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Available Hours: Mon-Sat 10-4pm
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Address: 305, Gist Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15219, United States.
WebsiteMy name is Jenn Wertz. I have mainly been publicly known as a musician who was an original member of Rusted Root, a unique multi platinum selling 1990s rock band, as well as a mixed media visual artist, a writer, mom and a vintage fashion buff. I like animals and summer breezes and campfires on a cool night. These are a few things that have defined my identity, in the critical mass of my experience.
At one time in my life I may have thought that all the different things I’ve done or been or created in my life were unrelated, but the soul awakening and integration process soon informs that everything we do, feel, and experience is related. Everything.
I first became aware of Quantum reality during the late 1990s. I had always been aware of there being “more” to life, to spirituality, and even had my own contact and experience with other realms before 1996, but it was more from an observer perspective; It was fun to ponder the various possibilities outside of our experience of reality, but I did not have the understanding of integrating it.
In 1996 I had an unprompted, spontaneous Kundalini Awakening while on a trip to the Southwest Desert. It was not fun or cool. I had to seek help and ultimately, it was a multi-year integration process before I could feel what I will call “normal.” I suffered privately for years navigating it. It was terrifying at that time, as I had little context and in the thick of it, I believed I had no support.
But I did have support. I had a whole team of support that were guiding me, and eventually, who had begun to teach me things through a process that I now recognize as quantum “downloading”. This contact with my Higher Self and guidance system at that time was fascinating, but also grueling and difficult. I didn’t understand at the time, the complexity of our soul systems.
Downloading then, as with now, is the presentation of an experiential lesson that can feel like an unboxing of fractal information about different facets of how we experience our reality system, and how we live inside of an experiential time space creation that my team and I call the Consensus Reality. Some people call this the Matrix. Consensus Reality really is just how it sounds. It’s what the majority of people in the human collective agree is real.
When we begin the journey of unboxing it can be likened to a computer system downloading files that contain all the wisdom and knowledge of the collective consciousness. This can include, but is not limited to, all of our experiences as a soul, in “past” or adjacent running lifetimes, or timelines.
In the year 2000, I made a conscious choice to block and walk away from my team of guides and my downloading experience and all the heavy work that I felt had been foisted upon me. I felt victimized by the experience and wanted to go back to a “normal” life.
Which I did. And I felt guilty somehow, and I really viewed that story as one that portrayed me as a victim of being terrorized then abandoned by these spiritual guides.
Then 2020 came. And 2020 was a year of much confrontation and awakening for many people as we were forced to slow down and be with ourselves individually, and as a collective human consciousness.
And in that quiet space of early 2020, my guidance team returned, out of the blue- and in familiar fashion, as they are Quantum beings outside of our consensus experience of time and space. It was as if the “conversation” started in the late 1990s just picked right up where it was left off.
They were asking me to “get in the middle”, to disconnect from my systems of identity and disengage from tribal or group thinking, to turn off the media, the television. They were asking me to tune my radio dial to a different station on a higher frequency, one that had much less noise and static. They said it was time to start bringing my Conscious Awareness out of the Consensus Reality and into the larger arena of existence. And perhaps most importantly, they wanted to make sure I remembered that “they” were actually the higher consciousness of “me”.
And that was just in the first few weeks of contact. After that the remembrances and awakening became a full time job.
Which leads us here. In the last 3 years I have had an accelerated, perfectly timed and pitched re-immersion into my Quantum experience of reality. This time it has not been terrifying. It actually has been fun and cool, and I am now able to use my tools as well as understand why people may need my help in this moment and in the years, months, and moments to come, as we collectively embark on what I now know to be a Quantum shift in human evolution. It is a much portended leap in consciousness for not just humanity, but for the Earth herself.
And as I mention above: Nothing. Not. ONE. Thing… is inconsequential. So, as I may have thought I was on a rebellious vacation away from my spiritual work as a soul for 20 years, it soon became very clear that I had just submersed into an experiential “hands on learning lab” of sorts. And I learned what I had learn, resolved what I had to resolve, and took on new, and faced old traumas that only I could transmute during those 20 years.
We are currently in an awakening process of our Collective Consciousness as humans and residents of Earth. And it may look and feel as if the world is falling apart out there on the big stage or on the TV screens, or on that noisy radio station. But in truth the world is actually falling back together.
Part of my service in being here at this time is to assist people in this process. Much baggage will need to be shed, and many identity levels will begin to fall apart to be re-integrated for all of us now, and this can be jarring process.
One might say that I have been “given” tools and understandings to assist others on the path in this process, but I now know it to be something different. It is more of an uncovering, an awakening of a potential that I have always had, but more important to note: That all of us have always had, but have been lost to. It is our true Divine reality, our birthright as creations of our creator. So my work is to assist in bringing my clients closer to this potential. This is a co-creative endeavor.
In my own soul retrieval process, I have come to learn that all of the skills, knowings, and resolution to many issues we all face are already there within us and we have an infinite capacity to not only solve our issues, but to transcend and thrive in a whole different paradigm of existence. It is truly very real and exciting.
If you are reading this now, you are on the path of awakening consciousness as your own guides and higher self brought you to this page and led you to read all the way to this last sentence.
If you would like to know more about my journey, please reach out via the contact page to discuss.
BQH Beyond Quantum Healing certification, Quantum Connect certified
Reiki 1, 2, and Master certification
Reiki Space clearing certification
Reiki pet healing certification
Reiki distance healing certification
Ordained Minister
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