"You create your own reality. There is no other rule." (Seth)
Office Phone: +491797374847
Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Payment Options: Bank transfer, PayPal, Cash
Languages: English, German
Address: 436, Alpbach, Alpbach, Tirol, 6236, Österreich.
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5 | Emily Greene |
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5 | Guta Soares |
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5 | Melissa M |
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5 | Zehra Keskek |
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5 | Megan Garbe |
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5 | Britta Wilkinson |
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5 | Spiritual Warrior |
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5 | Anja |
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5 | Petra |
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5 | Andrea Steudel |
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5 | Albert Krumm |
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5 | Lea Schrodt |
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5 | Anja |
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5 | Anna |
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5 | Alina |
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5 | Selam |
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5 | Konstantin |
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5 | Kosta |
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5 | Alina |
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5 | Tara |
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5 | Ida Kraßmann |
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5 | Irene H. |
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5 | Felicity Butler Davis |
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I offer live sessions in Alpbach/Tyrol (Austria), and online sessions for clients all over the world.
TSJ (Transformative Soul Journey) Practitioner since 2022
BQH Practitioner since 2017
QHHT® Level 2 Advanced Practitioner since 2014
Soul Realignment® Practitioner since 2020
Akashic Record Reader since 2020
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I did a virtual soul journey with Mario recently and all I can say is it was one of the most valuable experiences of my life. The whole thing changed me profoundly, and I can say I will never be the same. I have the feeling of so much clarity and support. Mario made me feel so safe and supported through the whole experience.
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My experience with Mario at The Soul Journeys was absolutely amazing. He is such a great and positive person, who practices empathy so often that was able to sense my needs even though I did not spoke them out. I felt completely safe to embark on the hypnosis. Mario always knew the right questions to ask and I had an incredible transformation right there. I feel things have already shifted inside me, so strong is the power of this healing technique. One must be open hearted and open minded to get all the benefits, and he as a professional and spiritual facilitator can for sure guide us in the expansion of consciousness. I am very grateful for having the chance to experience this.
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Lieber Mario,
es ist noch nicht lange her, seit meiner ersten Sitzung mit dir. Ich bin wirklich fasziniert von deiner Professionalität. Du hast die Sitzung so wunderbar geleitet und die richtigen Fragen gestellt. Deine variierende Tonlage und klare Ausdrucksweise haben es mir leicht gemacht, schnell in Trance zu gehen. Mario ist wirklich ein Talent in jeder Hinsicht.
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Lieber Mario,
einfach Danke zu sagen, sagt das nicht aus ;was ich aus dem Herzen empfinde ist viel mehr die ich nicht in Worte fassen kann. Ich bin so sicher in mir ,dass ich zu dir geführt worden bin um meine Seelenreise von einer Ehrwürdigen sanften Seele begleitet zu werden. Nichts in dieser Welt war so wundervoll wie dieser Moment den ich erfahren und erfüllen durfte, nun geht meine Reise weiter in der Intensität zu wissen und mit klarer Fokussierung auf meine Aufgabe. Es war mir und ist eine große Freude und Ehre dir begegnen zu dürfen. Danke für dein sein aus dem Herzen. Frieden mit dir Frieden mit uns.
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I want to take this opportunity to thank Mario again for giving me a safe space to practice vulnerability which has been a major lesson in this life, for holding my hand while I took one of the biggest leaps of faith I’ve ever taken and for seeing me through to the other side with such grace, integrity and compassion. He is truly a gift to this world, and I need to write that “out loud”.
Committing to my Soul Journey was probably the most terrifying thing I have ever done. And the only reason why I was able to stay the course and make it through was because of Mario’s loving-kindness. He met me with compassion and held space for everything that I wanted to address during my session. From the moment he and I started communicating to the culminating hug and goodbye, I felt safe and completely free to be myself and to meet myself without judgement or doubt. He showed me that every word my Higher Self shared with me during my Soul Journey was a morsel of wisdom that I was meant to marinate in. I can confirm that our teams know exactly how to prepare us for the journey and take us through it with Mario’s stewardship.
