Natalie Schubert

You Can Live What You Love

Office Phone: 678-833-8248
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: 7 Days a week
Payment Options: Cash/Zelle MC/VISA/DISC/AMEX upon request
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Address: Marietta, Georgia, 30067, United States.


Natalie Schubert

Quantum Healing Synergy

Owner at

~ Member Since 2014

Natalie enjoys being ‘the reporter’ and learning all about her clients and assisting them in their journeys into deep self knowledge and awareness through Dolores Cannon’s QHHT method and now with BQH ONLINE. Natalie combines her decade as a Reiki Master and explorer of consciousness to tune in and assist her clients in a comfortable and relaxed setting she playfully refers to as the sandbox.

Some people are looking for help with healing a physical challenge or have questions about why they feel a certain way or have relationship questions. Some people want to know what their life purpose is, or if they are on the right path. Still others have questions about reality and consciousness itself and are looking for answers.

During a QHHT or BQH Session you may experience one or more “lives” and discover deep and profound connections to your current life situation. Then we can make a connection to your Higher Self where we can ask for answers and appropriate healing. No questions are too big or too small. Your questions can be from the present the past or the future and can be on most any topic.

Sessions average approximately 4 hours and are digitally recorded.

I am currently providing sessions in the Marietta, Georgia area.

“I cannot say enough about the the appreciation I have for my Hypnotherapy session with Natalie. I learned more about myself in 1 session than in many previous years of introspection on my own. This is one of the most powerful healing and personal development tools I have ever come across.” Eric ~ Martial Arts and Yoga Instructor


Advanced Level 2 Class Graduate Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) since 2010
Reiki Master since 2010
Energy Photographer Instructor 2010
BQH Beyond Quantum Healing
Certified Swedish and Thai Massage Therapist
Certified as a MBTI (Myers-Briggs) Personality Assessor



Rosalia Hep

March 2024

Without a doubt an amazing experience and literal quantum healing! I highly recommend :)


Alison Lang

March 2024

My session with Natalie was deeply profound and impactful on a soul level. I found her at a time in my life where I was feeling so lost, and knew I needed access to information and answers I couldn’t find on my own. As I came out of the session, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and direction in my life. I am a complex trauma survivor, so feeling grounded and connected to my essence has been a long journey of hard work and dedication. My QHHT session with Natalie was an important piece in helping me rise to the next level of my healing. Meeting yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself - I encourage you to try it if you are all curious.

- Alison, Writer - Musician - Actor - Painter



February 2024

This has been the best decision of my life. It was so enlightening and insightful, that opened my mind to new ideas and possibilities. I felt so comfortable, Natalie is very professional and very understanding. The process was so relaxed and fear free, highly recommend it. Thank you Natalie.


Yoni Havana

January 2024

So much gratitude for Natalie for an enlightening experience!! She guided me so well into my first hypnotherapy session. I was able to drop in and experience past lives, as well as observe my subconscious and higher self speaking through me, which was truly amazing and extraordinary.. I’ve learned a great deal about my path, what I’m here for, and what to focus on. Natalie is living her purpose doing this work. The divine has gifted her to us a vessel to guide us deep into our core selves. Highly recommend to anyone who is ready to take on this adventure! Thank you Natalie!!


D. Keenan

October 2022

I have been wanting to do a regression for years and I couldn't have chosen a better person than Natalie. She is a caring, beautiful spirit. I was drawn to her immediately and felt like I had known Natalie forever. She made me feel at ease immediately. We spent 5 hours together getting to know each other and then had our session. Time flew by so fast that and I told her I was going to just spend the weekend :) She is so knowledgeable! I felt completely safe as she gently guided me on my journey. It is truly a fascinating experience that opens your eyes to a new world and leaves you feeling awed, empowered and peaceful. She knows exactly what to ask to gain the insights you need to hear from your inner conscious. It's beautiful! I am already planning my next session. I highly recommend Natalie. I went for a regression and found a true friend and soul sister!



September 2022

OMG, Natalie's gift absolutely changed my life
for the better!! From start to finish from our
phone conversation to our actual session, she
was calming and confirmed so many things.
QHHT exceeded all of my expectations. I will
forever be grateful and HIGHLY recommend
Natalie to anyone who's already on the path of
Thank you for everything Natalie!!!


