Tena M Dodds

There is an infinite amount of wisdom held within your soul, a treasure trove of love, beauty, and understanding. I'm here to help you uncover the secrets that lie within so you may receive the healing you deserve.

Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Flexible hours, evenings and weekends available. Please email me to book a session! Or check out our website for more info.
Payment Options: Paypal, Venmo, Cash, Check
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Address: 154, Cherry Hill Road, Princeton, New Jersey, 08540, United States.


Tena M Dodds

Quantum Healing with Tena & Karen

Intuitive Empath, Beyond Quantum Healing, Spirit Releasement, Author, Mentor, Guide

~ Member Since 2018

I share my story hoping that it may help you and maybe you’ll relate in some way. What I know for sure is that there is an innate intelligence that lies within each of us that allows for healing. All healing is self-healing. There are many factors that may contribute to illness and disease with trauma being at the root.

I’ve been my own guinea pig in testing this hypothesis. I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, PTSD, Lyme disease, lupus, fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, connective tissue disease, stage 4 endometriosis and the list goes on. Just labels. I was in pain on all levels and after the traditional medical community not only failed to help or give me any sound advice, but made me worse with drug after drug after drug, I turned within and started healing myself..the only other place left to go. At every turn, I was pointed back inward. 

With assistance from Higher Self, I’ve been able to heal my mind, body and soul, transcending those labels and gaining an enormous amount of wisdom in the process. Wisdom is only healed pain. It’s enduring and transcending insurmountable challenges and taking with you all that you’ve learned on the journey in order to share with others. 

Although I’m still healing, I hope to share with you what I’ve learned so that you don’t have to suffer like I did for so long. From my own quantum healing session, I’ve had insurmountable insight into myself and who I am at the core. Sometimes the pain we experience as humans is just too great for some to bear. But I’m here to offer you hope, it can get better, you can heal! From all of it! 

The beauty of it is that healing is available for ALL of us! It is within YOU and I’d love more than anything to help you tap into your own power as the Divine Creator that you are. The secrets to your healing lie within you and we can facilitate your healing by helping you tap into that treasure trove of possibilities. By clearing away all that is not in alignment with your truest, healthiest Self, you will experience a fullness of Spirit and life force energy that allows for full healing of body, mind and Soul. 

Please check out our website for a full listing of offerings and feel free to email or message us for more information, to book a BQH session, or just to chat. You can also watch videos on our YouTube channel, click on the videos tabs or click here for the YouTube link. I’d love to connect with you soon! ❤️

Thank you for visiting! ❤️

Infinite love & gratitude, 



  • Beyond Quantum Healing certification
  • Quantum Connect
  • Spirit Releasement Therapy
  • Remote Spirit Release Certified Practitioner
  • Intuitive Physical Empath
  • Universal Life Minister
  • Associate in Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Lots and lots of LIFE experience which means more to me than any labels or credentials.


Sigma Theta Tau National Honors Society



Cher Charon

October 2024

If you’re questioning whether to work with Tena & Karen, I can’t put into words, how truly valuable their services are!!! I was actively suicidal and going through the hardest time I’d ever experienced in my life, which says a lot considering the complex trauma/chronic illness/suicidal depression/childhood & SA/ & drug addiction I had overcome before - lol 😂 (IYKYK) 😅!
I have been hesitant over the years to work with any healers, due to past traumatic experiences. But Tena & Karen, held space for me like no one had before. I’ve lived a very “taboo” life, & never felt any judgement from them, and only pure love, acceptance, compassion and support! 🥹
The remote spirit release session, brought my out of my suicidal state I had been in heavily for 3 months, & a total of 1yr. The tapping session was also powerful and gave me a valuable resource to add to my toolkit, that works very quickly & effectively! And the space/love/compassion/support they held for me, alone - healed me in ways I will forever be grateful for!!! 💗
I’m looking forward to our Quantum tandem session, & can’t recommend working with them enough. I was SURE I had DID, I spent the past 2.5yrs believing I had it, and now I’m at a place where, I truly don’t believe I have DID (& this isn’t from them telling me I did or didn’t bc they didn’t ever “diagnose me” — this was my own realization after our sessions together & my own inner work following them) 💛
They truly take their “work” seriously, hold incredible devotion/responsibility/& integrity, and taught me SO much about the healing work, human experience and more! 😇
For anyone suffering, I know Tena & Karen can help you overcome it, and feel the pure unconditional love you truly are!! Thank you Tena & Karen, for being a part of me getting my life back - and psh, not even my life, but my highest life!!! Massive love & gratitude to you both & I look forward to our future time together!! 💖💖💖 Ty, Ty, Ty!!! 🤗


A manda

October 2024

Words don’t really explain the healing journey and support from Tena and Karen as I have just healed so much in just a few sessions that even though it makes no sense to my head the results in me feeling more whole and integrated and healed is proof . Each session I see my progression which I did not expect so soon. I love the tapping it’s amazing the relief I get and the sense of relaxation and release is undeniable .
I feel it is been only possible because I feel safe and can trust both Tena and Karen who both come from there Heart .
They are genuine ,insightful supportive ,gentle ,accepting and very good at what they do .
I Highly recommend all there sessions to assist with parts that you just not able to breakthrough from ..they are amazing and as I’ve been to many many practioners over the decades and the missing Peace that I’ve been trying soooo hard to feel better and heal from , has come from the work that theese two lovely ladies do and for that I am ever so grateful for



September 2024

My husband and I recently discovered Tena and Karen on YouTube. Their information really resonated with us, and we could tell they are true, genuine spirits. From the first video chat with them, we felt like Tena and Karen were old friends, and so gifted in what they do. It’s amazing to find other souls out there who truly understand the “insanity” of the unseen world, and it has been a breath of fresh air to have these ladies confirm our personal experiences as true, and not just crazy! Leading up to our RSR’s we sent many lengthy emails to them, and they answered every single one with sound advice and understanding. My husband and I both had RSR, meta clearing, and vax clearing, and had T&K do an RSR for both our pups. After my RSR it was hard to find the words to describe the experience. They are both the real deal, I felt so safe and at peace throughout the entire experience due to their presence, despite the disturbing and shocking findings. Karen cleared out several parasites, AI presences, entities and more from myself, my family and my home, and shared valuable information regarding a past life and family history regarding curses and dark magic, which helped give me more understanding of myself and my bloodline. It was a lengthy experience, they spent over two hours with me, expending an immense amount of spiritual energy to assist in my spiritual and physical healing process. We could truly feel the difference in our home and ourselves after Karen combed through our space multiple times. Aside from doing the hard work themselves, they have also given us so much valuable advice regarding daily spiritual practices for protection and clearing. They are wonderful healers and teachers. Endless thanks to these amazing, divine women for sharing their gifts with the world and helping my family heal. We are looking forward to continuing to work with them!


Monique Collin

August 2024

I have now completed an ''Empowerment Process'' with Tena and Karen. It has been a life changing experience for me.

I heard about them from a friend who was in therapy with them and she told me about this almost magical healing process she was doing with these two women. I decided to give them a try because of the emotional pain i was in for so long and that i never thought i would get out off. Also, because i really trusted that friend and i could see the change in her every time i would meet with her.

It's been a journey! It's not easy to go visit your inner child that is stuck in time and in tremendous pain. What i have come to realize, is that you can't heal pain if you don't go to the source. That is exactly where they brought me, to the source. 🙏

I did get out of the emotional pain i was in and i got to heal a WHOLE lot more. I am feeling 100% better now and completely out of that painful past relationship i had. I do have more issues to address and i will absolutely take another series of sessions with Tena and Karen, but the difference will be that with that part of my life that was so painful gone, i can now concentrate on going deeper to really get to know and love myself, and know that i am worth it.

If i could describe my experience of this ''Empowerment Process'' in one word it would have to be ''Miraculous''

Thank you Tena and Karen. I will be forever grateful for you two! 🥰


Michael L Rasmussen

August 2024

I did a RSR with Tena and Karen and it has been the single most life changing therapy I've done in my 51 years here. The next day I felt actually grounded for the first time and could look myself in the mirror with joy, also for the first time - that angry expression had disappeared. When out and about people were no longer intimidated and seemed curious and friendly towards me. And my musical expression became more alive and emotionally free.

A month later with a couple of other type sessions under the belt I've gone from somewhat lost, riddled with attachments and people avoidant to someone who has found confidence in my own power and pure joy with nature and interacting with people.

I need to say that these two beautiful souls are of the most real and most skilled. Far and beyond anyone I've ever met before.


Boro Petric

July 2024

Over the years, I sought help from many practitioners, but nothing worked. In hindsight, none of them truly understood how to address emotional and mental healing. Deep physical healing can only occur when you heal yourself from all the mental and emotional burdens.

