Margit Klendauer

Trust your wisdom. Find your joy. Shine!

Office Phone: '+447554563075 or +4917625533645
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email, text or whatsapp message
Languages: English, German

Address: 36, Arwenack Street, Falmouth, England, TR11 3JF, United Kingdom.

Margit Klendauer

~ Member Since 2020

Hi, my name is Margit and I'm a natural listener. I'm interested in connecting with people on a deeper, more meaningful level.

QHHT and BQH are such amazing tools to reconnect to ourselves and directly experience our own wisdom and incredible inner strength. I feel truly blessed to be able to help you find your own answers, healing and joy within and most of all to help you connect more deeply to your magnificent heart!

Hallo, ich hei√üe Margit. Zuhören, Mitf√ºhlen und Raum geben waren schon immer meine St√§rken. Mich interessieren die Menschen so wie sie wirklich sind, hinter der Fassade.¬†

QHHT und BQH sind unglaublich tolle Techniken, um Deine eigene Weisheit und innere Stärke ganz direkt zu erfahren. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass ich damit auch anderen helfen kann Antworten auf ihre Fragen zu finden, sich selbst zu heilen und sich mit ihrer unendlichen Freude im Herzen zu verbinden!

Ich lebe in Cornwall, England, besuche aber meine Familie in S√ºddeutschland regelm√§√üig und biete deshalb auch persönliche Sitzungen im Gro√üraum M√ºnchen an.




June 2021

As soon as I met Margit (on Zoom) for a preliminary chat, I felt very at ease. She has a lovely calm and attentive presence and she explained the process really well. We met again (on Zoom) a couple of weeks later for the BQH session, and once again it was just like chatting to an old friend. After a couple of hours sharing my story and discussing what I wanted to explore in the session we started the main hypnotic regression part of the session. Margit’s voice is very soothing and relaxing, which took me into a deep, relaxed, open state very quickly. We visited three past lives and the corresponding periods before or after the incarnation. Then we visited a very subtle, misty, energetic, soul-level place, where all of the insights acquired so far fell into place. I am very grateful to Margit and the BQH process for the insights gained and healing that occurred during the session.


Gabriele W.

June 2021

Margit is a very calm, professional and compassionate practitioner. We connected easily and she guided me with wonderful ease and Intuition through the session. Things have been unfolding beautiful since. Thank you Margit!


Sarah G

June 2021

Margit immediately helped me to feel at ease with talking about my reasons for wanting to try QHHT. We met for a walk and talk a few weeks before the session and she was able to thoroughly explain the processes of both BQH and QHHT and demonstrate enthusiasm and experience for both practices. Margit was extremely flexible around the lockdown restrictions and did not rush me at all, making sure that the time was right for both of us. The session itself was very gentle and I felt comfortable in the environment and relaxed enough to let go and take the journey with Margit leading, enabling and supporting me through the different experiences as they arose. Her questions were very relevant and helped steer the experiences within the perimeters that we had discussed beforehand. She was also able to keep me on track with my questions and demonstrated brilliant listening skills before the session began and throughout. This was a brand new experience for me and I did have some anxieties about how I would feel during and after the QHHT experience but felt very 'held' and very safe within the experience. I would recommend Margit for her engagement, skill and gentle approach.


Christian Sarti

April 2021

Everything done and experienced first is very special. I could not have been better cared for and gently guided into my first BQH session. Margit has a beautiful gentle being filled with light and lightness. A real loving, caring presence. It was a great first experience for me and the perfect start for my new BQH life adventure. Thank you Margit!



March 2021

This was my first experience with BQH and an interesting one. Margit was patient and explained everything at length before the session. She was very professional and gentle, and reassured me throughout the session. Thank you Margit!


Franzi K.

February 2021

Meine Sitzung mit Margit war eine rundum wundervolle Erfahrung. Während des Gesprächs zu Beginn und der ganzen Hypnose Reise habe ich mich sehr sicher und gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Margit ist eine super Zuhörerin, sehr einfühlsam und hält den Raum die ganze Zeit über, sodass das Unterbewusste mehr und mehr zum Vorschein kommen kann. Ich kann eine Session bei Margit nur empfehlen - von Herzen Danke!


R Quant.

February 2021

I loved my BQH session with Margit. She is caring, gentle and has a beautiful calming energy. She guided me easily into trance with her soothing voice and then skillfully guided me through past lives, healing and answers from my higher self. I highly recommend this wonderful lady. Thank you Margit.

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