Maria Kloser

Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: by appointment
Payment Options: The initial chat is free of charge. For more details please visit
Languages: English, German

Time Zone: Vienna Time zone (Central European)

Address: Hard, Vorarlberg, Austria.


Maria Kloser

quantum healing, sound healing, hands-on energy healing


~ Member Since 2022

My name is Maria. I offer guided consciousness exploration, to help you experience your connection to Joy, to Love, to Life and to Peace, while resting in a state of deep relaxation and well-being.

When I discovered quantum healing and learned that its foundations lay in past-life regression, I remembered that in 2008, while completing a series of past-life and life-between lives regressions, I had felt a strong desire to do this type of work. At the time I dismissed it as an impossible wish, went on with my life and forgot all about it.

In March 2022 I was experiencing my version of rock-bottom. I began doing the lessons of A Course in Miracles. By the end of 2022, I had spiralled myself into a hopeful lightness of living. I followed my heart, which led me to Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH). This quantum healing course laid my foundation in this new, paradigm-shifting modality, and opened the door to Quantum Healing Methods (QHM). My heart is filled with joy and gratitude that today I am able to offer this deeply transformative work as a quantum travel guide.

I recently made a course-correction in my life, to align with my heart’s calling, with my life-blueprint: I gave up my physiotherapy career to offer quantum healing, hands-on energy healing and sound healing with tuning forks full-time.

When I am not working I love moving in Nature with my family, soaking up the sun, getting my hands dirty in the soil and feeling the wind in my hair.

As a star-seed I have a strong connection to Arcturian energy. As a QHM-practitioner I feel called to focus on quantum journeys to Arcturian healing chambers, as I believe this is a vital tool for humanity’s upward-spiral into the 5th density and beyond. While designing such a journey for you, I naturally take into consideration your unique life-situation and your personal aspirations, intuitively blending any of the available QHM-tools into your consciousness exploration, as needed.

If these words uplift you, I invite you to send me an email at, or to visit my website at …


Physiotherapy Diploma (2002), General Hospital, Vienna, Austria;
Yoga Teacher Training (2008)
Advanced Yoga Practices (2013), Yoga Vidya Gurukul, Nasik, India;
Yoga Therapy (2013), Yoga Vidya Gurukul, Nasik, India;
Beyond Quantum Healing (2022)
Quantum Healing Methods (2023), Infinite Ascension Academy
Sound Healing with Tuning Forks (2023) Academy of Sound Healing



Anette Schiller

October 2023

Ich hatte schon mehrere Sitzungen mit Maria und kann sie als Practitioner wärmstens empfehlen! Ich habe tiefe Einsichten erhalten, Klarheit in einer sehr schwierigen Entscheidung gewonnen und eine wunderschöne und tief berührende Heilung meines inneren Kindes erlebt. Maria ist sehr einfühlsam und ich habe mich jederzeit sehr sicher und gut aufgehoben gefühlt.



March 2023

Maria is lovely, she made me feel at ease and led my first ever BQH session beautifully. Warm, professional and encouraging, I felt safe and supported throughout and really enjoyed the session and am looking forward to more.


Jen Moss

February 2023

Maria is a beautifully experienced and divine practitioner. I was lucky enough to receive a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session from her and received deep guidance and support through my session. I healed some deep-seated trauma and loss from past lives which were affecting my current life which I was completely unaware. I also was able to illuminate my soul's path even more, which has brought me deeper levels of confidence to move forward with my soul's work and divine mission. Maria was very empathic, supportive and guided the session beautifully. I would highly recommend a session if you would like to heal core wounding and wounding from last lives so you can move forward even more fully in your life.



January 2023

Very easy and punctual communication prior to our session. Maria's gentle voice guided me into very relaxed state and I had a very interesting experience which she handled very well. I got all my answers I needed. Thank you and well done. I wish Maria many happy clients :)


Jason Taylor

January 2023

I had a wonderful and deep BQH session with Maria. Her tone of voice was very relaxing and she was confident and poised in her delivery. I was able to experience two past/future lives and she was able to guide me through them masterfully. I have always wanted to have a BQH session and I'm really happy that my first session was with Maria!


Gefuehrte Quantenreise: Erweitertes Bewusstsein

Beginn der Reise: 04:51 Diese gefuehrte Bewusstseinsreise dient zur Einfuehrung in die Materie des "quantum healing", und kann dir durch das dabei erlebte erweiterte Bewusstsein dabei helfen, deine Lebenssituation klarer, furchtlos, und aus der Vogelperspektive zu betrachten, waehrend du gleichzeitig die Ausdehnung deines energetisches Selbst erlebst.

Selbstheilung, Selbstliebe: Quantenreise in die Kristallhoehle

Diese Kristallhoehlenerfahrung kann dich in einen tiefen Entspannungszustand bringen, der es deinem Koerper ermoeglicht, sich selbst zu regenerieren. Diese Reise kann dir auch helfen, liebevoller mit dir selbst umzugehen. Lege dich am besten ungestoert hin, schalte das Telefon aus, und lass dich auf eine heilende Reise ein. Ein paar mal wirst du den Ton einer Klangschale hoeren, und generell ist es warscheinlich notwendig, die Lautstaerke nach unten zu regeln. Schau, dass du Schreibwerkzeug bei dir hast, um danach wichtiges aufschreiben zu koennen. Nicht wundern: es gibt lange Pausen, wo ich nichts sage, damit du Zeit hast, zu erleben. Es geht weiter.

Bewusstseinsreise in eine Arkturianische Heilkammer in der 5. Dimension

Dies ist eine gefuehrte Quantenreise in eine Heilkammer auf einem Arkturianischen Raumschiff in der 5. Dimension. Lege oder setze dich bequem hin, sei 50 Minuten lang ungestoert, und lass dich auf eine Heilungsreise ein. ... (Bei Sprechfehlern, bitte einfach "ueberhoeren" ;) .. Wenn du nach dieser Reise einmal in eine Arkturianische Heilkammer auf den Stern Arkturus in der 8. Dimension reisen moechtest, kannst du mich gern per email kontaktieren oder meine Webseite besuchen auf

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