Rosanne Grace

Your Willingness is Everything...

Office Phone: 949-378-5809
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Phone, text, social media links, email
Available Hours: By appointment.
Payment Options: Venmo, PayPal, Zelle or Cash please.
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-07:00) Arizona

Address: 247, Arizona 89A, Sedona, Arizona, 86336, United States.


Rosanne Grace

Ascension with Grace


~ Member Since 2015

I am a seasoned Multidimensional Coach, Dedicated Quantum Healing Practitioner and a Subconscious & Intuitive Coach, specializing in deep inner child healing, neuromuscular testing, clearing all dark or distorted energies, multi dimensional and soul integration. I love my life and am honored that I get to hold this space for others on this journey! If you have found me then I trust you were Divinely guided and I look forward to connecting with you soon.
Thank you, Rosanne Grace


Social Media/YouTube/Podcast go to:

QHHT Level II Practitioner

CHEK Level III Holistic Lifestyle Coach/Practitioner

Owner at Ascension With Grace &

the Lucia No.3 Hypnagogic Light Experience


Certified Level II Practitioner- Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Certified Level III Practitioner- Holistic Lifestyle Coach @ the CHEK Institute
Certified Advanced Practitioner-Journeys of Wisdom Intuitive Coach
Certified Practitioner/Operator Lucia Hypnagogic Light Experience



Benjamin Smallbone

June 2022

I have had 4 or 5 sessions with Rosanne and if you are looking to do this work then Rosanne is in my opinion the best out there and nobody really comes close to second!


Tracy Jo Green

April 2022

Divine timing! I just happened to hear Rosanne on a podcast she did a past life HEALING with the host (Paul Chek) For some reason I was drawn to her. She doesn't need to boast....she has some real gifts. There is just NO doubt if you are ready, she can guide you. I was amazed just in a short amount of time how much I accomplished. She is just an amazing person, hilarious and down to earth. I don't know how to put in words to emphasis it enough, but if you want any kind of elevation or accession, this is DEFINITELY where you go!!!! I'm just overwhelmed with gratitude that I found her.


Maggie Shaw

June 2021

My session with Rosanne Grace was nothing short of magical, enlightening, healing, transformative and truly incredible. Rosanne made me feel so comfortable, at ease and heard. She was able to see through my physical body to my spiritual and helped me confirm some “feelings”, “instincts” and “ideas” about myself/spirit that my inner child has always known but like we tend to do as humans…. I just needed that extra confirmation. She helped me to complete the healing process of my inner child and make little me feel heard, validated and so loved. The confidence of my own abilities has been greatly improved thanks to Rosanne and the inner child healing process. I cannot thank you enough for what you do Rosanne. Spirit truly sent me to the right person when they brought you into my field of awareness. I cannot wait to one day have another session with you. Love & Light to you Rosanne. Namaste



April 2020

You know the old saying, "it takes a village", well I believe it. Rosie is one of my mentors and helps me to be more centered and calm during the craziness we call life. Being an empath its helps to have someone teach you to clear things that you carry around from others. Thank you for your help and guidance.


Susan V Phillips

August 2019

I was referred to Sam by my friend Ben Blatz. I came to her to find a voice to my inner soul, ask if I was doing what I was intending to here on earth, energy as a result of releasing past traumas and finding peace and contentment overall within me. Our session was for three hours two of which was spent sharing my story. One hour was spent under hypnosis. She records the entire session And gives it to you before you leave via AirDrop if you have an Apple iPad or phone. I listen to it each night before bed as I go to sleep. Yesterday morning I listened to it while I was awake and conscious. She met all my expectations and more and is a lovely lovely human being and soul. and gives it to you before you leave via AirDrop if you have an Apple iPad or phone. I listen to it each night before bed as I go to sleep. Yesterday morning I listened to it while I was awake and conscious. She met all my expectations and more and is a lovely lovely human being and soul. She also has a float tank company that I plan to go check out next week.



June 2019

Rosanne is truly a powerful and genuine soul! She has a unique way of connecting and shedding her light. After having my first session with Rosanne I was able to release pain I’d been suppressing for so long and most importantly felt acknowledged and valued throughout the entire session. I’d strongly recommend working with Rosanne, it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made!



