Sara Straw

Office Phone: 4069801273
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Website
Payment Options: PaypalVenmo
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)

Address: , , Helena, Montana, 59602, United States.


Sara Straw


~ Member Since 2020

Hello♥ Thank you for taking the time to allow  me to explain a bit about myself; in order for you to learn if you think we are a good energetic match, and I if am the right practitioner to support you on this amazing, sacred journey! 

I am born and raised in Montana and am grateful for this. I receive much energy and inspiration from connecting to nature and one of my passions is to garden, work in my yard, and collect and grow houseplants of all types. 

My main passion in life however; is Quantum Healing. I have learned my life's purpose and passion is to help people through Quantum Healing. Helping others in this way has been very healing for me as well, and since starting this journey I can honestly say I have grown so much!

¬†I have been spiritually “awake” since 1996. Lying in bed one night; I suddenly energetically projected, up into the astral realm. The bottom half of my body appeared as a triangular rainbow light that extended from the Earth; all the way up to where I was connected to the most beautiful swirling mass of energy and lights and codes and colors. (Source) I was such a part of it, I knew undeniably it was my “home‚Äù, it was the most beautiful, mesmerizing, completely unconditional love, understanding, infinite knowledge, and more. ¬†In an instant I understood that All is One; and the One is All, absolutely everyone and everything, and we are all creator gods in our own right. I could see now just how very precious each and every soul is to the whole; and we each have a special and unique reason for our being. Ultimately I was shown that when we allow love to rule our minds and hearts, we will always be protected and divinely guided.‚ô•¬†

You can expect to have an intuitively guided session with me where not only do we have the opportunity to experience other realities of our past/present/future existence, but also perform very important energetic work that consists of scanning, clearing, and repairing the various layers of the energetic and physical bodies. 

During a session, the possibilities of what you may experience are endless and ultimately will be decided by your Higher Self, (you are in control at all times!)  When you visit the Quantum Field you will experience a greater version of yourself with an expanded point of view and higher levels of consciousness.  This Higher Self can provide profound healing and the answers to any question you could ever think to ask about yourself. 

Having a Quantum Healing session can provide powerful results and healing on so many levels. I feel it can be such a beautiful step in our path to healing and growth and in our journey to ascension from 3D Earth!!! ‚ô•‚ô•‚ô•






September 2021

Sara was great to work with. She understood my complex intent and organized it in a way that worked really well for us both. I was a bit apprehensive as to weather I would be able to do a BQH session but Sara's voice was very soothing and she guided me through a beautiful and productive session. I continue to feel benefits afterwards.



September 2021

I want to sincerely thank you for guiding me so eloquently into my past lives and obtaining information that helps me be my highest self today! You were so gentle and kind and I felt safe the whole time.

Now I understand where some of my life issues stem from and I feel set free from them now.

The healing portion of my session was exactly what my body needed and I feel like a new person, better yet, like the “real me” now!

Thank you again!!!



October 2020

Sara was so easy and open to chat. Felt at ease right away. Her soothing voice allowed the hypnosis state to flow smoothly, easily and strongly. Visions and feelings appeared readily. It was a beautiful session. Felt both Sara and I received many gifts. Grateful.


jenny dionne

October 2020

This was the first time to be hypnotized. I was not sure that I could be. Sara was amazing and patient. She had a soothing

voice that got me to relax and fall into a light hynosis state. I received some answers I have been looking for and feel like I know my purpose in life and what I need to do to get on the right track. Date is absolutely amazing and I would love to have another sessions with her. I highly recommend Sara. Thank you for this experience ❤️


Gerolyne Bronte

October 2020

I immediately connected with Sarah like meeting up with a childhood friend. She patiently listened and guided me to a parallel life. An aspect of myself where there is peace and serenity living a life of pure expansion and gratitude. My session with her was simply dreamy and peaceful like a sweet indulgence. I will definitely have another session with Sarah. I highly recommend her. You rock, Sarah!



August 2020

What an experience this has been and it is safe to say it will be the 1st but not the last of mini breakthroughs Sara and I will have. This session Sara was able to get rid of an attachment that had been with me for many lifetimes. Now when I look into the mirror I feel as though I see part of me that I have never known. To see my reflection now is like seeing a warrior with great hope that I can heal from the unseen. Thank you Sara what a beautiful soul you have. Friends till the death of me and every lifetime to come.


Alexandra Lopez

July 2020

I have had many sessions before and many blissfully happy expanded experiences of higher dimensions. Yet, I felt that I had never addressed some blocks in my heart regarding trusting love and I wanted Sara's help in doing that. With her, I had very profound emotional releases and saw where those fears originated. It was not pleasant, it was not easy for either of us, but it was cathartic and very helpful. She helped me feel safe to undergo that experience.


Devialini Agheda-De Souza

July 2020

I had an instant connection with Sara. She is friendly and sincere and made me feel completely comfortable. My experience with the session I had with her was playful and fun. I would recommend her to anyone who wants a quantum healing session



July 2020

She’s one of the best people I know!


Ben Wigley

July 2020

I had a wonderful experience with Sara. She was able to clear an entity that was hanging out in my neck and causing all kinds of difficulties. Days later and it's still feeling much better and the tightness and stress that usually gets built up there is now dissipated and it feels clear and released. I highly recommend Sara to anyone looking to uncover any current or past life trauma that needs to be released and dealt with.



July 2020

Sara has such a calming voice. She doesn’t rush her sessions and is very capable of helping people see life though a positive healthy outlook! Do yourself a favor. If you need this type of work. She is your person.


Bernice Cruz

July 2020

Sara is down to earth and I immediately connected with her. What's important, is that she is living her passion and it shows. Sara, thank you for sharing your incredible gift with me. I am happy to have such a great person to call upon if I needed another session.

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