Debi Lundquist

Healing the Earth, one heart at a time

Office Phone: 303-670-1726
Consultation Type: In Person
Best Contact Method: Text or phone
Payment Options: Cash, Credit Card, Local checks
Languages: English

Address: 28016, Colorado 74, Evergreen, Colorado, 80437, United States.


Debi Lundquist

A Higher View Hypnotherapy

Sole Proprietor

~ Member Since 2012

I have worked in many modalities, including Shamanic Healing and clearings. ¬† My favorite, by far, is QHHT because YOU, the client, are the one creating your own healing. ¬†Anything else is just someone’s opinion and only exists outside of you. ¬†QHHT helps you to connect with the deepest soul-wisdom inside you that totally knows who your are, ¬†is uniquely suited to your situation, and loves you unconditionally . ¬†You can finally access your own answers!

QHHT is also a spiritual journey and Vision Quest. ¬†Most of the folks I have worked with are looking for the next step in their life and hoping to find a deeper understanding of, as well as connection to their Creator, whatever they believe that to be. ¬†I have been blessed to witness countless reunions with loved ones, Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and even “God”. ¬†Once you have been to this level, you are forever changed. ¬†Your Faith has been turned into first-hand experience which I believe leads to Wisdom.

My office is located in the mountains just a few minutes outside of Denver, CO.  We have carefully maintained roads and a beautiful, pristine setting that is adjacent to Evergreen Parkway.  If you are looking for a peaceful retreat, a nurturing environment in which to heal and thrive, this could be it.


I hold diplomas from the Hypnotherapy Academy of America, in Santa Fe, NM, certifying completed study for the titles of Hypnotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist. I have also been trained by Dr. Linda Backman Ed. D. in Past Life Regression and Between Life Soul Regression. In 2012 I added the training by Dolores Cannon to my repertoire, being certified for Level 1 QHHT. I took her further training and am now certified as a Level 2 QHHT practitioner. I am a former member of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners, (ACHE)-NO. 405-187. I am also a Past Life Therapist and BLSR Therapist member of the International Between Lives Regression Network (IBLRN). I am listed as an Unlicensed Psychotherapist with Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA).


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