Mandisa S.

September 2022

Wow, where to begin? I’ve wanted to do QHH but was worried I wouldn’t have an experience. Boy was I wrong! I had such an incredible time talking with Natalie, discussing my life and all the synchronicity that was lining up. Natalie makes it effortless to connect with her. She’s funny, sensitive, and outgoing. I had an incredible experience and I’m so grateful I found her. Since then my meditations have been more intense, I’ve gotten closer to who I know I am and I feel connected to my higher self and guides! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Natalie! Love and light friends.



September 2022

As someone who has been spent the past several months fervently reading about reincarnations and past life regressions, I began to believe that in order for me to live the best life possible during this incarnation, I need to learn about my past from previous incarnations. In order to achieve this, I needed to see a hypnotherapist that specialized in past life regressions. So,
after researching a few weeks for one, I came across Natalie’s practice. One of the first things I noticed on her website was the fact that she trained under Dolores Cannon. To me, this was very important, as I’ve read her books, listened to many podcasts of her and watched her videos. I have a lot of respect for Dolores, so to me, scheduling a consultation with Natalie was a no brainer! During our consultation, I picked up very quickly that Natalie is such a wonderful soul- very genuine, kind and down to earth. We spent about 15 minutes or so engaged in a very exciting conversation and from that, I knew I needed to book on appointment with her.
I’ve never been hypnotized before, so of course, I was naturally nervous. However, Natalie has a very calm and comforting demeanor and as such, it made the entire experience a very pleasant one. Natalie truly did a remarkable job in unlocking a part of me that I knew intuitively existed but just needed someone who could navigate me there and that she did. After our session, I was blown away at the level of enlightenment I was able to achieve and the tremendous peace that came with it. Words can’t express how life changing this experience was. Learning about who I was provided some insight to who I am now but most importantly, it provided lessons I’ve learned. Being able to acquire that invaluable information is so essential because I can avoid making those same mistakes during this current incarnation. Having this session with Natalie has truly changed the way I view life in general and has inspired me to get the most out of it. If you have a desire of learning more about who you are, I highly encourage you to go see Natalie!


Barb Riley

July 2022

I strongly encourage anyone with curiosity about repetitive life patterns to book a session with Natalie. I am not a 'people person' but I felt instantly comfortable with her. The experience was easy and relaxing from beginning to end. I felt significantly lighter, centered and grounded and those feelings have continued. I use the tools she provided and I continue to feel more like myself than I have in a long time. My only regret is that I didn't allow myself this life changing experience sooner!


Monique S.

October 2021

My experience begins on a Friday afternoon. I knock on Natalie’s door and immediately get the sense I’ve taken the red pill.

Today is Monday evening and in the couple of days since the regressions I’m not quite sure how I can explain my experiences.

If you have chosen to do this before you will understand what I mean. If you have not but are considering it, please take this...this that you are reading as your sign from your higher consciousness that it is your time and go for it!

Natalie and I spent some time talking and I felt like we were friends. We had similar interests and she has a natural ability to build rapport.

The insight into yourself begins before the regressions. That is another one of her gifts. She is able to speak from a place that you resonate with.

The regressions were amazing in retrospect. At the time it’s hard to discern what is happening but somehow you trust it enough that you have these experiences.

I have listened to my audio every day since and gain more and more clarity. More and more AHA moments. More and more insight.

I was of this planet in one regression and not of this planet in another. Both experiences continue to shine bright as to what I needed.

Less of what I experienced and more about the gifts Natalie possess.

She’s kind, curious, playful and ho C joyful. She’s living what we all should strive for; serving humanity for the better.

When we intend to help people see better, feel better..we help ourselves. In return, the hamster wheel of helping thy neighbor picks up momentum.

Natalie is living a purpose and she is absolutely shining bright for it.

She will facilitate one of the most profound moments in your life if you can relax and let her guide you.

She’s just brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Thank you Natalie.



