Melissa McCloud

Mobile Phone: +44(0)7522638389
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Languages: English

Time Zone: GMT

Address: Gayton Road, London, England, NW3 1TU, United Kingdom.


Melissa McCloud

Melissa McCloud Coaching

I’m a London-based practitioner trained in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Beyond Quantum Healing, and am also a twice-certified Life Coach.

If you have any big life questions about your soul’s purpose, important relationships, a desire to change habits (eg. food/weight loss, alcohol, nicotine), past traumas, or body discomfort/pain, you’re in the right place.

You may think of our session together as accessing your soul, spirit guides, superconscious, higher self, or inner wisdom. Whatever you call it, it’s a part of you and wants to connect with you and share information that you’re already seeking.

Our session will be held virtually or at my home in Hampstead, London. Please reach out if you don’t find a suitable time on my calendar.

The investment to access your Higher Self for answers and healing is £247.

I’ll connect with you after you book a session so you know how to prepare.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions:

I look forward to working with you!



Sarah Tarkington

April 2024

Wow, where do I start?

Melissa is clearly meant for this work. She is a caring, nurturing person who has a passion for helping others to grow. Starting from the very beginning of our session together, she made me feel comfortable, safe, respected, important...and seen. Because of that, our session provided some very valuable, healing insights into some areas that I've been working on for some time on my own; including her in my journey allowed me to open up in a new way and see things from a broader perspective that I hadn't been able to access alone. Her guidance was really the catalyst for reaching some important breakthroughs.

Highly recommended!


Emma W

March 2024

Melissa has such a wonderful calming energy; I immediately felt relaxed and familiar in her company despite us having never met before and I really felt cared for and listened to by her.

The session itself was such a beautifully indulgent experience like being wrapped in a giant blanket of warm hugs, leaving all usual cares about daily life in a little bag at the doorstep. It wasn’t entirely what I expected; I didn’t feel ‘hypnotised’ but just able to open up and allow the information to flow through me.

I can honestly say that in just one week since the session that it has already made a HUGE difference to me (my almost daily headaches have been zero) and I am confident that the advice I got my higher self has created some lifelong changes that will have a massively positive impact going forwards.

If you’re thinking of having a session with Melissa, stop thinking and just book in with her. You won’t regret it.


Nat P

March 2024

Great person very good listener and very calming. The session to me was my inner knowledge coming out - it was a revelation and I am putting into practice what I learnt. I really think it’s been a life changing experience ans it’s made me chance track and i’m not the sort of person who usually says things like that!


Katherine Wells

January 2024

Melissa has a beautiful, kind manner which immediately put me at ease. She very skilfully guided me in exploring my consciousness, always asking insightful, non-leading questions. I left the session feeling lighter and more connected to my higher self. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Melissa to those considering a QHHT or BQH session, she's a wonderful practitioner. Thank you Melissa!


Sally Lam

December 2023

Melissa has a very warm demeanor that made me feel at ease. For me, it's very important to have this trust with the practitioner when it comes to hypnosis. I've undergone QHHT with a Level 3 practitioner before, and honestly I didn't notice any difference in my overall experience. The way Melissa guided me through the journey to explore my past life was so effortless, smooth and comforting. I got a lot of insights in my relationships and business. I'd definitely recommend her services.


Whitney Hiner

December 2023

This was my first experience with QHHT, and I was both excited and nervous. Melissa immediately put me at ease and walked me through the entire process so that I felt totally safe, relaxed and open. Afterwards, I felt lighter, more in touch with myself, and eager to continue to explore my subconscious.


Cynthia C

November 2023

I am not knowledgeable on meditation, in general, or any form of QHHT and would generally not have signed up -- but knowing Melissa's fantastic kindness, curiousity, and happiness, I thought to give anything she recommended a try! The experience was really nice -- meaning it was a few hours to think of me, what is making me happy, worried, stressed, fulfilled -- and what do I want from relationships, in particular. It felt luxurious to have that time, and Melissa so focused on me. The part I have taken with me and incorporated are some conversations I had with my children and their comments to me resonated and I have improved my reaction to some of the stress balls thrown my way in the course of normal life. That is a huge win!


Alex K

November 2023

Melissa was very welcoming in answering all the questions I wanted to ask even if we had talked about the issues as friends before. She encouraged me to trust to the process and reminded me that if I still had questions then another layer needed to be revealed or perhaps I needed a new tool to help me along my path. It was great to leave with practical steps on what to do next and to experience increased gratitude for all the things that are going well. I was able to come up with some reminder mantras as well. And I was reminded to be gentler with myself !


Ellen Sinclair

November 2023

Melissa was really lovely and put me at ease. I'd never had hypnosis before but it was a very gentle experience and I was alert and aware throughout. I found the session fascinating and insightful. I was surprised at the ease and clarity with which I was able to see a past life which was really eye opening! And communing with my higher self left me feeling that I had license to worry less and to enjoy the life I am living which is such a joyful message.

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