Patricia (Vance) Forbes

I ride through the Universe helping you become younger, healthier and wealthier. I use advanced Earth healing modalities to raise your vibration so that you can experience more abundance, better health, more joy and more love. I work with the assistance

Office Phone: 970-566-2402
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Available Hours: Usually M-F 9:30 - 4, Contact me to set up a time for your session
Payment Options: Cash, Check, PayPal/credit system
Languages: English

Address: 1617, Meadowaire Drive, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525, United States.


Patricia (Vance) Forbes

Alchemy Universal Therapies


~ Member Since 2017

I am here to assist you in becoming healthier, free from what holds you back, clearing out the old programs to make room for being happy in the moving forward in the physical body on this planet. I have learned that to completely heal it is best to work with the entire body, mind, spirit, soul. To work with one aspect of oneself, leaves an imbalance. As we engage in a session, I do my best to address all aspects each time.

I also have a Law of Attraction book that is now available on Amazon РThe Divine Abundance Portal Activations.  This book contains the embedded light codes to assist you in shifting out the old programs, healing you as you are moving forward in manifesting the Abundance that you want to create in your life. There are 12 different Portals to experience for 11 days each. That makes 132 Shamanic Journeys to experience, riding the wave of change with Pat the Cosmic Cowgirl. I have noticed that even thought i channeled this information & experienced it then, I still experience shifts each time I go through a day or complete chapter. I have heard the same from others that have the book. Sometimes they have to just put it down as they are shifting too fast for their own comfort.  You might want to just experience the ride with Pat the Cosmic Cowgirl!

I would also like to hear from you about your experiences!


Creator of Harmonics of Transformation, Certified Teacher and Practitioner of Cell/Organ Regeneration Through Consciousness, Practitioner of Universal White Time Healing, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner. Certified Law of Attraction Coach, Certified Spiritual Coach, and Certified Life Coach. USUI SHIKI RYOHO REIKI III MASTER/TEACHER, Licensed Massage Therapist, NCBTMB, ABMP


Pat the Cosmic Cowgirl has written a book the ‘Divine Abundance Portal Activations’ due to be available December 2017. A One year of Law of Attraction Abundance Meditations where one can have fun within Shamanic Journeys to clear blocks and codes related to abundance of all types.



Connie W

March 2023

Patricia is definitely a gifted healer.  This was evident in my deep healing session with her!  I knew right away she was connected to “spirit” and I felt that guidance and her expertise in many technologies was evident as she worked.  I am experiencing healing not only of my physical ailment but the clearing of long time held negative emotions that were effecting my health.  Thank you Patricia!

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