Jaqi Mudge

The wound is where the Light enters, healing is within you.

Office Phone: 0423499901
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email, Phone, Personal Website Message
Available Hours: Daily 10 - 6pm
Payment Options: Eftpos, Visa, Mastercard, Cash, Online Banking Transfer.
Languages: English

Address: 179, Main Road, Hepburn, Victoria, 3461, Australia.


Jaqi Mudge

Jaqi Mudge - Shamanic Healing

Energy Medicine Practitioner

~ Member Since 2015

Jaqi  specialises in the offering of QHHT/ BHQ, Illuminations, Spirit Medium Readings, The Munay-Ki Rites, and a wide range of Shamanic Healing Services .

Jaqi is devoted to holding people with perfect presence and compassion, in a safe and sacred space, so they feel secure while they venture inwards to explore non-ordinary reality and their own healing, at the soul level. 

In 1995, during  a  long period of great personal tragedy, Jaqi experienced a spontaneous Shamanic initiation  that was a call from  Spirit to be of service.

Jaqi began training in Mediumship and Shamanism as she sat for 10 years, in the fortnightly spiritual development circle held by her cousin, Melbourne Medium – Kirrily Frost.

Jaqi went on to train formally with The Four Winds Society – Light Body School, USA. This school was founded by Dr. Alberto Villoldo (Medical Anthropologist, Psychologist, and Shaman) and is based on the wisdom teachings and knowledge of the Laika – the Q’ero Shaman of Peru, the Amazon, and the Andes. This knowledge is now integral to, and powerfully informs, Jaqi’s work – she is a Full Mesa Carrier. Jaqi is also a certified, and very dedicated, Level 2 Practitioner of Dolores Cannon’s QHHT/BQH.

Jaqi also has over 25 years experience teaching Art/Design and Contemporary Jewellery at Secondary and TAFE level.

What is an ‘Illumination’ ? It is a beautifully simple, gentle, yet powerfully transformative core process. It is always the first intervention that Jaqi (in the role of Shaman) uses with a client. An Illumination clears energetic imprints of trauma, karma, ancestral unrest, and disease, from the Luminous Energy Field (LEF or aura) at their source, either before or after they have had the chance to manifest in the body as illness. These imprints can pre-dispose us to unhealthy physical and emotional conditions because, ultimately, they block the flow of Love, creating imbalance. Once these imprints are cleared at the blueprint level of our being, the energetic level, the healing happens instantly. The healing, though immediately sensed energetically by the client, may take time to become apparent at the physical level. Intellectual understanding of the healing usually follows some weeks later.During this process Jaqi is working within her client’s (LEF) – through the chakra system. Chakras are vortices of energy that are connected into the nervous system at the spine. Heavy energy is cleared from the involved chakra, as if cleaning a pool. The energetic imprint of the disease or trauma is removed. Jaqi then moves Divine Light from her Eighth Chakra down to Illuminate her client’s affected chakra. The imprint is thereby unable to return. This restores the chakra to its original brilliant color and high vibration. It rejuvenates the immune system and supports her client’s evolution into a Homo Luminous being – a being of light, someone who heals, ages, and dies consciously.Illuminations may also be undertaken during Distance sessions via telephone or Skype. All women undertaking Illuminations have the option to receive, in their session, the 13th Rite of The Munay-Ki – The Rite of the Womb, at no extra cost.

Client Reviews

“My QHHT session with Jaqi was mind-blowing! 🙂 

I have done a lot of inner work over the past few years so I didn’t really feel a need to go to the past, but what I was really looking forward to was to connect to my Higher-Self during the hypnosis. My gut feeling was right. I wasn’t shown any past life or memories from this life to heal, I went straight up to this universal consciousness place of no place!  As Jaqi went through the QHH technique, I started feeling my head getting bigger and bigger until I thought I had no head at all, just wide open space! My body felt as there was a release of some kind of hormones or chemicals as it relaxed completely and this beautiful Energy just came out of nowhere! As Jaqi started asking questions, the most interesting answers came up about my daughter, husband, myself, humanity, our body, water, food, a possible future of my daughter, my life path and also a praying-mantis ET info which I didn’t even know existed! I remember I felt very comfortable and very happy during the entire time and I didn’t want this state of consciousness to end. 

Jaqi’s voice is so calming, her energy is loving, caring and she knew exactly what she was doing. She made me feel very comfortable during the interview process, no judgement whatsoever. Without a hesitation, I highly recommend Jaqi to anyone who would like to experience altered states of consciousness in this very natural way. “– Julia, Wicklow, Ireland

‘Jaqi welcomed me with a non-judgmental acceptance of who I am. After trying many alternative and conventional therapies it was Jaqi who gifted me with compassion, offered me safety, patience, understanding and guidance during the most difficult time of my life. She became the supporting bridge between me and myself – and she gave me the courage to heal. Full of loving acceptance, I am forever blessed to have met her on my journey, for she really is responsible for the transformations in my life!’ – Maya Vas, Melbourne

‘Jaqi’s warm heart, generosity of spirit, and sense of humour quickly made me feel comfortable in her presence. Don’t let her humility fool you though – she is a gifted healer. I have seen Jaqi for both Mediumship and the Illumination and Soul Retrieval processes. I can’t say I understand exactly how she does what she does, only that it works and I that I am so grateful that she is offering these services in this sometimes crazy mixed up world. I also look forward to Jaqi’s Women’s Circle each fortnight. It is empowering, uplifting, sacred. Thank you Jaqi.’ – Alix, Daylesford


BEd (Art/Craft)
BA Fine Arts (Honours)
Energy Medicine Training- The Four Winds Society (Light-Body School) Full Mesa Carrier
Level 2 QHHT

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Mikayla Buller

September 2022

Last week I had the most incredible QHHT session with Jaqi. I came to her with a list of questions that have come up through my life but I have never been able to answer. We travelled back through a few lives and found the answers to those questions and much, much more.
I left with an overwhelming feel or gratitude.
Jaqi is kind and gentle. She makes you feel welcome and safe in her beautiful home!
Thank you Jaqi, I will absolutely be back!


Marilyn Rister

August 2022

My session with Jaqi was absolutely amazing. I had no expectations when I arrived at her healing centre, but by the time I left, nearly 5 hours later, my life had clarity, my physical was healed and my vibration increased. I cannot recommend Jaqi highly enough. She is a loving and dedicated Healer. An awesome person. Thank you Jaqi.



July 2022

I have had two meetings with Jaqi. We did illumination healings. Each time for different things.
Jaqi is a beautiful person, gentle and authentic. I recommend anyone to give Jaqi a try. Her gifts are amazing.


Louise Balaz Brown

May 2018

About a week ago i had a wonderful session with jaqi.The previous, and first time ,being about a year ago. I was feeling blocked and unable to shift something in myself. Doing a daily or twice daily meditation has helped me , but i needed something more. To go deeper in the safe hands of an experienced practitioner .I am so graetful to jaqi for holding the space with me in deep meditation . All i can say is that i felt much lighter and in the past week many issues i couldnt move thru can be seen much clearer now and i understand how to move forward . Brilliant , I highly recomend Jaqi !!

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