Rava Rishi

"True power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero and leader." - Yung Pueblo

Mobile Phone: 909-736-7066
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM Pacific Time, closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Payment Options: Credit/debit card, Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, US Dollars or Mexican Pesos
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Address: Campo Ocotillos, Baja California, 21850, Mexico.


Rava Rishi

Shamanism, Animal Communication, Mediumship

Compassionate healer of humans and animals

~ Member Since 2023

~ Please scroll to the end for offerings ~

“How would I describe Rava? Compassion, Communication, Healing, Growth”
A friend.

Rava Rishi spent her early childhood on a farm in Washington state. Her best friends, who she regularly communicated with, were the animals, trees, land spirits and her German Shepherd, Pixie. Rava didn’t realize that this was not the norm, they were a major part of her life providing much comfort and assistance.

Also not the norm was the other part of her life. As far back as she can remember Rava was the victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse. Having no escape from her family, torture, abuse and brain washing were her daily experience. It got so bad that at the age of seven Rava ended up in a grand mal seizure and stroke, having to be resuscitated twice and then spent days in a coma. After this what she was experiencing didn’t stop, it just shifted.

What also shifted, as a result of the resuscitations and near-death experiences, was her perception of and ability to communicate with higher level, divine beings. During the NDEs she began to work with Kuana, an intergalactic council of 85 beings and others who assisted Rava in surviving the hardships yet to come.

When Rava left home, at the age of 17, she was a very driven person. She was able to apply the sheer will and drive which it took to survive her childhood, to any work she found. As a result, she became very successful in a young communications corporation which hired her on. But despite the busy schedule, travel, and constant need to grow her knowledge and skills, she remained severely depressed. She also knew that this was not her calling.

When Rava was 28, she adopted a dog and became involved in dog training. Soon after, she met Police Chief and head of the K9 unit in Chicago, Eugene Sacco, a Master Dog Trainer, who agreed to become her mentor. He brought her to a new level and ability to train all types of dogs. With her new dog, a Belgian Malinois named Magnum, and natural bond and communication with animals, she became successful in dog sport competitions. This became the means of leaving the corporate world and starting her own dog breeding and training program. Working with compassion and positivity, Rava trained dogs as family companions and for many types of service work.

Despite her success, her depression continued. Among Rava’s diagnoses were such labels as severe clinical depression, Complex PTSD, Bi-polar and MPD. Rava tried many venues of attaining help, including medical, psychiatric and others, to no avail. A new therapist was recommended to Rava. Rava and her immediately struck a chord as the therapist was also into metaphysics and spirituality. Encouraging Rava to explore her spiritual gifts, Rava dove into developing her intuition, Reiki, and animal communication.

Seeking deeper healing Rava attended medical cannabis and ketamine sessions which unearthed the suppressed memories from her youth. This led to a total crash and being bedridden for months. With her employees unable to run the business and Covid regulations setting in, Rava closed the doors on her business to embark upon a new chapter in her life.

As the saying goes, when one door closes another opens. Rava stepped into the world of Shamanism and Energy medicine. With Rava’s early connection and communication with all things in nature, plus a Native American lineage, Rava took to the path of a Shaman like a fish to water. This water began the deep work of healing the deep traumas she had been through. She has also found that she can relate to and assist others who have been through severe traumas and abuse.

Rava resides in Mexico with her German Shepherd, Esko and blind rescue chicken, Vida. She continues her self-healing and assisting others on their healing journey both in person and via Zoom. In addition, Rava assists pet owners through animal communication, training, and healing.

Here is a list of Rava’s trainings and certifications and what they mean practically, in brief, as to how you can benefit through them. Please see the linked pages (coming soon) for more details and check out the videos of actual sessions.

Shamanism and Energy Medicine. 3 years intensive studies at the LightSong School of 21st Century Shamanism and Energy Medicine completed.

