Sonya Wilder

Live your best life!

Consultation Type: Online, In Person
Best Contact Method: Email
Available Hours: Go to website above to schedule
Payment Options: Payments through my website, Venmo and Paypal
Languages: English

Address: 1784, Rose Street, Junction City, Oregon, 97448, United States.


Sonya Wilder

Sonya Wilder Wellness

Quantum Healer/Life Coach/Yogi

~ Member Since 2018

What is a BQH/QHHT Session like?  The answer is…every session is different, unique. Don’t have any expectations. Just be present in every session, allowing your Higher Self, your Guides, your OverSoul to bring you the answers that you need in the way that is necessary for you, right now. They know exactly what you need, in every moment. Of course, this takes Trust. How do you learn to trust them? Through daily Meditation…which is the best preparation for a session. When you go to my, a window will pop up. If you sign up for my newsletter, you will receive the Free Energy Running Meditation, to practice for not only your session, but for daily healing, calming and Heart centering. You can also get a feeling from some of my other sessions by watching my YouTube channel~ Sonya Wilder Wellness. A couple of the sessions are also posted on my website. The reviews here, and on my website, will communicate the depth of my passion and dedication to helping others heal. To witness my clients heal themselves, and to experience my own continuing healing as I guide others is such a gift, an honor, and a blessing. 

Once you schedule your session through my website, your session begins. The healing energy starts flowing, and you are being prepared. You may notice some signs, like repetitive numbers start appearing, or your dreams become more vivid, or lucid. I am also prepared for you, and receive specific downloads about your energy, so that I’m  ready for you when you arrive at my calming, healing home studio if you booked an In Person session, and ready for you on Zoom if you booked an online session. 

As a Certified QHHT and BQH practitioner, energy healer, life guide, I am passionate and dedicated to helping you heal your self, and live your best life.

My sessions are thorough, and powerful. Intention is everything. We create through intention. My intention is to support you, reflect your light, and use all of my many healing modalities to guide you within your heart more. Where your truth is. I’m ready for your session when you are. 


BQH Beyond Quantum Healing
QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Usui Reiki
Life Coach

American Institute of Natural Health~Colon Hydrotherapy, Fasting/Cleansing, Nutrition
Spiritual Nutrition ~Dr. Gabriel Cousens

Experienced Yoga Teacher-Yoga Union Community Wellness Center
Universal Life Minister
American Musical and Dramatic Academy NYC~Drama, Dance, Movement, Voice



Kenneth Baker III

October 2024

I've had the INcredible privilege of knowing and working with Sonya for years...can honestly say she's a never-ending well of knowledge, wisdom, Love, and support...her ability to instantly connect with people on a deep level Truly amazes me...her multitude of Wellness services have helped in countless ways for so many, including myself...if you're looking for someone who TRULY cares about your well-being, I highly recommend working with Sonya!!!


Sonya Wilder

February 2022

I have been working with Sonya for most of 2021. It has been a wonderful experience to connect with my Higher Self and to put the information to use in my daily life, healing old wounds, and exploring new levels of understanding about myself, humanity, and living life in a much more meaningful way.
Thanks Sonya for your loving support on my journey. I am happy to recommend Sonya’s QHH sessions to anyone seeking to really discover themselves and their Life Purpose.
Liam Condon


Daniel Rekshan

October 2021

Sonya is an absolutely wonderful and powerful Quantum healer. She is connected with high frequencies and holds an inner commitment for healing. She listens well and can effectively move through resistances to get to the inner work. Sonya is definitely experienced and can easily navigate through the challenges that might arise in connecting with the higher self.

I worked with Sonya for sessions swaps during my BQH training. I worked with her again when past life resonances arose in my life and needed to connect with my higher self through the quantum work. I returned to work with her because of her experience, her galactic connections, and her empathy.


Jason T

June 2021

I came to my QHH session with Sonya with intention to develop and better connect with my intuitive voice. I have trouble trusting my inner-knowing and recognizing it from the other chatter in my mind. This self-doubt holds me back from growing along my spiritual path. My QHH session helped me to clearly identify my intuitive voice. The QHH session was so effective in this because at its essence, it offers a framework and a process to practice listening to and following that inner-knowing, the first imprint, and trusting it!


Sara Munson

June 2021

I have been listening to the QHH session recording for days, as you recommended, opening my heart and releasing stuck energy/old story/fear of lack or wrongdoing. I feel great now. My sinuses are clearing. When my ego wants to react, I think wait...listen within...the session has been such a useful tool. Its been so easy to see the ego....what a fiction! This is such an amazing self healing tool. Thank you so much.


Kat E.

June 2021

My session with Sonya was incredibly powerful. Not only was I able to connect with my higher self and receive important guidance, but I experienced such deep healing in regards to issues and karma I had been carrying. I left this session feeling so calm, clear, connected, grounded, and with a greater understanding of my mission here. Because of this, I have connected to newfound levels of self-love, confidence, and connection to Source. I can't describe how powerful my session was! It was truly life-changing.

Everyone should experience quantum healing with Sonya.

Sonya is the most loving, intuitive, encouraging, knowledgeable guide and I am soo grateful to work with her. To have her support in working and healing through this has been so transformative, and I am eternally grateful for the ways in which she has helped me. I look forward to having another session with her in the future! So much love! :)



June 2021

I had the most profound and life altering QHH session with Sonya. I able to heal deep ancestral wounds through Sonya's facilitation. I woke from the session lighter, brighter and more in tune self and my purpose in life. I recommend Sonya's QHH sessions to anyone who is stuck in repeating patterns in their life and want to open up to a new way of living their life, free and in tune with their higher purpose. In my journey I have met many healers, and Sonya is among the top talents in her field. She is highly recommended.


