Nelta Scara

"All actions results from thought, so it's thought that matters" Sai Baba

Office Phone: 678-378-1590
Consultation Type: In Person
Best Contact Method: Text
Available Hours: Adjusts to clients needs
Payment Options: Venmo, credit card or cash. Payments are due at the time of session.
Languages: English

Address: 305, Prism Drive, Carrollton, Georgia, 30116, United States.

Nelta Scara

Trilogy Spiritual Wellness

Hypnosist - Reiki Master

~ Member Since 2015


My interest in the metaphysical realm started at a young age. ¬†I often asked myself, “How are we connected to the Spirit World?” ¬†I found the answer to my question after studying meditation and hypnosis. ¬†Meditation involves quieting the mind and allowing ourselves to receive messages from Our Higher Selves, Our Guides, and God. It was first through meditation that I found the Spiritual connection I sought.

Hypnosis is another way in which we can make these kinds of Spiritual Connections, I have spent many years working with clients under hypnosis and I have found it to be a wonderful way to discover more about ourselves. ¬†Using methods like Dolores Cannon’s ¬†Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Candace Craw Goldman’s Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis I have had clients not only learn so much about their own lives, but receive much needed healing and help for everything from illness to weight loss to quitting smoking.

I also incorporate Reiki into my practice and my sessions.  Reiki  is a type of energy healing done by touch to help activate the natural healing process, and I have had great success incorporating it into my clients sessions.

Today is a great day to start connecting with your Higher Self and find answers to your life’s questions, and I would love to help ¬†you start your journey.

Living in gratitude,



Certified in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) $150
Certified in BQH (Beyond Quantum Hypnosis) $150
Reiki Master (Energy Healing) $75



Barbie Wenzel

December 2021

My very first reiki and hypnosis session and I truly left feeling relaxed and in a better state of mind. The power within miss Nelta was amazing her hands were warm and calming. As she worked her magic, I could feel her energy as well as my own. She is definitely a skilled practitioner and a gifted individual!!! I would highly recommend her services to anyone seeking spiritual and or mental wellness.


Michelle A

August 2021

I so enjoy my reiki sessions with Nelta! She is so wonderful with guiding me thru my session as I relax and receive energy


Maurice and Christie

June 2021

The 1st visit for me my wife. Nelta was prompt and made us feel very comfortable discussing intimate details about our lives that were hindering physical emotions and spiritual growth. Did energy clearing and we felt great afterwards. We will definitely be going back to her. We will recommend anyone who need reiki healing or hypnotherapy to go to her.



August 2020

I didn't know what to expect when I began looking into hypno therapy and am a very picky when it comes to allowing people to help and guide me along this spiritual journey. I was searching for a hypnotherapist and had a few options, but i was told to pick Nelta and I am glad I did. The session went smooth and great. She has a beautiful spirit and it was easy for me to open up about my life and the things I was dealing with. I will be coming back and refer people who are interested in hypnotherapy to her. If your are looking for a trusting quantum healer, her she is.



February 2020

Nelta is very warm and caring person that made me feel very welcome upon entering her office. I was in a group setting with other people and was offered water before we began. The session started with her leading us into a very relaxed day and I was able see past myself in other experiences which was so amazing! You are so relaxed and feel SO good! After that, Nelta led us to meet our spirit guide and for them to give us a box with a gift and a message. My spirit guide was named Petros. My box had a big river stone in it. Petros told me not to let materialistic or emotional stuff weigh me down. Nelta has us write down everything with a pen and paper she provides for you.
We then talked as a group about our experiences. Everyone had very different experiences with very different meanings, personal to each. When I got home, I looked up the meaning of the name Petros and was truly AMAZED to find that it means “of rock”!
I have been clearing my home of unnecessary clutter since the session. It’s wonderful! Nelta is amazing!



February 2020

Hi Nelta Last nights session was awesome you’ve got it going on there girl Actually I dreamed about what happened and I tried to go back and face that moment with the guy standing over me with a knife or sword or whatever it was. I hope Its been vanished from my past so I can get past my fear of knives and sharp objects. I will definitely attend your session again. It’s amazing to me how our past is linked to our current life. personally I think Everyone should attend your sessions because it helps you understand yourself a lot better. Thank You again Nelta!. I can’t wait to sign up for your next session so my journey Into my past can continue to help me understand myself better and grow.



