Nina Morrocco

I am here in service, for the upliftment or Earth and evolution of Humanity, When we heal on the inside we change our outwardly world!

Office Phone: 7921365577
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email, website or phone
Available Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12-5pm, Saturday and Sunday 12-6pmUK time zone.
Payment Options: I accept PayPal and bank transfer
Languages: English

Address: 8, Edinburgh Road, Peebles, Scotland, EH45 8DZ, United Kingdom.


Nina Morrocco

Raphaela Soul Sessions


~ Member Since 2019

This is wonderful and truly life altering work.

One of the first things that came out of my mouth after my own first initial session was

” I have to learn how to do this for people”.

My love and passion for this work grows on a daily basis, It is easy to find something new and beautiful about BQH all the time.

Quantum healing has the power to bring fourth a remembering of that childlike wonder that lives within all of us, the connection that we all have with ourselves, each other, our Earth and the magic that lies within every single waking moment.

as practitioners our job is to hold space for you with compassion, empathy and intuition. you will be gently and lovingly guided into a natural state of trance and led on a journey like no other.

If you feel guided to contact me with questions or would like to have a session with me, Ā¬ā€ then feel free to get in touch,

with all my love and very best wishes.

Nina x

To Contact me, to find out more and to book a Ā¬ā€ session find all of my info, links and pages here ā€¦.

If you would like my 20 minute guided meditation please send an energy exchange donation to Ā¬ā€Ā¬ā€ and I will send you the file

To see the video about how I came to BQH and about my daughters journey can be watched here

If you enjoy my content and want to support it by sending an energy exchange donation you can do so here

If you want to learn the method of quantum healing Ā¬ā€ (IQH) you can go to and use the code NINA10 for 10% off the course

If you are interested in learning BQH as a practice then you can go to and receive 10% off the course by using the discount code NINAM10

What does BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) do for you?

*Helps you understand and release trauma, trapped emotion, pain and patterns that hold you back from living a happy, healthy, abundant life

*Aligns you with your soul truth, your essence, your higher self and your purpose

*Allows you to access and activate your own inner healing potential.

*Makes you realise just how powerful you are!

*Answers the questions You never thought you would be able to find the answers to.

*Reminds you how beautiful, deep and interconnected your experience of being alive truly is.


BQH and IQH . life between lives, spiritual mentorships, intuitive empath.



Mandi C

April 2024

Iā€™ve had a few BQH sessions with Nina over the past couple of years, and most recently had an advanced illuminated quantum healing session, all incredibly profound experiences.

Nina is such a gift to this world, kind caring compassionate with a brilliant sense of humour. A woman who has walked through the darkness and now shines her light so brightly so as to help others.

Nina facilitates the sessions and holds space in such a way that deep healing can occur. The sessions have helped me to release, heal, accelerates my spiritual journey and strengthens the connection with my higher self.

I would recommend Nina to anyone looking to deep dive into past lives, connect with their higher self or to gain clarity and insights into this life timeā€¦ā€¦the possibilities are endless.


Laura Jean

April 2024

I had my first ever IQH session with Nina and it was a beautiful experience! It is clear Nina loves doing this work which only heightened the trust I had in her to guide me through some painful wounds in my current life. Her intuitive ability to also sense things helped me to relax fully into the process. In regards to the IQH session, I was able to explore some generational wounds which then brought the practice of trying to release them. I also explored the future and what that looked like for myself if I stayed on my most authentic path. The IQH session was perfectly in line with the healing work I was doing in other areas of my life and reinforced that I was currently on the right path. I am extremely grateful for Nina's assistance, kindness, and compassion throughout the journey!!


Natalie Taxiera

April 2024

Nina is one of the most genuine, heart-centered practitioners Iā€™ve ever been blessed to worked with. She is incredibly skilled in this beautiful work, and is a gifted intuitive as she guides you on the most incredible hypnosis journey. I felt like I was being held in the most sacred space where I could truly let go and allow myself to go to depths Iā€™ve never been before. I have worked with Nina several times and every time I experience something new and transformational. I highly recommend working with Nina, her loving presence is sure to put you at ease and her skillful guidance to help you move through barriers youā€™ve never moved through before. This work is truly her calling.