When I discovered Tena and Karen on YouTube, I decided to give it one last try, knowing that if this didn't work, I would stop seeking help altogether. There are so many incompetent and fake healers out there who do more harm than good, but Tena and Karen are different.

After my initial RSR session, I was hooked. I immediately booked a complete "Empowerment Process" package as quickly as possible to secure a spot.

This process was life-changing, to say the least. With each session, a layer of bad energy and trauma was peeled away from me.

Through working with Tena and Karen, I learned a lot about myself, discovered my inner powers, learned to clear myself thoroughly of energy clutter, and experienced the connection between the physical body and the subtle bodies. This empowerment process resulted in:

A 1000% increase in my self-confidence
Developing an iron-clad mind
Establishing a strong emotional and mental foundation of safety
Removing deep-seated energy blockages
Greatly improving my sleep
Calming my body
Rebuilding my sense of self
Reducing my health anxiety completely
Eliminating fear
Solving many of my mental mysteries

Karen and Tena have become very dear to my heart. They are two unique individuals who are rare to find nowadays. They are professionals, and their expertise in quantum healing is extraordinary.

Boro from Switzerland


Jaclyn Seiferth

July 2024

The journey to healing is not an easy one. It is like this Matrix put out so many devices and avenues all covered up or masqueraded as other things, plus the messages that this is normal in society. My healing journey has been long and successful in the healing I have done, but I just knew that I was not complete, especially with some entity harassment. Then I found Tena and Karen and I new they could put me on a path for the next chapter in healing and I was not wrong. It bring me to tears the validation, the clearing, the healing, and the path for even more happened for my session. I love them both so much because of their care, their attention to detail, the hearts for the people they work with, but also their eyes for truth. They are a treasure and I am so glad I found them.



April 2024

Entity attachments, soul retrievals, unholy soul ties, demonic attacks, trauma stored in the body causing problems - Tena and Karen have helped me and my family with it all!
These beautiful women are loving, authentic, powerful and know what they are doing.
In Quantum Body Scans, Tena takes you through a powerful preliminary meditation and then guides you through the process of chasing the root issues that are ready to be released. Karen rolls up her sleeves and dives down into the muck WITH YOU. No matter what comes up, you are not alone, nor judged, and you will feel results. It is like doing a session with your own special forces team, Tena being mission control and maintaining the perimeter while Karen is with you wading through the landmines.
They also helped free a family member from literal demonic attack.
They are the real deal, and they will help you take your own healing to the next level. If you are reading these testimonies because you are not sure about them, do not hesitate!



March 2024

Tena and Karen are amazing! I had a RSR for my middle schooler who was experiencing so much anxiety and emotional overwhelm that escalated to panic attacks and a freeze state in not wanting to attend school. There was an immediate shift that was apparent after the RSR was completed; he was more at ease and the anxiety and fear he was experiencing had receded significantly. That heaviness he was carrying with him and keeping him stuck, was seriously lifted and there was a sense of more peace surrounding him. The recording really resonated so deeply and illuminated what he was struggling with. There was a wealth of so many insightful and helpful information to not only help him, but help all of us. Along with additional external sources, he was able to transition back to going to school without resistance. I know and I am 100% certain the RSR with Tena and Karen was the driving force to help energetically clear him to have a clean slate for him to step into his power, being sovereign, and help him feel better about himself and the situation around him. His mood has really improved and the way he responds to things with less reactivity is huge! He is just in a better mood overall! I felt 100% fully supported by Tena and Karen from the very beginning as we navigated this challenge. Being such a delicate and sensitive situation our family was in, I am appreciative of them checking in on him. And not only did we feel truly supported, but we felt truly empowered to move forward with the tools and awareness to support him. I love their energy! Our family is deeply grateful for their warmth, compassion, support, expertise, and creating a safe place to assist him and all of us to heal with confidence. I highly recommend Tena and Karen and I am so lucky to have found and connected with them! Grateful for all that you both share and for the invaluable service you provide by sharing your love and light to all. Thank you!!!



January 2024

The session with Tena and Karen has been life-changing and transformational!! I have been repeating patterns and cycles for years and years and years of my life. Nothing has ever helped me get to the root cause of the original wound like this Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) session.
My BQH session has been the true catalyst to my awareness and healing and identified what I have been missing for my total awakening. I do not believe that I could have come to this awakening any other way.
The BQH session allowed for reconnection to my inner child. I have spent years in therapy, journaling, reading books, doing meditations and I just stayed stuck. There was a block that I was not able to identify until I did this session. In the BQH session, the block was revealed and everything finally made sense. All the dots were connected and the missing pieces to what was causing my cycles and patterns were revealed!!
The healing has continued daily since the session with many many many more revelations and awareness continuing to come to me. The session unblocked the clog that was blocking me and I finally feel free and like the abundant energy from the universe is flowing through me.
I can confidently say, that I would not have gotten to this place of healing without this BQH session.
The aftercare has been phenomenal, the follow-up emails and checking in on me have been so loving, supportive, and genuine. I have felt safe and supported by Tena and Karen every step of the way.
Take the jump even if you are scared and experience true healing. Open your heart, and allow the healing and trust that you are in very safe hands with Tena and Karen. I wish I had found them 20 years ago.


Michael Sneeden

December 2023

I had an RSR with Tena and Karen and they did a great job. I would recommend them to others because they found a lot of blockages and cleared them out for me. I felt the RSR session recording was very helpful for me to listen to and it made a lot of sense. It is too soon to notice a difference but I expect to notice some improvements in the coming weeks.


Anonymous .

November 2023

About a year ago, I was at rock bottom and barely hanging on by a thread. I was contemplating suicide and prayed to God for divine intervention asking to send me someone that could be able to help me or to just let me transition peacefully.

A few days later, I found an interview with Tena and Karen and truly felt like they were the ones that could actually help me. I sent them an email and Tena was on the phone with me within a few hours and after 10 minutes of speaking to her, she assured me that they would be able to assist me.

Prior to this, I had spent over thousands of dollars over the course of 10 years trying different healing methods and working with different types of healers. I have had a few powerful healers turn me away because my case was too severe and they were also getting psychically attacked for attempting to help me. I was led to someone by the dark entities that were attacking me to someone who seemed like she could help but just made my situation even worse. I also had someone tell me my case was “too convoluted” for them to help me.

I had C-PTSD, chronic pain, high levels of anxiety, I was dealing with extreme paranormal experiences, high level dark entity interferences and attachments that I could see and hear, I had lost my job, my apartment, and all my friends, and also lost all hope for a future on this planet.

So I was feeling hopeful for the first time in years once Tena and Karen agreed to work with me.

It wasn’t until I started working with them that I was able to truly understand what was happening to me, why it was happening, and how to completely release it and heal it for good.

A majority of my childhood experiences have been extremely traumatic and I have had little to no desire in revisiting them. However, I now understand that the only way to progress on the spiritual path and to improve the quality of my life is to heal and integrate those aspects of myself. Not only do T&K make revisiting horrifying childhood memories possible - they make you feel supported, empowered, and validated through every step of it where you are able to completely dissolve all fear you had of it in the first place.

During my quantum body scan, I was able to go back to childhood memories where my consciousness had been split multiple times and negative entities had been lodged into my being so they could take over my consciousness and continuously create a negative timeline for me. Tena and Karen held me in a safe space and assisted me in healing these memories and releasing these beings and the negative timeline completely.

Immediately after this session, I felt the most clarity and freedom I have ever felt in my entire life. I am no longer competing for space within my own consciousness, or feel like I am battling in a constant spiritual warfare. The level of consistent peace I have now is beyond words.

In addition to the quantum body scan, I have done a BQH and several RSRs over the past year which have all been a crucial part of my journey back to wholeness.

I am now happy to say that I am genuinely doing consistently well and starting living a normal life for the first time. I have a great full-time job that pays well where I feel valued and respected, a great home environment, supportive community of friends who care about my well-being, a yoga and meditation practice, and have been developing new hobbies and expressing myself creatively.

I am beyond grateful for Tena and Karen. These ladies are top notch.

They are compassionate, gentle, trustworthy, and personable. Their energies are very complimentary and the kind of dynamic that they create together is profound and beautiful to experience and it also allows you to reach and heal deeper depths of your subconscious than you would be able to by yourself or with just one practitioner.

They are so thorough in their navigation of getting to the root causes of your issues, asking the right questions, and making sure it's all completely released and healed before moving on.

I wholeheartedly recommend these ladies if you are ready to experience real transformation, freedom, and empowerment in your life.

I don’t know how I would have been able to navigate the layers of bullshit on this planet without them!!!