My journey since then has been a deep introspection on the stark binaries of this Earth plane and how we can always choose to flip the coin and live through the positive or let that negative side of the coin lie face up as life pulses around us. The incredible parallels between my current life and those revealed to me during my Soul Journey with Mario are mind-blowing. I can hardly believe it. It revealed to me patterns of behavior that never made any sense before and were actually carried over from other Iives. To say that it was life-changing is not an exaggeration.
I’ve now listened to the recording of my session twice and can feel that each time there is more energetic shifting, releasing and even a greater understanding of myself and how I can carry all the gifts and insights from my session into my life now.
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Mario hat mich gleichzeitig professionell und behutsame durch meine QHHT Sitzung geführt und wurde nicht müde meine Fragen zu beantworten und sicherzustellen, dass ich mich sicher und aufgehoben fühlen konnte. Die Seelenreise und die Begegnung mit einem “ich” ist schwer zu beschrieben, außer dass es sehr  und nachhaltig war (ist). Ich kann a Mario als Begleiter für diese Art von Sitzungen sehr empfehlen. Ich möchte noch erwähnen, dass auch der Kontakt im Vorfeld  per Mail sehr professionell und liebevoll war.
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I felt in very good hands with Mario from the very beginning and in a safe, protected environment. Mario is very sensitive and attentive. With his help I was able to have the wonderful experience of making contact with my soul. She spoke through me and answered my questions. A most extraordinary, uplifting and deeply spiritual experience that I can recommend to everyone. My deep gratitude goes to Mario, who accompanied and guided me so sensitively and professionally on this QHH journey.
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Meine „Seelenreise“ war ein Erlebnis, dass mich, nachhaltig und tief beeindruckt. Durch die hier gewonnenen Einblicke und Erkenntnisse weiß ich jetzt, was ich in meinem Leben verändern werde. Mario Radinger hat mich mit einer beeindruckenden Mischung aus Empathie und Professionalität begleitet. Ich habe mich von Anfang an bei ihm gut aufgehoben und geborgen gefühlt und bin ihm zutiefst dankbar für seine Arbeit, die er mit großer Leidenschaft und Herzblut lebt.  
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Fühlte mich von Anfang bis Ende gut aufgehoben , gut geführt und begleitet. Vielen Dank für dein Sein .
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Ich bin immer noch sehr erfüllt von der Erfahrung meiner Quantenhypnosesitzung bei Mario in Frankfurt. Bei dem Ablauf anfangend habe ich mich zu jeder Zeit super begleitet und informiert gefühlt, sowohl vor der Sitzung als auf während und nach unserer Sitzung. Er hat an alles, was man sich in diesem Prozess wünschen könnte, gedacht. Mit seinem freundlichen, ruhigen und offenen Wesen fühlt man sich direkt willkommen und sicher. Ich habe mich sehr verstanden und akzeptiert gefühlt, jegliche Sorgen wurden im Vorfeld aus dem Weg geräumt, so dass ich mich vollständig auf diesen Prozess einlassen und entspannen konnte. Ich war fasziniert von den Fragen, die er mir während der Seelenreise gestellt hat, dadurch konnten viele wichtige Details ans Licht kommen.
Ich konnte auf dieser Seelenreise sehr viel Sicherheit und Vertrauen in mir finden.
Ich kann mich selbst, meine Muster, meine Beschwerden und meine Aufgabe in diesem Leben jetzt viel klarer verstehen. Die Verbindung zu meinem höchsten Selbst und meinem Inneren fühlt sich viel stärker als vorher an, woraus ich sehr viel Kraft und Vertrauen schöpfe.
Ich danke Mario so sehr dafür, dass er durch die Hingabe zu seiner Berufung dazu beiträgt seinen Klientinnen und Klienten auf Ihrer Reise in vielerlei Hinsicht zu unterstützen.
