Sophie Guellati-Salcedo

Discover Your True Self, Live Up to Your Full Potential!

Office Phone: 305-799-9970
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: By appointment only. Online and in-person appointments available.
Payment Options: In-person: cash, checks, bank-to-bank transfers (via Zelle®‚Äã). Online: VENMO or bank-to-bank transfers (via Zelle®‚Äã).
Languages: English, French

Address: Miami, Florida, 33156, United States.


Sophie Guellati-Salcedo

Sophie Guellati-Salcedo, Ph.D.

Licensed Psychologist

~ Member Since 2020

My journey to the discovery of quantum healing has been ¬†a long and sinuous one. It all started in early 1990’s, when I decided to quit the world of corporate banking after reading¬†Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss. My first move consisted in enrolling in Clinical Psychology at Université Paris V René Descartes in 1995. Early on, I became interested in the field of Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine, a discipline concerned with understanding how biology, behavior, and social context influence health and illness. More specifically, I developed an interest in the study of psychological factors of resilience and dispositional traits such as optimism, coping styles, and personality measured in health relevant contexts. Interacting with medically-ill patients, I preferred to identify and strengthen their resources and assess their social support network, rather than focusing on their symptoms, weaknesses, or limitations. This perspective had permeated through my clinical work today.

In parallel, I continued to search for answers into the origin of unexplained medical symptoms and alternative paths to wellness. My favorite readings at the time included Anatomy of the Spirit: the Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss and the series  Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding. Although my readings led me to a Mind, Body, Spirit approach to wellness, I had to embrace the duality of a Mind & Body approach, prevalent in academic and medical settings.

In 2000, I came to the University of Miami as a Fulbright scholar to conduct research in Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine, a discipline concerned with understanding how biology, behavior, and social context influence health and illness. In the last phase of my clinical training, I was able to integrate different theoretical orientations and spiritual insights to clinical skills. My integrative approach included psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, systemic, and schema-focused therapy, as well as stress management and relaxation techniques. In addition, I received practical and formal training in hypnotherapy. I finally started a clinical practice in 2007.

During the confinement period of the COVID-19 pandemic, I found time to read more and challenge the limitations of the dual Mind/Body approach to wellness I have been following for the last sixteen years. It was far time for me to bring back more ‘Spirit” into my quest for answers and expand my toolbox to better assist my clients. This is when I discovered the work of Dolores Cannon. And what a discovery it has been! I have finally found a technique truly addressing the holy trinity that is the Mind, Body, and Spirit to help people transcend adversity and realize their potential.

I have placed all my enthusiasm, energy and intellectual curiosity into learning Dolores’ Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (Q.H.H.T) and reading her books. I have completed Level 1 and 2 trainings at this time and have already experienced the intensity of Q.H.H.T. sessions personally. Faced with the limitation of in-person delivery imposed by the QHHT model, I was introduced to Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH), a non-dogmatic, open-minded, and highly personalized approach to the exploration of consciousness, that allows practitioners to integrate the use of various tools and clinical skills to serve the needs of their clients.

More recently, ¬†I discovered and experienced quantum biofeedback with the Genius Insight, as a client at first. Next, I could not resist the urge to dive into yet a new and exciting learning experience and add the Genius Biofeedback products (Genius Insight and Quanta Capsule) to my practitioner’s toolbox. My ambitious goal now is to combine my experience as a licensed psychologist with the expertise and healing power of quantum healing techniques. to serve my clients and whoever is willing to take on that journey with me.

I was born in Paris, France and have been living in Miami since the year 2000. I am married and have a daughter. Bi-cultural and bilingual in French/English and an avid traveler, my exposure to diverse cultures has made me particularly sensitive to the specific integration challenges associated to cultural differences. I will be able to conduct Q.H.H.T. and B.Q.H. sessions in English and in French.

At your service,

Sophie Guellati-Salcedo, Ph.D.