Lauren H

November 2023

Although I enjoyed the sessions and found it really interesting seeing my past lives and how they related to experiences in this lifetime, I actually enjoyed the integration chats with Nina and the following weeks after the session even more as that's when most of my answers from my higher self came through.

Although I have tried many therapies and self development excercises and had consistent benefits from these it didn't seem to be enough and looking back it was the connection with my higher self that was missing.
My higher self gave me alot of insights and guidance during the process and all the information that I needed came through as a sense of knowing after the sessions. Everything just became so clear and that gave me a sense of peace knowing that I was on the right path. I felt as though I could trust my higher self 100% even though I had left my job with no other job to go to and left where I was staying. ( My higher self made it impossible to stay in my previous situation) After the first session, I felt as though I was moving away from the old set of timelines and old stories and felt as though I was in a bubble waiting for the new timelines to manifest.

After the second session and integration chat,Ā  I definitely felt as though I was on a new timeline and felt very different. People noticed that I seemed a lot more grounded and I felt as though my shadow was alot more integrated. My general path forward seemed a lot clearer to me and I was feeling very guided.

After the 3rd session, the smaller details of my path started to fit into place, I seemed to meet the right people at the right time and had lots and lots of signs and synchronicities. I noticed that I could trust my intuition more and exactly the right information that I needed would come to me at exactly the right time.

Nina was amazing at facilitating the process. I learned a lot from her and she is very warm and down to earth. During the chat before the first session, she figured out within about a minute,the main imbalance that had been causing problems in my life, I was very impressed. I also liked that she gave me practical exercises to do to anchor in the changes. And I found the light language messages that came through really useful.
I would say to anyone that is thinking of doing the mentorship just to go for it. You can't really go wrong. You will get a lot of guidance and start to see changes in your life, even if its patterns that are taking ages to shift with other therapies.. You will see exactly what you need to change as anything not for your highest good will start to feel uncomfortable as your vibration rises. It honestly feels like a miracle when I look back at the changes I've noticed in the last 6 months. Thanks so much Nina xx



July 2023

From the "pre session" to the actual session, the experience was so gratifying. Nina was so calming and i felt instantly connected to her aurora. When i got to the point of natural flow it revealed exactly what i needed, to shift into my next phase of consciousness. I am grateful for the experience as it has been several months and what i experienced in my session is still so relevant and activated within me now! Thank you Nina!



February 2023

I was so stressed about so many things before my session with Nina. 4 days later I feel lighter, and have more clarity on what I need to do to move forward in my life. I am excited to see where this goes once the full impact is realised. I looked into a few practitioners before finding Nina but I knew straight away she was the healer for me. The experience itself was fascinating, if slightly strange to a newbie like me, but I felt comfortable throughout. I would highly recommend Nina and would definitely have further sessions with her in future if called to do so.



February 2023

My session with Nina was truly "magical" that word was even brought during the session. I felt truly held and guided through this magical experience, full of love and curiosity. Nina has this beautiful meditative Scottish voice which takes you on an incredible journey to what you may be searching for in yourself. I did have some resistance at the beginning but with her loving being and energy it quickly dissolved into trust and love therefore able to really connect with my higher self. Thanks Nina you beautiful soul xx



March 2022

I had a session with Nina last week and it was awesome. I felt a bit apprehensive in days leading up to my session and the energy kept building up to the session. Nina reassured me that my Higher Self and my Team were already connecting with me . I cant thank Nina enough for her patience and how she conducts her sessions , the gentle loving energy that she has is so beautiful, she assisted me to relax deeply into my session which brought through some amazing information and helped me to understand through relevant past lives the the things that were holding me back in this life. I also experienced some wonderful healing during my session x so thank you Nina 27yrs of frustration in this life has been resolved , I now look forward to beautiful new beginnings xx much love xx J
Would definitely recommend this lovely lady ????????



February 2022

After my most recent and dynamically "present" DNoTS experience around 3 years ago, I began looking for someone to assist me on the next steps of my growth. While I have enjoyed and experienced much healing from more traditional modalities (talk and cognitive behavioural therapies, etc), I wanted someone who could comfortably journey more deeply with me on theosophical and spiritual levels. A few yogic masters and gurus offered to take me on and, as delightful as they are, as people, I wanted more guidance and collaboration vs guardianship and tutelage.