Borna Jakelic

October 2023

I had a remote spirit release session, before the session, I was a mess, stuck and confused and after the session, I really started to get my stuff together, I'm in a much better place now and moving forward, thanks a lot, Tena and Karen



August 2023

If you find yourself here wondering if this is something for you, then don’t hesitate and just do it. I waited 3 years, and I am so glad I finally made the step!  Tena and Karen are masters at what they do. Everything in me and around me is clean, it is an amazing, loving, and safe feeling. I highly recommend it! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 Stars all the way!


Mara A.

June 2023

Thank you Tena and Karen for assisting with my healing process. Your dedication, commitment, creation of a safe space, support, and expertise have made all the difference in the world. Your unique and revolutionary approach has helped me to regain my confidence, self esteem, and equilibrium. What you do is invaluable and I'm infinitely grateful.



June 2023

I’m so lucky to have found you guys…you have helped me immensely. Thank you!!



June 2023

I cannot recommend Tena and Karen highly enough. They powerfully and lovingly helped a family member who was struggling with a seriously nasty entity (demon). I was so impressed that I booked RSR's for myself and my son and felt like a new person afterward. I knew, in my head, I was worthy of receiving love and respect, but after the RSR I also FELT worthy. I then booked a body session. I believed I had done a fair amount of inner child work and healing, but the body session really went so much deeper. I saw how traumas I THOUGHT that I had shifted were still being held in my body. They patiently explained that even though our head can rationalize and make sense of things, the body can be having a different experience and mine was still stuck holding trauma. I felt safe with them, they have integrity, and empower you as a client to do the healing that you are ready to do. Follow-up care is amazing and they are very responsive. 100% recommend! Thank you Tena and Karen!



May 2023

I was not quite sure what to expect for myself during this session, but it turned out to be really releasing for me. Tena guided me through the mediation and Karen was there to assist me whenever I got stuck and could not decipher the mass of feelings I was experiencing. I did not realize how much trauma I was holding inside. It was an amazing session overall and I recommend working with Tena and Karen to help guide and empower you on your spiritual and healing journeys!


Celia Jeansonne

April 2023

I received a RSR session with Tena & Karen, I absolutely resonated with my reading!! Very helpful information to bring to light my struggles and why they are happening, I 100% recommend their services!! I felt their authentic loving intentions to fully assist me in realizing and releasing what doesn’t serve my highest good.
I am beyond grateful for the work they do????


Ghalia F.

April 2023

I honestly cannot thank Tena and Karen enough for how much they’ve helped me, and I can't even put into words how much I appreciate them, especially for their kindness and warmth.
I feel like a completely new person, and it really truly feels like a heavy weight has been lifted off of me. I feel so light and grounded, and I haven't felt this way in such a long time. It feels like life is open for me. Ladies, you’ve been a gift for me, thank you so much!



April 2023

The BQH session was like nothing I've ever experienced before. Tena and Karen take the time to get to know you and understand the issues that need resolving. They are great through the entire process. The BQH opened my eyes to a ton of things about the past and has instilled confidence about the future. If you're looking for assistance in your healing journey then Tena and Karen are the best option.


terry stambuk

April 2023

I highly recommend Tena & Karen for helping you move past trauma or a helping though your spiritual journey amazing lady's !!!You will feel safe & cared for in your sessions ! ????????????????????



March 2023

I am floored by the work these two do. Truly life changing. I'm so glad i crossed paths with them and have received so much healing from them. There are no words to describe my gratitude and awe. Trust me you will feel the same!



March 2023

Tena and Karen are the 2 best practitioners I’ve worked on my healing with. They have so much knowledge, compassion and experience in helping with treatment.


Shae, tresdeclubs

March 2023

My first session with both Tena and Karen was amazingly effective! So much so that I have suggested to others who are suffering from entity attachment or negative harassment to pursue an initial 'clearing' of the mind, body and soul. I have since pursued other sessions with them & have confronted deeply buried episodes in my life that prior to the session were repressed from my consciousness.

Tena is extremely sensitive and purposeful in her approach to any hypnosis session (I was once certified in past life hypnosis, so I know what I speak here). Karen is amazing in her ability to 'view' any negative entities impacting your spiritual health, body and mind. She is also quite effective in clearing your environment of negative energies that may be impacting your state of health in your home. Before you pursue deeper reasons to explore other aspects of spiritual healing, I strongly suggest that you clear the negative debris from your energetic, auric field. Tena and Karen are excellent spiritual conduits for such a purpose. I highly recommend them!!


Derly M

February 2023

they are wonderful they supported me in so many ways, I felt safe and comfortable. They really guided you with a lot of love. I saw two past life which I didn't have any idea, and they help me to heal the trauma of both past life. It's really life changing, my energy has changed completely and it took me one year to integrate everything, because I received a lot of healing and a lot of information. Thank you so much girls all my love and gratitude



February 2023

Tena and Karen are incredible ladies. I couldnt be more happy with the entire process. Ive been hesitant to work with others regarding my spiritual growth and healing. Tena and Karen made everything simple and clear to understand. Its not hard to tell that these 2 take their work seriously and they are as welcoming and wholesome as anyone ive ever interacted with. I could go on forever writing this review, but people would get tired of hearing how great these 2 are. Thank you so much for your time and assistance:)



February 2023

I had the privilege to have a session with these two beautiful Starseeds. What a powerful team they are. I was blown away by their competency. They are sooo sweet ! They are also calm , , compassionate, caring ,supportive. They inspire confidence and deep trust. You feel right away that you are secure . I feel blessed to have met them ,on my journey at these troubled times. I would sooo recommend them. Love you girls, from the bottom of my heart. You're the BEST ❤️❤️❤️



January 2023

I am an energyworker myself and have tried many many modalities and practitioners over the years. I have learned to be very selective about who I will work with but felt comfortable trying a session with Tena and Karen. Our session blew me away - it gave me answers I had been seeking, and answers I didn't know I should be seeking! I feel not only mental clarify around certain situations along with meaningful energetic shifts, but I also had a significant change to a physical injury (much to my surprise and delight!). I will be working with them again in the future, and recommend you do the same.



January 2023

I was fearful in my determination to leave my current location. I always felt that something is off about it. Tena & Karen showed me that even places can have a very characteristic energy and mine was dark and gloomy. Now I know what will be my next step to have a happy and content life, which I am very grateful of!
I loved the jab clearing as well as the documents, which will help me further in my healing journey.


Alexander Rogers

December 2022

I had my first zoom body scan session with Tena and Karen and it was quite rewarding… there is absolutely nobody I would trust more to do this energetic work with!

They are both compassionate, dynamic and advanced humans and healers, committed to the work and honestly a pleasure to work with!
Both are very talented at reading and understanding the subtleties of the energetic body, mind and spirit and possess an innate knowledge to use these perceptions to help heal or clear the darkest of energies or attachments that you might have.

Their hyper intuition and calming presences in my session helped lead me to a seamless uncovering of my ‘past’ life experiences and how this is tying into my life in present day.

Tenas ability to always ask the next ‘right’ question, helped unveil some of the deeper parts of my psychology, which are a possible and probable cause for entity hook-ins and attachments and even some of my own neurosis.

Karen was able to acutely piece together and pinpoint different aspects of my life and experiences and how they are all interconnected with one another and are affecting me now and have affected me throughout my life.

Initially I gave them a brief overview of what was going on in my life and how I’m looking for assistance and they recommended me the trio of the body scan sessions and after my first session, I can agree that this was the best healing modality for me.

The body scan session is all about connecting your body with your mind, through your own life experiences, to land at the true crux of where possible problems are stemming from. Often times it’s our inner child who has been somehow damaged and is still holding onto some sort of trauma, pain, confusion or any number of unprocessed and/or challenging emotions, which then gets retained by the body and becomes etched inside of our energetic signatures. This can create any number of problems or illnesses and the body scan is all about identifying what first needs to attention to be healed.

The body scan session does require much needed participation however on your own end and while Tena and Karen can possibly lead you to the well of a healthier life, it is ultimately you who must drink from that well, to heal yourself. They can only lead you as far as you’re personally willing to go and release. I recommend going into your session with a open mind, an open heart and a willingness to go inside the deepest parts of your life, so that once and for all you can let go of what is holding you back from your highest vibrational self.



October 2022

I had a Bubble Session with Tena and Karen, so I was a passive participant, but the recorded session was so revealing. I'm just amazed at what I learned about myself and about this insane place. Tena and Karen have such amazing gifts and they are contributing so much to the healing of our spirits/higher selves and revealing the truths of this unreality. This session was everything expected and unexpected. I am so grateful to have come across these two wonderful women! Thank you!



July 2022

Thank you so much for doing my RSR very early. I got tons of insightful information and I feel at ease now, a little more light-hearted and less serious. You are very talented individuals and I love that I found you and asked for your help.