August 2021

So I knew that it would take a while for me to write a review because I wanted to make sure that I listened to my tape a few times before I decided to write. What I didn't know is that it would have taken an entire month and I still think about my session almost everyday! I came into the appointment with certain expectations and, wow, were they met and more! I'm sure many feel this way, but I connected with Natalie on a another level, and our conversations kept amplifying in depth about any and everything. I was so happy to have met a friend that could not only see and hear the synchronicities in the world but add to them with her own life experiences, giving me further confirmation that I was at the right place at the right. time, doing what my soul has been calling me to do. And though the conversations weren't rushed, it all transitioned at the perfect time for my session to actually start. Unlike I thought, I was able to relax immediately and began talking, even questioning my own words as they came out. What seemed like minutes actually lasted an hour and a half. I left calm, but energized and excited to hear how I managed to let time fly by without knowing. To my surprise, I remembered a lot of what I said, but I could hear the difference in tone and cadence in my own voice. Then, I got a special treat; In one part of my recording, I can hear another voice whisper something. I am still playing it back to try and catch the message, but there's something there for sure, even my skeptical husband agrees. And though Im not sure what it says, it just assures me that there was indeed magic happening and that my higher self speaks and moves at a rate that I am still working to measure. Thank you so much Natalie for a ride of a lifetime!


Crystal L.

July 2021

I came across Natalie’s website on a random Tuesday night. I had been searching for someone to do a past life regression session with and had talked to a few people but had yet to find someone I “clicked” with. I looked at Natalie’s page and there were a few words that sort of “popped” off the screen at me which piqued my interest. It was late at night when I browsed her site, so I made the decision to call her on Wednesday morning. That night I was tossing and turning from a little too much caffeine earlier in the day and couldn’t get my mind to quiet down. As I lay there hoping to finally get to sleep, I thought to myself “wouldn’t it be great if she had a session on Friday.” Friday was a full moon in my moon sign and would have been the perfect time to have such a session. Fast forward to Wednesday morning when I called Natalie and I immediately felt that “click” that I had been searching for. She was warm, welcoming and very easy to talk to. As we discussed dates, she mentioned that we could look at some dates in August and then she casually said, “oh, I do randomly have an opening on Friday as someone just cancelled”… And that is when I knew that this was meant to be. My session was a few days ago and I am still processing it but it was amazing and strange and healing and perplexing all rolled up into a ball of wonderful. I am looking forward to all the positive changes coming my way as a result of healing some childhood traumas and fully understanding who I truly am and am meant to be. Thank you Natalie!



July 2021

My session with Natalie was nothing short of amazing. She made it very easy to talk to her and in doing so and going the process it has been absolutely lice changing. I would strongly recommend a session with her.



June 2021

Natalie was very welcoming, so was the ambience for my session. I like the fact that she asked a lot of questions and went over all my questions and took time to go over everything with me. My experience was awesome. So yes I would recommend her to anyone that’s interested in having a session like this.
Thank you!



June 2021

This was my first QHHT session and it was amazing. Natalie was warm, welcoming, and easy to talk to--I was almost immediately at ease with her. She asked questions that provoked introspection and then took the time to really listen to me. One of my main goals was to help my chronic neck pain, and within a day I had much less pain and greater range of motion. I feel that my time was well spent and I learned quite a bit during this session. I would highly recommend Natalie to anyone seeking this type of help.


Journey Rae

April 2021

You never realize how secluded you are until you meet amazing Natalie, and she open the doors you have blocked behind for so many years. She literally takes her time with you step by step, and just revisits everything and everyday that you have no answer to. And just defines it all. Every since 6 came from my amazing appointment my life has just been so beautiful, no fear, no doubt, no wondering, no questioning and so alive! The best part of going to Natalie is everything she says she can, and will do is done. I never cried happy tears until I met her. I never lived until I met her! I never been able to recognize who I am, where I am, and where I am going until I met her! So amazing!


Natalie Mangiaracina

April 2021

I did a past life regression session with Natalie and I can honestly say it was one of the most eye-opening experiences I’ve had! She was very tuned in to the energy of the whole session and we spoke for a while before my session to really dive deep into why I decided past life regression. She was an amazing aid in bringing memories to the surface and even was able to speak openly to my spirit guides. I highly recommend Natalie and her services. She is definitely a genuine healer and a kind spirit


E. Wilson

March 2021

Natalie was great to talk to and she was very helpful and insightful. She was very patient and helpful through the process.