Ich kann die Zusammenarbeit mit Mario mit besten Gewissen empfehlen und bin mir sicher dass dies auch für mich nicht die letzte Sitzung bei ihm war.
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Mario ist sehr sanft und kompetent.
Das was auf seiner Webpage im Hinblick auf die Seelenreise beschrieben steht ist nur ein Bruchteil dessen, was es in der eigentlichen Sitzung abläuft.
Ich selbst hatte die Sitzung via Zoom. Konstante Verbindung war hergestellt, ohne Komplikationen!
Mario leitet alles und ich war komplett bei mir!
Ich kann es nicht beschreiben, Hypnose hatte ich zuvor nie erfahren!
Bin nun sehr positiv gestimmt, was das angeht.
Mario hatte es sehr gut geführt auch das Vorgespräch!
Und danach auch.
Mario liegt es wirklich am Herzen, dass die Reise ein Erfolg wird und das bekam ich auch zu spüren!
Jeder Cent war es Wert diese Erfahrung zu machen.
Eine Empfehlung wird ausgesprochen!!!
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Vielen Dank, dass du mir die Aufnahme so schnell geschickt hast. Ich kam gut nach Hause und das Gelächter und meine überaus fröhliche Stimmung hat ziemlich lange angehalten! Ich habe die Aufnahme gestern nochmal angehört und bin anschließend spazieren gegangen. Es war himmlisch.
Den „CD Stapel“, die ich als den verschiedenen Ebenen erlebt habe, scheint etwas zu sein, dass jeder von uns zur persönlichen Verfügung hat und benutzen kann. Jeder von uns hat seinen eigenen „Stapel“. Diese Klarheit kam zu mir beim erneuten anhören. Mir ist dabei auch klar geworden, wie wichtig und passend alle deine Fragen und Hilfestellungen waren. Danke sehr.
Ich freue mich nun darauf meine Freude zu finden und zu folgen….
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Die Arbeit mit Mario ist für mich Heilung und Erinnerung an das was ich bin und in mir trage.
In einer „dunklen Zeit“ ist Mario aufgetaucht und die erste Sitzung hat mir gefühlt das Leben gerettet.
Seitdem ist enorm viel passiert. Ich hab mein Leben so ausgerichtet wie es sich richtig anfühlt. Aus meinem Herzen heraus.
Ich war nun schon 3 mal bei ihm (im Laufe 1 Jahres). Seitdem ist mein Leben mehr und mehr von Licht geprägt.
Sollte ich wieder an einem Punkt stehen an dem ich nicht weiter weiß, werde ich mich wieder an ihn wenden.
Große Empfehlung für diesen Menschen!
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I am forever grateful for my QHHT Session with Mario. I went on the most profound and clear visual soul journey which left me transformed and peaceful beyond my imagination. I didn’t expect anything and I gained so much more than I would’ve thought from my session. The codes and energies transmitted, working on the physical, the experienced emotions and the listening to the material afterwards were soul soothing and healing in so many ways and took some months to be fully integrated into my system and physical body, my overall reality, which came with quite some accompanied pain of body and challenges as well, as all integrating of higher aspects and soul growth does. But I surrendered and the body feels even better than before. Although I already had quite a repertoire on shamanic journeying out of body, this guided exploration held by Mario in an unconditionally loving, non-judgmental and open-hearted space was beyond valuable. I felt secure, held and accepted. I would always travel far distance again for a session with Mario. With this session it somehow felt as “that’s it”, the closing of one chapter and opening of a new one, as all my questions and more was answered, but nevertheless I would always travel far distance and work with Mario again. Mario, thank you so much, it was a pleasure working with you, I am forever grateful for the quality and awareness you bring into this space and the light you anchor on this planet.
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I had my second session with Mario less than two months after the first. There was this strong pull to do it again although the first has been mindblowing already. Looking back, the first session was like a core renovation, while the second allows me wise choices regarding interior design ;). In other words: First the path was made visible, cleaned, cleared and brightened up. Then a huge amount of colourful flowers, landscapes, skylines was placed on that path. All my choice as I got boots to walk, but also wings to fly. I FEEL myself more than ever before, but also feel more MYSELF than ever before. Two sessions and two of the best decisions I have made so far. Thank you and may you be blessed, dear Mario.