Licensed Psychologist in the State of Florida (PY7490)
ASCH-certified hypnotherapist
QHHT-trained (Level 2) Practitioner
BQH-trained Practitioner


Fullbright Scholar (2000-2004)
Commendation for coursework, research, and clinical work from the University of Miami (2001)
Fulbright Professional Enhancement Award (2002)
Commendation for Excellence in Teaching from the University of Miami (2003)
Patients’ Choice Winner (2016)




April 2023

Sophie is an amazing professional with a fantastic personality. I had the privilege of having a BQH session with her, and it was an incredible experience. She made me feel at ease right from the start and guided me through the process with great care and expertise.

After the session, we had a quick review and discussion of what had transpired during the session. Sophie helped me to better understand the lessons and messages that I had received, which allowed me to assimilate the information more easily.

What's more, Sophie is fluent in both French and English, which is a great advantage for anyone looking for a BQH session in either language.

Overall, I would highly recommend Sophie to anyone looking for a BQH session. Her professionalism, expertise, and warm personality make her an excellent choice for anyone seeking guidance through this process. Thank you, Sophie, for an unforgettable experience!



September 2022

My quantum session with Sophie was very good. I felt safe with her, which helped me to open up and trust more. She has the ability to assist in providing more light for the purpose of healing and forward movement. I am grateful for having a protected container to explore conciousness and express imagination.



June 2022

Had such a great experience with Lady Sophie. Her energy is soothing and gentle very easy to connect and travel through my journey. Recommend her greatly.



June 2022

Dr. Guellati-Salcedo is an absolute pleasure to work with! She offered deep insight and compassion, along with an openness and approachability that made our sessions all the more valuable. I would recommend her without reservation.



April 2021

I went into this session not fully understanding, however, I came out of it amazed at what I had gone through. Things are already beginning to happen in my life. I know healing has been done and continues. Sophie is an angel, compassionate and very respectful of not just me but of our guides as well. Will be looking into another session with her.



January 2021

I would highly recommend Sophie Guellati Salcedo. She is a skilled hypnotherapist and wonderful person.
We had session online and was very successful.



January 2021

i had the most wonderful session with Sophie. I was needing guidance with my soul purpose and this helped me tremendously! My higher self came through and I was able to receive direct information about my soul purpose. Sophie carries the wisdom, gentleness, and caring to ease your mind and bring forth what needs to the most. I would recommend her services. She is a beautiful soul that cares deeply about everyone's inner growth. She is amazing.



November 2020

Sophie was wonderful! She had excellent patience with me as a beginner. I had so many questions, and she graciously helped and offered as much detail as was applicable. Her knowledge helped me understand all of my questions. Her calming demeanor and the energy she exudes so so welcomed. I would love to work with Sophie again soon. I highly encourage you to reach out and enjoy this fantastic experience she will guide you through.



November 2020

Sophie is an amazing practitioner. She was so patient with me because it was my first time. I was so nervous & messed up the first time & she restarted the session & relaxation process for me. My biggest advice is to not try so hard & be too nervous & to not go into it with preconceived expectations. Don’t overthink it. If you go into it thinking it won’t work, it most likely won’t.for Your first session it’ll probably seem like you’re answering the questions & not your higher self but I promise when you go back & watch the session, it’ll be obvious that they answered the questions. Not everyone is able to go into a Somnambulistic state like in a lot of QHHT/BQH sessions & in Dolores cannons books especially the first time so don’t be discouraged & disappointed if you’re not able to. That doesn’t mean the session is useless because I wasn’t able to & it still helped me so much. I recommend BQH & Mrs. Sophie to everyone that’s interested. I was able to heal so many things.


Mitchell Arlee

November 2020

Hi Mrs Sophie I wanted to do this for a while and didn't get the chance because of busy schedule but the 2nd session I would say was way better than the first because I knew at that point what I needed to do which was mediate, eat right foods and drinking water which I'm doing now but keep doing what you're doing hope to have more sessions with you in December.


Damon LaBarbera, PhD Licensed Psychologist

November 2020

Dr. Guellati-Salcedo is a highly educated person who is fine, able, talented therapist. With a strong academic background punctuated by various awards, she brings to her work much sensitivity, insight and effectiveness.