February 2019

Lisa Danley Waller I’m sure this is going to be a great workshop!!! Nelta has done wonders for me with my Spiritual Regression...and dealing with some baggage left behind from someone who has passed on. I would highly recommend this to anybody!!! Nelta is beautiful inside and out, she just has a wonderful way with people and helps you to feel comfortable as you place yourself in her hands.


Yana Quinn

December 2018

I am a longtime and committed client; moreover, I have known Nelta Scara for over 10 years. I highly recommend Nelta's therapeutic services to anyone on their journey of self-discovery and awareness. Your openness along with her warm, intentional, and compassionate presence guided by her well-trained and effective techniques will assist you in further growth and understanding of your role in your life's journey. I am so grateful for the deepening insights into my True Self that I continue to make as a result of my own exploration coupled with sessions with Nelta. It really is about experiencing understanding and not just talking about it.


Katy Futrelle

August 2017

It was a rainy January evening in West Georgia. I was on my way to my first session of hypnotism/meditation after an extra stressful day at work. I had a huge, ugly knot in my stomach and thought to myself, there is no way I'll be able to relax. And at first that was true. I lay there thinking I was simply too tense,and also perhaps a little anxious wondering if this would really work. Bottom line – it did.

Nelta is a very warm, down to earth, deeply caring person. She has studied meditation and hypnosis for many years because she wants to help people. She wants to help us find out who we are and help us get control over our lives. In this crazy day and age where we are seemingly surrounded by non-stop media and technology, and more demands than ever are being placed on us, people are looking for ways to let go, kick back, relax and find some sort of balance within the chaos that is simply daily life. Hypnosis and/or meditation is an extremely useful tool in accomplishing this.

I know, like most people know, something about hypnosis. I have heard that it's a great way to help in stopping bad habits like smoking. But I did not realize what an amazing tool it is for us as individuals to discover who we truly are. I say now to all those who fear it, or feel that it is some sort of strange thing that must not be meddled with, open your eyes and embrace it. You see, the first thing Nelta will explain is that you are always in control. No-one can make you do or say something you don't want to. So, immediately you can breathe easier. And talking about breathing, that's how a session starts. Lying down, getting comfortable, breathing in, and out, in, and out. By focusing on each breath you realize how stressed we all are, rushing through each day. That's when you suddenly understand... this moment is for you and you alone. This is something you can do to empower yourself. Give yourself the gift of focusing on yourself and living in the moment.

Yes, it may seem strange, you may feel somewhat wary about the thought of being hypnotized, and perhaps it all seems“a little out there”, but I firmly believe that God has given us our incredible brains and this is one way we can unlock unexpected talents and perhaps even discover what our true dreams are. If nothing else, we can at least relax for a while and set our worries aside.

Meditation and hypnosis have been around for centuries – I guess folks were stressed out back then too! I was somewhat skeptical that it could help me at all in my max stressed out state but I allowed my thoughts to simply flow and what was incredible was that I ended up being so relaxed I could hardly move. The tears were unexpected when they came, but not unwelcome. It was are lease of pent up emotions being set free.

Nelta did tell me that for the next few days especially, I would be very open to any and all feelings. She also explained how I could learn from those feelings, be they negative or positive. It gives a new meaning to the phrase that knowledge is power!

So many people are turning to and discovering the wonderful effects of both hypnosis and meditation. Don't get trapped in a never ending loop of anxiety and stress about things you cannot control. Try a few sessions of hypnosis and meditation and calm yourself. Take control. You may feel uncomfortable at first, but that is almost like stretching the muscle of your mind. Just like when you exercise, the muscles may ache a bit – the same is true for our minds. With time and dedication it gets easier and you will find harmony. The balance you have been searching for is within reach. Be good to yourself –explore something new and begin to discover the real you!


Expectations in a Quantum Healing Session

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