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The quantum healing session was such a breakthrough on my personal spiritual path. I had been meditating daily and actively working on my spiritual growth for some time, but when I learned about QHHT, I was very drawn to the idea of doing a session. Searching for a practitioner in Frankfurt, Mario's website immediately popped up and I booked the session knowing that without a doubt that I was being guided.
It took me almost a month to formulate the 20 most important questions I had about my life. With these and no expectations, I went to see Mario. He welcomed me warmly and I immediately felt very comfortable and safe. Before the session, we talked about the questions and what they meant to me. He offered me a judgment-free space to talk openly about whatever I wanted, and that alone was truly therapeutic for me.
The session itself was so moving and so many things came up that I didn't expect. My „team“ gave me clear answers to all the questions I had. I was shown where the issues originated from and that they were in fact all deeply related to each other.
During the session, I received such profound healing and practical steps on how to break through the blockages in my life. My team also gave me some techniques to use in my everyday life.
Mario was the perfect guide I could have imagined for this session! His words and voice are so soothing that I was able to dive very deeply into the hypnosis. His intuitive guidance that went beyond the questions I formulated helped me get a better understanding of what my team wanted me to hear and understand.
Now it's been a week since I had the session and I am so eternally grateful for having made this decision. I feel like a veil has been lifted and I now know who my true self is and what I came here to do. And with these very practical tips that my team gave me, I can already feel a huge shift in me.
I personally think that it is a MUST for everyone to do such a session at least once in their life. I'm sure the world would be such a more peaceful and happier place... the amount of insight you can get is insane. And once you connect with your Higher Self, you will always know where to find it. And for this gift, I thank Mario so deeply! Thank you for doing this honorable and very necessary work!
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In the past, I had made a many decisions out of uncertainty and fear, but also because of social conventions and expectations I had accepted. This had ultimately led me in a direction of life that was strongly characterized by frustration and helplessness. I was exhausted as soon as I woke up and suffered from recurring back pain. In search of more direction and help, I found the Soul Profile service offered by Mario.
For me, it was the beginning of the end of a very long, strength-sapping phase. My reading helped me gain certainty and confirmation about my inner compass, the energetic veins that pulsate deep within me and drive me at my core. In addition, it helped me to see how I myself had contributed to the creation of my situation, and what behaviors will help me change direction effectively. This allowed me to identify the knots in my life and to set about transforming them sustainably by starting to consciously make different choices. It was hard at first, but quickly became easier and even fun!
I have made a lot of progress within 6 months after receiving my report. Exhaustion, frustration and helplessness disappeared from the forefront and only made themselves known when more knots appeared, which I now know how to work through effectively. Since my major knots have all but disappeared, I no longer check my report daily. However, I still read it attentively from time to time and keep finding new aspects that miraculously become more and more true in my life.
I did not know the Akashic Records before and would not have thought that the effect of such a reading would be so great! I am very convinced that it can help all people who have the feeling that they are not fully present energetically or have doubts about the direction they have taken in life, professionally or privately. However, it is important to understand that the report is not a magic pill that solves all challenges for you, but "merely" supports you in creating it yourself.
Thank you very much, Mario, for this unique service and also for your personal support in understanding and integrating, which helped me a lot.
Conclusion: An affordable top service with priceless effect!
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My Soul Journey session was wonderful!
Interested in understanding the nature of my personal reality and the reality we collectively share, I had already dived into some external sources/books on meta and quantum physics before my session. It was difficulty for me though to understand my role in all this and to integrate the information into my life. My Soul Journey session with Mario was a game changer: It helped me to connect with my Higher Self and inner wisdom, and things finally started to make sense.