Mitchell Arlee

November 2020

So Sophie you did a great job with the session and sorry for the distraction that we experience and most of all sorry for me being a complete rookie in all this I felt this was a waste of time because I didn't understand what I was doing even with the pre interview it was confusing because most answers I made up with my imgaination and thanks for the suggestions on what to do in order to fix my mistakes and improve for the future sessions like meditation and paying more attention to dreams I have and maybe workout since I work at a gym but I don't think you're a fraud, you were very nice and patient with me and I wish you the best of luck and much love to you.


Brenda S.

October 2020

So my review may be a bit biased because I’ve known Sophie since we attended grad school together. We recently got back in touch due to some health issues I’ve been facing, so when she reached out to see if I wanted to do a quantum healing session, I jumped at the chance! I was a bit nervous beforehand because I wasn’t sure what kind of information I’d get about my health, but Sophie reassured me that whatever message I got was for my highest good and helped to allay my fears. The actual hypnosis experience was great—Sophie’s voice and delivery was very calming and made it easy to get into a trance state. The way she guided me through all the different lifetimes was seamless with appropriate questions and observations. And when we came to the part where I could have my questions answered, Sophie did an excellent job at addressing my subconscious and bringing out relevant information and making important connections. Overall, it was an enlightening experience and Sophie was professional, kind, sensitive, and insightful. I’m looking forward to my next session and would highly recommend Sophie to anyone interested in BQH.



October 2020

I have experienced a great release from this session. The best part is that the session is recorded and I can replay over and over and still experience emotional release over time. Sophie is caring and detailed and thoughtful. I had a great experience to work with her. Her methodology and practice is very different from any traditional hypnosis that I have done, and it really works well. As a practitioner, Sophie is very thorough and came up with a lot of points that added value to my own emotional processing that I did not even realize. Highly recommend to work with her.



October 2020

I truly believe that there are no accidents in each moments of our lives, that everything we do always leads us to the next phase of our lives. We have always been provided and guided by infinte energies that surrounds us. It is amazing how this world is full of good souls, ready and willing to help us to accompany us to what we need. This is what I felt when I accidentally met Sophie.

Here in my country we do not have past life regressionists or anyone who does QHHT. I only read about them through facebook comments, posts, and on youtube. I truly loved how it leads people to know thier purpose on this present existence. Few months ago I sent intentions to Dolores Cannon's energy and humbly asked it to experience QHHT. And then I was reading a posts on facebook and came across Sophie's comment about QHHT, I commented on that post and I sent her a private message, she responed right away. She introduced herself and also introduce myself to her and told her how I wanted to try QHHT session to direct me to my real purpose in this life. The thing is I was out of job since the pandemic begun and only have on call gig once a week. I was prepared to be turned down and move on, but she said she is willing to do it with me. I was beyond shocked at that moment, I couldnt believe it. I don't even know what to feel, I want to jump, shout and run out of joy! Then Dolores Cannon popped on my mind smiling.

She scheduled our first meeting and met on Zoom. It was more than an hour interview and meditation exercise. Made me appreciate her even more because it is a symbol of how dedicated she is, she sacrificed her time and effort for this one just to prepare me for the QHHT session.

The session was done online. At 11PM here in my place ( island of Cebu Philippines ) we started the QHHT session and finished at 3AM. In the session Sophie's calming voice was like a hand floating in the air that's guiding me from scene to scene. The whole experience was astonishing. I went to 2 significant past lives as and one in the future. I had prepared lists of questions to be asked during the session and Sophie was very articulate and very good at putting those questions next to the other in the right time. All questions I has been answerd by my spirit guides. Sophie was able to ask my guides to heal my Thyroid and heal and release me from the pain from one of my past lives. She was able to gather all my guides and asked them the questions I made. The whole experience and all the messages behind all those existence in the past and future and the answers I got from my guides, all made sense to me now. All of these because of Sophie's guidance. After the session I felt overwhelming love and gratitude all around me and wanted to share it with Sophie in return to her sacrifice and good deed, by sending her all positive energies and gifts she needs in her life.

I highly recommend Sophie to anyone. I think there are many QHHT guides out there but there are only a handful of people who are selfless, guided by thier hearts with love, willing to help to people like me. But please if you have the means and money, please do pay her because her session will take a lot of her time and stregnth. The sacrifice she did for me is priceless.



