Roos (Malka) Ahern

No one can heal You, better than You!
Vision is more than what meets the eyes...

Office Phone: US: 718-395-2210 Israel: 0537983698 WhatsApp: 972537983698 Skype: MalkaAhern
Mobile Phone: +972.537983698
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: By Appointment Only
Not Available Fridays & Saturdays
You will generally receive a response from me within 24 hrs, with the exception of the Jewish Sabbath, (Friday sunset-Saturday night), and Jewish holidays.
Payment Options: PayPal, Credit/Debit Cards, Zelle
Cash - US Dollars & Israeli Shekels for in person sessions
All fees are suggested - Please see for more information
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem

Address: , , Safed, North District, , Israel.


Roos (Malka) Ahern

Quantum Pain Relief (QPR) & The Divine Reveal (TDR)
Plus Practitioner & Spiritual Awakening Support
Individual Sessions & Groups

Offering both client sessions & practitioner certification training

~ Member Since 2016


My journey with alternative forms of healing started as a teen when a chiropractor took care of a back issue that the doctors said would be around the rest of my life. Later NLP, Homeopathy and Strategic Intervention Coaching would each do their part in resolving “incurables”. Next QHHT® pushed the bar and expanded my world of possibility. Utilizing, learning and practicing all of these opened up great new worlds of skills, growth and healing.

And then just when you think that you’re done… what’s the saying… man plans and G-d laughs…

A friend introduced me to the world of NDE, (Near Death Experiences), and the story of Anita Moorjani. This set my mind and heart ablaze. The healing and health achieved were medically documented. Since the body is capable of this how can we make this the norm, without having to go through an NDE?

Thus The Divine Reveal (TDR): A Quantum Health Process was born.

TDR is a journey into health not healing. Hypnosis or guided meditation is utilized to allow the client to experience their pure essence, the divine spark, and their connection with G-d/Source. In a realm very similar to what Anita Moorjani experienced in her NDE, many of the same types of growth occur. Then everything is brought back to be integrated into the physical body and everyday life.

TDR The Divine Reveal information, practitioner listing and upcoming courses

TDR is not only a journey, it’s a process. To have the most impactful session and then retain what is gained there’s preparation, the main session, follow-up coaching and support groups. So the question came up, what about people who are not ready for this? What can be done to help people where they’re at and start them down the road to health. This led to the development of Quantum Pain Relief, QPR.

QPR, developed in 2020, utilizes energy and emotion for up to 80% reduction of pain in a single session. Being energy based it is as effective remotely as in person. It can also be used for other issues, but the clearest results have been in the reduction of pain.

QPR Quantum Pain Relief information, practitioner listing & practitioner training

To find out more about me, the services I offer, and what clients have to say, please check out my website,


Quantum Pain Relief (QPR)
Developed and started working with clients in 2020

The Divine Reveal (TDR)
Developed and started working with clients in 2018

BQH Surrogate Sessions (BQHSS)
Co-developed and started working with clients in 2018

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy (QHHT) Level 2 Certification
Working with clients since 2016

Former student Robbins Madanes Coach Training Mastery program
Working with clients since 2014




July 2022

Malka offered to do surrogate session with Patricia for me especially for healing to my ancestors. During that time, all intuitive messages, all synchronistic signs were pointing me to ancestral healing. That day when she offered the surrogate session, I had chill in my body. I knew it was meant to be. Both these ladies, Malka and Patricia are special to me, my go to places. That is for another time though.

This session was freeing, healing and introduction to self love to my ancestry line which was of downtrodden, disempowered, untouchables of India. One session was all that was needed to free my ancestors from the trauma and cycles of abuse. I never had to do any additional work to help my ancestors after that.

Malka was still helping crossing over some souls for next few hours after the session.

I highly recommend Malka and Patricia’s team work in terms of surrogate session for speciality healings.



July 2022

I had been having panic attacks since I started doing practice sessions for the healing modality course that I'm doing, both during the sessions and after. All I could think of was what I didn't do well and how horrible I was. When things were going well, I panicked also, expecting bad things would happen. I do love what I do but I couldn't enjoy it and I had chest pain on and off. Few minutes after the Quantum Pain Relief session with Malka started, she identified what was needed and the rest just flew. I experienced some heaviness at the start but the rest of the session was full of amazement, with out of this world experience. Under Malka's patient guidance, I was able to understand the issues through feeling and knowing, and most importantly, what to do to help myself to stay in center. One hour after our session, I had another practice session and I was able to enjoy all of it. Even when I was a bit lost, I didn't panic and I focused on what to do. Post session, I used to reprimand myself for every little thing that went wrong but this time, all I could do was feeling the joy and excitement. I feel so good I can hardly believe it!