July 2022

Finding these two ladies, Tena & Karen, was such a gift to myself and my two boys. I typically do not write reviews, so it has taken me a while to get here.. but it is SO important and I must sing it with my fingers! I am SOUL grateful for the sessions and truly heart centered time they spent with us. They have wonderous abilities to get to the root of matters and are so gifted. I am grateful they shared their wonderful gifts with me and my boys and the echo of the healing reverberates through time and space thereafter, which for me, is what healing is all about. Thank you T & K. With love, kerry & sons



July 2022

I first came across Tena and Karen's channel on Youtube by following a link in a Reddit sub. Someone had referenced a video they made discussing a topic I was interested in, and I later started binging on others. They had surprising commentary and theories that kept me watching despite flittering ADHD tendencies- I found myself jotting down many notes as well as incorporating their observations into some of my ongoing frameworks. I really liked their energy and the way that they interacted with each other, so from there I visited their site, where I was compelled to send a personal email. Something about them seemed really positive, and I felt like it would be a good thing for me to talk to them. They complemented each other well and it seemed that they had abilities. I could tell that they were authentic, made an unpretentious effort to engage with their viewers in creative ways, and had a close bond that was oriented around promoting spiritual development in themselves and those who turned to them for support.

Our session was set up quickly and they actually ended up being able to spend more time with me than was scheduled. Karen was the first to log on and the conversation was relatively unstructured/casual until I began asking questions. She got me ready for the session, reassuring me about how it would go and what would be expected of me. Overall there wasn't much required of me, except to lie in a comfortable place, close my eyes, and get in a relaxed enough state to receive energy during the remainder of the session. Tena was impressive at getting me into a concentrated state of heightened (almost trance-like) awareness so that I could give permission, at the level of what some would call the higher self, for them to proceed and focus on projecting my intent. I wouldn't say that I'd be able to get into this kind of state on my own, except with great practice. I can definitely see how she's a regression hypnotherapist! I'm interested in her work within this area as well, because I've observed what she can do and think that other possibilities lie there too. I can tell that they're able to quickly tap into or rather transduce something powerful, because as soon as Tena started speaking to me my mode of consciousness started wobbling.

They went through my field checking for things and making observations, including those related to various areas of the body and categories of things, some having to do with the past and some having to do with the present. Some of the observations that they made were compatible with my personal experience, and one of them, which was quite specific, had been mirrored to my surprise by the other advisors I'd seen in the recent past. As soon as they directed energy to me, I could feel it quite powerfully. It's not an exaggeration to say that what they showed me was nothing short of amazing and miraculous. Five seconds were enough to demonstrate that energy healing is legitimate, and the physical world is more malleable to our will and intention than I previously understood.

I could feel the areas of the body that they were sending energy to reacting to what they were doing. Blockages in them dissolved and were replaced by a sensation of increased physical lightness and energy flow. To experience this in one particular area, which I'd had a problem with for over a year, was again as I said, miraculous. Towards the end of the session, my own energy started being able to come through more- I felt less cut off and closer to the higher, basically. My signature or tint, if it makes sense to call it that, was no longer missing. I felt that I was embodying a fuller version of myself, or rather that my ability to express my divine element, so to speak, was no longer being put on hold as it was. My energy was pooling around me and spilling over into the room, and I was able to embody it or express it more in our conversation afterwards. There was something coming from me or rather emanating from me that wasn't there before. I believe that in this session I was realigned with the divine, or put in a more direct channel to it. What they were able to give me was a notch- the first step in a transition to a better place, from a state where I wasn't able to improve what I was experiencing without outside help.

If you're in search of an intervention, they may not be able to fix everything, but this is what they'll give you. If anything, feeling the energy come to you will allow you to understand that there's a possibility of experiencing something different at least momentarily, and this will give you hope. To be shown that intention can change physical reality without any action being taken is to be shown that the nature of our reality is not as constraining as it appears to be- we perhaps simply haven't managed to tap into the power to affect it at this level strongly enough for it to override most things.

I was sent a sheet of recommended practices afterwards, and this was very helpful. I was also given a recording of the session, intended to serve as a guide to reinforce the results in the future. I actually haven't had to use it so far, as after around four months they've still been maintained. That night, I had a more pleasant sleep than I'd had in several months if not a year and woke up around 2 am to see blue crystalline light swirling near my ceiling. I had never seen anything like that in my life, or really anything that didn't make sense for the context. Mind you I was agnostic or atheist until very recently. There was no source of light in the room. I'll never be able to explain why I saw that or what it was, but take it how you will. When I reach out to them by email, they still respond. I've recommended them to others now, and found someone who had actually said that he'd used them too and had positive results. I'm glad that I chose to initially get in touch. If you're looking for someone to initiate a change for you because you don't feel you can do it yourself, consider seeing if you can work with them.


Joanna Lee

June 2022

Overall very happy to have taken the 1st step towards my healing and to have Tena and Karen's help and support on this journey. I have a lot of trust in them after watching them in their sessions with other clients on YT. I feel that they are thorougher with their clearing on all areas of my energy field and the support, resources given for further help with my journey.
It was really interesting to get insights of my overall energies.
I am now still integrating my new energies and believe it will take a while for them to settle. I also feel calm now and I am looking forward to a BHQ session with them soon.
Thank you so much Tena and Karen for your love and care :) XOXO



May 2022

I was feeling all the negative emotions stored in my body from narcissistic abuse and traumas. They were causing physical pain. My soul was in pain as well. I started to educate myself with videos at first. It is a good starting point but I needed a holistic approach. I started to research hypnosis, first QHHT. Didn't feel resonated with it. I had a bias in my head such this therapy needed to be in person. Oh man, I was wrong! I just needed the right people to walk through my healing. I set my intention and started to see Tena&Karen basically everywhere I look. On YouTube, Reddit.

I decided to contact them and felt welcomed from our first interactions. They don't have any judgements or expectations. They just want to help. I decided to get Remote Spirit Release and BQH sessions after our first consultation.

Even before they started to work on my energy field for RSR, I felt Karen's energy in my temple area. I felt tingles in my feet and knees. I felt a big relief in my head. I was feeling everything. I noted the times and felt really excited about recording, which was going to be sent the next day just before my BQH session. Everything in that recording resonated with me! All the work they performed in my energy field, I felt the night before, was so consistent with the recording! I was shocked! It is so weird how entities get attached to you when you carry all this shit around! They placed things foreign objects in my body in order to control me. Tena&Karen cleaned everything for me and gave me relief. Soul contracts that I made, they were cleaned. There was even a portal in my bedroom. Everything is clear now and the feeling in the house is different. Also, I loved the aftercare document that Tena sent, so much valuable information and prepared with care.

BQH session on the other hand was a whole different level. Feeling the energies trapped in my body, how they feel when you are not triggered by them, was super different than normal. I felt my power and how strong we are as human beings. I understood and felt how the intention works and how powerful it is! It is very important to trust the people when you are doing this healing work. You let them be in your energy field and they witness your subconscious. Tena&Karen are amazing facilitators. I never felt safer in other people's presence before. They got such an amazing synergy between them. I'm so happy to work with them on my journey. Such an honour to get to know them and work with them! I'm having difficulties describing my emotions and can't find the right words because there is no word to describe them. You just feel it. Also this is right for the BQH session, you just experience it. When it comes to describing it more, I happily can say that I would fail.

They are still checking on me while I'm integrating these beautiful energies. Feeling this connection is such a blessing especially when I'm going through this period alone. I may be alone but I don't feel lonely anymore. Thanks, Wonder Women for guiding me, with your help I know this survival is coming to an end. Now it's time to thrive.



May 2022

I reached out to Tena & Karen after 6 months of trying to manage my anxiety after a very tramatic ayahuasca experience. I found myself having 6 panic attacks in a 3 day span, curled up in my bed not knowing if I should check myself into a mental health clinic. I thought I was going crazy and it was the scariest experience of my life. After reaching out to them, it was clear an emergency session was due. Within minutes they had responded to me with a plan and within hours began working on me. They both have such a calm, grounded energy that I immediately felt better. After the clearing they did I ended up being able to have a full day with my daughter for her birthday without having a panic attack. If felt like a miracle. I listened to the audio recording of them clearing me and they found so much attached to me. I was truly being attacked. I actually felt better knowing that and having an answer from what I was going through. Afterwards, I signed up for a "energetic clean up". They continued to work on me for weeks after and on the last session they said my field looked so clear and clean that even they were shocked at the healing that rapidly took place. Im pleased to say I haven't had a panic attack OR major anxiety since. You absolutely without a doubt need to work with them if you're on the fence.



May 2022

I’ve worked with and have had many sessions with various healing modalities and I can tell you that the BQH sessions with Tena and Karen are some of the most powerful I’ve encountered. Truly life changing experiences!! Thank you!