Nina's ability to hold space in order for another to unfold, expand, and articulate is simply profound. I embody degrees of trauma that can and have stopped many professionals in their tracks. Decades of being told how unfixable I am. Decades of proving them wrong because I knew something else. It has been a great deal of very hard work with great results, but working with Nina is helping me to open doors in ways that I could not have envisioned.

My soul is glowing in appreciation and gratitude for this journey and the honour of having Nina as a healing guide.



January 2022

What a wonderful experience. Nina is just beautiful at putting you at ease, answering any questions and explaining things thoroughly. The session itself was amazing, quite surreal, and at all times knowing Nina was lovingly holding space for me.
Thank you Nina, an abundance of love heading your way xx



December 2021

"I experienced my first BQH session on Saturday with Nina Morocco from Raphaela Soul Sessions. I did not know what to expect. I could not have wished for a more caring and thoughtful practitioner than Nina. The process in total was about 7 hours. Nina really wants to understand the participant's life story and helps to guide the process so that the participant can get the most from it. Nina has integrity, is professional, values each person she works with. The experience was phenomenal, hard to put into words. Through it all Nina held space for me. I felt safe and my soul was touched by the experience. My life has been changed by the experience. Nina's soul's calling is a present to us all. "
Lyn Rushby


Robin Jensen

December 2021

Nina is a beautifully gifted facilitator. She gently guided me as we worked with my ā€šĆ„Ćŗtribe on the other sideā€šĆ„Ć¹ to clear what I called blockages.

We were shown how my life experiences of betrayals had fractured parts of me, and then off we went to retrieve one of the pieces that I had locked energetically away in a cave somewhere. This also showed me how holding onto these betrayals and being in Victim-Stance has affected my health, well being and relationships. These areas of dis-ease were healed later in the session along with instructions for further healing of the any left-overs.

I next experienced a life that beautifully showed what my mission was, how it fit in with what I am passionate about and how to proceed with making that dream come true.

We then moved into another phase of the session by asking some questions (that I had prepared a few days before) of my Higher Self. Every question was answered. The very first answer came through masterfully interwoven with the life experiences I had just been shown and preemptively answered several of questions on my list. I was able to forgive myself for playing the Victim for so long, then I was able to fully feel grounded and step into my own power. Nina cleverly re-worked some of the questions which drew out further details in the answers.

Together, along with my Higher Self, we explored the details of my relationships with important people in my life, including those who have passed. This brought about a profound understanding of how my life has played out so far; which then led to even further healing, and guidance on moving forward.

It is now several hours after my session and I am still buzzing with hope and passion for life! Nina explained that she would send me a recording of our session to aid in further integrating this experience, and that each time I listen it will reveal yet another layer of understanding which leads to another layer of healing. I am so looking forward and curious about what is to be further revealed.

While retrieving my fractured piece in that cave I met my Guide, Aunsanna, she told us there were more of these ā€šĆ„Ćŗtreasuresā€šĆ„Ć¹ to be discovered, so I have decided to seek them out, with Nina facilitating.

I have had years of therapy and counseling, but this session has moved more in a short time than all those years combined! It is truly a personalized healing, and includes ones Angels, Guides, Guardians and caring Ancestors along with the Higher Self.

I have decided to become certified to facilitate BQH sessions myself, and then begin implementing the healing practices I was shown. I am looking forward to experiencing how my ā€šĆ„Ćŗrenewedā€šĆ„Ć¹ life unfolds with this deeper connection to my ā€šĆ„Ćŗtribe on the other sideā€šĆ„Ć¹.



August 2021

Nina was amazing in guiding me to other dimensions and my higher self!
It was a beautiful experience and it felt so good to have Nina with me. I felt totally safe and at peace with her while listening to her soft voice. I recommend these sessions to anybody that wants to know more about who they really are and why they are here.


Sheila Sen

August 2021

My consultation, enquiry and regression sessions with Nina have been one of the most beautiful and transformative experiences of my entire 60 years. The circular pain, blame, shame, hermit previous to this was so very heavy: I sometimes caught glimpses of my birthright of ease but had no sight of how to transcend the trauma that bound me. Serendipity brought me Nina...and in the few hours and process She so gently and expertly guided me through, I transcended it all. I found peace, reconciliation and serenity. I absolutely recommend You, whomsoever should read this, to take this opportunity too. Itā€šĆ„Ć“s life affirming and life changing. I thank You Nina, from the bottom of my limitless Heart. ????????????



