
Reiki Level 2
Animal Communication & Reiki Healing
House Clearing (Open to Receiving/Seeing)





Angelica Alwani

February 2024

Experiencing Lina Kay's quantum healing session was truly transformative. From the moment I discovered her on social media I felt an instant connection. Our one session felt like a lifetime of therapy packed into a day, unraveling deep layers within me. Lina's expertise guided me through a profound healing journey, touching parts of my inner self I hadn't accessed before. I am grateful the universe connected us. I highly recommend Lina to anyone seeking a remarkable healing experience. If you're reading this, consider yourself fortunate – you've found your guide in Lina Kay


Nicholas DeSilvio

January 2024

Yes just like you are doing right now trying to read reviews before actually booking a session I did the same. My wife had given me Linnas tik tok page to take a look at to see if I wanted to book a session with her. I know it may be hard to take a strangers word about their experience but I truly hope you know that I am truly giving my honest feedback.
Linna is the real deal. If I were to have enough time every day that I am blessed to open my eyes and put my feet on the ground I would love to make sure I had an appointment with Linna every day. Linna is so advanced and great at what she does that when I had my session with her it felt like only 10 minutes had gone by but in all actuality it was four hours. I was brought back to different lifetimes and in each lifetime the vision was so clear that I truly thought I time traveled. Once you book a session with Linna you don’t become just a client, you become her family. Linna simply thank you. I was able to get everything answered that I had requested answers to . After your session you too will understand and grasp just how great Linna is at what she does.
Love and Light to all that read this and for those who book a session you will not regret it.


Melinda Williams

January 2024

🤯🤯 I wasn’t too sure what would happen I think I was on the fence as to if this would work. It’s rare I’m speechless and as everyday goes by, more and more of what we talked about makes sense, just in general I feel so loved and connected, I’ve never experienced unconditional love until I met you, and for that I am forever grateful, you opened my heart my mind and my life 💚💚✨✨✨ you are amazing and what you do will heal the world, I love you so much


Victoria Donofrio

April 2023

Where do I even start!!! Such an amazing experience, this is so worth it!! Linna is such a smart,  understanding, talented, and just an amazing person over all!!! I am so pleased with the results I got. I would strongly recommend this to everyone.


Maria Hajiantoniou

February 2023

I just did my session and I feel so amazing. My eyes are open and everything is so much more clearer I can’t explain the feeling but it was out of this world amazing!! You will feel at peace and so much more happier, everything will come to you and all the questions that you hold deeply inside of you, you will understand finally and they will be answered!!❤️ This amazing woman will change your life????



January 2023

Linna did an outstanding job guiding me through this session. KInd, understanding and taking all the time needed.


David Isaac

November 2022

Information that you would not expect, places you think have never seen! Linna gently guides you to yourself and shows you this muscle that you rarely use to tap in to the eternal being that you are. I highly recommend this to further your spiritual journey. Thank you Linna Kay! Much love and appreciation for who you are and what you do!



October 2022

I had a session with Linna a little over a month ago. My intention of the session was the have a clearer and deeper connection with my higher self. It’s been the switch that I needed to thin the veil further along my ascension journey. If you are interested in a QT session I couldn’t express how wonderful Linna was in guiding me through to my higher self. I felt an authenticity with Linna that allowed me to trust the process and I am reaping the benefits in life as I write this review. I highly recommend her assistance especially for those who are specifically looking to hone their connection to the divine. Forever greatful.


Karen Virdi

October 2022

I am so grateful that my cousin referred me to Linna for quantum healing. This process where Linna guided me to connect with my higherself, was incredible. I had many confirmations and this boosted my confidence even more. I felt very secure and comfortable with Linna and understand how this experience with her will benefit my life. I highly recommend Linna for anyone whom is looking to excel, heal and evolve in their journey. Many blessings beautiful Linna. ❤️


Shelly Wiatrowski

August 2022

I saw Linna on TikTok and immediately was drawn to her and her practice. Upon speaking to Linna over zoom for my consultation I knew this was the right fit! She then led me down my new path of higher being and healing. THANK you so much Linna!! What a great experience! I went to bed very early after my session, I woke up full of energy today and ready to tackle the very thing that was holding me back, me!!! I am overjoyed by this experience and highly reccommend Linna to be your guide!


Chris H.

July 2022

There are not enough good things I can say about my session with Linna. From the second I spoke to her, I felt at peace and that I could trust her. This is very rare for me, as I am extremely guarded with my energy, and it is difficult for me to fully relax in similar environments. Linna is different though. She has a kind soul and a very soothing voice. The Quantum Healing session itself was incredible. I was able to connect with my higher self and ask dozens of questions, some of which I had been seeking answers to for YEARS. I was able to find answers on some deeply personal subjects, and also learned some secrets of the universe. Very fascinating and sometimes mind-blowing! I could not have been happier and would do it again in a heartbeat! Thanks so much for the experience Linna!!!


