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30 Search Results for

Coralie Roederer

Coralie Roederer

Lyrius Conseil - EI - SIRET - 91800993700015


Ken Norton

Ken Norton

Radical Healer


Aura Ruxandra Moldovan

Aura Ruxandra Moldovan

Aura Youniverse


Sarah Webb

Sarah Webb

Sarah Webb BQH

United States

Donna McMurtry


Spiral Path Therapies

United States

Annette Bourget

Going Beyond with Annette

Going Beyond with Annette
Beyond Quantum Healer (BQH), Quantum Pain Relief (QPR), Quantum Connect (QC), Life Coach (CPCC)

United States

Angelica Del Sette

Angelica Del Sette

United Kingdom

Kim Jones

Kim Jones

United States

Patricia Grootjans

Patricia Grootjans


Adrienne Chadwick

Adrienne Chadwick

Spiral Pathways Healing

United States

Christina Brady

Christina Brady

Consciousness Connections With Christina Brady

United States

Evelyn Hall

Quantum healing for any illness , ailment or disease

Evelyn hall healing

United Kingdom

Tena M Dodds

Tena M Dodds & Karen A Baquiran

Quantum Healing with Tena & Karen

United States

Alicia LeFevre

Alicia LeFevre

Inner Wisdom Alchemy LLC

United States

Lainie Shinn

Let’s Journey Together

Infinite Awakenings

United States

Jennifer Wertz

Jennifer Wertz

United States

Jana DuMond

Jana DuMond

Bend Reflexology and Therapeutic Massage

United States

Quantum Connect (QC)

Quantum Connect (QC) is a quick connection session with your clients’ ever-present Higher Self. The exercises or games that QC practitioners demonstrate, with real-time experiences, how we are always connected to our Higher Selves. The ultimate goal of a Quantum Connect session is to provide confirmation to the client that they are always connected in a fun and quick way so they can have confidence in listening to this guidance in the future.
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