August 2021

Having been on the path for a few years or more now and been part of many healing modalities. The session with Nina was as deep as anything i have done over the years. Nina held the space with such patience and understanding which allowed me to get to the root cause of certain issues. There have been many changes for the better since the session and i continue to experience many benefits to my daily life. Thank-you so much Nina for this session and the work that you do.

Love & Blessings



Mirna Rodrigues

August 2021

What an incredible session and experience! There was some technical difficulties on my end in the beginning of our meet. Nina was so patient, kind and loving. She handled everything with such grace and ease. She managed to bring calm and relaxing energy which was one of the key ingredients that lead up to an incredibly healing and activating session! Amazing things have happened to me and to those around me since my session. Thank you Nina for assisting me in my journey to inner peace and ascension ????


Sonya Wilder

August 2021

When you are seeking deep healing on all levels from a healer who is supportive, open hearted, empathetic, patient, funny, and completely understanding, then schedule a session with Nina. AND, sheā€šĆ„Ć“s absolutely Beautiful. Ninaā€šĆ„Ć“s voice is simply Loving and hypnotic, which is Ideal for Quantum Healing. She creates safety and support in an easeful relaxed way. I have shifted more into my relaxed, joyful, loving heart center more after our session. And our time difference (USA to Scotland) didnā€šĆ„Ć“t affect us at all. Nina is so accommodating. Thank you deeply Nina, for doing your Lifeā€šĆ„Ć“s Work. This is clearly your Path. Love Love Love....Sonya Wilder



August 2021

Wow! Nina is absolutely incredible, and has a true gift in healing. Her warm, relaxed and heart based manner radiates through right from initial contact all the way into the session itself, as she guides you into a state of deep relaxation to connect with your higher self. I feel so blessed to have met Nina, and at a pivotal time as I am ready to take a leap of faith in my personal and professional life. One IQH session with Nina bestowed me with all the reassurance I needed, this was a beautifully soul affirming and heartwarming experience that I shall carry with me always. Your wildest dreams really can come true, and this realisation has opened my eyes in the most profound and beautiful way. It has reconnected me to my inner magic and the endless possibilities within our universal consciousness that I became disconnected from for awhile. I feel transformed for having gone through such a powerful healing, and ready to embrace my authentic self in every way.

Blessings to you Nina, for providing this life-changing service, and thank you for being the radiant generous soul that you are.

With love,
Huia x


Sean G

February 2021

Nina was patient, gentle and compassionate... I felt at ease with her hypnosis technique and am still in ā€šĆ„Ćŗaweā€šĆ„Ć¹ at my journey. If you are considering a BQH session, you will not be disappointed with her approach and talent. I laughed, cried and had an amazing journey... thank you Nina, you exceeded my expectations!


Anna Bateman

February 2021

Nina was fantastic to work and journey with. The session really healed me and i had some cool insights from spirit into a harmonised future which was also nice too!

2020 took me on a further healing journey, i've carried pain in the left side of my body for years with the main trigger point in my shoulder. I've always visited Physio's and Dr's with my pain with no permeant solution. The pain flared up whilst stressed and revisited old injury points in my body.

Whilst In the very first session i had with Nina i felt a sensation throughout the left side of my body that was heightened where i have pre-injury trigger points. Following the session i felt literally a whole lot lighter, like a blockages of energy had been removed. I know i shifted an old trauma that was affecting my energetic field. I have levelled up in my consciousness and do not suffer the pain flare ups as i used to!

Trusting, relaxing and lovely environment to journey with,
Plus the insight into what BQH Quantum Healing is, is just fascinating!

Love and Light




October 2020

I felt total trust during my time with Nina . The session was awesome . It blew me away at the possibility's and potential within me for healing which Nina guided me through.


Creatrix Kristine

October 2020

OMG, Nina is an absolute pure soul with the brighest of Source Sparkle Lights! She made me feel so comfortable, that i was truly able to let all of my guards down, and get some serious healing and releasing going. Admittedly, I was a little uncertain at first if i was really seeing what i was seeing (not an uncommon hesitation), but i got mega synchronicitic universe confirmation immediately after, so i fully believe Nina helped me tap in to so much more than i even thought possible! I have nothing but praise and sheer awe of her quantum healing abilities as a practitioner facilitating my own healing. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Nina!!! So much love in my heartspace for you being you and the magnificent work that you do. Brightest Blessings!!


