Tena M Dodds

There is an infinite amount of wisdom held within your soul, a treasure trove of love, beauty, and understanding. I'm here to help you uncover the secrets that lie within so you may receive the healing you deserve.

Consultation Type: Online
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Flexible hours, evenings and weekends available. Please email me to book a session! Or check out our website for more info.
Payment Options: Paypal, Venmo, Cash, Check
Languages: English

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Address: 154, Cherry Hill Road, Princeton, New Jersey, 08540, United States.


Tena M Dodds

Quantum Healing with Tena & Karen

Intuitive Empath, Beyond Quantum Healing, Spirit Releasement, Author, Mentor, Guide

~ Member Since 2018

I share my story hoping that it may help you and maybe you’ll relate in some way. What I know for sure is that there is an innate intelligence that lies within each of us that allows for healing. All healing is self-healing. There are many factors that may contribute to illness and disease with trauma being at the root.

I’ve been my own guinea pig in testing this hypothesis. I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, PTSD, Lyme disease, lupus, fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease, connective tissue disease, stage 4 endometriosis and the list goes on. Just labels. I was in pain on all levels and after the traditional medical community not only failed to help or give me any sound advice, but made me worse with drug after drug after drug, I turned within and started healing myself..the only other place left to go. At every turn, I was pointed back inward. 

With assistance from Higher Self, I’ve been able to heal my mind, body and soul, transcending those labels and gaining an enormous amount of wisdom in the process. Wisdom is only healed pain. It’s enduring and transcending insurmountable challenges and taking with you all that you’ve learned on the journey in order to share with others. 

Although I’m still healing, I hope to share with you what I’ve learned so that you don’t have to suffer like I did for so long. From my own quantum healing session, I’ve had insurmountable insight into myself and who I am at the core. Sometimes the pain we experience as humans is just too great for some to bear. But I’m here to offer you hope, it can get better, you can heal! From all of it! 

The beauty of it is that healing is available for ALL of us! It is within YOU and I’d love more than anything to help you tap into your own power as the Divine Creator that you are. The secrets to your healing lie within you and we can facilitate your healing by helping you tap into that treasure trove of possibilities. By clearing away all that is not in alignment with your truest, healthiest Self, you will experience a fullness of Spirit and life force energy that allows for full healing of body, mind and Soul. 

Please check out our website for a full listing of offerings and feel free to email or message us for more information, to book a BQH session, or just to chat. You can also watch videos on our YouTube channel, click on the videos tabs or click here for the YouTube link. I’d love to connect with you soon! ❤️

Thank you for visiting! ❤️

Infinite love & gratitude, 



  • Beyond Quantum Healing certification
  • Quantum Connect
  • Spirit Releasement Therapy
  • Remote Spirit Release Certified Practitioner
  • Intuitive Physical Empath
  • Universal Life Minister
  • Associate in Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Lots and lots of LIFE experience which means more to me than any labels or credentials.


Sigma Theta Tau National Honors Society


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I couldn't even leave my house...a story of pain, recovery, healing, hope and BQH

My name is Tena Dodds-Waters and I'm a BQH practitioner. I've never been a great storyteller, I'd much rather write so that I can gather and organize my thoughts beforehand. And I've worked really hard at getting past my 'story' as we can easily get stuck retelling it on repeat and making it our identity. However, I recognize the deep need to connect, to experience a person's energy, to share our stories from the heart space as it can be quite cathartic for both storyteller and listener. This is how we heal ourselves, each other, and the planet and offer connection and hope for others that may be suffering. When we share our stories and step into our truth, we give others permission to do the same. We need more authenticity in this world, more truth, more heart. So that's what I'm doing here. Stepping out of my comfort zone big time to tell you a few highlights from my own story of healing from chronic illness, abuse, trauma, pain, suffering, grief, loss, addiction, anxiety, depression, agoraphobia and PTSD. I've been through it all it seems. And how this led me on a spiritual journey to becoming a BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) Practitioner. Now, on the other side of all that pain, I am finally fulfilling my soul's purpose of helping others heal their pain. I don't identify with my story anymore, it's part of me but I'm remembering that I AM a Divine Being of Light and much more than this earthly story. What I now know is that we are SO MUCH MORE than our stories, that at our core we are pure LOVE or God/Source/Creator. And we are waking up, remembering. It's simply that complicated. I hope you enjoy watching and maybe connect on some level, I hope you will open your heart even just a little, I hope to help you remember who you really are, and i hope to offer you hope on your own healing journey. You CAN heal from anything and everything, it is within you. Thank you for being here with me, for sharing this space, for listening. I appreciate you and send you so so so much love. With infinite love, blessings & gratitude, Tena Wisdom is only healed pain.

What is Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) and What to Expect in a Session

Hello beautiful souls! In this video, I explain what exactly is BQH and what to expect in a session. This work is so profoundly beautiful and often life-changing. The great news is online sessions are available and you get to be in the comfort of your own home! Contact me if you have any questions or just to chat! With infinite love, blessings & gratitude, Tena

What is a Surrogate BQH session and how does it work?

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Quantum Healing with Candace and Tena. Current Energies and Tena's Healing Journey

Quantum Healing with Candace and Tena. Current Energies and Tena’s Healing Journey

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I wanted to share this super interesting, heartbreaking yet hopeful surrogate BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) session that my partner Karen... Read more »

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The Truth About Illness and Healing

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