May 2022


Tena & Karen are the world's top professionals in this field. I give them my sincere recommendations. They have helped me to free, understand, grow and learn so much. If you are in doubt about whether to work with them, don't doubt. They know their business and are courageous, skillful, and loving. I give them a big high five! And really recommend anyone to start working with them if they have any physical, mental or spiritual issues. Thanks so much
Tena & Karen



April 2022

I continue to improve and I can say that your session was a huge shift for me!! Especially what I think was the black goo stuff you removed - I feel so much lighter and positive about me healing journey!


Mary M.

April 2022

What a fantastic session. So much better than other things I have tried. A few months ago, I spent 4 times as much $ on a QHHT session with a well-known renowned practitioner who studied under Dolores Cannon; and was very disappointed. I was not at all disappointed in my RSR session with Tena & Karen.
It was 100 times better & more effective than the pricey QHHT. Karen and Tena are both so lovely. The care they have for others really shows within them. I am extremely pleased and highly recommend them and the work they are doing.


Jami Sundstrom

March 2022

I wasn't in despair or horribly sad and I wasn't extremely happy, I was ok. At my daughter's repeated urging I decided to do an RSR and at first nothing notable changed, life was good. Now reflecting over the past 4 months, life is amazing, I finished out the year making more money than ever before, I'm gaining marketshare in my business, I made a profit selling my little house, bought 200 acres over looking the pacific ocean, building a home and my daughters are healthy happy and living life on their own terms and best of all I fell head over heels in love with an amazing man who adores me. I had an RSR in October 2021 and it was good, I felt good, life was good until...Life Got Great, I mean OMG AMAZINGLY GREAT!



December 2021

I write from the experience as a client as well as an experienced healer. I thought the session was well done, professional, and thorough! There is a nice energy between you and Karen.

I listened to the recording. WOW! That was a LOT cleared and your intuition was spot on. It gave me confirmation and more clarity about what the Creator and my intuition are guiding me to do. I also wanted to comment that the quality of the recording was very clear, you spoke very clearly, and I heard just about everything that you said.

The intake form was very clear and easy to complete. Tena responded in a timely manner to my questions and follow up comments.
Thank you for sharing your gifts and wisdom!



October 2021

After my second BQH I feel like I am truly living my authentic self now. I have accomplished so much since my first one and had a ton of personal growth. I cannot wait to see what unfolds after this second one! I listened to my most recent RSR the night before my BQH and I think that helped me be even more clear and able to receive important info! I think you can't have one without the other. If you are committed to growing and healing just know it is worth every single penny and more!


Lindsey Franzke

October 2021

It's difficult to put into words the magnitude of my gratitude for my RSR session with Tena and Karen but if I had to sum it up it would be: reborn, renewed, realigned. I was struggling with physical, mental, and emotional difficulties blocking me from stepping into my own power as a healer. They've helped me to see and feel to new depths. My twin flame best friend and I are so excited to be working with them more in the future as we develop and hone in on our own intuitive gifts. The authenticity and support we feel from these two women are just beautiful. And the synchronicities? Off the charts! My entire family is getting a check-up now! lol. I can't recommend them highly enough!



October 2021

Tena and Karen to the rescue, again!
I made the choice to get vaccinated for my own reasons and wanted that added extra layer of protection, clearing, and peace of mind. Though my symptoms, post-vaccination, were quite mild, I noticed a bit of brain fog and a lack of clear articulation. Tena and Karen were able to precisely hone in on my symptoms, along with others I hadn't detected, and clear them away quickly and effortlessly!
If you're considering getting a vax clearing or even an RSR clearing, I would highly recommend them! They are my "go-to" for Spirit Releasement, and now Vax check-ups and well-being!



September 2021

I feel so grateful for this experience, the energy shift is felt through the whole house. You can't really explain it until you try it for yourself. Thank you Tena and Karen for sharing your gift, i appreciate you both so much for how you have helped my family. Sending love.


Victor Hugo Rojas

September 2021

I am really grateful to you for the cleaning that you did for me days ago. I have felt wonderful both physically, emotionally and spiritually. I have listened to the recording several times and I pay attention to the advice and suggestions that you give me, thank you very much. I am recommending them to several people and I am sure that they will contact them to also receive cleaning from you. I continue in my Service but with greater understanding, will and above all light. God bless you and Karen for the beautiful service you perform. ???????? I love you



July 2021

The experience with Tena & Karen was one of my top experiences in life. Thank you so incredibly much for the clearing, healing, unplugging, cord cutting, alignments, insights, and so much more.
Through the session with Tena & Karen I regained even deeper sovereignty than I realized I was capable of during time of my life. The session documents incl protection tools in the form of practices (also found in the blog) are truly amazing and deeply helpful when practicing energy hygiene, protection and are on the path of evolutionary consciousness and growth. Working with Tena & Karen is an experienced that is deeply personal and brought me what I needed. Thank you so much for offering your wisdom, experience, and gifts to be of service to the higher good????????????‚ú®
Love & Light



July 2021

I was referred to Tena and Karen from a wise friend who had a wonderful experience with them, healing at times can be an arduous process. Tena and Karen helped me navigate very old wounds and come out feeling like I was meant to live the life not only that I wanted, the life that I needed. I am eternally grateful for their efforts and gentle healing ways.


Jamie B

April 2021

In the 3 sessions, I’ve had with Tena and Karen, I have always felt cared for, completely safe, and in competent and capable hands.

The Tandem Surrogate session and House Energy Clearing I recently had was nothing short of stellar! Their energy, intuition, and sensitivity complement’s one another, and having a session with both of them together feels like getting double the potency and healing in just one session!

Tena’s innate and gifted ability to guide the session impeccably, asking important questions at the perfect time, lends deep insights and true revelation.
Coupled with Karen’s quick wit and deeply intuitive skills detecting bodily blocks, energy releasing, and transformation makes not only an immense healing experience but a noticeable and profound impact!

Tena and Karen are powerfully gifted both together and separately. I would not pass up a chance to work with them! Book your session today! ????



April 2021

I had been very lethargic, having negative thoughts, feeling disconnected from my intuition, etc. when an acquaintance referred me to Tena and Karen for a RSR session. I was completely blown away by the session! I received a great deal of information that has been life changing for me. I immediately felt a huge weight lifted. I no longer have negative thoughts, I have more energy and I feel reconnected to my intuition. I am much happier and feel confident about my next steps on my healing journey. I can’t thank Tena and Karen enough! I highly recommend their RSR session. You won’t regret it!



April 2021

Two days ago I had my first BQH session with Tena and it was truly AMAZING! We went so deep and I felt held and safe throughout the entire experience. I'm still vibrating so strongly after our session and am looking forward to further integrating the work we did together. Thank you Tena!


Liv Wheeler

March 2021

It is an honor and a joy to recommend Tena! Earlier this year I felt intuitively called to receive BQH. Tena was highly recommended to me. When I went to her website, it was crystal clear she was the practitioner for me to work with. And that's what I perceived of her energy, crystalline and also clarity. My first session was monumental! I felt as though Tena was a priestess of a temple that was multidimensional. My being moved through dimensions slowly and I experienced the healing of multiple lifetimes that I was truly needing. I experienced a starry reunion at the soul level in Egypt. Remembering my time as a priestess there, working with the star beings of a particular constellation. I always had these inner knowings during my life that I couldn't explain that I simply knew. Now I was fully embodying that lifetime and it become fully animated in real time. Tena guided me through the various forms of healing with grace and great presence. The next day I felt like I was 15 feet tall, lol. That's integrated by now and I'm back to 5'4 inches (giggling) and my heart feels more whole and I know that's because of Tena. Tena is wonderfully gifted. She has a heart of gold. I believe she can guide you into the darkest abyss with great safety as well as hold space for your soul's experiences of lightening with ease. I wholeheartedly recommend Tena to you!



March 2021

I absolutely loved my Remote Spirit Release session with Tena and Karen! I'm an energy healer myself and find that it's such a good practice to work with other healers to clear my field. I had such a beautiful and profound experience with the Tena, Karen and their Spirit team! Today is the day after the session and I've felt so much beauty as I integrate the energies that were cleared and reclaimed. Thank you so much for this beautiful work you both do!



March 2021

Tena and Karen are just amazing and wonderful people. They are warm and make you feel comfortable. They listen and hear you and genuinely care about you. The RSR and the BQH were wonderful for our family and really helped us as a family unit. Tena and Karen make you feel like they are part of your family.