Denise Foust

July 2022

Linna is such a friendly and pleasant soul to work with. I had no idea if I would be capable of reaching my higher self but with gentle guidance from Linna I was able to help heal many ailments I have been experiencing. I can feel my body healing more and more each day. Digestive problems, sinus problems, skin problems, chronic coughing etc . are lessening each day. This is the best I've felt in years. Thank you Linna for your guidance in helping improve my health. God bless.


Brittany H

July 2022

Linna is such a lovely soul to work with! She is so tapped in to this work, and her facilitation of the session was effortless. The truths and realities that she was able to allow me to access from my subconscious were so wild! I will recommend her to anyone and everyone who is looking to expand their conscious reality and experiences. Thank you Linna for a gentle and beautiful experience!


Jia . D

July 2022

I was a bit nervous at first, but Linna has such a beautiful spirit that my guides and highest self instantly felt comfort with her. I could feel my highest self coming out soon as I met her via zoom. The session healed me from a deep cellular level of all aspects. Within the first 24 hours I had noticed major changes. Such as no more bloating, no more sugar cravings, no more loneliness , stronger connection with higher self, I can feel ET energy all day!!, I astral travel at night like I have never before, My psychic reading and energy healing session are beyond words' I am able to leave my body and go into my clients and remove blockages.... so cool! I am so connected that I can hear, sense and feel energy and everything that is about to happen.
I can digest many foods I could never before, including dairy. I have so much faith , I have fully surrendered. I am less triggered by the external world, because I understand they are here to play with me so I can evolve to the fullest.

100000% recommend Linna session!!!!



July 2022

It’s been more than 3+ weeks since my first session with Linna and it has been a roller coaster since. Linna is an amazing listener who systemically helps you determine what it is you need in your own healing journey. I value what I’ve learned from the session because ultimately, what you leave with is, this strong self of confidence that you have all the answers you have ever been looking for. Linna’s work emphasizes your ability to not only begin the healing journey during your time with her but also in the aftermath. Since our session, It has been so much easier for me to stop doubting everything going on in my mind and allow the process to flow to its natural course. It has opened the floodgates, for sure, but I asked for it :). If you’re constantly doubting yourself and your souls mission, do yourself a favor and book Linna as a guide! I have to also add—I requested Linna to assist with my case promptly because of my physical health and boy did she deliver! She is very responsive and prompt! Thank you Linna for your expertise!



June 2022

I had mentioned on a social platform that I have reached out to multiple QHHT practitioners but none had replied to my request for a session. Linna replied to my post and mentioned she offers QHHT sessions and would be happy to help. I am thankful for the chance encounter because our 6 hour session was amazing and very enlightening. I learned about everything I had questions about from my higher self. The session helped me understand the reason for my fears and gave me the ability to release them. The session also helped me realize more about my life path. I have a new excitement about the things to come. Linna ensures she asks the permissions needed and ensures a safe and relaxing environment. Thank you for this priceless experience. ????????????



June 2022

I came to Linna for help after multiple accidents and injuries. I’ve been in several chronic pain for many years.
I’m beyond grateful to report that I woke up the next day with little to no body pain. It was so faint, and I deeply felt that it too, soon will be gone.

Linna, I can’t thank you enough for sharing your time and talents with me!
You have helped to bring me and my family SO much peace, but I am also on the road to a healthier, much more fulfilling life.


Linna is extremely professional, reliant, honest, and incredibly easy to talk to.
I deeply appreciated how much she genuinely cared about me and the experience.

I highly recommend her and her business!


MacKenzie Long

May 2022

Linna was so easy to connect with and I was easily guided by her. Upon meeting her, I felt far more comfortable than I expected and did not feel restricted in what I could tell her. The whole experience was incredible and I am already planning to do it again.


