Sophie Soumah

Office Phone: +33 (0)7 67 92 07 22
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: 10:00 - 22:00 GMT
Payment Options: Paypal:
Languages: English, French

Address: Saint-Vrain, Île-de-France, France.

Sophie Soumah

Orchid Healings

~ Member Since 2021

Welcome English speakers 🙂

I’m an intuitive channeler of spirit messages to the persons who need to hear from outside, what they sense inside to help validate and trust their own intuitions.

I re-opened my channels after a major loss, and have been since using mainly my intuition/my exchanges with spirits, to navigate the human experience.

I was granted to escape my body during an Ayahuasca experience to get a breather from the challenging human experience and remember who and what I am, and why I chose to incarnate.

Quantum healing (BQH and QHHT) has been THE healing media that helped me pursue my Earthly journey. Hence, I’ve come to discover and entrust that all diss eases have energetic root causes. And these are what need identifying and healing.

The human experience is a challenging one. We come here to learn and master the specifics of each one. Regular clearing, cleansing, and healing are as showers taken to refresh and clear the cruds. They help face the present and following chapters in better conditions.

WhatsApp me for info and/or book your session here


Orchid 🙂


Bienvenu aux francophones 🙂

Je ressens et verbalise les messages spirituels aux personnes qui ont besoin d’entendre à voix haute, ce qu’elles ressentent de l’intérieur, pour les aider à valider et à faire confiance à leurs intuitions.


J’ai rouvert mes canaux énergétiques après un décès douloureux, et j’utilise depuis mon intuition/mes échanges avec les esprits, pour naviguer dans l’expérience humaine.


Il m’a été accordé de m’échapper de mon corps lors d’une expérience d’Ayahuasca pour me souvenir de qui et quoi je suis, et pourquoi j’ai choisi de m’incarner.


L’exploration et la guérison quantique (BQH et QHHT) ont été LES aides qui m’ont permis de poursuivre mon aventure terrestre. J’ai découvert que toute maladie a une/des cause(s) énergétiques. Et qu’éliminer ses énergies est ce qui permet de guérir. L’exploration quantique permet d’identifier les origines de ces énergies et de décider, ou pas, de s’en détacher. C’est la personne qui décide. 


L’expérience humaine rencontre ses difficultés. Nous venons ici pour apprendre et maîtriser les émotions et expériences. Se détacher occasionnellement ou de manière régulière des empreintes énergétiques des difficultés, permet d’aborder la vie avec plus d’objectivité, et d’en retirer plus de bénéfices.


Envoyez-moi un message WhatsApp pour information et/ou réservez votre séance via le lien suivant :


Orchid 🙂


BQH Certificate.
QHHT Level 1. Have facilitated more than 25 sessions. Feel sessions are enough for me vs. level 2 and 3 curriculums.

All sessions are intuitively guided :-).
See reviews for confidence.



Serena Leslie

January 2024

Sophie is intuitively guided, caring, compassionate and such a lovely energy to work with. Her BQH session was so enlightening and calming to the soul. Much self-discovery and remembrance and Affirmation and validation to my own insights.
Sophie's energy is familiar and her gifts allow one to feel so comfortable as they are speaking to a long lost friend. Her guidance and interpretations of my input were deeply insightful and have me reconsidering, remembering, and reconnecting with my own gifts of intuition and healing. After my session I have an increase in feelings of peacefulness, insight on my behaviours I wish to change and a profound connection to my guides and a soul connection I lost many years ago. I would highly recommend her Healing work!


Marjolaine Dauban

January 2024

Une séance de BQH avec Sophie m'a permis de reprendre confiance en moi en écoutant mon intuition et en me transformant de l'interieur.
J'ai pu comprendre également les personnes avec lesquelles je devais m'entourer par rapport à ma confiance en moi.
Faite une séance avec Sophie, elle est à l'écoute, neutre et sans jugement.Je vous la recommande sans hésiter.


Barbara M

January 2024

J'ai bien aimé les éclaircissements et conseils/idées de Sophie. Quand on est dans notre tête, dans notre vie, on n’a pas forcément la distance nécessaire pour une perception globale des choses.
Elle me guidait avec confiance, j'étais entre de bonnes mains.
C'était une expérience très enrichissante pour moi, j'ai eu beaucoup de prises de consciences. Je remercie beaucoup Sophie! :)


Lara S

January 2024

Sophie Soumah is a very professional, sensitive and soft practitioner. I have appreciated her patient and interactive listening as well as the the detail oriented exploration she guided me throughout our session. I have received very precise answers on my questions and benefited a great feeling of well being after our BQH session.


Melinda D

January 2024

Sophie (Orchid) is a very kind fun and open heart therapist. I enjoyed very much my session with her.
She was amazing during the session, she went through all my question for my Higher Self and I received all the answers I need it to hear for my healing journey. I felt so much better after and I can see things more clearly now and the healing still coming through a few days after.
It was a beautiful journey with her and I am so grateful! I appreciated her attention to detail and the connection with her own intuition. Thank you Orchid!
May all beings on Earth Be Happy.