February 2021

Tena and Karen's help with the RSR carried out with utmost professionalism, accuracy, love and care was vital for me and my twin's jurney to the union. However hard we have worked towards it, there are overwhelming forces who fight tooth and nails to prevent this, and without Tena and Karen's help we would not have been able to overcome. Having more and more TWINS IN UNION is of paramount importance in these times, so if you are on a similar journey, please do not hesitate for a moment to work wth Karen and Tena in order to take YOUR union to the next level. Love and blessings to the wonderful twin souls, Tena and Karen and all the other bravehearted twins. Follow your hearts to Tena and Karen!



January 2021

My family and I had an RSR session with Tena and Karen and I would highly recommend them! They are both so friendly and warm. Karen was spot on and confirmed a lot for us and we all feel a benefit from having had the session. Thank you so much Tena and Karen for all your help, you both did an amazing job!


Donna Brenner

January 2021

Tena and her partner Karen are highly skilled at cleaning and clearing the energetic fields. If you are feeling anything less than your best self you need to set up a session with them, you will be glad you did.We all need this service to stay in our power and sovereignty. I can't thank-them enough.


Producer/Director Anon

December 2020

The work Tena has done is exemplary. She understands the science of dedicated healing and service. I am former Military, Fire Fighter and EMT, and recently have worked for television in South America, and Produced for Television here in the U.S. I've have had the privilege of getting to know many individuals in Medicine, Emergency Services, Education, and Broadcasting from across the world, and if I had to build a team of leaders in Health Professional Practitioners, she would be first on the list. My hope is that we find more individuals like Tena that continue to lead by example, and bring extremely unique healing practices that are paving the way for a new era of Health Services.



December 2020

I had a RSR with Live Q&A. Karen immediately saw lots of fog and lots of blockages which were keeping my connections with my guides to a minimum. She cleared it all out along with some extensive trauma in my pancreas and in utero which were affecting my life today. Tena guided Karen to explore my entire body and even my home for all kinds of trouble makers which were ushered back to source. I had a friendly entity which had a very similar energy as mine. She attached when we both felt lonesome for company, I feel like I knew her in this life before she passed away. She wished me well before she went to the light. Karen saw our little toy poodle from long ago who popped in to say hello! Both Tena and Karen are so very kind and caring. Tena made sure even my spur of the moment questions were answered by the tireless Karen. By the next day I noticed I was able to receive an idea in a dream of how to prepare myself for a new type of session that I'm supposed to do. I also got guidance as I went through my day like never before. Things are still unfolding. I am so glad I found these two!



November 2020

Just wanted to stop by and thank you both for an amazing session. It’s truly magnificent to find genuine, loving people who just hold the space with compassion for the clients, and this is exactly what you two did. The motivation you gave me after our session together and the clearing which was needed, of all the extra unnecessary and unwanted baggage, made me so much more confident and excited in following my own path. Thank you again for everything and see you soon for more ????????????


Jamie B.

November 2020

Wow! Tena and Karen are the real deal! My partner and I received an RSR - Remote Spirit Release - and I felt the shift almost immediately! This dynamic duo worked their magic in helping to remove "infringements", "earth-bounds" and so many other entities that had found a "cozy home" (albeit, not invited) on Us and our Home. With Tena's meticulous expertise and support as a Facilitator (surrogate), and Karen's immense depth to fearlessly access the other realms, I immediately felt safe and cared for and knew I was in good hands. They didn't cut corners and took the time and conscious care needed to completely remove any and ALL attachments that were lingering.
Tena was very prompt and responsive in our email communication prior to the session, and thoughtfully and warmly, answered all of the MANY questions and concerns I had.
I highly recommend their service to anyone who is feeling, on a regular basis, unmotivated, depressed, disenfranchised, lack of focus, irritable, apathetic, etc. - especially the Remote Spirit Release (RSR) - Health Check offering. I knew I would benefit from this, but, I was truly surprised at how many attachments I had since birth, slowly and methodically gnawing and chipping away at my soul and Life Force Energy! Immensely Powerful Experience! Gift Yourself this service, they will not disappoint! <3


Rebecca P

October 2020

I wanted to share my experience with the remote spirit releasement session I received. Tena and Karen (who are such amazing, beautiful souls), provided me with information about what this session included, did the spirit release work, and sent me the recording so that I could hear exactly what happened. I can't even begin to express the shift I have felt in my own energy and body since they did this work on me. Prior to having the session done, I was chronically exhausted, had constant nightmares and restless sleep in general, brain fog and feeling like I could never get things done because I struggled focusing, specific negative thought patterns, and sometimes struggled with intuitive clarity. Since the spirit releasement session, all of the above issues I was having, have completely gone. This is because the root cause of these issues was connected to negative spirit influences on me. In addition to the session, Tena also shared with me how to cleanse, ground and protect my energy so that these negative energies can not continue to try to infringe upon me. I can't recommend this service enough, as for me it has been life-changing. Even my husband noticed the huge shift in me right away. Since my session was so powerful, I also asked Tena and Karen to do this for my husband and daughter, and again the shifts in them were remarkable. My husband's chronic anxiety has been much improved and some behaviors my 5 year old daughter had been exhibiting that were out of character with her (hitting and waking up in the middle of the night for hours to play in her bed), turned out to be from the influence of a little girl who was an earthbound spirit, and had attached herself to my daughter's energy field. With the assistance of Divine angels, the little girl spirit was guided to go into the light so she could be at peace, and those behaviors from my daughter, completely stopped! This whole thing was a really profound experience because I now understand that we can be negatively influenced by outside forces and the importance in protecting our energy. This is not something to be afraid of, as we are infinitely more powerful than anything that could even think to negatively impact us- it's just about having awareness and simply protecting ourselves, which is very empowering!


Rebecca P

October 2020

My BQH session with Tena was so incredibly amazing! From exploring past-life memories to remember how I've experienced consciousness in many different forms- not just human, to connecting with my higher-self for the answers to important questions I had about my current lifetime and my soul's purpose, to discovering the root causes of both emotional and physical issues I had been having, and releasing emotional traumas and receiving healing, this experience has been completely life-changing!

I could spend hours talking about this, but I'll share some highlights. I gained an understanding of the root cause of the chronic psoriasis I've had since I was 13. Some of this stemmed from past-life traumas and also trauma from my current life. Tena lovingly guided me through the energetic and emotional release of these traumas and invited in divine healing. I'm completely blown away by the impact of this, as my psoriasis is healing! Another profound highlight was when I was able to ask about a specific trauma that had caused a blockage in my sacral chakra. I was shown the bigger picture about this situation and was able to do some emotional release and healing with it. Since then my monthly cycle has been much better, so the emotional component was clearly impacting me on a physical level. I was also able to understand why I was holding on to the extra weight I had put on, and why I had a resistance to losing weight. I was shown the experiences from this lifetime and also past lifetimes that were contributing to my emotional desire to keep the weight on. I was also able to understand why my daughter has life-threatening food allergies, as well as the spiritual components of why there were some complications during my labor and delivery. There are so many more amazing details I could share, but I'll wrap this up by saying that if you are feeling called to experience BQH, then don't hesitate at all! Tena is an incredibly loving and beautiful soul, and the trust I felt immediately when connecting with her and through the session was so amazing. With this type of experience that involves hypnosis, feeling safe and comfortable is so helpful in having a profound session, and I can tell you that with Tena's amazing energy, I felt completely safe and cared for. Since this session, I have been able to make beautiful shifts in my life and my physical body is healing as well. I am eternally grateful to Tena for guiding me through this and being such an important part of my healing and life journey.


Estelle Tanner

September 2020

My Spiritual Health Check on Friday was remarkable. It affected me so emotionally, I couldn't speak for a few minutes; so powerfully, I didn't know what to say.
I would recommend this clearing process for everyone, especially if they are experiencing depression, anxiety, or mysterious and unexplained physical symptoms.

Let me explain.

Tena and Jamie's guide conducted the treatment with a clinical thoroughness that felt comprehensive. Aurora, Jamie's guide, was certain and quick. She really felt like she was coming from the heart.
When Aurora identified and removed the 2nd level dark force entity in my back, I felt a wave of several different emotions wash over me. Shock, surprise, horror, relief, gratitude.

Discovering the effect it had had on my thoughts was fascinating. I already knew about the physical effects; I'd had problems for decades, maybe since early childhood. But I had no idea how much it had affected my feelings and thoughts!

Aurora was delightful. A couple of times she wisely connected to my Higher Self for consultation. She also delivered a lovely, encouraging personal message to me from my Higher Self. Tina kept the session on track with her methodical process and got information that helped me with aftercare. Using those ideas in meditation, I feel I can better recognize and protect myself from these invasive entities and thought forms in the future.