March 2019

I have had two sessions with Malka and I want to share here that she is a very talented hypnotist, also very caring and patient. I felt very safe, as well.
With each session I have shifted because with each one of them I've got more and more understanding and trust in myself and in the Universe. I didn't have any serious condition, but what I feel I've gained is knowing who I am and were I am coming from. With this came courage and openness to life and all opportunities that life had to offer me. Following this I've made an intention to say yes to all exciting opportunities that will show up on my path.
In my second session I have gotten some healing tools to use for myself, first, and then to teach others to find them and use them, too.
My fear of dogs is getting better. As an ESL person, I stopped worrying too much for the mistakes I might accidentally make. I even started to speak a little bit of Spanish. My vision is better and I am using my glasses less that I used to.
I still have some work to do regarding my worthiness, but I am getting better at it, too.


Piper Cheyanne

March 2019

I had a transformational session with Malka. Her voice was very soothing and calm and she took her time, which really helped me during the process, as there was so much that I was seeing and experiencing. The second we started, I saw a number of other beings come in to assist us. I've had a few other alternative hypnosis sessions, including QHHT and for myself, none of them were as distinct and powerful as this.

After the session, I spent the next 4 days in a heightened state of awareness and joy. From that point on the physical issues that I had, digestive, restless leg syndrome and a lot of physical pain, at first got worse, but then began to clear. I was careful to give myself as much support as I could during this time, including lots of sleep, juicing, supplements and meditation.

Over the course of the next few months, my physical ailments dissipated one by one. I began to need less and less medication for my RLS and as a result, my digestion and pain levels went down, since they were all being caused by the medication, something I'd never realised before. Within 2 months, I felt better than I had in years.

At the same time my awareness expanded and things I'd never had the answers to before, suddenly came to light. My session with Malka was definitely a true catalyst in this and helped me to open a doorway that had previously been closed. My experience with her was by far the most beneficial "alternative" treatment I've ever had and one for which I am truly grateful. Highly recommended.



January 2019

As a fellow Practitioner, I had the pleasure of working with Malka as a hypnotherapy client but also, as a newer Practitioner, she acted as a mentor on many occasions. Her style is one of genuine compassion and pure heart centeredness. With years of experience, she exudes a confidence and reassurance that immediately put me at ease and allowed me to fully trust in her. Anyone who works with her will be fortunate to be in such capable and loving hands!


Sue Beckley

January 2019

I have had the complete pleasure and opportunity, as a QHHT practitioner, to participate in working with Malka Ahern in her development of Quantum Health, The Divine Reveal. Malka is pleasant and informative to work with. Her style of interviewing me as a client put me at ease right away. I found that sharing about my life was a breeze because of her compassionate treatment of the sensitive details, and her willingness to offer insight and wisdom from her years of experience in this modality. I highly recommend working with Malka to gain health, and the answers to your deepest life questions.


Sue Beckley

January 2019

I have had the complete pleasure and opportunity, as a QHHT practitioner, to participate in working with Malka Ahern in her development of Quantum Health, The Divine Reveal.

Through my hypnosis with Malka, I did experience my pure essence. That part of me that is always with me, but many times I do not listen to because of the debris I have collected all my life that weighs me down. All my questions about the healing of health conditions & emotional traumas were answered, in addition to next steps in helping others through my own practice of QHHT. It was effortless & profound. And I am healing physically & emotionally more every day since! I no longer have difficulty with my vision & hearing, and the daily anxiety I was feeling about certain people in my life has vanished. I continue to use the tools revealed to me every day.

I highly recommend working with Malka, especially if you have been trying many modalities for healing & you just aren’t getting where you need to be.



October 2018

Many thanks for the surrogate BQH session. Both of you did an incredible, amazing job. Words aren't enough to express my gratitude and the impact of this session on my life.
This surrogate session is one of the best things that happened to me in this lifetime, if not THE best thing. It's definitely the best investment of a little time and some money I did in my life.
The ability to communicate with my own soul, or higher self, is a privilege beyond measure. I had a health issue and some burning questions. None of the many healers I turned to could really alleviate my condition and none of the channellers I consulted with could give me accurate, detailed answers. Even some practitioners who are both healers and channelers didn't give me much help. There was one channeler who actually gave me some good advice, however it was too vague for me to work upon. All along I had the sense that only my higher self, or soul, could give me accurate and comprehensive answers and guidance. Unfortunately, I couldn't establish such a communication on my own. Thus, the BQH surrogate session came to my rescue. It saved my life, literally.
Before listening to the recording of the session I expected only information. The actual listening turned out to be an uplifting spiritual experience. On top of that, it turned out that during the session I also received energy healing which was beyond what I imagined could be possible.
Before the session I wrote you some questions, among them were my concerns with the health issues and about my main mission and my main lesson in this lifetime. It turned out that the reply to all those three was one and the same. My main mission is also my main lesson; not being aware of it and complying it was also what blocked me from getting healed.
The answer about my main mission in this lifetime came to me as a surprise, it was not what I expected prior to the session, not at all. Upon being with it for few days I realized how much correct, accurate and practical it is. Few decades ago I had a very high spiritual realization experience. All those years since I was convinced that my main mission was related to it, so I proceeded along those lines. It turns out that I put all my intentions and actions into one direction, while neglecting another important human endeavor. Thus I became out of balance, way out of balance. Now I realize that one leads to the other and that real progress can only be done in a balanced manner. Love and light must coexist, for both are two facets of the very same reality. Trying to develop only one, while neglecting the other, cannot work, not really and comprehensively.
It was a pleasure to see that all three, my higher self, you and Patricia have good sense of humor. This was also a non-verbal lesson for me …



