Annette Bourget

I have always known that at last I would take this road, but yesterday I did not know that it would be today. - Narihara -

Office Phone: +1 510-301-5608
Mobile Phone: +1 510-301-5608
Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: By appointment only. Sunday-Thursday business hours in U.S. Pacific Time. When you schedule an appointment you will be able to find the availability in your time zone.
Payment Options: Stripe, PayPal
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Address: 1245, Broadway, Oakland, California, 94612, United States.


Annette Bourget

Going Beyond with Annette
Beyond Quantum Healer (BQH), Quantum Pain Relief (QPR), Quantum Connect (QC), Life Coach (CPCC)

See credentials (below) for links to my offerings.

~ Member Since 2021

I have always loved people and even as a child could not understand the competitiveness and cruelty I saw in the world around me. I learned my lessons the hard way, with two failed marriages, a bankruptcy and a near brush with homelessness. These experiences all served to increase my empathy for others and to make me stronger. It is from my adversities that have learned my best lessons.

Throughout my life, I have been interested in spirituality, spending a lot of time when young pondering the meaning of life and struggling to understand how only those baptized into my particular religion would ever see God. As a young adult, I studied different religions, seeking enlightenment, and by my college years, I had discovered that there was a whole world of spiritual truth to unfold, most of which was far removed from my religious upbringing.

Determined to make a difference in the world, I trained to be a life coach (CPCC) and, speaking to understand more about my own life path, I had a session with a BQH practitioner. This lead to more understanding and motivated me to become a BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) practitioner myself.

I work with spiritual seekers who have questions about their lives, their purpose, their relationships and more. My work gets them in touch with their true selves in order to to find the answers they are looking for and to increase their ability to find these answers on their own.

My commitment is to empower my clients and assist them to become their very best selves. The are gently guided to understand the causes of their discomforts, be they physical, mental or emotional. Clients invariable leave their session with insights into their lives and with an increased sense of wellbeing.

The values I seek to uphold are authenticity, compassion, empowerment and holding safe and sacred space for the growth of others.

Free consultation available to determine the best modality for you.



Certified Professional Co-active Coach (CPCC)

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)

Quantum Connect (QC) 

Quantum Pain Relief



Lyne Spencer Hamel

July 2024

I recently had a very enlightening BQH session with Annette. I had never done anything like this before and had no idea what to expect. She provided me with information prior to our session that helped me prepare and then on our scheduled day her kind voice and careful preparation for this session gave me ease and helped me feel safe within the space we travelled. The session itself was mind-opening and quite surprising how even after we completed it she sent me a copy for my review. I have found it’s a gift that keeps on giving as I uncover more information for my own journey, growth, and healing.
I would highly recommend this for anyone who seeks to know themselves on a higher level.


Lovelight Kati

July 2024

“Entering the infinite space that is ‘I’ seemed quite daunting, yet with Annette as my guide, this journey was the most profound experience. She skillfully asked the right questions at the right time, offered reassurance and so much love and understanding that I truly felt safe and held all the time. My life has changed a lot since my first journey ‘Beyond’ and I am really looking forward to my next adventure.” 


Jane Mize

July 2024

“I would wholeheartedly recommend Annette to anyone considering taking the quantum journey within.  As a practitioner, I have experienced multiple QHHT/BQH sessions.  My two sessions with Annette were highly enjoyable and healing as I was able to engage with my Higher Self on new levels.  I have full confidence in Annette as a caring, skillful quantum guide.  Please give yourself a great gift and allow Annette to guide you on your own quantum journey.  Love and blessings to All.”
― Jane Mize


Rava Rishi

July 2024

Annette’s coaching is really helping me to begin changing my pattern of not following through on my tasks. I’m identifying areas where I am stuck and am learning how to move through the resulting frustration. It may take time but I am changing this! The suggestions and alternative ideas that she provides help me find ways that really work for me to accomplish my goals . Thank you for your help.


Sophie Abbot

June 2024

Annette was wonderful from the beginning of my first consultation, throughout the BQH session and right to the end of our debrief. She had a safe, calming energy that made the whole process enjoyable. The insights I got from my session helped me to release some past life blocks that were holding me back and remind me to trust the guidance I have been receiving all along. I highly recommend Annette to anyone who wants to take the next step in understanding and connecting with their higher self. Love and light.


Mandee M

June 2024

My BQH session with Annette was profound. I was able to get answers to questions I had and felt that I had a more complete understanding of ‘self’. Afterwards, well into the next day, I felt an energetic sort of tingling sensation, a loving aura, so to speak. I felt ‘light’. It seems facetious to say but it really was life-changing. I look forward to another session, and hope to gain even more understanding of the universe at large.