Summer Sheets

June 2021

I had my QHH session with Sonya and it has been a life changer. She provides such a safe, and powerful place to really connect with your higher self and purpose. Sonya, and the session were both amazing!



June 2021

My session with Sonja was everything I was hoping for. Sonja is the best at what she does. During the session I had a hard time letting go and not letting my ego get in the way but Sonja kept on trying different techniques and it worked. I am now aware of why I have always had low self esteem and confidence and can put that behind me finally. Sonja also healed all my chakras and now I feel better than I ever have. During the heart chakra healing my heart had a sharp pain and then it melted away and now my solar plexus feels like there isn’t pressure like there usually is. Also I have been having really intense dreams ever since the healing. I used to be the best at procrastinating work but now I have so much more energy and have been getting all my stuff done.



June 2021

Absolutley go with your gut if you are resonating with Sonya's incredible and powerful energy then have a session with her. She is masterful and her sessions are beyond powerful. Thank you


JA, Photographer

February 2020

Sonya provides a container for ones greatest potential to be expressed and opened. In the session, I was met with the nourishing grace and held by Sonya's loving presence.

I left my session feeling a deep sense of calm, inner connection, and clarity.



February 2020

My quantum healing session with Sonya has been amazing and truly life changing. When I made my appointment, I felt so stuck and unhappy and after my session, I felt such a relief, clarity and confidence on what to do that I have never felt before. There was a huge shift in my life shortly after and so many things that felt unsolvable literally dissolved and peace finally came into my life. Everyone should have at least one of these sessions in their lifetime, it is so worth it and such a big step into a happier life and finally resolving karma and do the healing that has been necessary for multiple lifetimes as well as finally receive answers to all the burning questions we have in life. It sure helped me to finally come out of the "hamster wheel" and finally see so clear. Sonya is very knowledgeable in many aspects, so highly recommend her, she's a star!



February 2020

Sonya provided an excellent container for this experience. I wasn't sure what to expect but I came away with some depth of healing and perspective to some things I had not even anticipated going into. I trust her intuitive approach during the session to allow those things to come through. She's a comforting and encouraging presence and was clearly able to navigate my ego block when it did arise. This session was absolutely worth the expense. I especially appreciated the chakra work, which I felt palpably after the session.


M. Eileen Hickey, LMT

February 2020

Sonya is a finely tuned practitioner and healer who mindfully and safely guides her clients from start to finish on a journey of discovery, self love and deep healing. She talks her sacred walk like no other practitioner I’ve encountered. I highly recommend Sonya Wilder as a guide and healer in the realm of QHHT and life coaching.


Michelle D

January 2020

I wanted to check in with some great news. Since our session together there have been so many positive changes.
One instance that still amazes me is the pain in my left shoulder blade is COMPLETELY gone. For years and years this has been an on going area of constant pain. I have tried so many modalities. Massage, PT, acupuncture, Guasha, to name just a few. I had come to the conclusion that it was most definitely an area that held onto and manifested as physical pain but it was something much deeper. During our session we were able to release my knee pain. I decided to keep asking what is it that i am holding there. Finally on my way to work the other day, The song lyrics of THE HEART OF THE MATTER by Don Henley....Forgiveness came on...and instantly i pulled over, turned the car off, bowed my head and began to list off everything and everyone (including my moms second husband, who molested me as a child) that i needed to grant forgiveness to...the pain immediately left my body and has not returned :) I am so very thankful for your guidance in my journey! Thank you for sharing the love and the light with me!
I will continue to work and will contact you for another session when i feel i need it.
Much love ~
Michelle D.


QHHT-A Star Seed's Preparation To Enter Earth From A Mother Ship In The GFOL

This is a powerful QHHT/BQH session where the client experiences preparing to enter a life on Earth/Gaia and the knowledge of what is occurring with humanity and the planet.

QHHT Life As A Settler/Releasing A Spirit/Wisdom From Higher Self

In this Quantum Healing hypnosis session, the client sees a life as a settler in the early migration to Oregon, receiving answers to issues in their current life. A spirit was released from the body that caused problems, and the Higher Self shares amazing wisdom for all Light Workers.

Healing The Body Through Past Life Regression

In this Quantum Healing session, the client is guided by her Higher Self to scan the body for energetic blockages, and to clear them, healing the body/mind.

Post Quantum Healing Session Interview

In this post Quantum Healing interview, we share about the client’s experience and what she learned about herself under hypnosis.

What Is Quantum Healing?

In this discussion video, Sonya shares what Quantum Healing is.

Dimensional Being/Post Session Interview

In this post session interview, the client shares about being a higher dimensional being, where he came to Earth from, and his cognizant feelings of always knowing this.

#018 Sonya Wilder QHH What Is 5D New Earth Like?

In this Quantum Healing Hypnosis session, the client learns what 5D, 5th Dimensional Vibration, feels and looks like. She experiences a profound Heart opening under deep hypnosis.

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How I Became A Quantum Healer

How I Became A Quantum Healer

When Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique presented in my life in early 2017, I will admit, I was intrigued. I was... Read more »

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