Bee Heutling

October 2020

I had another session with NIna today, she is incredible! My other sessions were done as a BQH session and this time Nina used her IQH script.
Things would change for many people if they took time to go for such a session in order find out about things in their life, their purpose etc.
What I loved so much about this session is the gentle, caring, soothing way she works: I am already totally relaxed when I lay down and go even deeper with the induction.
As usual the exploration was extensive and also validating some of my assumptions. My questions were answered and it was great to get more healing and release of everything that does not serve me any more.
If you ever consider having a session with a loving, caring pr



September 2020

Just finished my session with Nina and am totally blown away by what I have experienced. Nina guided me through the whole process with love and respect. I felt very very comfortable and safe in Nina's hands. Will definitely recommend this process and especially recommend Nina to facilitate the experience. Thank you so much, you are a beautiful Soul. Xxx



September 2020

Thank you so much for the session today!

Nina had me relaxed and receptive right away. The session was calm and yet so many exciting revelations came through . I was so happy to see the lemurian lifetime where I was so connected , and receive the wisdom from it. The Egyptian one also showed me things that are still playing out now. I thoroughly recommend Ninas IQH sessions for clarity on any questions you may have on yourself , your life experiences, or whether to lesrn IQH. Iā€šĆ„Ć“m looking forward to learning it!
Thank you Nina
Blessings !


Ailidh Morrison

August 2020

In thinkin about what to write and how to explain having a IQH session with Nina, I realised like just like the session itself, the fore brains thoughts are of little import. The feelings, intuitive emotions and responses garnered from the session and re-learned, listened to and integrated. With now marrying into daily living, is what this is all about. Being both ā€šĆ„Ć²thereā€šĆ„Ć“ somewhere and here. Allowing the higher Self itā€šĆ„Ć“s voice and a conversation can be had to heal and help the participant in a myriad of ways. Ninaā€šĆ„Ć“s guidance, care and space holding is a gift she is generous enough to share, to allow for a fully unexpected and delightfully and deep; private and powerful experience. I wuid recommend this Healing to anyone.



August 2020

My quantum healing session with Nina was amazing and enlightening. She is a pure soul who took the time to allow the hypnosis to unfold just as it was meant to, by using beautiful & skillful guidance and facilitation. all the while, she held a sacred space for my experience, to teach and heal aspects of my soul. It started out as being an ancient Lemuria & Atlantean; feeling loss, abandonment and sorrow for the destruction of the civilizations....Nina gently guided this part of my ancient fractured soul back to wholeness so that I could let go of those traumatic experiencing which I seemed to carry through this lifetime. I highly recommend booking a sacred experience with Nina, who is an earth angel presenting as a quantum healer. Much love Nina! You have such an amazing healing gift ā€šĆ¹Ā§Ć”āˆĆØ


HA - Traveller 9

June 2020

Mind blowing and accurate information !!! Thank you for helping me to connect to my Star Family !!! NINE GOLD STARS !!!


Fatima Lopez

May 2020

I can say with no doubt that the BQH session with Nina was one of the most powerful and exciting experiences of my life! I will remember it forever. The possibility to contact directly your Higher Self (as well as other Higher Beings) and have divine guidance is just beyond words! The loving and compassionate energy that Nina embodies makes the experience ultra special and full of magic. She takes good care before, during and after the session. I would say it's an astral journey filled with love and kindness, a beautiful voyage to remember our divine essence.



May 2020

I had my first ever BQH session two days ago with Nina Morrocco. I saw her video on Youtube along with many other BQH practitioners, and I liked her authenticity, and that she had experienced some intense difficulties that were part of her awakening. She felt trustworthy and deeply intuitive, and so I reached out to her for a session. I prepared as per her instructions, and I am so glad I did. This modality is very powerful and Nina's step by step preparation created a foundation of trust for me as well as a feeling that I was setting the intention and leading my own healing experience. It is significant to me that she and I both drank the water of my intention. That felt powerfully symbolic of a practitioner who is fully committed to me and my process. The session itself was revealing, emotional, personal, cosmic, and ultimately healing. I haven't listened to the recording of my session yet, but there are some things that came through me that are incredible, and I am looking forward to listening to what came through. I am at a crossroads in my life, and this BQH session is helping me to see wit more clarity what is the "bigger picture" and what my Guides, Ancestors and Ascended Masters want me to know. I am still integrating my experience, and the healing is continuing. I deeply appreciate Nina's skill, her sensitivity, her knowing when and how to ask questions, as well as her ability to powerfully hold a sacred space and boundaries. I am grateful for Nina's dedication to this work.



