Mayda Parseghian

My goal is to bring you into a greater harmony and balance and to empower you to live your highest potential

Office Phone: +61408130294
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Mon - Sat 9am to 7pm Sun 9am to 5pm
Payment Options: Credit card, Paypal, bank transfer, cash
Languages: English

Address: Victoria, Australia.


Mayda Parseghian

Experience a transformational journey through higher levels of consciousness, for healing, spiritual awakening and self discovery with QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique in-person or online with Beyond Quantum Healing BQH and achieve a new and expanded level of consciousness. The sessions also offers the opportunity to release old vows or contracts by integrating and repairing parts of the soul that may have been affected or traumatised by events in other lifetimes. 

A unique approach to Energy Healthcare is provided through Reconnective Healing for emotional, mental, physical and spiritual healing to receive greater awareness, harmony and balance as our energy body begins to vibrate at a higher level of light. This is often followed with the Personal Reconnection, regarded as a life altering experience activating to reach the greatest potential. Mayda is a gifted and compassionate healer who has helped thousands of people to discover and connect to their inherent healing ability since she first began her healing practice over 12 years ago. Client Review:I came to Mayda after suffering for years, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, PTSD and substance abuse. My mother, fearing for my life, found Mayda and suggested I see her as I’d already exhausted conventional medicine. After my first session my life was honestly transformed. I no longer needed any prescription medications to manage any of my mental illness, and I’ve been sober for 10 months. I can’t thank Mayda enough for her kindness, her support and empathy, and I haven’t stopped recommending her to people in my life I know who are struggling.  – Yani MelbourneI’ve been reflecting a lot on our sessions from last year and just wanted to express my gratitude and appreciation to the wonderful ways in which you have helped transform so many aspects of my life. The sessions really helped me to reduce my anxiety to enjoy a healthy, stress free and comfortable life. In general, I’ve become much more relaxed and believe I have been able to let go of things a lot easier. I feel far less stressed and anxious and my perspective on life has certainly changed for the better, I feel more open minded, optimistic & calm. I’ve also had a lot less physical pain in my neck and shoulders and the daily headaches I used to get have reduced to almost zero.I’ve certainly learnt to embrace to the moment & go with the motions, rather than exhausting myself trying to control every outcome.Thank you again for all wonderful work you did & how you have helped me progress & grow as a person.”-– Sarah“After my 2nd QHHT session with Mayda, I felt a a deep sense of sorrow, long entombed escape me. It was so profound, cathartic, cleansing and liberating. I Had been carrying all that pain and anguish inside of me unknowingly and understood the importance of QHHT sidestepping the conscious mind.The QHHT modality aside, Mayda’s mind works at recognising and connecting the scattered splinters and pieces that makes her so suited to this type of work. Just her listening to my life experiences and imparting her insight and advice is worth the session alone!!! Her Therapy alone enriches, expands and empowers me tenfold! I can’t thank you enough Mayda!  You’re a catalyst for growth, expansion and change. I’ve changed so much in but one moon cycle it’s incredulous! To think that One Person in One Month can change your life so exponentially is Unbelievable but TRUE! Thank-You.Additionally, I’d like to strongly suggest for everyone not to stop at just one session. The first one is more like the initial opening of the floodgates. I was healed in the first session!! My crippling lower back ache was healed instantaneously and I experienced two insightful Past Lives which helped me greatly, so I could have easily stopped there. But now that I’ve experienced 3 more impertinent Past Lives, a pattern is emerging which is revealing priceless secrets previously unknown. It’s like a Key is granted to unlock the next level of growth at each session.I hope everyone conjures up the courage to journey within and heal with Mayda as caring facilitator, therapist, guide, perception shifter and supporting cheerleader. You’re One in a Billion my Love!! I couldn’t recommend her more highly!”– Gabriella


QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (Level II), Beyond Quantum Healing BQH, Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner, Reconnection-Certified Practitioner, Angel Intuitive


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