It has now been 6 days and the changes are still presenting themselves to me.
Already, I've been able to sort some thoughts which had been mine and some that weren't. I'd had a long time tendency toward snarky, sarcastic and hurtful thoughts which I would sometimes express behind the shield of "just trying to be funny and witty".That was never me. My back felt differently immediately and is still going through a series of changes, days later. The first day after, I felt a mentholated sensation in the affected area, and I'm still having occasional twinges in the outer perimeter of this area.
Some things Aurora saw and cleared in my living space were surprises, some things not. A chair I'd bought 6 months ago at a consignment shop had stagnant, still energy that Aurora "bubbled and cleared" to endow it with bright, moving energy. I knew the chair was carrying the energy of its previous owner but imagined it would eventually change on its own.

My disposition is happier, my body is rid of a longtime worrisome and gnarly knot along my mid spine. Negative thoughts and ideas that were not mine are no longer causing worry and contraction. Something in me that was hard has now become gentle. Even my living space looks and feels sweeter to me.

If there's any inclination in you toward investigating this treatment I encourage you to experience it. You have nothing to lose and perhaps a great deal to gain.



August 2020

Recently I had a session with Tena that was vital for the accomplishment of my twin flame journey. She did an excellent job ensuring my safety by her thoroughful and conscienscious shieding and testing method whenever we had offer of help in healing from the spirit realm. By doing this she eliminated eventual attempts of infringment of our space. This is of paramount importance and this shows that in doing this healing work Tena is not only dedicated and passionate, but also has the professionalism to esure the safety of the client and the space for the session.

Besides this, I would also to like share that she did an excellent job in helping my sister's soul get back to Source Creator standing her ground firmly against the forces that had hijacked her.

She reacted to my call for help very promptly. I thanky her again for her love, flexibility and professionalism. Having a session was very urgent for me at this time. I am grateful to her with all my heart and I warmly recommend her to anybody who is looking for a practitioner.



July 2020

Hey there Tena. I just wanted to follow up with some positive news after our session. I do biofeedback weekly. It's something I have been doing for 7 months. It's something that helps to trigger your parasympathetic system to help your body be in a state of healing. Well today that cleared to 71% where as before it would be as low as 3%.. and for the first time in 7 months that I've been doing it, my lymph system did not pop up at all when it has been chronic this whole time! And it's only been 4 days since the session!

I couldn't believe it.

What an amazing way to physically validate the healing. I feel very grateful and happy.
I'm so passionate about helping other people on their journey like you have done for me. I hope we can explore that together and find out what that might look like as I get further in my journey. I've also had several very powerful and insightful dreams since my session. You're a beautiful soul and I feel blessed to have found you in my journey. - Jolene



July 2020

My first BQHT session was the other day and it was amazing! Tena is so kind and so skilled at preparing me for the session. She and Karen both are so great and really show up to bring you through this amazing process. They guide you, hold space for you without judgement! It has only been a couple days, but I truly believe there was a shift and much healing done during this session. I highly recommend Tena and a Tandum session with Karen if you are worried at all about getting much needed information! Thank you Tena and Karen for your work!



July 2020

I am grateful for the work Tena and Karen did on my behalf, Tena was friendly and very reassuring l knew l was in good hands. From the U.K the process from start to finish was very easy and straightforward and Tena was in touch all the way letting me know everything l needed to know. She delivered my recording even earlier than anticipated which was a pleasant surprise, and my God they did a great work answering my questions. The tape recording was very professional and very easy to download and listen to. I am so glad to have met my higher self, l felt so much love and care from the recording and l am looking forward to setting some things right in my life. Thank you for helping me, many thanks guys.


Jill E.

July 2020

Tena and Karen are great! My session has really helped me to move on in my life and make changes to heal. I will definitely return as I progress in spiritual path. Thank you so much.


Leigh Ann Csoka

July 2020

Tena and Karen are great to work with!
They've helped myself and my daughter
with struggling issues and clearing a lot
of unwanted energy!! Both of them are
so personable, patient, understanding,
and really took the time to follow up and
check our progress. Highly
recommend them both and am sure to
utilize them in the future!!!



June 2020

"I recommend Tena and Karen; they helped clear, heal myself and my loved ones unnecessary baggage and improve our quality of life by many folds. I wish I could have done this years ago."-Anonymous


Demi Whitley

June 2020

Hello world,

My name is Demi. I wanted to do BQH because for the past 32 years I have been in extreme trauma. There was certain things that I wanted to clear blockages on, and I felt led to do BQH. Let me tell you guys, I am so glad I did it! Since my BQH I have experienced feeling light. I have several opportunities that have come my way that I waited 5 years for. I don't have a desire to eat cheeseburgers and fried food. I crave light fresh foods now. I have no clue how this has happened because I actually loved a good cheeseburger. I also wake up on my own at 4am everyday to work out. I used to also be a heavy smoker but now smoking is too strong for my body. I can't imagine going back to smoking now. I have no clue how this happened for me but I am completely appreciative for it. Thank you so much Tena this experience has literally changed my life for the BEST!!!!


Tara Abele

May 2020

These gals are AMAZING! I recently had
a tandem session with she and Karen,
which was immensely powerful. Tena is
an incredibly compassionate, skilled
and warm-hearted practitioner, and
Karen is the same, and a very gifted
psychic. The information and healing
provided during the session was
extremely valuable. I highly x 1000
recommend the experience, especially if
you have resistance accessing the
information you need. I am forever
grateful for their help, care, and
beautiful souls. - Tara Abele AURA, BQH, and Remote Spirit Releasement Practitioner


mark turgoose

May 2020

This was my 1st experience in regression with Tena. A fantastic experience and a real life-changer. she is wonderful and charming takes her work seriously. she's good! felt safe and in good hands with both, Tena, and Karen.
I had a Tandem session. and it was an amazing experience. and I thank you from the bottom of my heart Tena. I absolutely recommend
Tena and Karen to anyone.! all my kindness and love to you guys.
Mark xx



May 2020

Tena took amazing care of me as I navigated some troubling and confusing memories in my childhood. She and Karen (during my tandem session) held space for me and supported me as I replaced dense energies within my vortex with love and forgiveness, which brought forth the deep healing I really needed. It was an amazing session!!!


Terrell Just

April 2020

Tena Dodds Waters gave me a remote session recently and it was so amazing. She led me through a life where everyone on my planet, which was actually one of Jupiter's moons, stood facing Gaia and sent healing, loving energy to help the people and the planet to heal. It was a service we performed when needed, to other planets as well.
She guided me through the releasing of two attachments and called ArchAngel Michael down to escort them home. It was so cool to see him from the client side. He came so quickly, and looked like the blue in the center of a flame. He put his arm around my shoulder and hugged me. It was the most comforting, heart-opening experience ever. I'm welling up just thinking of it.
Tena's sweet, soft and gentle voice never wavered even though I had a very cranky attachment talking to her. I'm so glad that she helped me get rid of that negative energy and leave me with a cleaner, higher vibration.
I am genuinely happy to recommend her for hypnosis. She is patient and calm. She keeps control of the session and moves it forward.
If you are thinking of connecting with her for some healing, loving light and answers to some deep questions, follow your intuition and make an appointment. She is a natural healer.


Brittany Z.

April 2020

I had a lovely experience with Tena and Karen in a Tandem session. They are so caring, intuitive, and present from start to finish, as well as created a sacred healing space where I felt 100% safe.


Jen R

April 2020

Tena is a gifted, knowledgeable healer and a caring person who truly takes the time to understand her clients story. She worked with me for several days prior to my session with phone calls and videos to help me prepare. The space she created was warm and loving, both physically and energetically, I felt an immense healing begin to happen almost immediately after entering her office. Tena is a master of guided meditation and I was able to enter a deeply peaceful state to access my higher self.

We can never have expectations as to what will happen in a session however mine lasted 4 hours, Tena made sure to ask all of the questions that I had prepared. I received some helpful insights and powerful healing / rest which was what my higher self deemed most important.

Tena truly cares about her clients, she spent time with me after the session and gave me some helpful recommendations for practices and techniques that would be useful to me as an empath. If you are considering a regression session I highly recommend Tena as a practitioner. I am thankful to have met her and I hope to work with her again in the future. Love and blessings to you all. ❤️



April 2020

I had an amazing tandem BQH session with Tena & Karen this week. I'm so thankful they offer this service because it's very hard for me to get into a meditative state. As a matter of fact, I did not receive any visions or feelings during the session, but I was extremely relaxed and was able to listen to Karen and what she was seeing and ask questions. Karen was spot on. She went very deep into my childhood and found fractals of myself that needed healing, plus she made amazing revelations about my life now and how it's duplicating much of what I experienced in my childhood. The whole session was so eye opening. She also described a couple of lives that were relevant to my life now. It's so much easier to heal when you understand why you are the way you are. I can't recommend the tandem session enough. These ladies are so compassionate and insightful and full of love. If you have deep healing you want to accomplish, then a BQH session is the way to go.