After an initial discussion, Rava takes the client on a Shamanic Journey where her benevolent spiritual team finds information, identifies issues and completes the healing work. This can include any or all of the techniques listed below. While clients are invited to ask questions during the session, their main job is to relax, receive and be open to the process. These sessions are very informative, uplifting and empowering.

Soul Retrieval + Complete Energetic Clearing – bringing back signature soul essence and vitality lost through trauma, shock, theft, surgery, etc. Receive a complete energetic clearing including release of attached entities or energies, unraveling of curses, cutting cords, that which is most beneficial to remove according to your soul’s intentions. Then your signature soul essence is returned to you along with its qualities, gifts and abilitites, which can be life altering. For reference, please see an unedited Soul Retrieval Session start to finish under the Videos section. Schedule a session here: https://RavaRishi.as.me/SoulRetrieval

Compassionate Spirit Release / Deposession of Entity – gentle, effective removal (deposession) of attached entities, energies, souls and spirits. Facilitated during a Soul Retrieval.

Mediumship – Rava connects with your loved one who has transitioned to the other side, answering all of your questions from your loved one’s higher perspective. This session can facilitate tremendous healing and growth through the information that presents, which is a gift that aids in resolving ongoing grief and sadness. Schedule a session here: https://ravarishi.as.me/Mediumship

Curse Unraveling – unraveling energetic intrusions caused by curses, spells, oaths, promises, declarations, vows, contracts, repetitive thoughts, words or great emotion, which can cause chaos and confusion in a person’s life. Feel and experience liberation from the damaging effects of a curse. Facilitated during a Soul Retrieval.

Core Belief and Thought Form Unraveling – identifying core and blind beliefs that are running your life but no longer serving you. The thought forms and beliefs are unraveled, your energy is brought back, and new positive beliefs of your choice are anchored in. This process is also included in a soul retrieval session.

Animal Communication. Rava connects and communicates in real time with your beloved pet or wild animal in your environment. Popular session goals include finding out why particular health or behavioral issues are occurring and resolving them for optimal well-being and enhancement of the human-animal relationship and bond. This is utilized in conjunction with dog training and separately. Schedule here:  https://RavaRishi.as.me/AnimalComm.

Reiki. Rava is a Usui/Tibetan Master, Holy Fire III and Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher. Reiki is utilized for relaxation and in conjunction with the other services provided.

Akashic Records I. This is utilized with the journeying process to get answers to specific questions and to find possibilities for the future. Schedule here: https://RavaRishi.as.me/AkashicRecords.

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH). This method utilizes relaxation and guided meditation to bring the client into a deep state where they experience information coming through from their higher self. This can be utilized to explore past life regressions, current life experiences and how to shift things, future life progressions to see how life will be if you follow the current trajectory, and the direct answering of questions provided by the client’s True Self. Schedule here: https://RavaRishi.as.me/BQH.

Quantum Pain Relief (QPR). A short process for relieving up to 80% of a particular pain in one session. All sessions are available online or in person and are recorded for the client to review and continue to work with after the session. Schedule here: https://RavaRishi.as.me/QPR.

View All Session Here: https://RavaRishi.as.me/.

Rava’s US phone number is 909-736-7066. WhatsApp works best for text or email Rava at [email protected].



Katie Steinle

June 2024

I lost my son tragically and felt like I lost my own life as well. I was desperately searching for ways to reconnect with him. I tried many mediums and some were good, some I did not resonate with. And then I found Rava. My son Parker felt so safe and seen with her, he was able to come through on a whole new level. Rava made our sessions feel like my precious child was sitting in the room just having a regular conversation with us. Her kindness, compassion, and caring are palpable along with the power of her many talents and gifts. She has become my go to healer of choice! She will hold your hand and walk through the fire with you and see that you make it through to the other side. Rava's sessions are life changing!