September 2018

I had a QHHT session with Malka 2 weeks ago, and I am still in the process of digesting the huge amount of insights, information, visions and inspiration that appear on the recording of my session.
This was a unique experience of meeting myself on so many levels, physical, emotional, spiritual… a very intensive one, full with wisdom that came from my own subconscious, with the highly professional, accurate and compassionate guidance and facilitation of Malka.
I highly recommend undergoing a QHHT session with her for anyone seeking to discover the real roots of disease and emotional issues , and to receive answers to all the deep spiritual questions.
By the way, I was astonished to discover the day after my session that my drooping eyelids are looking much better, to the point that I am no longer considering having an operation.
With many thanks, Judith



August 2018

Malka is very professional, friendly, reassuring and truly interested in healing others and getting to know them and learn from them.
Malka was quick to respond to my emails, it was easy setting up the QHHT session.
She gave me all the instructions I need and pre-session exercises.
The interview before the session was great, she helped me with my nervous system symptoms before the session began.
We had a wonderful session that lasted about 4 hours, although it felt like 1 hour!
She was very easy and gentle.
We had a good chat after the session and lots of guidance.
I do recommend wholeheartedly.



July 2018

I definitely feel a lot less pain now, my lower back improved and I had some migraines too and they have completely went away. I have been feeling more energy so I have been running a whole lot more and I noticed I eat less.

I went to dinner and ordered my usual and left most of it on my plate. So I am very hopeful in time my weight will improve!

After the session I felt a little “high” lol. And I got home and immediately fell asleep and slept for about 15 hours. In the days after, I also felt very peaceful even in situations that usually rile me up. I did not have much of dreams but at least I remember some them, I have not been remembering dreams prior to the session.

I have a feeling some things took place on a subconscious level, as there’s definitely a lot of positive change and high vibes!

Overall I would say it was a very interesting and positive experience and I definitely would want to do this again in time! Thank you so much for the facilitation!


Beth G.

October 2017

It was really an incredible day that I spent with you. Thank you for facilitating the session, and for taking your time with me and being so thorough. You really provided a safe and nurturing space in which to do some important work, and I am very grateful.


B.G., New York

October 2017

It was really an incredible day that I spent with you. Thank you for facilitating the session, and for taking your time with me and being so thorough. You really provided a safe and nurturing space in which to do some important work, and I am very grateful.


CA, New York

August 2017

Malka, thanks, I will B'N do as you've suggested. I got a lot out of the session, and have much hakaras hatov to you. I do feel a new freedom and expansiveness. Will fill you in when we talk.



June 2017

Before meeting with Malka Ahern I was struggling with many different emotional issues. After my QHHT session I was amazed to see how fast change can take place. My closed relationship with my father opened up with a flow of warm feelings that went both ways. My son was having having some difficulty in school, after my session things started moving forward in a positive way. other areas in my life shifted as well. Malka was always available to answer my questions and guided me to aspire more.



May 2017

Before my QHHT session with Malka Ahern, I wasn't able to sit for long without experiencing a numbness in my lower back. The following day I sat for 3 hours straight and discovered that my back pain was gone (and has been since). I was also having a very difficult relationship with my daughter. My subconscious gave me explicit directives how to deal with her which proved to be very effective. We made quite a shift for the better. Many areas in my life took a great turn. It has been a pleasure working with such a knowledgeable practitioner like Malka.