March 2020

I have had other sessions with other practitioners before but through my session with Tena I was able to help heal some big problems in my life, she cared before during and after the session. I am so grateful to to have found her!



March 2020

It was such a treat to work with both Tena and Karen. What beautiful souls! My bubble session was spot on and even had my friends stunned by how precise it all was. I can't wait to work with you both again! Highly recommend! Especially if you're a first timer like I was. Take the leap! I'm so glad I did!



March 2020

Tena is amazing and I highly recommend working with her. She is a natural born healer and is very good at what she does. I have recently participated in a group healing session and I was blown away. I am looking forward to my one on one sessions with Tena. Since the group session I have felt more connected to my higher self than I have in quite some time. I got answers to some questions and really feel like I opened up a channel for communication. This journey we are all on can at times feel hard and lonely, but being part of this group and having Tena's support and guidance is such a gift.



March 2020

Tena conducted a surrogate BQH session for me. She did it at a great price and covered quite a few questions that I had. She was quite thorough with the session as I had expected it to be quite brief given it was a bubble session. The insights that came have been really thought provoking and Very much needed my attention at this time. I was also impressed with her prompt, loving and professional communication.


Cameron I

February 2020

I had a life changing session facilitated by Tena and i have never felt so clear and sure in my life!!! All of the questions I had were answered and more, and the energy in the room from my higher self was out of this world. Tena is so talented and will get to the core of any question you have and will leave you blown away! Hands down best experience of my life


Serina Magick

January 2020

This " In the bubble" BQH session, was so amazing! it has been a week, and I am still receiving healing... I have seen, in my opinion some of the best, most clear mediums in the world, and none of them actually told me how I could heal from many lifetimes of trauma. I think if you want answers. Tena and Karen are the absolute best to channel your higher self. They are spot on!... I can not say enough. You will not be disappointed. I have had many conformations since my session, and can not wait to have another one... lol... I have more questions!... So much Love!



January 2020

I've never experienced a Quantum Healing before and when the Bubble Session was offered, I knew I had to get one. It is a wonderful value and a great place to begin or continue the journey of awakening and discovery of our true selves.
The description of the man in the the meadow, I instantly knew was me. I would recommend giving careful thought to your questions and treating them as though they were wishes.
The Healing of my back pain was real, immediate, and has become less and less each day since the session. It is easily 20% or less from what it was and still continues to dissipate each passing day.
I highly recommend listening/watching the session multiple times. I have continued to receive healing each time I have done this.
FYI, my guides have become even more obvious since my session.
Looking forward to the next chapter,



January 2020

I most recently heard about Tena & Karen through friends and tried out the bubble session. They were spot on with what I am feeling and going through right now. They brought through a lot of insight and helpful advice. It was everything I needed to hear. I highly recommend them!



January 2020

I have been following Tena and her work for some time and when she offered the bubble sessions I instantly felt this was meant for me. The session I received was amazing as it truly resonated and exactly what I needed to hear. All that was said spoke to me and brought understanding about myself on a deeper level. These short sessions are a gift for those that want to understand more about themselves and connect with their higher self. It's a beautiful introduction to the in depth work that happens in the BQHH sessions. I am very grateful to have received such a powerful and activating transmission that was done from the heart. It was done with so much care and love that I have felt it while I was listening to the session. I highly recommend working with Tena if you are looking for answers that come straight from the soul. This will be a gift that you give to yourself! - DG



January 2020

I had a bubble session done with Tena and Karen. Tena was very quick to respond to my emails to acknowledge the questions that I submitted. She was very professional and showed that she cared about the questions that I wanted answered.

After the session, she contacted me immediately to tell me how it went and the next day, sent me a link to listen to it. I was able to listen to the entire session and it greatly helped me to validate the feelings I had previously.

It was an emotional experience that she helped me to process. I would highly recommend a bubble session for someone who has a hard time finding the time in their personal life to dedicate a few hours to do a full one to one session.


Laura Ann

October 2019

I had a recent Live Quantum Past Life Regression session and it was superb and magical


Karen A. Baquiran

October 2019

I've been involved with healing for several years, doing my own inner child and shadow work searching for the pieces to my puzzle and the love that I always felt was missing.

In my first BQH Session with Tena, I had an emotional reunion with my Sirian parents. I knew that I was a Starseed but in being reunited with my star family, I was able to feel the pure overwhelming unconditional love that was missing in my life. I brought it back with me and for the first time in my life I realized it was always a part of me and no longer was I searching for something that I could never find on Earth. I am the love I was searching for!! That alone was worth it. I also met my galactic guide and light council who were quite amusing and animated and answered all of my lifelong questions and more.

Tena was able to hold a loving safe space for me to be open and vulnerable. She instilled a deep level of trust and security while I dove headfirst into my most personal issues. Her overall presence is so comforting and there's something about her voice that helps me go deeper and is extremely soothing.

During the interview, I found it very helpful that she emphasized the idea of trust. Trust in myself and the impressions that presented before me. When my ego started questioning everything I was able to quickly remember her voice telling me to trust what I saw..and I did.

Since then we have had two more sessions together and I was able to explore aspects of myself I never thought possible! Each aspect helped me further place the puzzle pieces and understand why and how things had to be as they are. Each session has been more profound and magical than the first! Besides reconnecting with my star family, guides and light council, I've connected with angels and Arch Angels, God, my Ego, my childhood imaginary friend, Joe Mikey while exploring my childhood home, I've seen myself as a squirrel in current time, explored a spaceship and had every question I've ever had about my soul's existence answered.

With her expert guidance and loving nature, I've been able to heal on a level I never thought possible. Through these BQH sessions with Tena everything makes sense now and I have a profound understanding of who I am.

I would highly recommend Tena because of her passion for this work. My life has changed in extraordinary ways because I was able to discover myself and heal far beyond what I could've done with any other modality. Tena’s competence as a practitioner in knowing how to steer the ship for each unique session gave us both the opportunity to experience profound synchronicities and revelations that were completely relevant and magical in every way.

Since then, she has asked me to be a surrogate for those who need a lended voice and I've agreed. I was able to witness this work for personal and non-personal reasons and still found that the non-personal sessions brought so much beauty, color, and perspective into my life. Tena is able to facilitate professionally while also adding a personal touch and I feel that type of spin is necessary to have a successful journey to one's soul.


I couldn't even leave my house...a story of pain, recovery, healing, hope and BQH

My name is Tena Dodds-Waters and I'm a BQH practitioner. I've never been a great storyteller, I'd much rather write so that I can gather and organize my thoughts beforehand. And I've worked really hard at getting past my 'story' as we can easily get stuck retelling it on repeat and making it our identity. However, I recognize the deep need to connect, to experience a person's energy, to share our stories from the heart space as it can be quite cathartic for both storyteller and listener. This is how we heal ourselves, each other, and the planet and offer connection and hope for others that may be suffering. When we share our stories and step into our truth, we give others permission to do the same. We need more authenticity in this world, more truth, more heart. So that's what I'm doing here. Stepping out of my comfort zone big time to tell you a few highlights from my own story of healing from chronic illness, abuse, trauma, pain, suffering, grief, loss, addiction, anxiety, depression, agoraphobia and PTSD. I've been through it all it seems. And how this led me on a spiritual journey to becoming a BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner. Now, on the other side of all that pain, I am finally fulfilling my soul's purpose of helping others heal their pain. I don't identify with my story anymore, it's part of me but I'm remembering that I AM a Divine Being of Light and much more than this earthly story. What I now know is that we are SO MUCH MORE than our stories, that at our core we are pure LOVE or God/Source/Creator. And we are waking up, remembering. It's simply that complicated. I hope you enjoy watching and maybe connect on some level, I hope you will open your heart even just a little, I hope to help you remember who you really are, and i hope to offer you hope on your own healing journey. You CAN heal from anything and everything, it is within you. Thank you for being here with me, for sharing this space, for listening. I appreciate you and send you so so so much love. With infinite love, blessings & gratitude, Tena Wisdom is only healed pain.

What is Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) and What to Expect in a Session

Hello beautiful souls! In this video, I explain what exactly is BQH and what to expect in a session. This work is so profoundly beautiful and often life-changing. The great news is online sessions are available and you get to be in the comfort of your own home! Contact me if you have any questions or just to chat! With infinite love, blessings & gratitude, Tena

What is a Surrogate BQH session and how does it work?

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Quantum Healing with Candace and Tena. Current Energies and Tena's Healing Journey

Quantum Healing with Candace and Tena. Current Energies and Tena’s Healing Journey

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Timeless Fairy Tales: BQH Bubble Session

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Rafa's Story: Surrogate Healing for a Dog with a Broken Heart

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