Mario guided me safely and gently into hypnotic trance, and I will never forget the moment when my thinking self kindly stepped aside, my heart opened up, and my Higher Self spoke the very first word. The session helped me to understand what I needed to understand at that point in time and established a lasting connection with my Higher Self.
Thank you so much, Mario, for creating a safe space and for guiding me in my Soul Journey experience!
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It took me a long time to find a practicioner who is a match to my energy and needs. After the journey session with Mario I have to say: he was the best choice I could have made. His energy is warm, shiny and lifting while his voice and authenticity are calming and grounding. I was really excited about what would happen during the session, yet what I saw and experienced was beyond what I could expect at all. I learned uncountable things about my life now, how everything is connected in itself and to everything that is, has been and will be. I understood the roots of the subliminal sadness I've been carrying my whole life so far: It disappeared. I thought I know what a high energy level means before the session, but this brought me to a totally different level. I'm laughing all day and just enjoying life, just letting all go with the flow. I'm able to hold this energy on this high level for weeks already. This is the energy where manifestation works in seconds and I love it!
I would/will choose Mario again. You can't avoid falling in (quantum) love with him! In my eyes he doesn't offer just services, but gifts to humanity.
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"I have been on a path of spiritual awakening off and on through my life, one that has certainly increased over the past year with the new state of our world. Everything in Mario's report resonated with me on so many levels. I already feel more directed, conscious of my behavior and so grateful for the hidden truths that help to reveal why I am the way I am and some of the things I can work on during this journey. I now feel like perhaps I can actually attain a level of full alignment by the end of this lifetime. The techniques he uses to help find realignment are incredible and I can only describe the feeling of resonance as one that gives you chills. He is a special guide and if you found him you are lucky! I fully 1000% would recommend this to someone and am even more excited to one day do a quantum hypnosis session when life allows the time."- Tara, 41
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When I first heard about Quantum Healing and about Mario Radinger, I had no idea what immense practical value a "Soul Journey" could have. Mario led me into a different state of mind with his pleasant, harmonious voice, and thanks to his professional guidance, I let go of all tension. During the session, I fell "out of time" and got a feeling of what can happen during such a (trance) journey.
The connection between my experience during the session and the signs I received even afterwards are fascinating! Information and clues emerged from various fairy tales. The fairy tales laid the thread, so to speak. I followed the clues and understood more and more. There is a huge network of knowledge available to me, and I was actually able to decode the message with the help of the fairy tales.
A wonderful experience! Thank you very much - I can recommend Quantum Healing and Mario Radinger with all my heart.
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Lieber Mario,
meine Sitzung mit dir ist nun schon einige Wochen her und ich fühle mich verbunden und geführt auf meinem Weg. Ich hatte im Vorfeld Bedenken, nicht visuell durch diese Erfahrung reisen zu können, doch du hast mich schneller als ich dachte hineingeführt. All das mir aufgezeigte half mir eine stärkere Verbindung zu meiner Urkraft zu finden. Und auch Wochen später bekomme ich Impulse diese Verbindung immer wieder bewusst zu spüren, wenn dies für mich nötig ist. Danke von Herzen für deine unglaubliche Geduld, deine warme Art und besonders danke ich dir für deine Stütze als Mentor und die Inspiration diese Heilmethode für meinen eigenen Weg gefunden zu haben. Ich fühle mich immer mehr angekommen da wo es bestimmt ist für mich zu sein. Sei gesegnet und beschützt auf deinem Weg! Herzlichsten Dank für alles!
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I recently experienced a wonderful hypnotherapy regression therapy session with Mario. Right from the very start I liked what I saw, firstly with Marios website and then later with communication with him. I made an appointment with him and when we met on the day of our appointment I was very impressed with his manner, professionalism and expertise. He beautifully guided me through my regressions and then afterwards further healings. Mario kept me at just the right level of relaxation throughout and I felt very comfortable with him. I also received an audio copy of the session within 24 hrs. I would highly recommend Mario to anyone who is looking to experience their past lives and other healing therapies. I had a really great experience.
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