Journey Rae

February 2021

This experience I cannot even explain, the attention she gives you from the times she says "Hello!" just overall was amazing! The answers you truly get! The saftey and security with her by your side and your awakening! The hypnosis itself was just so amazing! Today is just another day for me, another life worth living! And tomorrow I am so secure with all the answers and the recording I just can't believe it's me, but it is! WOW!


Danielle O.

February 2021

What an experience! Natalie was so thorough, detailed, insightful, warm, loving, welcoming, friendly, and plain fun! I felt like I was spending time with a soulmate. Someone who understood me without judgement. My sessions doubled as a deep therapy session. Natalie took her time and covered every single thing I brought to the table in detail. We literally resolved all my queries in this one session. The environment she sets up is so warm, safe, and super zen. I was blown away by how incredible I felt just walking into the establishment. We talked like best friends and this was the first time I divulged some things I had been through to anyone. I felt safe to let it out and she made it all make sense. My life finally has direction. You will get the confirmation you need. I couldn't believe that I could actually go back to the past and see where I came from. I actually did and it was vivid. I will never forget it. Thank you Natalie!!!! You're a God send and I will never ever forget you.



August 2020

This was my first experience with BQH and past life regressions. Natalie spent time beforehand answering all my questions and explaining how the session would go. I felt comfortable and supported the entire time. Afterwards, she helped me understand what I experienced and answered even more of my questions. The BQH experience gave me insight into the most important struggles on my mind. BQH is a wonderful tool to help me move forward in my life.



August 2020

I did a BQH session with Natalie, and it was truly amazing!! I stepped into so many different "lives," each one a total surprise, and offering an embodiment of the exact lessons I need to feel. If you're considering doing a session, I highly recommend Natalie. She spends a ton of time beforehand truly getting to know you, what you're going through, and what you're hoping to get out of the session. You're in great hands!


M Wise

June 2020

This was such a healing experience and Natalie was the perfect facilitator. She helped me relax and clarify for myself what I truly wanted answered. Through her clear and gentle guidance I was able to release a feeling of being “stuck“. I was able to be free of this past experience that had influenced so much of my life and choices I had made.
Natalie is gracious, kind and so intelligent. I am grateful she facilitated this experience for me.


Tina Marie Bueno

March 2020

My session with Natalie took me deep into my inner being. Her soothing guidance enabled me to reveal answers my mind had not. The beauty of sessions with Natalie is that she can take you as far and wide as you are willing to let yourself go. She is most definitely a heart-centered practitioner.



September 2019

A hypnotherapy session with Natalie is an absolute joy. She is kind, knowledgeable and so easy to talk to. I had several questions about my life and found informative answers to them all. Natalie helps make self discovery so much easier.


Terri H

September 2019

Had a wonderful QHHT session with Natalie. She is very professional and kind. She made me feel at ease right away, and her in depth answers to my questions were quite revealing. The therapy session itself was rewarding, and I feel a great shift in my energy since. I would highly recommend Natalie if you are interested in a healing session such as this.


Victoria Terra

September 2019

I was diagnosed with cancer and needed to make many life decisions about my care. I immediately knew that I needed to have a Quantum Hypnotherapy Session with Natalie. I needed to put myself in touch with all the parts of me (higher/outer/inner) and have a true chat about what I wanted and needed to do.
Natalie is wonderful! I can't say enough good things about her as a practioner. She's thoughtful, intelligent, intuitive and has a true gift for connecting you to where you need to go. My time with her was invaluable. She took such expert care with me and I truly can't thank her enough. My time with her was what I needed and more!
You know how you meet some people and you think.."gosh, they arrived on the planet to do this"? That's how I feel about Natalie. Honestly, I think she's gifted.


Tina Bueno

August 2019

Wow! Wow! Wow! These are extraordinary experiences even for me! Natalie's soothing voice takes me right "where" I'm meant to be every time. My questions were answered by my higher self and I feel so deeply connected to all of me. It's amazing to listen to my sessions again and again because: 1) I instantly reconnect to the loving messages that came through during the session; and, 2) I feel like I get something new every time. For certain, my sessions with Natalie, open the door to astounding revelations! Simply phenomenal!


Quantum Healing Hypnosis Marietta Georgia QHHT

Watch Quantum Healing Hypnotist & Advanced Practitioner Natalie Schubert, on The Spiel morning show sharing what it's like to experience QHHT. Natalie is personally trained by Dolores Cannon.

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