Patricia Grootjans

Office Phone: +31 6 286 79758
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Languages: English, Dutch

Time Zone: (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockho

Address: 30, Van Heemskerckstraat, Middelburg, Zeeland, 4335 HZ, Netherlands.


Patricia Grootjans

QHHT level 2 / BQH practitioner , astrologer,hypnotherapist,livebetweenlives, futurelifeprogression, Quantum Connect

~ Member Since 2013


Update January 2024:

I’m now offering Quantum Connect sessions, a modality created by Candace Craw-Goldman.

My course ‘Quantum Healing for All’, Quantum Energy Clearing and ‘Advanced Quantum Healing’ are accredited by the CTAA. Use this link to enroll or visit my website for the latest discount coupons. You may also want to look at my astrology courses.

I’m grateful for the wonderful reviews I recieved. This is the time to share our knowledge to build the New Earth together.

In 2019, I published my first book on Quantum Healing.

‘Ocean of Love, Quantum Healing for All’ is available on as kindle and paperback. in English. The German version can be found on Amazon as well.

The Dutch version; ‘Oceaan van Liefde, Quantum Healing voor iedereen’ is also available on amazon,, and bookstores.

In 2021 I’ve started interviewing quantum healers, authors and inspirational speakers. You can find these videos on my you tube channel Quantum Healing for All.

2020 New:

Quantum Healing for All podcast on spotify, google podcast by Patricia Grootjans, offering guided meditations.


QHHT level 2
Astrological Counselor
future life progression therapist
Between Lives regression therapy ( Karen E Wells method)
EFT practitioner
BQH practitioner ( this modality is offered online and in-person )
Remote Spirit Release

Quantum Connect




April 2019

Already during our first contact I felt Patricia's full devotion towards her work. It truly comes from her heart! Her deep understanding and gentle nature gave me great comfort.

In the hypnosis session her loving-kind guidance brought me on a beautiful inner journey beyond this physical realm. I deeply connected with my Higher Self and gained profound insights into myself and my divine missions.

I'm so grateful for this wonderful experience and hope that many more people find their way to meet Patricia :-)

Love & light,



January 2018

Thank you Patricia for the surrogate session you did on me on behalf of my granddaughter.

Your gentleness, patience and flexibility were among the special qualities which enabled me to reach the depth of trance where we were able to accomplish so much. Going from a single surrogate session, to a double to clearing an entire family line generationally was truly amazing.

Prior to having spoken with my daughter about the session she instinctively changed how she was reacting to my granddaughters panic attacks and the situation cut to a fraction of the severity it had been. Besides this there are other distinct positive changes which are clear to see in the relationship between the two.

As for myself I have found a new sense of peace and a greater sense of compassion towards others, including my daughter. It seems like this session has also kicked off a new round of spiritual growth which was long overdue.

Wishing you much success in this important work.


Kris Stroobants

June 2017

My name is Kris and till now I have had two sessions with Patricia, the first one is already one and a half year ago.
I had already experiences with (self) hypnosis, and I was even brought back to previous (or parallel) lives, but the session with Patricia was a complete new experience.
Before our first session, even before she met me, she received information about me which afterwards proved very important.
This shows how connected she is.
Her QHHT sessions where all well prepared, and she takes the time to ask and listen to all the questions and answers, and without going in detail, it contained a whole lot of useful information, whereby I learned a great deal about myself and creation.
When I went back the second time, that’s now already nine months ago, the experience was even better! Patricia is now working on her own technique which works very well. I suppose you can read all about it in the book that she is writing.
Very important and interesting to mention is the fact that she also Channels. She was willing to channel for me after my second session, and I was very surprised to learn that it was Dolores self who came through! Dolores had very interesting advice for both Patricia and me, and she insisted me to tell Patricia that sche was on the right path with the development of Her Own new technique!!!

Love and light,


Michael Soeltaansingh

April 2017

Because I couldn't find a English speaking therapist in Lisbon (POR) who felt right to me, I looked for therapists in my home country the Netherlands.
Patricia stood out to me when I was looking at the Dutch therapists, so I wrote her an email.
First Patricia gave me the name of an Australian colleague who lives in Lisbon.
With her I also didn't feel a connection.
The fact that Patricia turned away the business so that it would be less expensive for me, strengthened my believe that I made the right choice with Patricia.

From the moment that Patricia picked me up at the train station I had a good feeling about her.
During the interview I really could say what was on my mind and didn't have the feeling that I had to censor myself.
Also during the QHHT session I felt very comfortable.
After the session Patricia said that if Dolores Cannon had witnessed the session, she would have said that it was a session that went by the book.

Thank you, Patricia!

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