Daniel H

May 2022

First things first. Thank you Linna. This experience has changed my life. I know you say, “I am only your guide”, and I have to say, the best damn guide one could have. Trust was imperative for me on this journey and due to who you are at your core, I was in perfect hands. I never knew how much wisdom, love, knowledge, and forgiveness…. among other things…. I had inside me. We are all connected. Deeper than anyone can ever imagine. At the center of this connection. Love. The appreciation I have for life, the anger/hurt/frustration that has been lifted, the questions that were answered, my new level of empathy/sympathy for others, and the reconnecting with “myself” are just the beginning of what’s possible. To anyone reading this, please understand: this journey only goes as far as you want to go. This journey is within you and controlled by you. Linna is only the guide to help you reach the destination YOU determine and seek. And for me, I could not ask for a better guide. Thank you beyond what any words could ever express. As the song goes, “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone”


Gracce Rose

May 2022

The hypnosis therapy session today went more then I ever expected would come out of a session! Over the entirety of the day, flashes of events and circumstances throughout the course of my life here continued to present itself all day in my mind. I looked at these experiences all so different and seeing and finally understanding the events throughout life were all there as teachings and blessings to a much greater picture that I remembered I had seen before. The hypnosis Brought a lot of clarity and alot of sadness that I had felt as a child and even through the hypnosis was because of the fustrations of not being in flow with the divine creation of everything as well as people not understanding the harmony of life. I have been seeing alot of syncronisties throughout today and realized I had actually seen alot of those things growing up and not seeing it properly till alot was cracked open in my hypnosis.
It's hard to explain how it feels but it's almost like you go to sleep and something else takes over and helps expert really. Your higher self /subconscious.
I really do appreciate linna in so many ways. Her energy is extraordinary and loving. I feel her beautiful intensions and warmth from over the other side of the world. She is a living angel and the trust I have her is so deep. I thank you so much. It sounds cliche that this has changed my life. But it has. Because of what has surfaced through the hypnosis it truly has rippled Onto all areas of my life .past present future in and out all around in perfect harmony and flow. I will definitely be working with linna in the near future and I honestly cannot recommend her enough ❤️❤️❤️



May 2022

Linna was absolutely amazing. She made me feel super comfortable and like I could fully trust her and let my guard down. She guided me through a really special session and I’m so grateful for the experience. She was super knowledgeable and amazing. Highly recommend her!!



May 2022

Every time I work with Linna, she makes me feel extremely comfortable to open up about things I would typically be hesitant to share with others. She is super open-minded, and it allows me to talk about the “craziest” ideas that I have without feeling like I’m going to be judged. I recently found out that I was one of her first clients and worked with her again, and I can say full heartedly that she has grown so much as a practitioner and has allowed me to dive deeper into my subconscious. It makes me feel super grateful to have someone I trust fully work with me on my spiritual journey and self-discovery.

Linna does everything to encourage her clients to put what their subconscious says into practice and it has been extremely helpful because I tend to be a knowledge hoarder rather than actually action oriented. It’s really nice to have a change of pace.



May 2022

My session with Linna was absolutely life changing and phenomenal. Before my session, we did a consultation. She’s SO informative and passionate about Quantum Healing. She is also very responsive! At the start of the session, not knowing Linna too well, she made me feel comfortable and at peace sharing my life with her. Right off the bat, I could tell that her vibes and aura was one that was rooted from such a good and pure place. During the session, she was able to take me through this amazing journey that was something I had never experienced before. She kept me safe, and happy throughout the whole session. Without going into too much detail, I learned things about myself and got clarity with everything I was curious about at the start of the session. Ever since, life has been unfolding for me in the best and unexpected ways. Linna Kay, you’re a treasure to the world. 12/10, highly recommend!!



February 2022

calm and relaxing



February 2022

My session with Linna was literally out of this world she took me to places beyond imagination got a lot of closure from past trauma at the end we even experienced a loud unexplained noise wish I believe was some so of negative entity leaving afterwards I felt refreshed and still continue to feel great thank you Linna you have helped me change my life in a positive direction <3



December 2021

The most intense experience of my life. She made me feel so comfortable before, because I was so nervous. She has me so relaxed and so calm before I knew it I was under. The body Scan , the healing , the energy after that I had and felt was just amazing. I couldn’t stop talking about it that I had my daughter and 3 of my friends go and they couldn’t stop talking about her and thanking me. Linna is amazing ♥️ I would highly recommend her.



December 2021

Working with Linna was just fantastic! She helped me navigate through and to where I needed to go. My goals and perspectives are clear to me now and I owe it all to Linna and her gift. Forever grateful..



December 2021

Linna is amazing! Her work assisted me on my levels. Her guidance allowed me to reconnect to myself and source energy. I loved every step of our time together and look forward to seeing her again soon. ❤️ If you are looking for answers and healing, she will get you there!


A Kay

December 2021

Linna has such a calming & mesmerizing voice I could listen to for hours. Her guidance through various levels of subconscious was incredible to listen to! Also, before diving deep Linna's assessment was caring & very detailed to where I felt comfortable moving forward with deeper discoveries. She is an incredible healer that is wise beyond her years. ❤️

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