May 2020

Nina was so great. From the moment I met her, I felt a connection that I canā€šĆ„Ć“t describe, but I knew she was the right practitioner for my first BQH session. It was one of the most magical times of my life. I would recommend a session with Nina to anyone and I can imagine it wonā€šĆ„Ć“t be our last time to work together!!



April 2020

Today I had my first experience of quantum healing with Nina Morocco. I was unsure what to expect and went into the session with an open mind.... After a little resistance I went on a celestial journey through different lifetimes gaining insight from each.... Reflecting on this experience it may be possible that these live times parallel with stages in my current life. For me it was a very visual and visceral experience which was facilitated by the sense of safety offered by Nina. The journeying confirmed beliefs that I have uncovered through spiritual exploration through reading. There were part that defied human explanation which felt expansive and wholesome to my soul. I particularly enjoyed my fleeting visit to a planet that aligns your best fit to your soulmate before being propelled through an umbilical cord into a foetus. Being born not so enjoyable although did offer me answers to my set intention question. Therefore ultimately reassuring. I am left feeling part of a spiritual network that is a resource to be tapped into when guidance is required. A circle of soul whispers who rejoice in my growth encouraging me along my path in life. This has been the greatest gain from the session which offers me a safety net. Many thanks and gratitude for facilitating this experience


Carole Henderson

April 2020

"I had a BQH session with Nina and it was an amazing and wonderful experience. Nina is friendly , reassuring and professional. We explored several past lives and I was able to ask questions of my higher self and guides with some extremely surprising information coming through. Nina was supportive throughout and itā€šĆ„Ć“s been really valuable to re listen to the recording. The session has given me clarity and has guided me to my next steps in my path . Thanks Nina... it was a fabulous time , really interesting. Iā€šĆ„Ć“d love to come back again and explore more past lives. Best wishes
Carole x"
-Carole Henderson, Peebles, Scotland


Bee Heart

April 2020

My session with Nina happened less than 24 hours ago. I am still in the energy of Love we feel while in the realms of higher vibration while I type this; my heart is wide open and full of info/experience/insights and my head wants to understand his part in the whole journey, so I am taking it very easy for a few days.
Nina is an amazing practitioner! She facilitates the session with such Openness, Love and Grace that I felt her holding Space and Allowing for all the Space Needed all through the session and already in our pre-talk.
I am deeply grateful for her LOVE, Respect and Grace during our time together which was several hours! It takes a HUGE Loving Heart for such a big task to be done over so many hours. Thank YOU, Nina! I will surely NEVER forget this outstanding experience I had with YOUR help! Bee



April 2020

I had an incredibly profound and insightful experience with Nina! She is a genuine healer that is passionate about what she does. Her work is from her heart and soul and helped me immensely.
Thank you!


Sabrina R

April 2020

The BQH session I recently had with Nina Morrocco was just beautiful!! I went to a past life where I was a servant to an Egyptian princess and realized that I was in love with her but due to being a servant I was not allowed to love her and was killed. The emotion of grief, pain, sorrow and love were so strongly felt during that session. It was truly powerful! I was also taken to a healing temple where those emotions were healed from my soul. I have not felt something like that before. I was then connected with my counsel and several of my questions were answered. I now know what I must do to resolve a couple of things in my path so I can keep moving forward in my journey. I am truly grateful to Nina and her gentle and loving energy!! She did such an amazing job facilitating my hypnosis session!! I highly recommend her.



April 2020

Nina took me on this amazing journey, where I experienced different past lifes. Iā€šĆ„Ć“ve learned a lot about the reasons of my current life patterns! Itā€šĆ„Ć“s a life changing event! Thank you, Nina!



April 2020

Nina has a deeply soothing voice and energy. Throughout my session with Nina I felt expertly and lovingly guided. I felt she is beautifully connected to her intuitive senses as she asked the right questions in each moment, helping me to have the most beautiful and profound experience. I am so grateful for her natural gift through this work.