Madeleine C

January 2024

Orchid is an experienced healer, with lots of knowledge. She guided my session in a very professional and easy going way We traveled through the quantum space together and explored past lives that still had an influence on my current life. Through the session I gained valuable and interesting insight and knowledge about my role in various past incarnations and about how everything is connected over many lifetimes- I also received information about a spirit guide and how to connect with him. Moreover, I was given details about my mission in this life and how, so far, that has been hindered due to bad experiences in my past lives. Thanks, Orchid, for this great session!

Reply from Orchid:
:-) My great pleasure Madeleine :-) Our spirit teams were of great assistance and mine guided me to what to ask you to help with your exploration and find answers. So I am forever grateful to them, for their presence by my side, always :-)


Valérie Barrois

January 2024

Merci Sophie ! Quelle belle expérience ! J’ai beaucoup apprécié le soin apporté à la préparation avant la séance, au professionnalisme qui se dégage de tout le processus. J’ai particulièrement apprécié la sécurité que tu installes tout naturellement et qui permet de se laisser porter en toute confiance mais aussi la qualité et la précision de ton questionnement qui permet une exploration riche et réutilisable dans son quotidien. Cette séance m’a permis d’avancer sur mon chemin de vie et d’avoir des clés concrètes pour le vivre sereinement. Merci !


Empress A

January 2024

If you're thinking about having a BQH session with Sophie, don't hesitate. The energy she brings with her soul and her Spirit Team, for me, created the perfect space for release and healing. My Spirit Team was in agreement from the moment I reached out to her and so the session was so comfortable and flowed with ease. I just love this work so much! As a practitioner myself, this was helpful in so many ways. Thank you Sophie!


Rachael Q

January 2024

I had a BQH session with Sophie because I had been having fears & phobias coming up which didn't appear to be from my current life but stemming from past lives. Sophie assisted me to find the root life which caused this phobia and expertly helped me release it. I also saw a life where I was a teacher/healer and that self said he could assist heal my current self. I got many questions answered, received a lot of healing and released so much. I am feeling much lighter. Sophie has a beautiful, kind and caring energy and is excellent at what she does, she knows intuitively the best way to assist, I would definitely recommend her.


Melissa D

January 2024

My session brought so much insight and healing to a childhood trauma that I thought I had resolved, but was still very much negatively impacting my life.

Sophie was such a gentle and loving guide through this very emotional and difficult trauma to review. The energetic space she held for my healing was just what I needed and now I truly feel this trauma is resolved!

Thank you Sophie! I’m excited to see how my life unfolds after this session together.


Andreea Tavitian

January 2024

I had a beautiful BQH session with Sophie. Thank you Sophie for holding space for my spirit guides to come trough, for the the lovely guidance and helping to connect with my higher self in such a profound and empowering way. May you beautiful radiant energy spead out and reach those who need it the most!


Barbie Sears

January 2024

Sophie was incredible! She carries a true gift during these experiences to guide, understand, and interpret all connecting images/symbols and put into perspective with the intention set for the session. I highly encourage anyone seeking truth and/or validation to schedule with her....Namaste'


Jessica Sue Rose

January 2024

I had a very beautiful session facilitated by Sophie and I am so grateful to have connected with her in particular, for this type of healing. BQH is such a unique modality and it's experience is much influenced by the guide, and I highly recommend Sophie to guide this experience.
She creates and holds a beautiful space that is easy to relax into for the session. Beyond that, she is very connected to her intuition and spirit, and these gifts are evident through the flow of the session. It seems like with her intuition she executed the session to be the way I needed it to be, and helped me to address some deep fears and traumas through quantum healing.

Connecting with Sophie was a blessing, and I am so happy for anyone who gets the opportunity to as well.

Highly recommended.


Janel Mulligan

January 2024

Sophie provided a safe and comfortable environment to explore. She is well connected with her spirit guides and provides additional insight and clarity. She guided me through processing and clearing unhelpful beliefs and trauma that has kept me from using my voice and stepping into my strengths. The healing continued for me over the week following our session which has allowed me to connect and channel family. I highly recommend working with her to support your healing journey.


Desiree DeMars

January 2024

My session with Sophie was a powerful experience of ancestral healing around vows/patterns of poverty. I have been a shamanic practitioner for over 20 years and have been getting closer and closer to the core of this dynamic and how it has played out in my life and her bright spirit guided me with ease.

Along with Sophie's wisdom and compassion, I felt safe and held in the magnitude of her ability to hold space for this level of energy to move throughout me and my lineage with divine flow.

Letting go felt effortless surrounded by her deep trust in allowing my higher self/super conscious an my younger self simultaneously so that I could see the patterns from the past with clarity and non-judgement.

I highly recommend her for a BQH session! Aho!


Tricia Dawson

January 2024

Sophie has a special gift that not many Humans on this earth plane have. She channeled through her own spirit guides in receiving answers to my purpose and questions for my session through channeling. She is remarkable in what she does and I felt very connected to her energy as she is very calm and experienced in guiding you. She gave me an amazing gift in trusting in myself more. I for sure would love to receive another session with Sophie in the near future. Amazing experience. ♥️♥️

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