October 2020

Hello Sophie ????????i I don't have an earthly explanation to this phinomenal session ,howeva would like to thank thank u infinite for makeing me experience immaculate divinity ????????????eva greatful to u my Angel . And i wish more people experience this session with you . For them to get in touch with there divine self ... eva grateful my soul is filled with the divine nectar .Youmade me experience this bliss ????????wish u abundance of love ,light and infinite divine blessings and manifestations. Stay blessed soul sistar love you eternal????????????????????????♾☯️????



October 2020

I had 2 sessions with Sophie and it was incredible. She was always engaged, asking questions and suggesting few things that could work for me. She explained how the session was going to happen and she made me feel relaxed.
This was the first time I experienced hypnosis and I think it helped me to connect to my higher self and feel empowered.
Thank you so much Sophie



September 2020

It was a very well conducted session. This was my first ever hypnosis session and I was very curious about QHHT. I enjoyed the session, it was a very profound experience for me. The session lasted approximately 3 hours and I was comfortable throughout the session.

It was a life changing session for me. I got clear realisation about my life goals and thought processes. I got insight about impressions carried over from my childhood till the present moment and guidance for the action steps required.

I could connect well to the inner child and higher self. I became aware of necessary corrections required to achieve my life purpose and life goals.

I appreciate Sophie's patience during the session. Her rapport and communication was excellent.

I got clear directions to all my questions and it will help me to get more focused. The session was a great opportunity for me as I was already doing introspection about my life goals. It was very well timed by the universe.

I can say that I was inspired by her skill and knowledge. She creates a very sacred where client can relax completely during the session. She has amazing skill as a therapist and QHHT practitioner.

I strongly recommend her to anyone who wants to seek answers to important questions in their life regarding health issues, relationships, life goals or career.

Good Luck to you.

Warm regards



September 2020

I'm still in the beatiful healing state from the QHHT session i had with Sophie 2 days ago. She has shown me how professionality can get very will with kind and loving spirit. She was keen to help me answer all my questions. She was guiding me through with passion and compassion to get the resolution and healing i needed in this stage of my life. With her help i integrated very hard past life. I really appreciate her great effort.



September 2020

She's absolutely patient. I dont think i ever showed myself the kind of patience she did. Very kind and she loves what she does.
Im so grateful that she gave me her time. She was recommended to me by a well wisher and I'm truly grateful to her!



August 2020

I sincerely thank Sophie for this wonderful out of this world experience. Not only was she able to bring out my core issues, we were able to address them in our session. My session was very powerful with so many angels and guides protecting me. I felt so energized and calm after the session. I can't wait to have another session in the future and have definitely recommended my friends to have this session. Sophie, Please continue to do this amassing work. The impact your work has on your clients is immense. My heart is filled with gratitude when I thank you from my heart. So much love and light to you! may you and your loved ones always be blessed! <3



August 2020

Amazing experience



August 2020

Sophie is very understanding and professional in what she does. My experience has been very positive and supportive. I was very nervous and didn't know what to expect with my time working with Sophie but she gave me her full support and attention and would definitely recommend her to anybody interested in doing some soul searching.


Rikki Zulyevic

August 2020

I recently had a BQH session with Sophie and the entire theme seemed to be leading me back to the importance of finding more stillness and quiet and peace throughout my days. The beginning scene was so vivid that I could LITERALLLY smell the scent of the beautiful, powerful pine trees that I was connecting to. I received a healing from the pine trees that fellt so intense, I felt kept feeling the urge to cry from the beauty and peace I was feeling.

Sophie is wonderfully guided by her own intuition and knew exactly what questions to ask at the right time and at one point, after my Subconscious had answered all of my questions, she somehow knew to ask a certain question that I hadn't written down, nor told her about. It happened to be a question that I did have, but wasn't quite comfortable asking and she somehow knew to ask that exact question to my SB and got a wonderfully helpful answer to it.

After my session, I went for a drive and found myself in a pine tree forest that looked exactly like the trees I saw in my session. I connected to the trees and felt their energies so intensely and felt more peace and calm than I have felt in a very long time. Thank you, Sophie!

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