Natasha Thompson

Maximize your perspective to unlock your infinite light

Office Phone: 9313024266
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Phone, email, text, website
Available Hours: 10am to 9pm Sunday to Saturday
Payment Options: Cash, PayPal, visa, mc , discover,
Languages: English

Address: 646, Potomac Drive, Clarksville, Tennessee, 37043, United States.


Natasha Thompson


~ Member Since 2016

For the exact reason you have sought me – I hold the solution.

I was not born with all of my gifts. I have not died and been revived like other psychics and healers, nor struck by lightning. I’ve had no mentoring or shamanic initiations in the desert.  I experienced the loss of my father from cancer , the loss of my 3 year old son  and an excruciatingly painful realization of the world around me through the media coverage of a teenager being murdered by a cop by the name of Michael Brown. These experiences brought me to the path of discovery of unconditional love which brought me into mastery of these gifts. These gifts help others let go of pain and trapped energy which transforms their lives and the lives of others around them.

People often ask or say to me: “Where do you get all of  this glowing energy from” or “ I feel so safe and peaceful around you”

My 20+ year career running a multimillion dollar company was when I discovered I loved assisting humans to achieve their goals and ambitions in life. During those years I worked with the Military counseling families and soldiers during wartime. Mastered Free Flow Movements and Naturopathy. I was exposed to alternative ideas, energy concepts, philosophies, psychology, universal laws, quantum physics and metaphysics, and I fell in love with it all! I continued my studies in free flow dance movement and practiced devotedly meditation , and kinesiology.

By age 12 , I could hear and feel messages  from spirit guides and go into others dreams.

Realizing that I was an ’alchemist’, I began to develop my creativity as my core strength, not my weakness.

I developed my ability to heal myself and others by understanding mind-body-energy connection. By age 25, I was already running a multi-million dollar business selling precious gems, crystals and metals with using my powerful shamanic skills.

I could clearly sense what other people were feeling and intuit what was troubling and joyed them so I knew exactly what they needed.

I continued to learn about the body’s electromagnetic field; our super quantum matrix containing information about our ancestral influences, past lives, karmic issues, soul contracts, fate and destiny. I discovered the forces of light, the 16 dimensions, our guides and angels, and the power of our human collective consciousness. I constantly searched to understand more of the ‘bigger picture’.

I began to connect people to their own intrinsic healing.

In 2015, I retired from my main stream precious gem and metal  business to open up Maximized Perspectives in Clarksville TN offering Dolores Cannon QHHT, Traditional Chinese Medicine , hypnosis,Shamanic Healing ,Master Mitchell Gibson teachings full-time . I completed many certifications while assisting clients and  continued to run my healing practice registered under Maximized Perspective Energy and Hypnosis Therapy.

With my clients, I could hear their subconscious mind speaking, locate their stored emotions and release them through my finger tips or through my thoughts . Even from a distance.

I attribute my psychic skills to working with hundreds of people over the years, being open to life’s teachings and believing in truth, while always remaining anchored in the integrity of my healing.

Today I feel blessed that I can offer the very best level of transformational support to people all over the world.

The healing takes places through the synergy of willing hearts.

I believe no healer in the world does ‘the healing’ for you. I believe it is the combined consciousness & willingness of the healer and individual, which allows the healing to happen. Because when you are open, you allow a higher form of help to reach you and lift you from where you are, to where you need to go. Ultimately, you are the only one who can choose change, exactly when you are ready.

I truly enjoy being the problem solver, catalyst, energy surgeon and change designer.

My professional qualifications

  • Associate studies from Columbus University ,Columbus. Georgia,USA 
  • Certificate of Natural Medicine (Ayurveda)
  • Certified Light Body Activation Master
  • Certified NLG and EFT  Practitioner
  • Dolores Cannon QHHT® Level II Practitioner
  • Certified Past Life Awaking Institute ® Practitioner
  • Workshop & Meditation Facilitator
  • Certified National Guild of Hypnosis Therapist
  • Certified BQH practitioner
  • Certified Weight Management Practitioner
  • Certified Udemy Academy Smoking Cessation 

My mission is to bring more of what I do to the world. I currently create energy tools to bring out the  power of your energetic heart (yeah!!) at , plus do local group self healing workshops . I will soon release channelled audio meditations , offering an online healing program classes and have a facility in Mount Shasta ,Ca – so you can expect to see much more inspired teachings coming your way in 2020!

In my personal life, I continue to learn so much from my gorgeous children, my loving partner, and my beautiful mother, as well as our dog and friends who all keep me connected to the essences of life, meaning, and love every single day.

I am so grateful you are here!!


Energy therapist
Certified hypnosis therapist
Dr Mitchell Gibson seminar and material
Level 2 Quantum Healer Practitioner Delores Cannon Qhht certified

Download CV


Ordained High Priestess



Candace Johnson

January 2019

My first experience I was really worried about being able to relax enough to get to know her much less have an luck with my session. She greeted me so warmly and I think her couch and blankets just may be the softest I've ever felt. I was right at home and felt like I was at a friend's just relaxing. I was able to have a great session! She took so much time getting to know me, answer my questions and provided so much feedback! She's one of the reason I followed through on my own desire of quantum healing hypnosis. She has a wonderful intuition and can help you on so many levels. I can't recommend her highly enough!



January 2019

Look no further! Natasha Thompson is a intelligent and powerful woman. She helpful in all aspects.



January 2019

I highly recommend Natasha in her practice! My experience was phenomenal and refreshing ! The sessions are very simple and straight to the point. You will not be disappointed. This experience was life changing!



January 2019

Natasha was incredibly professional and had all the precise tools to lead me in this experience. I felt totally comfortable with her from beginning to end. With her guidance, I was given the opportunity to explore and analyze myself. I’d like to congratulate Natasha for her professionalism and powerful knowledge. She is a being of light and I recommend her to the highest extent. The QHHT session was just a wonderful experience!


Serena Anderson

March 2018

My session was amazing with Natasha. She made me feel so comfortable and was very knowledgeable about the process and how to navigate. I was able to experience so many amazing experience during my time under hypnosis with her. I feel I got alot of healing and an influx in energy from my session! I felt one with her.. She really put her all into my session. After going back and re-watching my session, I saw how much attention and energy she put into it! I highly recommend her!


Message from Jesus and a pig from 1927

In this session, I learned so much about unconditional love. This is a small clip of the session but the message was powerful.

Testimonials About Your Trusted Practitioner Natasha Thompson

Here’s a little about me . Thank you in advance. I look forward working with you as well. We teach learn, and learn teach.

Meet Your Energy Practitioner Natasha Thompson

Why I love doing my practice

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