Josh Dauzat

April 2024

Rava is simply amazing and her work to help people is very special. I first did a soul essence retrieval with her and I walked away from that session a changed person (for the better). Next my wife and I did a session with her to talk to our future child’s energy body/soul and this was soo special in some many ways. I now feel prepared for the time when our child is ready to come that I understand them already and can support their own journey. Lastly she helped us communicate with our older pet who had been struggling lately. This session was very deep and we learned soo much about him that we can be there for him as he needs and wants us to be. We have already noticed a huge change in him in 1 day after the session and following the guidance from that session. Thank you Rava, we will never forget you and your amazing gifts you bring into this world. We can’t wait to do deeper into our journeys with your help in the future!


Rava Rishi

April 2024

I lost my son tragically and felt like I lost my own life as well. I was desperately searching for ways to reconnect with him. I tried many mediums and some were good, some I did not resonate with. And then I found Rava. My son Parker felt so safe and seen with her, he was able to come through on a whole new level. Rava made our sessions feel like my precious child was sitting in the room just having a regular conversation with us. Her kindness, compassion, and caring are palpable along with the power of her many talents and gifts. She has become my go to healer of choice! She will hold your hand and walk through the fire with you and see that you make it through to the other side. Rava's sessions are life changing!


Diana Murdock

March 2024

My session with Rava was nothing short of amazing! I learned so much about myself. I can honestly say that I feel freer after a soul retrieval and entity removal. The words that come to my mind are "I am finally free to remember and continue my journey / continue what I started." I hold a new level of trust, confidence, and empowerment. I restarted my Gaia account and found some books on alchemy. I'm working on the concept of "there is light in darkness." I'm not entirely sure where that will lead me, but I am exploring that in my meditations. Rava's expertise and calm and caring demeanor held such a safe place for me. I highly recommend Rava and her services. Thank you!


Cecile Namer-Py

February 2024

The wonders of Rava’s animal communication skills

We’d had our young rescue mini Aussie for about 3 months and I still couldn’t read him. Was he bored, happy, unhappy? He sure didn’t look happy. He was a couch potato all day, (when his breed is supposed to be quite active), he never wanted to play...
In the next few days after our animal communication session with Rava, our little guy had his first “zoomie”! Now he joyfully jumps on our other dog to play with her several times a day, he happily rubs himself on the couch, he plays with us… He’s a different dog altogether!
My other dog was really wary of anyone, even my children and my husband. Since our session, they keep marveling at how way easier it is to be close to her. The smile on their face when she sleepily places her head on their lap is irresistible 🤗
It’s a work in progress, and our session with Rava was a true trigger. It’s such a relief to be able to understand their needs, and to know that someone can help us bridge that communication barrier if needs be. THANK YOU!


Jana DuMond

January 2024

Thank you for the wonderful session. I got a tremendous amount of clarity, direction, and peace out of it. I truly appreciate you, Rava. Thank you!!!!


Annette Bourget

January 2024

My Soul Retrieval with Rava was a real eye-opener. Her insights were tremendous, especially when searching for my lost soul parts. I really enjoyed the process of finding my Power Animal and was surprised to discover what it is. Rava was also able to guide me to my next learning and to the potential which will result from that learning. A month later I am still processing in integrating the soul parts that were lost. She is an amazingly talented practitioner and I recommend that everyone get a Soul Retrieval from her.

Annette B.


Kevin Burleson

December 2023

My experience with Rava was wonderful.
I was amazed how this noninvasive healing technique was able to reach deep enough to release some very old emotional regrets and sorrows that I had carried since childhood.
I felt better immediately after the experience and it has grown stronger since.
The process unblocked some areas that had become blocked in my life.
This blockage always presents itself as a depression in my case.
It is great to wake up to a feeling of hopefulness.
I also have been able to use what I experienced as a new tool to keep myself unblocked so I can get back to pursuing my dreams.
Kevin Burleson.


Sarah-Jane Irvine

October 2023

I took part in a soul retrieval with Rava, who has a wonderful energy which is gentle and loving. I was fascinated by the journey and excited to meet my power animal. She explained the steps and led me through the process giving me all the details as they came to her. It was a wonderful and intriguing experience to have had and I felt completely supported throughout. I would highly recommend Rava for any energy work, you will not be disappointed.


Soul Retrieval Session

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