Kim Jones

"And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~ Marianne Williamson from A Return to Love

Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Online
Payment Options: Free / Pay it forward
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Address: 2473, County Road 3900, , Kansas, 67337, United States.

Kim Jones

~ Member Since 2020

Thank you for your willingness to discover and explore the inner realm, the quantum aspects of experiencing our lives. Opening our hearts and tapping into the multidimensional levels of the present moment can create subtle and profound shifts in our realities.   It is an exciting time to be alive on this planet and grateful you are here!



Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)
Quantum Connect (QC)
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)
Shamanic Healing
Arcturian Healing Method
Usui Reiki Master
Linda Howe’s Akashic Record Reading



Adrienne Chadwick

April 2024

I had a BQH Session with Kim four months ago and I can't stop thinking about it. She had a wonderful way of making me feel at ease and comfortable. She immediately grounded us in the space to prepare for the session and it really set the mood for the whole journey. I loved the visualization she used to help me understand how to access the information I was seeking. She was wonderful at guiding and asking the appropriate questions to get to the story and eventually to the answers I was seeking. The session was very profound and healing for me. I would definitely recommend Kim to anyone seeking an effective self-healing BQH Session.


Rachel Knox

April 2024

I had two sessions from Kim, BQH and a Shamanic journey. Both were wonderful and enlightening experiences. Kim has a beautiful way of holding the space with her calming, zen energy. I loved the way she began the session even before the interview with a grounding relaxation. She guided my BQH journey by asking all the right questions and brought in healing for a family member who came up in the session. All my questions were answered by the end. In the shamanic journey, I had an amazing experience and met some interesting characters as well as my spirit animal. I am becoming more connected with the land I live in thanks to this session. I am grateful I got the chance to have a session from an experienced practitioner like Kim.


Christine "Summer" Jones

December 2023

Haven’t had a QC session yet? I highly recommend Kim Jones for a Quantum Connect session. Kim takes her knowledge and expertise about hypnosis and applies it to QC in a non-obvious way. Through ordinary questions she helps deepen her client’s connection allowing them to get access to information that they need to hear. Your time with Kim flows easily and she is skillful at guiding you through the session. In my session I was told some key things to help me get through a difficult time and am very grateful for Kim.


Lukas Maximilian Reinelt

October 2021

Kim just opens this humble and comfortable space in which you can safely relax deeply into the core of your being. Talking with her prior to the session was just expansive on many levels. She´s fun to be with, skillfully navigates the session and offers her intuitive wisdom.
Dear Kim thank you kindly!


M.Sv Snow

August 2021

I have had a few BQH sessions done and find the process incredible and life changing. Kim is a rare gift because she has so many powerful healing modalities that she combines with a very solid hypnosis experience.

I felt absolutely transformed after our session, it was so insightful & expansive, a cherished experience.

I cannot recommend Kim enough, she’s warm, knowledgeable, and a truly gifted healer.


Lynnette Noyes

July 2021

I just completed my session with Kim and it was so much fun! She is patient and kind and her energy is so compassionate and safe feeling. I got some great insight in my session today.


Desiree DeMars

July 2021

My session with Kim was profound, magical and liberating. Her brilliant presence of being truth allowed for an ease of exploration into expansive understandings about my soul. Her wisdom guided me in a balanced return of landing with both feet on the ground.


Candace Craw-Goldman

June 2021

My name is Candace Craw-Goldman and I am the creator of BQH.

I have just received yet another wonderful email from a client of Kim's, someone who was so very pleased about her session. She described her experience with Kim as one with a person who is "compassionate, professional, skilled and knowledgeable, and demonstrated a heart-felt desire to help me on my journey."

Well done Kim. I am so very grateful for your presence in our Quantum Healers Community.


Jessica A

March 2021

When Kim offered to do my session, it was immediately drawn to her. She comes from a place of peace, knowledge and invites you such a open conversation that puts you at ease. She has a lot of experience and it shows! I highly recommend doing a session with Kim, you wont regret it.



March 2021

Kim was amazing Galactic guide for me on my session, I received answers to the questions I had and what an amazing journey! I highly recommend her Services as she is so thoughtful and present for your healing! Thank you Kim


Jessica Rose

March 2021

I was very moved by my BQH session with Kim. She has a very special energy, presence, and voice for facilitating these sessions. As it was one of my first sessions, I wasn't sure if I would be able to sink into it properly, but after talking with Kim and through a great induction I had what felt for me like a very transformational and enlightening session.
I overcame a very long held block through a question Kim asked, " what if the block wasn't there?"
It may sound simple but this will really stick with me forever. BQH has a lot to do with your journey through your own subconscious, but the person guiding you has a huge influence on your experience, esp with what questions they choose to ask. I have the impression Kim is very in tune and intuitive and kind of just *knows* how to lead someone through this session in a way that most appeals to their questions and intentions.
If anyone is interested in exploring their subconscious and connecting to their higher self through this modality, I highly recommend Kim as a facilitator.


Aubrey Otton

February 2021

Kim has a soothing voice and demeanor, and facilitated an amazing session for me. I am so grateful to have worked with her. Her questions were insightful, and the healing she offered was life changing. I felt safe and comfortable in Kim's care. The session was quite powerful and healing. I highly recommend Kim, as she is highly knowledgeable, insightful, calm and caring.



February 2021

I had a really lovely BQH session with Kim recently. She has such a warm, caring approach that makes you feel comfortable. She gave encouragement where needed and knew exactly what to say to enable me to retrieve the messages within each scene, and receive the healing I needed. I would definitely recommend Kim as a BQH practitioner.


Holly R

February 2021

I received many new and helpful insights in my session with Kim. It was so powerful, I am still integrating and processing much of it almost 2 weeks later. This was my first session of this kind, and I'm so glad I tried it. Life changing.


Ju Chong

February 2021

I had a lovely experience with Kim. She offers a different perspective and understanding to the process.



February 2021

I had a session with Kim a short while ago. I can tell you it was truly an amazing experience. Insightful and informative. Kim was wonderful - calm, confident & assuring. She made me feel relaxed and safe. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to have this experience with Kim. I HIGHLY recommend her!


J. Faith

February 2021

Very interesting and powerful information came forth in the session. Thank you for your grounded and gentle presence!



February 2021

I enjoyed the session with Kim a lot. She made it very easy for me to relax and feel comfortable and guided me through the session with great ease, presence and empathy, opening new doors for me on the way. I highly recommend her!



February 2021

Working with Kim was a great experience! She is open, warm and full of heart. The session brought me much needed clarity. I am grateful to have connected with her.


Dawn Smith

February 2021

Kim is a gifted and knowledgeable practitioner. Her natural skills guided her to ask all of the right questions for me to experience a deeper understanding of my relationship with my Higher Self. She provided a safe and relaxing environment for me personally all the while creating a caring, beautiful, and professional opportunity to learn and heal.



February 2021

Kim is an excellent facilitator. She has a calm and reassuring presence to her. I ended up releasing a lot of tears throughout my session and she was able to guide me through those moments with grace and ease. She also asks excellent questions and is able to see the overall picture and connect the dots. Thank you Kim for the session and keep shining!



February 2021

Hello Kim
I want to email you but is not working I am sending you my
would love to have a session just started the course ...thank you !!!!

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