K j

April 2020

Nina is the most genuine and lovely person ive ever met. Ive known Nina since i was 12 years old and im now 29.
She gave me quantum healing after i had been in some trouble with myself after my mum passed in 2016. After been in trouble i felt horrible within myself. I also felt i will never be able to live a normal life again because i was convicted of things like refusing a breathaliser, baring in mind i also have a daughter, Sophia, who has just turned 9 years old on 9th january.
After Nina's healing though, i felt completely different. I felt like i can put it all behind me and move on from it all. Most of all though ive really learned from it. Please keep in mind though i was feeling horrible within myself since Septembet but now after speaking with Nina i now feel like i can move on and better myself and i will xXx


Tena Dodds-Waters

April 2020

I had the most amazing BQH session with Nina today! Jesus and Dolores Cannon were there with beautiful messages for myself as well as Nina and the collective. I also visited a life on Lemuria as an Elven Queen. Nina's voice was so soothing, she knew exactly how to navigate and her questions were perfection! She has the most beautiful, loving and accepting energy and holds a safe space to fall in and open up. It truly couldn't have been a better experience and I cannot say enough about it! I received answers to all my questions plus a full-on physical healing! It was super fun and joyful as well as serious, loving and compassionate. I'm so grateful to her and her beautiful soul for being who she is and doing this life-changing work! She even went the extra mile and pulled oracle cards for me that were spot on and made a crystal grid. Love you, Nina!! ā€šĆ¹Ā§Ć”āˆĆØ Let's do that again!


Hannah Fogg

July 2019

I had the most phenomenal BQH session with Nina recently. She is so easy to connect with, so kind and accepting and jovial, which made it especially easy for me to relax during the induction of our session. I was able to easily access other lifetime experiences, as well as my higher self... and Source came through for most of my session, actually, as well as some channeled wisdom from Mother Earth at the end. The healing was absolutely profound and opened up some spaces in me that I hadn't realized I was even keeping shut down... It was a truly special experience for me, and I am entirely grateful to you Nina for taking your time and guiding me so beautifully on this life-changing journey. I'll definitely be contacting you again for sessions in the future! Biggest love from Maine.


Carmen Henrys

July 2019

Nina was wonderful and I highly recommend her! It was a relaxing and eye opening experience made even nicer by the kind and loving guidance of Ninaā€šĆ„Ć“s soft voice.
Being a newbie to QH I was unsure what to expect from our session however I was not disappointed. We explored and reached places that really helped me to understand and reconnect with my inner self. I was surprised at how much my own emotions and mind took over in this relaxed state. It really encouraged me to look at the different questions I had presented at the start of our session in a different almost simplified clear way.
I was 35 weeks pregnant during my session and we decided to connect a little with the baby at the end. I was nervous about this thought however it turned out to be the most loveliest part of the whole session. It just brought forward these beautiful feelings of laughter, giggling and happiness.
This is certainly something that I have held onto in the last few weeks of pregnancy knowing that the person I am growing inside me can, is and will experience all these fantastic emotions and this lovely thought has helped me to prepare and focus my thoughts as I prepare my mind and body for babyā€šĆ„Ć“s birth.



have a look and see

Hannah client review

My wonderful client, Hannah, had this to say about our session.

I was frozen on the sofa for a year before BQH found me.

Nina Morrocco -raphaela soul sessions - worldwide regression week

Nina Morrocco, quantum healer shares how she found this work and why the authentic connection between practitioner and client is so special. Nina offers both online and in-person sessions, she uses crystal and oracle cards during her sessions. During her sessions, Nina makes a point not just to speak to your higher self and guides, but to speak to the consciousness of any dis-ease, trapped energy, emotion or problem you might be experiencing as well. as there is a wealth of information inside the body.

Hannah's session - BEYOND THE HEALING

My Lovely client Hannah joins me for a post session catch up 1 month after her session, and gives us a very honest account and review of her session and how it has impacted her life. Before her session she was struggling with debilitating depression that was causing her to harm herself, thankfully with the work we have done together the cloud has lifted and she is loving herself and being a lot kinder to herself, watch full video here to here her very honest story. Thank you so much to Hannah for really opening up. I hope this is a fine example of just how powerful BQH quantum healing really is!

Bee Testimonial

Here is a review from a wonderful client of mine Bee Heart

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