May 2019

Who else has ever felt disconnected from themselves and their lives—like something is wrong, or they’re not quite whole?
As child, I was taught to do what adults told me to do, regardless of what I wanted to do. Failure to do so—even if behavioral expectations were unclear or nonexistent—resulted in yelling and other punishments. My earliest recollection of being shouted at for something I didn’t know I was supposed to do was around age four. This upbringing resulted in me not knowing who I was or what I wanted to do with my life. So, I spent the first 33 years of my life seeking to please others personally and professionally—and subsequently experiencing anxiety, depression, disordered eating, and subjecting myself to verbal and physical abuse while pretending to be happy. That’s when I discovered energy healing. It helped me find the real me and live life authentically in the world. I’ve been on my healing journey for the last 10 years now but most recently I had my biggest breakthrough when I went to see Rosanne. We focused the session on healing my inner child and she was able to pinpoint some specific things I needed to honor to help my inner child feel validated for all she had to endure and suppress about herself in order to survive and have a sense of belonging in the world. After several years of energy work, I’ve realized that there is no me versus my parents or the world—there is simply different choices, and I could create the life that worked for me. I’m still a work in progress but I’m stronger and happier everyday and know confidently that Rosanne has been a big part of my breakthrough and I will continue to work with her for guidance. I am special, I am me, and I am exactly where I’m suppose to be on this journey! Do yourself a favor and go see Rosanne so you can gift your inner child all he or she needs to release you from your sorrows and allow you to live your happiest life yet!



May 2018

I AM grateful and blessed to have found Roseanne. After spending years in the Christian church, I began seeking healing and wholeness outside organized religion. I resisted inner child work for years, believing that I'd "dealt" with my past traumas. I was led to the perfect person to help me on my journey, Roseanne, through a perfect series of synchronicities. At the time I was struggling with most aspects of my life, spiritual, physical , financial but was unaware that I was the problem. By not truly addressing my past and liberating and loving my inner children, I was holding myself in a self defeating spiral. Roseanne's beautiful, loving connection and commitment to Source made a safe place for me to begin acknowledging and healing my past wounds and freeing me to allow in more and more light and Grace from the Divine. Roseanne is my friend, soul sister and mentor. I am blessed to know her


Arnie Lifset

March 2018

I first met Rosanne when my friend took me to her float lounge. Not only was the float an unbelievable experience I had a very deep and immediate connection with Rosanne. Just to sit down and talk with Rosanne you cannot help but be touched by the depth of her soul and the resources she brings to the table. Since then Rosanne has become a very valuable coach, spirit guide, hypnotherapist and a true friend. She only creates a warm and loving space with which to work. She does this in a way that has gained my total trust. She is constantly learning and growing herself which gives her the ability to continually challenge me to grow also. Call her! What are you waiting for.


Jeffrey S Samuelian

March 2018

I have known Roseanne for years now. I stumbled into her life looking for a solution to some of my physical pain through The Float Lounge and found so much more. She is a mentor to me, one of my most trustworthy and intuitive guides, and my friend. She never sold her healing to me and quite honestly it took me some time to really understand the power behind her gifts. Over the years and through many passing conversations, I began to understand the power of healing my past, present and future by doing the work with her as my intuitive guide. I still have plenty of work to do. I am grateful for a teacher and friend like Rosie who can not only guide me through the work, but also help me enjoy and get the most out of this trip around the sun to the fullest extent.


Tameeka Wyndon

December 2017

I recently shared in a hypnotherapy session with Rosanne, after having connected with her for my birthday (11/2) gift of a float session. First, the floating experience was unlike anything I ever imagined. The warmth and sister-love I felt upon meeting Rosanne ushered me into a sweet time of meditation.
A few weeks later I shared a hypnotherapy experience. Rosanne ushered me towards an introduction to greater awareness of who I am, my young Spirit Guide (she's a beautiful little me) and an in-depth look into my past life. The most comforting and loving environment with Rosanne allowed me to relax and trust those who showed up for me. Her gentle tone and loving spirit escorted me straight to the place and souls I have been and that which I will become. I am excited about this heightened awareness. Now every day I draw closer to my higher/greater self. This was a memorable experience and I am certain that I will work with Rosanne again.


Allison Pelot of Pure Energy Wellness

July 2017

I love working with Rosanne. She has a unique way of holding a safe sacred space and reflecting back to me in a loving and caring way exactly what I need. I left the session feeling complete with a sense of satisfaction and clarity.


Cherie wicklund

July 2017

Rosanne has helped me through some of the most challenging times of healing of my life , this time around and beyond. Rosanne has " let me see ME" I have healed lifetimes and grown to experience my limitless ness . I can not speak enough on her ability to access her gifts . Rosanne is a clear channel, and provides the space needed to do the work many can not handle. I've been blessed to work with her and would recommend her to anyone .



One of the most fascinating sessions I've ever experienced. Client is a true somnambulist and this is a New Earth Love Story.


Second half of the New Earth Love Story!

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