S.K., Brooklyn, NY

May 2017

Before the QHHT session I was intrigued by the method and I felt excited for the opportunity to consider the areas of of my life that I most wanted to see change. How refreshing to write down questions about my life and to ask ask my subconscious mind to solve them. In the session, I was fascinated at the places my mind did go. Memories that were long buried, surfaced and even though their significance was not at all obvious, the string of unexpected thoughts and memories that emerged were clearly coming from a state of subconscious openness. Still, I left that afternoon unaware of the power of what had just transpired. And then, boom! I never could have anticipated the degree of instantaneous change that I experienced from just one session. I feel like overnight I have finally become the person I always wanted to be. EFORTLESSLY! That's the beauty of it. No more self criticism, no more guilt, no more cajoling myself. The conflicts surrounding these issues have vanished. I am free to just be. I feel a level of peace that I have never known. It has been a month since the hypnosis and I am still constantly pleased and amazed at the lasting change. Malka Ahern, I am so grateful for your total and utter non-judgmental manner, your sharp insight, and your fine-tuned skill which helped me achieve this so critical and longed-for change which transforms and deepens my most personal relationships.

(Three weeks later)

I am a DIFFERENT mother. Especially with my 25 year old daughter, but my 11 year old is also benefiting greatly. This change came just at the right time for her, because approaching teen years when children tend to pull away. Hashem bless you with success, this method is powerful!


T.L., New York, NY

May 2017

Malka will do everything she can to help you reach your goals and feel your best. Her method QHHT is very unique, and I believe it’s worth trying out to see if it works for you.

I met with Malka twice. The first session was six hours long! Malka was patient and focused throughout. She gave me her whole self the entire time. There was apparent change after my session. I no longer experienced tension in my ankles. I also felt less impulsive and more control in my thoughts and decision making. I exhibited more patience for myself and others and had more willpower to resist temptation.

While there was a lot of positive change right away, we felt there was more to gain, so Malka invited me back again for a second session. She also called me after each session and provided me with a recording of the session to listen to for further growth. Her dedication to her clients’ success is immeasurable. I am so grateful to have had a QHHT experience, and I wish her success spreading wisdom and healing to many more clients.


D.L.B., Brooklyn NY

May 2017

I was undergoing a treatment for Major Depression Disorder , and after a session of QhhT I felt that everything was more clear.I was able to understand where all the issues that I was dealing with came from and I am capable of find a solution for each of my problems. I was suppressing feelings and emotions that were very painful and thanks to this healing process I came into a dialogue with my mind in order to solve the conflict that was preventing me from move on with my life


A.E., Staten Island, NY

May 2017

Things are going extremely well. My body mechanics have improved, wrists feel world's better (paraffin is helping) and my responses to alcohol have shifted dramatically. Foot pain is gone, and my shoulder is much more free. IUD is about perfectly assimilated. I feel so much lighter. I can't thank you enough for your assistance.


L.A., New York, NY

May 2017

I had one very amazing thing happen after our session. The depression I've lived under for the past seven years just lifted.


L.A., New York, NY

May 2017

I had one very amazing thing happen after our session. The depression I've lived under for the past seven years just lifted.


A.E., Staten Island, NY

May 2017

Things are going extremely well. My body mechanics have improved, wrists feel world's better (paraffin is helping) and my responses to alcohol have shifted dramatically. Foot pain is gone, and my shoulder is much more free. IUD is about perfectly assimilated. I feel so much lighter. I can't thank you enough for your assistance.


D.L.B., Brooklyn, NY

May 2017

I was undergoing a treatment for Major Depression Disorder , and after a session of QhhT I felt that everything was more clear.I was able to understand where all the issues that I was dealing with came from and I am capable of find a solution for each of my problems. I was suppressing feelings and emotions that were very painful and thanks to this healing process I came into a dialogue with my mind in order to solve the conflict that was preventing me from move on with my life


Q&A with Anita Moorjani

Anita Moorjani joins a The Divine Reveal (TDR) support group to answer questions on what they have been experiencing in their TDR sessions and their outcomes.The Divine Reveal is a quantum health process based on Anita's book "Dying To Be Me". In a TDR session hypnosis or guided meditation is used to bring clients into an experience similar to Anita's NDE. A large emphasis is placed on retaining the growth, knowledge and health benefits achieved through the experience.For more information visit

What is The Divine Reveal

Roos (Malka) Ahern shares with us about her process - The Divine Reveal. The Divine Reveal is a journey into health, not healing. Hypnosis or guided meditation is utilized to allow the client to experience their pure essence, the divine spark, in a realm very similar to what Anita Moorjani experienced in her Near Death Experience . Once there they experience many of the same types of experiences and growth and then bring everything back to be integrated into their physical body and everyday life.

Whose Doing the Healing?

If you're going to a practitioner for them to heal you...
think again...

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Sunrise Meditation

If Only I Could Love Myself As Much As God Loves Me

If Only I Could Love Myself as Much as God Loves Me

By Malka Ahern “A rainbow! Hey guys, look, a rainbow!”  The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Just as I was... Read more »

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