T Austin

June 2024

I had a great experience working with Annette. She explained the BQH process to me during our initial consultation and made me feel very comfortable preparing myself for our session. Annette asked all the right questions and did an awesome job guiding me through our session. I feel blessed to have worked with Annette.


Brooke D

June 2024

My BQH session with Annette was special indeed. Not only did the structure of the session allow me to enter a peaceful state of mind with all the important boxes being ticked before we began, but her soothing voice and manner kept my own mind on track without feeling tense at all. I really appreciated my experience of the session and would recommend it to anyone wanting to gain more clarity about their own journey through life.



May 2024

Her voice is so soothing. She is so patient. My pain was severe and somehow I don't know how during our session it disappeared. Wow. I couldn't believe it. A trusted healer and empath. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


J Singh

May 2024

When I first reached out to Annette for healing, I was in a lot of pain in my feet. I tore a tendon on each leg and one foot had a tear on bottom. I was taking pain killers at random to deal with the pain. I was feeling very down because I couldn’t walk properly or work a full day. I was wearing a special shoe on one foot.
After the first session I started to feel better and was able to go back to a good sneaker with just braces on my feet. After the 2nd and third session I am so happy to say I have minimal pain compared to before I began. I have taken less than 3 pain killers in weeks, I only take a half if needed, and i used to have to take them every day! I am so grateful for the healing received. It’s made a huge change in my life. I have had these foot issues for over two years and in just a couple of months I finally feel they are finally healing. Annette, thank you so much! I really recommend to anyone, try this if you are in pain.


Y Kendall

January 2024

Annette is a very good practitioner. She has a nice style, - very caring and gentle - you just know that her complete attention is on you and your pain alleviation. She would be a good person to work with for long-term or short-term pain, regardless of the source. I'm happy to have found her!


Patricia Darden

December 2023

It all began with an irritation in my sinuses which became worse and worse until my cough could clear a shopping mall; it was horrendous. After 5 weeks, I saw the need for prescription drugs. This created digestive problems that actually made the experience almost unbearable. The final condition was painful, bleeding hemorrhoids and pain I rated a 10. I contacted Annette and in maybe 10 minutes we had completed an introduction, a summary of my 2 month long ordeal, and rating my pain level a 5. Then she began the Quantum Pain Relief technique. It was like a miracle! My pain was gone! So after about 25 short minutes, I was a new woman! I used no medication from then until now, a week later, and still no pain. My body is now healed completely and it was easy, amazing, and transforming. I am released and free. So anyone reading this who might be experiencing pain, I highly recommend you schedule an appointment with Annette. And I thank, you dear one, for your knowledge, willingness, and ability.


Myriam Morgenstern

November 2023

My session with Annette allowed me to open my heart to peace and serenity as I left behind all the drama and stress that I am going through right now. It also gave me the tools to return easily to a state of loving kindness, our nature, whenever I need to. What gift is better that that? It was easy and fun but curiously within an hour the session had carried me to where I wanted to go. And mostly, I understaood that our divine nature is right there, covered with a paper thin of reality.
Annette was supportive and empathetic and I felt very safe with her. I recommend a seesion with Annette to everyone. I know I will be back.


Jennifer Lee

July 2023

Thanks to Annette's skillful guidance, I received incredible insights during my Quantum Connect Session. I was a little concerned that I wouldn't be able to have a successful session, but with Annette's warm and caring support it was a great success! Annette provided me with some ideas about the deeper meaning behind what I experienced and encouraged me to contemplate further over the days and weeks to come. Overall it was a fun and insightful experience and I would do it again in a heartbeat! Thank-you!


Anete Pujate

July 2023

I loved the session with Annette. Her voice is so nice calming and pleasant. I felt safe, heard and taken care of. I got all the answers that I needed and even more. I will relisten the session few more times. Annette is a professional and have a beautiful energy, that helps to go deep and heal. I loved her booking system. Received much love in comunication and the session!


Stephanie S

June 2023

I had a Quantum Connect session with Annette. It was fun! I received messages and it is hard to think I thought of them myself because they were so wise and helpful. They could only have come from my higher self or my spirit guides. My grandparents from the other side also came to visit! It was a short session but the amount of information that came through was phenomenal. I'm glad that the session was recorded and I can listen back to take notes.

Annette was clear in her explanation. She is generous with her time and even though we were over the 45 minutes which was the length of the session, she never hurried me along and she made sure I understood all that came through. I also appreciate how she invited me to share my thoughts.

I meditate often and I have good connection with my higher self. However, with Annette's guidance, the connection seemed so much easier and effortless. There was no need to quiet the mind or doing special breathing or anything like that. Quantum Connect with Annette is the funnest and simplest way to connect and receive guidance. I recommend this service of hers to everyone.

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